Published by Nektony Limited on 2024-11-06
- Does not show hidden files
- Does not let you pick a volume or folder in a normal browse window
- Chokes on Time Machine backups
You might be asking: Is there an app that is similar to Disk Space Analyzer? What is an alternative to Disk Space Analyzer? and is there a better equivalent app than Disk Space Analyzer for Windows? Here, we answer all your questions by providing you with the top 26 Disk Space Analyzer alternatives and similar software for Windows. They are the following:
★★★★★ - "GREAT app! Works as advertised." ★★★★★ - "Best and Easiest Duplicate Finder
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9zen StoreDisk Space Saver is Disk Space Analyzer that saves hundreds of gigabytes! This tiny, flexible, hard-working tool supports all desktop platforms: Windows, macOS and Linux. The software visualize all data on hard drive so you can spot & delete large files and folders in a simple click
App shows icon with current disk load status in tray. Choose needed disks in settings
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Webp Image ExtensionsBrand new release! Use Disko For Discogs to look up artists, releases, labels, .
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SomafmThis APP shows a count by file type , grouped by photos , videos, music and documents. It features memory space occupied by each file type , and lets you open files by running the associated application
Run out of disk space? Wondering what you can delete to free things up but don’t know where it all went? You need Disk Space Explorer! Disk Space Explorer implements a high speed, multi-threaded disk scanning algorithm that can scan an entire Terabyte disk in just over a minute (YMMV). Once the disk has been scanned (or even before it has finished) you can drill into large folders and find out
Know what your disk space is being used on, any Windows recognized drive can be scanned, this program will show you breakdown of your disk usage. The program supports scanning only what you choose to scan
The SanDisk Cloud is a convenient place to save all of your photos, videos, music and documents, making them accessible from any device via the SanDisk Cloud app. The SanDisk Cloud app makes it easy to save, access, search and share your content with family and friends
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Explorer For G Drive FreeOver time, your computer starts to get cluttered with old and unnecessary items. Smart Disk Cleanup provides a safe and easy way to clean up junk files, duplicates, and large files
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Media Player Hidden Photos Videos Gallery LockerGot questions about your network? The Network Inspector includes several tools to learn more about what’s going on in the network around you. Find devices on your local subnet with the HTTP inspector (which has advanced modes for SSL/TLS certificate information)
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Spirit LevelWiFi Tool - Analyzer & Scanner
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Interop Tools PreviewWiFi Analyzer can help you to identify Wi-Fi problems, find the best channel or the best place for your router/access-point by turning your PC/laptop, tablet or mobile device into an analyzer for your wireless network. The basic version is completely ad-free and additional features can be bought via an in-app purchase
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VlcThe application shows Wi-Fi networks around you. You can view all available details of the networks
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Whats Ip ProGreat storage analyzer which shows you where your disk space has gone. Landiskape visualizes your storage space and tells you how it is being used
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9zen StoreThis application allows you to test communication with device that uses Bluetooth profiles built on the RFCOMM protocol, for example "hobby" devices connected through Bluetooth to UART module RN-42, arduino boards, GPS devices.
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Video Subtitle LiteNeed to remember something for later? Use Microsoft Sticky Notes. They're the simple way to quickly save something for later, so you can stay in the flow
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Powerpom Pomodoro TimerHow fast is your Internet connection? Network Speed Test measures your network delay, download speed and upload speed. Using servers all over the world, Network Speed Test measures your network connection’s latency and throughput
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Msn WeatherOk, what this application do? The application tries to free storage space occupied by "others" section by filling a free device storage space until there is available space. When there is no free space available, Windows Phone shows the standard dialog
Battery is a nice and simple battery management app. It displays the current status of your battery, how much time you have before the phone turns off and other useful information
A simple yet powerful calculator that includes standard, scientific, and programmer modes, as well as a unit converter. It's the perfect tool to add up a bill, convert measurements in a recipe or other project, or complete complex math, algebra, or geometry problems
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Foxit MobilepdfApp Store Marketplace World Search GPS Travel
Applications from around the world! See and search the best applications in each market chosen by local users! App World takes you around the world showing each of the market favorite applications. Application installation is one step away by clicking on the information provided for the following genres: * top * games * new * travel and navigation * entertainment * music and video
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Pro TubeA combination of alarm clock, world clock, timer, and stopwatch. Set alarms and reminders, check times around the world, and time your activities, including laps and splits
A universal media player only for Windows 10 (UWP, PC/Tablet/Phone.
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Zip OpenerRemove all identical files from your system with the complete media editor tool to separate your media files individually and delete their copies from your storage. For any help on how to use this app, please go to http://videopixstore
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Bluetooth File Transfer Blueftp