iHex - Hex Editor 5.0 46 無料
iHex - Hex Editor A fast and clever hex editor, checksum utility, file information viewer. ▶ Key Features: - Checksum. Supported formats as: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, RIPEMD128, RIPEMD160, RIPEMD256, RIPEMD320, HAVAL128,...
Userscripts 4.6 31 無料
Userscripts is an open source Safari extension that lets you save and run arbitrary bits of JavaScript (and CSS) code for the websites you visit.
ColorSlurp 5.0 2 無料
ColorSlurp is the ultimate color productivity booster for designers and developers. • Pick colors using your camera or from any photo! • Create color palettes automatically. • Create and edit colors using an assortment of color selection tools. • Co...
TextWrangler 4.5 106 無料
From Bare Bones Software, makers of the legendary BBEdit, comes TextWrangler. This award-winning application presents a clean, intelligent interface to a rich set of features for high performance text and code editing, searching, and transformation....
Password Factory 0 0 無料
Password Factory is the most powerful password generator available. It allows you to create many types of passwords and it is made so that it is always available at your fingertips. It can generate several different types of passwords, plus it has th...
Termius - SSH & SFTP client 0 0 無料
Termius is an SSH client and terminal how it should be. Connect with one tap from any mobile and desktop device—no re-entering IP addresses, ports, and passwords. With a free Termius Starter plan, you can: · Connect from your mobile and desktop dev...
Espresso-C 0 0 無料
*** Related to scanf: scanf works just fine if you add a fflush(stdout); call just prior to calling it. *** Espresso-C is a compiler and learning tool designed to execute code very quickly without the need to use a linker. The C programming langu...
Hype 4 0 0 無料
Hype を使うと、美しいインタラクティブなアニメ化 Web コンテンツを作成できます。Hype の HTML5 出力は、最近のすべてのブラウザ、および iPhone や iPad などのモバイルデバイスに対応しています。コードを書く必要はありません。 *** Hype の無料ダウンロードには...
SQLiteFlow - SQLite マネージャー 0 0 無料
2週間の無料トライアル!だから、あなたがそれを好きだと知った後にSQLiteFlowを購入することができます! SQLiteFlowは、直感的で安定した信頼性の高いMacとiOS用のSQLiteエディタです。 これには、次の機能が含まれています。 クエリエディタ • 複数のクエリの実行...
HexColor 0 0 無料
HexColor is a helper tool for CSS/HTML/Cocoa color designers. It uses clipboard monitoring to fast adjust and replace colors. Select color in a CSS file, inside HTML or in Objective-C source code, then copy with CMD-C colors in form: ◦ #A1B2C3 ◦ F...
SnailSVN Lite: SVN for Finder 0 0 無料
SnailSVN is a TortoiseSVN-like Apache Subversion (SVN) client, implemented as a Finder extension. SnailSVN allows you to access the most frequently used SVN features via the Finder context menu (right click). SnailSVN also adds icon overlays to you...
Visual JSON 0 0 無料
Visual JSON is a simple and very easy to use JSON visulization tool for JSON API server/client developers. Using the Visual JSON utility one can access remote or local address to JSON server and refresh its result with a click. Or just paste raw JSO...
DevCleaner for Xcode 0 0 無料
If you want to reclaim tens of gigabytes of your storage used for various Xcode caches - this tool is for you! Xcode could store tens of gigabytes in ~/Library/Developer folder. Most of those cached files & symbols are not reclaimed over time and co...
Ridill SQLite Browser 0 0 無料
Ridill is a simple SQLite Database browser it opens your SQLite databases in readonly mode in order to keep your database safe. you can view the table schema and its data. I use it on a daily bases at work for iOS development. it also has a query m...
OneHighlighter 0 0 無料
Copy a code snippet, open OneHighlighter and paste syntax highlighted code in apps like OneNote or Pages. OneHighlighter is a simple application that lives in your menu bar. Every time you want to highlight some code: 1. Copy the code to your clip...
Splice 0 0 無料
Splice is the premiere database app, now with a free 2-week trial. From Oracle to MS Access, MySQL to PostgreSQL, DB2 to Azure, Splice can connect to, query, and update all the major databases in the cloud or on your local network. No longer do you n...
Icon Set Creator 0 0 無料
Icon Set Creator lets you quickly create icon assets for your apps: Just drag your high-resolution artwork (preferably, a PNG file at 1024x1024) into the app's window, chose the target platform, select a directory for exporting the results, and you'r...
Pyká Project Manager 0 0 無料
Pyká is a revolutionary new project management app and the world’s first Work Hub. Designed for people who work in project-based environments, Pyká takes your project library to a whole new level. There are many challenges and problems that arise whe...
LanScan 0 0 無料
LanScan is a simple and efficient IPv4 network scanner that discovers all active devices on any subnet: the local one, or any public subnet that you configure. Features: -> Auto-detection of configured interfaces: Airport, Ethernet, Virtual interfac...
フリー MP4 変換 0 0 無料
フリー MP4 変換は強力なMP4 動画変換ソフトで、iPhone (iPhone 6/6 plus/5s/5c/5/4s), iPad (iPad Air 2/mini 3/mini 2/mini/4), iPod und Apple TVなどのデバイスにて再生するには、ほぼずべての動画をMP4に変換できます。また、バッチ変換で、HD ビデオ、MKV、FLV、A...
