Published by MAXON Computer GmbH on
Cinebench Overview
What is Cinebench? Cinebench is a tool that evaluates CPU rendering performance capabilities across various systems and platforms. It uses the same 3D engine found in the animation software Cinema 4D Release 23 to provide an accurate measurement of a system's ability to take advantage of multiple CPU cores and modern processor features. Cinebench scores are used by system administrators, journalists, hardware manufacturers, and computer owners to evaluate hardware performance. Cinebenc.. read more h R23 supports Apple's ARM-powered silicon computing systems and provides improved benchmark accuracy for current and next-generation CPUs. It also has the option to directly test single-core performance and allows users to set arbitrary minimum runtimes to stress test hardware for longer periods. However, Cinebench R23 does not test GPU performance and will not launch on unsupported processors. Background tasks can influence measurement and create diverse results, and test results can vary slightly due to the inability to disable every background task of the operating system.
1. Cinebench R23 provides improved benchmark accuracy for current and next generation CPUs to test if a PC runs stable on a high CPU load, if the cooling solution of a desktop or notebook is sufficient for longer running tasks to deliver the full potential of the CPU, and if a PC is able to handle demanding real-life 3D tasks.
2. Improvements to Cinebench Release 23 reflect the overall advancements to CPU and rendering technology in recent years, providing a more accurate measurement of Cinema 4D's ability to take advantage of multiple CPU cores and modern processor features available to the average user.
3. Cinebench leverages the same powerful 3D engine found in the award-winning animation software Cinema 4D Release 23 to accurately evaluate CPU rendering performance capabilities across various systems and platforms.
4. Cinebench scores are used by system administrators to help make purchase decisions, journalists to review hardware, hardware manufacturers to optimize their latest products, as well as computer owners to evaluate their individual system.
5. Cinebench R23 is now based on the latest Cinema 4D Release 23 code using updated compilers, and has a minimum runtime activated by default (previously hidden in preferences).
6. Modern operating systems perform various background tasks that cannot or should not be disabled, even though they could have a minor influence on the results.
7. Cinebench R23 now has the option to directly test the single core performance without manually enabling the “Advanced benchmark” option.
8. Test results can vary slightly because it's impossible to disable every background task of the operating system.
9. For over a decade, Cinebench has been a popular tool to evaluate hardware performance.
10. The “Advanced benchmark” allows users to set arbitrary minimum runtimes to stress test the hardware for even longer periods of time.
11. It's always a good idea to shut down all running programs and disable any virus checking or disk indexing, but it's impossible to eliminate all background processes.
Download and Install Cinebench - PC
Download for PC - server 1 -->Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.7 or later.
Compactible OS list:Yes. The app is 100 percent (100%) safe to download and Install. Our download links are from safe sources and are frequently virus scanned to protect you
Completely Broken / Usless
After installation, the program never works. It will launch, but the "run" button neer becomes active to run a test. And choosing "preferences" does nothing (no preferenes window appears), and then disables the ability to quit the program. I must then force quit from Activity Monitor. I've installed Cinebench twice and had the ame results.
Lost GPU Benching
I used this tool as a complete benching tool for macs. CPU & GPU were important to me for scoring and comparing in one package our various equipment in our media lab.
Not working on Mid 2014 Windows
Unfortunately, I am experiencing exactly the same results as dfvera: Launches, but the run button is never enabled. After attempting to open Preferences, even the Quit option is taken away. The only way to quit the application is the Force Quit option...
Totally broken
App doesn't work. The "Run" buttonj never becomes enabled. Some tiny window pops up. When you expand it, it has nothing in it, but you can't close it. Basically, the app has been completely unusable for a while now, and there's no chance they'll fix it.
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