BlueSee BLE Debugger 0 0 無料
“Bluetooth Smart”. “Bluetooth Low Energy”. These are phrases that have become increasingly common in recent years. Anyone working in a technology field has probably used, or at least encountered, BLE technology in their day-to-day life. Whether w...
CodeCows 0 0 無料
CodeCows is an Xcode extension which allows you to add hundreds of ASCII cows to your source code. The CowsyEditor extension is context-aware and detects whether you want to use a cow as a string, within a comment or elsewhere. It can insert a randow...
Transmit 5 0 0 無料
macOS用ファイル転送アプリのスタンダードの未来。それが Transmit 5 です。パワフルなUIによりアップロードにダウンロード、ファイル管理がこれまで以上のサーバで、より簡単に。かつてないほど優れています。 MORE SERVERS ー より多くのサービスをサポート Transmi...
Smart JSON Editor 0 0 無料
Powerful JSON Tree tool for app and web developers. Create testing JSON trees, use value transformers to generate / transform JSON values. Test in your app using embedded http server. Many advanced features such JSON Path, Smart Objects, Token Transf...
Make My App:UIデザイン・スケッチ 0 0 無料
「Make My App 」はあなたのアイデアを実行するユニークなアプリです。プリのグラフィカルなレイアウトを作成して、それを実際にするためには何をすべきかを確認します。 アプリ開発のための様々なツール - 様々なツールを使って自分のアプリケーションのスキーム; -...
Red Lines Tools 0 0 無料
"Red Line Tools" allows you to add various elements to the screen, such as: lines, grid, layout, and various image overlays on top of all windows. Tools: + Red Lines + Grid + Layout + Image Overlays + Zoom Tool + Measure Tool...
RectLabel 0 0 無料
RectLabelは物体検出と領域分割のためのオフライン画像アノテーションツールです。 主な機能: 多角形、3次ベジェ曲線、線分、および点を描画 航空写真に向きのある境界ボックスを描画 キーポイントをスケルトン付きで描画 ブラシとスーパーピクセルでピクセルマスクを...
Valentina Studio 0 0 無料
=== 100% Free - The Best Database Management GUI for === === SQLite, MS SQL Server, MariaDB, MongoDB, mySQL, PostgreSQL and Valentina databases === Valentina Studio brings you powerful, visual editors for your data including: * Schema Editor (tree v...
Clozure CL 0 0 無料
Clozure CL is an implementation of Common Lisp, an object-oriented dynamic programming language. It includes a fast compiler, support for native threads, a sophisticated garbage collector, and a convenient interface for calling C and Objective-C cod...
Best VPN - Express Proxy 0 0 無料
With Best VPN app for your Mac, you can privately surf the Web and secure your Wi-Fi connections against various cyber threats. Automatic Renewal • Best VPN is a paid service so you'll need a subscription to get started. You can choose from three su...
フリー WMV AVI 変換 0 0 無料
フリー WMV AVI 変換ソフトにより、WMV、AVI動画形式をほかの人気ある動画形式に変換でき、そして、変換された動画をiPhone (iPhone 6/6 plus/5s/5c/5/4s), iPad (iPad Air 2/mini 3/mini 2/mini/4), iPod などのデバイスにて再生できます。また、Apple TV にて再生で...
JSON Helper for AppleScript 0 0 無料
JSON Helper is an agent which allows you to do useful things with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) directly from AppleScript. JSON Helper has no interface, and runs in the background waiting for AppleScripts to ask it to do something. JSON Helper i...
Monosnap - screenshot editor 0 0 無料
Capture and edit screenshots, upload files, record video and .GIFs! Share a visual explanation with your clients and colleagues. Free version: • Non-commercial purposes only • Capture full screen, just part of the screen, or a selected window • Mak...
SwitchIt 0 0 無料
An Enum to Switch statement extension for XCode that is built to work with both Swift and Objective-C automatically.
Xcode 0 0 無料
Xcode includes everything developers need to create great applications for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. Xcode provides developers a unified workflow for user interface design, coding, testing, and debugging. The Xcode IDE combined wi...
Medis - GUI for Redis 0 0 ¥800
Medis is a beautiful, easy-to-use Redis GUI management application for Redis >= 2.8. Medis starts with all the basic features you need: * Keys viewing/editing * SSH Tunnel for connecting with remote servers * Terminal for executing custom commands...
TabifyIndents for Xcode 0 0 無料
このアプリケーションは、XcodeソースエディタにTabifyとUntabifyという2つの機能を追加します。 Tabifyコマンドは、インデント幅を変更せずにスペース文字を適切な数のタブに置き換えます。 また、Untabifyコマンドはその逆です。 アプリケーションにはXcode 12.5が...
DirtyWords for Xcode 0 0 無料
Highlight dirty words in Xcode. Many developers like to write dirty words in the code. This tool will highlight these dirty words in the code. It urge developers to correct these words. Make your code more elegant! Important: If there’s nothing in...
Base64Anywhere 0 0 無料
Base64Anywhere is a OSX service and application that allows you to encode files from a right click context menu in Finder, as well as allowing you to encode text as Base64 or decode from Base64 with a right click from IDE's, text editor's, terminals,...
NAP Scratchpad 0 0 無料
NAP Scratchpad gives you seven text panels to write down quick notes. It is always available on your desktop but stays out of your way. It's always there when you need it. It's ideal to write down simple notes like phone numbers, quick ideas, lists...
Octotree 0 0 無料
Browser extension that enhances GitHub code review and exploration. Features * IDE-like code tree * Folder and file search * Support GitHub themes * Support private repositories * Omni bookmarking * High performance, working with repositories of an...
SQLPro for MySQL 0 0 無料
SQLPro for MySQL is a powerful MySQL & MariaDB database client which allows quick and simple access to MySQL Servers, including (but not limited to) those hosted in Amazon RDS and Microsoft Azure. This SQL Client is only for MySQL and MariaDB. It wi...
AnyMP4 MKV 変換 0 0 無料
AnyMP4 MKV 変換は超速いスピード及び100%オリジナルの品質でMKVビデオを流行っているほかのビデオフォーマット、例えば、MP4、MOV、M4V、MPEG、AVI、FLV、WMVなどに変換できる専門的なソフトです。更に、この素晴らしいMKV変換はいくつかの創造的な編集機能を持って、...
SQLPro Studio 0 0 無料
SQLPro Studio is the premium database management tool for Postgres, MySQL, Microsoft Management Studio and Oracle databases. Some of the great features include: + Intellisense/SQL autocompletion. + Syntax highlighting with customizable themes (inclu...
Core Shell 0 0 無料
A full featured terminal with built-in OpenSSH support, it’s focused on managing and login to hosts efficiently. Don't waste your time; be productive. ## Features Full-featured Terminal • Compatible with Terminal.app and xterm. • Supports ANSI 16 a...
CodeRunner 4 0 0 ¥3,000
Whether you're new to coding or an experienced developer, CodeRunner is the perfect tool to write, run, and debug code quickly in any programming language. Enjoy essential IDE features such as code completion, integrated debugger, live errors, and do...
OverC 0 0 無料
OverC — is the next evolutionary step in interface design. Are you working alone or in a team? Using Sketch or Framer X? It doesn't matter. Use best practices for team development! OverC lets you: - work in a Version Control System: git, Mercurial...
XCFormat 0 0 無料
XCFormat includes an Xcode Source Editor Extension, allows you to format your code directly in Xcode. Supports both Swift and Objective-C, and also other languages. To enable it, please perform the following steps: 1. Open "XCFormat" once. 2. Open...
SubEthaEdit 0 0 無料
The powerful plain text and source editor thats native on macOS. Free and open source. The app that started the collaborative editing revolution is back. Write articles, code, notes or meeting minutes with friends – wherever they are. Ideal for ext...
Serial 0 0 ¥6,000
Serial makes it easy to connect your Mac to almost anything with a serial port, including routers, switches, PBXs, embedded devices and more. In addition to a full-featured terminal emulator, Serial includes built-in, user-space drivers for many pop...
SQLPro for MSSQL 0 0 無料
SQLPro for MSSQL is a lightweight Microsoft SQL Server database client, allowing quick and simple access to MSSQL Servers, including those hosted via cloud services such as SQL Azure or Amazon RDS. Features include: + Syntax highlighting (including...
Hex Fiend 0 0 無料
Hex Fiend is a fast, lean, and powerful hex editor built just for the Mac. - Insert, delete, rearrange. Hex Fiend does not limit you to in-place changes like some hex editors. - Work with huge files. Hex Fiend can handle as big a file as you’re a...
PLIST Editor 0 0 ¥1,300
PLIST Editor is an easy to use editor for property list (.plist) data. In a clean and uncluttered interface, it allows you to quickly create, visualize, modify, and save your .plist documents. PLIST Editor is probably the only "source control" frien...
Swiftify for Xcode 0 0 無料
Visit https://swiftify.com/profile/api-key/ to get your free API key. To install Swiftify for Xcode in Xcode 14 (or Xcode 13) on macOS Ventura (or Monterey): • Quit Xcode • Launch “Swiftify for Xcode” from your Applications folder and follow the lin...
iSuper DVD リッピング 0 0 無料
フリー DVD リッピングは一番素敵なDVD リッピングソフトとして、高速度かつ高品質に家庭作DVDをMP4、MOV、MKV、AVI、M4V、更に、HD ビデオにリッピングできます。また、このDVD リッピングソフトは効果、トリム、クロップ、結合、ウォータマークなどの編集機能を備えて...
Icon Plus - Icon & Logo Design 0 0 ¥1,500
Turn any photo on your Mac into a beautiful icon, combine images and text to create stunning logo designs and edit existing graphics to achieve a perfect user interface. All these features make Icon Plus a very useful tool for both app developers and...
JSPower for Xcode 0 0 無料
JSPower for Xcode is an Xcode extension, it provides development interface for the JavaScript language. Anyone can create Xcode extension utilities using Javascript. For the built-in utilities, you could: 1) Convert selected text into ASCII Text. 2)...
iHosts - /etc/hosts editor 0 0 無料
iHosts is perfect for editing /etc/hosts. - Organize hosts by groups. - Freely combine different hosts, switch by shortcut. - View hosts in real time, support syntax highlight. - Safely run in sandbox mode. Use iHosts to organize your /etc/hosts no...
Asset Catalog Creator 0 0 無料
Asset Catalog Creator takes any image & turns it into a complete & ready-to-use app icon. It supports every type of icon you'll ever need for any of Apple's platforms; iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, macOS etc. It uses the xcasset catalog format & it's a...
Quiver - take better notes 0 0 ¥1,500
Quiver is a notebook built for programmers. It lets you easily mix text, code, Markdown and LaTeX within one note, edit code with an awesome code editor, live preview Markdown and LaTeX, and find any note instantly via the full-text search. # Mix Te...
Database Pro 0 0 ¥500
The only Mac App which allow you edit MS Access Database on Mac directly. View, Edit and Create Microsoft Access database on your Mac with the App. You can view data easily with Filter, Sort, Paging, and export data or schema to other databases, also...
Propertizer 0 0 無料
Propertizer is Xcode 8 plugin for autocomplete @property statements in Objective-C. Simply choose desired type and type your property name.
CotEditor 0 0 無料
CotEditorは軽快で洗練された、そして高機能なテキストエディタです。Webページ (HTML, CSS) やプログラムソースコード (Python, Ruby, Perl, etc)、構造化文書 (Markdown, Textile, TeX, etc) ほか、装飾情報を含まない「プレーンテキスト」ならなんでも扱うことができ...
Alignment for Xcode 0 0 無料
コードを整列するXcode source editor extensionです。 代入文などを整列できます。 Xcode / Swift向けのツールです。
Key Codes 0 0 無料
Key Codes is a little utility that displays the key code, unicode value, and modifier keys state for any key combination you press. If you're a developer, this might be useful to you.
Core Tunnel 0 0 無料
The missing ssh tunnel manager, compatible with OpenSSH, automatic and intuitive. Don't waste your time; be productive. ## Features OpenSSH Compatible • Everything in OpenSSH, local / remote / dynamic port forwarding types, agent forwarding, certif...
NamingTranslator for Xcode 0 0 無料
このアプリケーションは、Xcodeソースエディタに4つの機能を追加します。 'Translate Naming'の各コマンドを使って、メソッド名や変数名などの選択した文字列をパスカルケース(PascalCase)形式、キャメルケース(camelCase)形式、スネークケース(snake_case)形式、通常...
BBEdit 0 0 無料
BBEdit is the leading professional text, code, and markup editor for the Macintosh. As the "go to" tool for web site designers, web application developers, writers, and software developers, this award-winning product provides an abundance of high-p...
JSON Query 0 0 無料
The first app for OS X that allows you to query JSON data structures. Use the simple search syntax to perform a lookup by key or value, or drill into the data with literals (square brackets for arrays and dots for dictionaries) - Grab JSON from API'...
Getter&Setter 0 0 無料
There are 4 shortcuts in Getter&Setter. 『 Getter』 1. This Shortcuts generates lazy getter method. 2. Multiple lines supported. 3. Customize code for a type, such as UIbutton, UILabel. 『 Setter』 1. This Shortcuts generates setter method. 2. Mult...
ViewGenerator for Xcode 0 0 無料
## Overview ViewGenerator generates view code from variable name automatically when you create view by code in iOS development. ## Preparation Enable ViewGenerator - System Preferences, Extensions - Switch on Xcode Source Editor checkbox ## Usage...
CodeTime 0 0 無料
CodeTime is the easiest way to figure out how you spend your time as a programmer. CodeTime monitors your file changes and monitors how much time you spend on each language. Furthermore, CodeTime has a status bar app that keeps track of the amount of...
Flycut (Clipboard manager) 0 0 無料
Flycut is a clean and simple clipboard manager for developers. It based on an open-source app called Jumpcut. Flycut is also open source too: http://github.com/TermiT/flycut Every time you copy code pieces Flycut store them in history. Later you can...
Doc Generator for Xcode 0 0 無料
With this Xcode source code extension, you can easily generate documentation for functions, classes and enumerations. When your cursor is on the line with a function declaration, choose 'Generate Documentation' from the editor menu and the documenta...
FIT File Explorer 0 0 無料
FitFileExplorer is a simple open source utility to open Fit files on your mac. The goal of the utility is to show all the information in the fit file as is. This is intended to be a tool to explore all the information available in a fit file generic...
Shapefile Explorer 0 0 無料
Shapefile Explorer is a simple open source utility to let you explore shape file (.shp) and their complements .dbf and .shx files. Press the open button to choose your shape file and its accompanying dbf and shx files. Note that the app sandboxing r...
Json Graph Editor 0 0 無料
Explore and edit your deeply-nested JSON files with graph-visualized UI. Features: • Visualize JSON files as explorable graph • Zooming-in/out • Edit JSON files • Editable Table view of selected JSON items • Change JSON types with pull down menu • U...
Localizer Xcode Extension 0 0 無料
This is an Xcode extension. Just run the app once and adjust your privacy settings, set a shortcut for the extension and whenever there's an untranslated string, press CMD+SHIFT+L and it´s wrapped in an NSLocalizeString method call
Vernissage - Mockup Studio 0 0 無料
Vernissage mockup generator, wraps app screenshots in device mockups. • share your app designs with clients or colleagues via Email or iMessage • create screens for online application stores • create screen matrices for technical specification • cr...
Native SQLite Manager 0 0 ¥300
Native SQLite Manager is an minimalist SQLite database manager. Application features: - support for many versions of SQLite - support for SQLCipher - SQLite extensions support - autocompletion and syntax highlighting - customizable themes - SQL for...
DoubleTake 0 0 無料
DoubleTake is an XCode extension that removes duplicate imports, @class and @protocol. It works in both Objective-C and Swift projects. The inspiration behind this extension is that I was working on a legacy project which contained many duplicate imp...
JSON Peep for Safari 0 0 無料
A Safari Extension to view JSON in a readable format. Smooth and simple. Nothing more.
DataConvertor for Excel Lite 0 0 無料
「DataConvertor for Excel Lite」は軽量である変換ツールです。iOSまたはAndroidアプリを開発する時に使用するデータや配置情報などをすぐにiOS上の.plistまたはandroid上の.sqliteデータベースに転換して、開発効率を向上する。作成されたファイルをXcode或はEclipse...
TextPlus 0 0 無料
TextPlus - Xcode Source Editor Extension. # Notice DO NOT install TextPlus unless you're Xcode user. # Enable extension: System Preferences -> Extensions -> Xcode Source Editor # Feature: 1. Editor+: - Remove Comment - Add Type Delegate - Add...
SimpleClient for FTP SFTP 0 0 無料
"SimpleClient for FTP SFTP" is a native, fast FTP, FTPS, SFTP, WebDAV, Dropbox and Google Drive client with many features and an intuitive graphical user interface. (* Number of showing files/folders in each tab is limited, you could upgrade to Stan...
Gapplin 0 0 無料
GapplinはSVG画像ビューアです。 特に、SVGを扱うデザイナーに便利な機能を備えています。テキストエディタ等でSVGファイルを編集しながら逐次その出力を確認するような使い方には最適です。AutomatorアクションやAppleScriptで複数のSVG画像を一気に処理することもで...
RocketCake Website Editor 0 0 無料
RocketCake is a website designer for creating responsive websites, for beginners and professional web developers. No programming needed. It includes the following features: - WYSIWYG Editor: Edit the website as it appears on your device. Switch at a...
SceneTool 0 0 無料
Using SceneTool, you can generate Swift / Objective C code from Apple's own 3D high level framework, SceneKit in real time. With easy to use and simple GUI, SceneTool let you experiment and create a basic 3D scene quickly to be used in your Xcode iO...
Clip - Snippet Management 0 0 無料
Clip is designed for organizing your code snippets. *Easy to learn and use. *No complex configuration. *Well design. *Not support for HTML/CSS current ============== Integrated features You can create snippets, add tag and reference(any file or in...
Prepo 0 0 無料
Prepare, share and preview App artwork and icons. Drag and drop artwork for quick @3x and @2x to @1x conversion and preview Icon artwork in context. Prepo stores all your artwork into a project window ready for batch export or use QuickDrop for supe...
XLIFFTool 0 0 無料
A simple tool for editing XLIFF files generated by Xcode 6+. From dev to dev :-) Features: * Spell-Checking in editing mode * Undo/Redo * Single-table design for an efficient workflow using the keyboard * Auto-Save and Revert * Filtering, full-text...
Free Ruler 0 0 無料
Features: Horizontal and vertical rulers. Choose from pixel, millimeter, and inch units (press U to cycle). Float rulers above other applications (press F to toggle). Move windows independently or as a group (press G to toggle). Show or hide the shad...
KubeContext 0 0 無料
Menu bar app for managing Kubernetes contexts. - Easily switch between contexts - Import/export contexts from/to kubeconfig files - Context name in menu bar - Assign colors to your contexts (does not work with BigSur: https://github.com/turkenh/Kube...
UTC and Local Time 0 0 無料
Simple status bar app that shows UTC time and your local time based on your settings in system preferences.
Comments for Xcode 0 0 無料
Xcode Extension to generate documentation templates for your functions. Just select your function with the cursor and go to: Editor > Comments Extension > Add Function Comments
System Designer 0 0 無料
System Designer is a low-code development platform for creating systems. No matter the frameworks you use and the code you write, the most important is the model that you define to create your system. System Designer helps you to design this model...
Soothe 0 0 無料
Soothe is an Xcode nsion that aims at making simple code editor tasks easier for developers. Current abilities include aligning, sorting and interpolating. New feature will come. Feel free to get involved: https://github.com/bsarrazin/soothe
夜莺 0 0 無料
Network Proxy test tool Two Premium subscription: 1. Subscription Monthly,1.99 USD 1. Subscription Seasonally,4.99 USD 2. Subscription Yearly ,19.99 USD Subscription Notice 1. Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of pur...
XDebugToggle 0 0 無料
This App contains an extension for Safari that enables remote xdebug connections.
Icon Tool for Developers 0 0 無料
Easy icons foriPhone, iPad, CarPlay, Mac, Watch, iMessage and Android You can build from a single large file - or provide multiple files and let Icon Tool fill in the gaps. Note - this is a paid app with a yearly subscription if you want to remove t...
BlockComment for Xcode 0 0 無料
BlockComment is an Xcode source editor extension. It allows you to comment using /* and */ or remove comment of this style easily. You can also assign it a hot key, "command + control + /" is recommended, with no conflicts to others. Usage: 1. Run...
Character Commands for Xcode 0 0 無料
No more copy and pasting from the line above to repeat things or delete and replace to change the case of a character. This source editor extension for Xcode adds two commands: Copy Character Above — Copies the character in the line immediately abo...
LanguageTranslator for Xcode 0 0 無料
このアプリケーションは、Xcodeソースエディタに2つの機能を追加します。 'Translate Language'の'Into Primary Language'コマンドは選択した文字列をSecondary LanguageからPrimary Languageに翻訳し置き換えます。'Into Secondary Language'コマンドはその逆です。...
xcsort 0 0 無料
xcsort is an Xcode extension that sorts lines of text. 0. Enable the extension in System Preferences - Extensions; 1. Open a source code file, a JSON data file, or a text file in Xcode; 2. Select several lines of text; 3. Choose "Editor" - "xcsort" -...
Captured 0 0 ¥400
Screen Capture Sharing for Mac. Automatically uploads screenshots copy the url to your clipboard, ready to paste. Step 1: Command-Shift-5 to Take a Screen Shot Step 2: Command-V to Paste the Link No additional steps added. Take a screen shot and Ca...
Visual XML 0 0 無料
Visual XML is a simple and very easy to use XML visulization tool for XML API server/client developers. Using the Visual XML utility one can access remote or local address to XML server and refresh its result with a click. Or just paste raw XML docu...
Free AppIcon Generator 0 0 無料
Free AppIcon Generator is a simple but powerful icon generator for OS X, iOS, watchOS, and Android. Unlike other icon generator applications, Free AppIcon Generator do more than a simple resizing job. This application lets you set shape, background c...
HelloWeb Free: Write & Test HTML/CSS/JS Code 0 0 無料
HelloWeb is simply the fastest way to write and test your HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. You only need to write or paste in your source code and switch to the "Result" tab to run/preview it. Note: HelloWeb Free supports only one document at a time,...
Electron APIs 0 0 無料
Electron APIs includes tutorials, code snippets, and interactive examples for building cross platform desktop apps using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS with Electron. The app includes helpful tutorials for taking screenshots, communicating between proces...
Xdebug Key 0 0 無料
A Safari extension to enable PHP debugging from Safari 12 and later, using Xdebug. This extension creates a single toolbar button in Safari windows, which enables (or disables) debugging on a per-domain basis. You can customise the IDE Key from t...
Netopsy 0 0 無料
* Are you a software developer working on a Mac? * Do you ever get Fiddler session archives from a customer having an issue with your software? * Have you ever wanted to view these archives in a native Mac app next to your editor window? Netopsy is...
Appily-Drag & Drop App Builder 0 0 無料
Appily combines native cross-platform app development and mobile marketing into a single powerful solution. The simple app builder allows you to quickly create your own customized app and easily update it on the go. Appily allows you to create cust...
Atthis — All-in-one toolbox 0 0 無料
Atthis is a all in one mobile development toolbox. FEATURES AppIcon Builder • Create a full set of icons for iOS, OSX or Watch . • Auto generate AppIcon.appiconset catalog. Photos Resizer • Resize any image to any size. • Batch resizing. QR Code...
Takoy Document 0 0 無料
Create document icons associated with your application. - Takoy Document identifies file types your app supported and uses the app icon for the formats. - Each document icon size will use appropriate size from app icon and apply it separately. -...
AppGraphics 0 0 ¥1,000
"AppGraphics offers you the possibility to quickly generate graphic resources for your iOS applications with ease. The app allows you to rely on the built-in collection of designs and templates, or you can choose to import custom imagery." - Softpedi...
Tampermonkey 0 0 ¥300
Tampermonkey is the most popular userscript manager, with over 10 million users. It's available for Safari, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera Next and Firefox. Tampermonkey makes it very easy to manage your userscripts and provides features like a clear...
Zen Term Lite - SSH Client 0 0 無料
Zen Term Lite is a powerful terminal emulator that supports SSH, ZModem, and provides various authentication methods. You can easily use it to connect to Linux, UNIX and Mac hosts. Note: Zen Term lite edition doesn't provide SFTP functionality, plea...
Pixel Designer Pro 0 0 ¥1,500
Pixel designer is a professional yet easy to use pixel art editor! Features ======= - Create pixel art for your games or digital art. - Paint, fill and erase pixels in your pixel art. - Create tiles with multiple layers. Merge, rotate, flip, move,...
GLview Extensions Viewer 0 0 無料
Many OpenGL extensions, as well as extensions to related APIs like GLU, GLX, and WGL, have been defined by vendors and groups of vendors. The extension registry is maintained by SGI and contains specifications for all known extensions, written as mod...
Transporter 0 0 無料
Transporterは、Appleにコンテンツをデリバリするためのシンプルで簡単な方法です。App Store、Apple Music、Apple TV App、Apple Books、またはiTunes Storeで配布するApp、ミュージック、映画、テレビ番組、ブックを簡単に送信できます。 • 使い始めるときは、Tr...
Navicat Data Modeler Ess 3 0 0 無料
Navicat Data Modeler Essentials is a powerful and easy-to-use database design tool for creating and manipulating data models. It supports various database systems, including MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SQLite. With Navicat Dat...
AppIconBuilder 0 0 無料
IconBuilder is very outstanding tool resize icon image and rebuild detail for it. Generate your unique icon. Improt and exprot most popular icon type for you. Get all icons resolution for multiple platforms , just dorp and simple click. MAIN FEA...
Course For Pro Tools 9 Free 0 0 無料
Now there is one version of Pro Tools! This new “open” version brings advanced functionality to all Pro Tools users, from laptop to HD, allowing them to use the audio interface of their choice. Join Pro Tools expert Scott Freiman as he demonstrates t...
Cicero: A Unicode® Tool 0 0 ¥900
Cicero provides a few intuitive ways to access the Unicode® character data: Block and Plane View - Browse through Unicode blocks and planes Grapheme View - Segregate user-perceived characters into code points Character View - Inspect detailed char...
Simple Git Server 0 0 無料
Simple Git Server is a simple app that lets you setup and run your own Git service instantly. With Simple Git Server, you can setup a Git server in one minute! Here are the steps: 1. Launch Simple Git Server. 2. Create a Git repository. 3. Start th...
Chmod Permissions Tool 0 0 無料
Get your permissions straight with Chmod Permissions Tool. The chmod command in Unix systems allows for the administrator to set permissions for the admin, groups, and public on what actions, read, write, execute, are possible for each user. » Mul...
Pastery for Xcode 0 0 無料
Pastery for Xcode allows you to generate pastes on Pastery.net from your source files. The extension supports (among others) Swift, Objective-C, Objective-C++ and pure C/C++. To install the extension follow the steps below: * Launch "Pastery for Xc...
GitBot 3 0 0 無料
GitBot is a third-party GitHub client designed for you to explore fascinating projects on macOS. Key features: - Explore trending repositories - Search repositories in GitHub - Browse repository details including README, commits history, owner detai...
Realm Browser 0 0 無料
Realm Browser is a viewer and editor for .realm data store files. It allows developers implementing Realm in their apps to easily view and debug the contents of the .realm files their apps have created. Features: - View all of the objects in a .real...
Comment Wrapper for Xcode 0 0 無料
Comment Wrapper is an Xcode source editor extension that can format comments to wrap at a certain line length. WRAPPING COMMENTS: You might have a comment that looks like this: /// This is a long comment that descripes some behavior. Long comment...
CleanDetritus 0 0 無料
using old Xcode projects in Xcode gives an error related to old RSRCS format relics: /Users/ingconti/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.......Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyApp.app: resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed Co...
Grafio Reader 0 0 無料
Grafio Reader is a companion app for the popular Grafio - Diagrams and Ideas on iOS. It lets you open any Grafio document and preview it with awesome zooming quality. It's all vectors. In addition it has a quick view plugin so you can use the space...
LEADTOOLS Image Processing 0 0 無料
APP FOR DEVELOPERS – see note below. The LEADTOOLS Image Processing application for macOS allows you to apply effects to images loaded from your computer. Here are some of the image processing filters that can be applied to images using this app:...
Lens Studio 0 0 無料
REACH MILLIONS ON SNAPCHAT Millions of people use Lenses to express themselves every day on Snapchat. Today, over 1.5 million Lenses have been made by Lens Creators which have been viewed by Snapchatters more than 1 trillion times! WHAT ARE LENSES?...
SQLPro for PostgreSQL 0 0 無料
SQLPro for Postgres is a advanced but lightweight PostgresSQL database client, allowing quick and simple access to Postgres servers. This is not a free app. Please don't download this app assuming it will be free. Features include: + Syntax highlig...
Tincta 0 0 無料
Tincta is an elegant ONE-WINDOW TEXT EDITOR. It is intuitive to use for personal tasks like writing blog posts or mails. But it also has all functionality you need for professional web designing and programming. Tincta comes with SYNTAX COLOR PROFI...
スクリーンショットクリエイター 0 0 無料
あなたのアプリのための美しく、エンゲージリングなスクリーンショットを作成し、ダウンロードを最大限に伸ばしましょう。 『スクリーンショットクリエイター』を使用することで、ユーザーに好印象を与え情報を伝える、あなただけのスクリーンショットをプロのような仕...
Text Toolset 0 0 無料
The Text Toolset adds some helpful Xcode editor tools to change and transform your source code, for free. Adds these editor features: • Toggle Block Comment • Copy Line • Duplicate Lines • Delete Lines • Uppercase Selections • Lowercase Selections •...
Slot Machine Maker 0 0 無料
Have fun and make money : - Creating great slot machine - Classic and poker style - Set slot machine payment values - Popular advertising provider integrated Can export to platforms: (Export is In-App Purchase feature) - (Selling) Popula...
Resizer 0 0 無料
★ Formerly Unretina / Unretiner, this is the original, and most popular resize app for developers! (Name changed at Apple's request). Develop iOS apps? Easily resize your @2x or -hd cocos2d images in seconds! Great for testing out non retina devices...
Portable Profile 0 0 無料
A great bash profile is integral to productivity as a developer. It loads your helpful tools, aliases, and the notorious git completion script. When developing across multiple machines, many developers hack together a rudimentary bash profile on th...
Go2Shell 0 0 無料
Go2Shell opens a terminal window to the current directory in Finder. The best way to use Go2Shell is to add it to the Finder toolbar, to do this just drag and drop the app onto the toolbar. IMPORTANT! For 10.9-10.10 users: Just hold CMD, while dragg...
Folder-Compare-Lite 0 0 無料
Folder-Compare-Lite is a tool which helps you to compare the difference between two folders or files with a very friendly and clean UI. With it you can manage your folders, documents and code source effectively. And at last, it's really easy to use....
CompareMerge2 0 0 無料
CompareMerge2 is the professional(*) version of the standard CompareMerge app. It is useful for determining what has changed between versions, and then merging changes between text/binary/zip files. (Number of shown files in a folder-comparison-wind...
Vector Icon Box Free - Well designed icons for you 0 0 無料
*****Differents with pro version, this is the most frequently asked question *** All contents in free version is the same as Pro version, Diffs: 1, Pro has no export limitations, free version can export 3 icons per half hour. 2, Pro can export pdf(v...
Code School for Xcode Free -Learn How to Make Apps 0 0 無料
** FREE IOS APP DEVELOPMENT COURSE ** Learn Xcode and How to Make Apps for iPhone and iPad Using Swift ** Includes Step-by-Step Video Tutorials, Sample Codes, and Important Reference Information The Code School for Xcode app includes video tutorials...
WhatFont 0 0 無料
Ever wondered what typeface is used on a web page? WhatFont answers it for you. No need to dig through source codes. Activate WhatFont and you can hover on any text to see what font is being used.
MQTT Explorer 0 0 無料
- Visualize topics and topic activity - Delete retained topics - Search/filter topics - Delete topic recursively - Publish topics - Plot numeric topics - Keep a history of each topic MQTT Explorer is a comprehensive and easy-to-use MQTT Client. It s...
jrUUID 0 0 無料
This is a simple tool that enables you to quickly and easily generate UUID/GUID strings. This app also provides a system service so you can generate a UUID wherever text Services are supported! The UUID/GUID strings that generated by this app confo...
MUT 0 0 無料
The MUT or Mass Update Tool is an unofficial tool which is not affiliated with Jamf. It is a GUI tool designed to simplify making mass updates to your Jamf Pro Server, whether cloud hosted or on premises. Admins can upload a CSV file containing the...
Color Picker 0 0 ¥500
Color Picker, the utility application, designed for all Cocoa developers and application designers. An efficient color picker, for professionals, who care about optimizing their workflow and speed up their process. With Color Picker, you can choose...
AnyMP4 MP4 Converter 0 0 ¥5,000
真新しい AnyMP4 MP4 コンバーターは、MP4 コンバーター、MP4 エディター、および MP4 プレーヤーの組み合わせです。自作の DVD や、MOV、MKV、MTS、M2TS、MXF、AVI、WMV、M4V、FLV、さらには 4K ビデオなどのほぼすべてのビデオを、超高速で品質損失ゼロの 4K/HD/SD MP...
LispPad 0 0 無料
LispPad is a simple, lightweight, integrated development environment for developing and running Scheme code on macOS and iOS. The language supported by LispPad is based on the R7RS standard of the Scheme programming language. LispPad provides the fol...
App Icon Resizer 0 0 無料
iOSアプリを開発するには、アイコンのサイズを様々なサイズに変更する必要があります。そのために、iOS アプリの開発者には便利なツールとして本アプリをご利用していただければ良いでしょう。
WebSocket Client 0 0 無料
There are probably as many ways to test your websocket as there are websocket’s server. The challenge is to find a tool that doesn’t interfere with your great workflow. WebSocket Client was built to be easy to use when you need it, and easy to hide w...
ESP8266Flash 0 0 無料
This is first app for macOS with graphics user interface for "esptool.py". With this app you can easily and simply change the firmware in wireless module ESP8266. No more typing of commands in the terminal. A few clicks and firmware save in the ESP82...
MUT Classic 0 0 無料
With the release of MUT v5, we anticipate some admins may prefer to stick with the simplified experience provided by earlier versions of MUT. Therefore, we are releasing "MUT Classic", with all the same features and interface as legacy versions of MU...
FinalShot Screenshot Capture 0 0 ¥500
しばらくの間、毎回スクリーンショットを撮る必要がありますか?それで、あなたは多くの時間を節約できるので、FinalShotを愛するでしょう! FinalShotはあなたのメニューバーの中にあり、必要なときにいつもそこにあります.2回のクリックで、あなたのスクリーンショッ...
stts 0 0 無料
stts helps you monitor the status of various cloud services. With a click of the menubar icon, you can see the status of your favorite services. You can also be notified when a service goes down or gets restored. stts is designed to be unobtrusive,...
Boxy SVG 0 0 ¥3,000
SCALABLE VECTOR GRAPHICS (SVG) EDITOR. VISIT PROJECT WEBSITE FOR AN ONLINE DEMO -> SVG is the standard format for storing vector graphics such as icons, banners, charts and illustrations. Boxy SVG project goal is to create the best SVG editor for n...
Git 0 0 無料
Embrace change in your workflow. A version control system allows you to track changes on your files and documents and edit them without fear, you will always be able to go back in time and recover a previous version or compare the differences. Just...
TigerCreate 2 0 0 無料
Create awesome interactive mobile apps and ebooks with stunning animations. The wide range of export formats guarantees high visibility and will allow you to distribute your projects in big international markets. With TigerCreate, you will always be...
ShapeScript 0 0 無料
ShapeScript is a 3D modeling program for people who don’t like 3D modeling programs. Instead of haphazardly dragging polygons and vertices around in a GUI, ShapeScript lets you define your models precisely using code. No artistic skills are required...
CodePiece 0 0 無料
CodePiece は、プログラミングの勉強会をもっと楽しむためのアプリです。 ソースコードを簡単に Twitter と Gist へ同時投稿できる ので『こんなコードがいいみたいだよ!』みたいな知見をみんなと共有したい時とかに便利です。 コードを添えない普通のツイートもでき...
postStack 0 0 無料
postStack is a must have developer tool for building and testing API services over HTTP(S). Unlike other tools, postStack is cloud based. This allows you to access you data from any where you want to. Not just from your developer machine. Featu...
Cyberduck 0 0 ¥3,500
Cyberduckは、MacとWindowsに対応した、オープンソースのFTP、SFTP、WebDAV、OpenStack Swift、Amazon S3用ブラウザです。素早くアクセスできるブックマークを備えた、使いやすいインターフェースを提供します。ブラウザのアウトラインビューで大量のフォルダ構造も効率...
Flat Icons - Collection for Document, Presentation, Website and User Interface 0 0 無料
Flat Icons app contains one-style collection of more than 600 different rounded and colorful icon pictures. They will help you to illustrate your stylish apps or websites. Additionally, they will adorn your awesome documents and presentations on Keyn...
TextMax2 0 0 無料
TextMax is a fast, easy-to-use text editor with many features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text, source code, or HTML, XML, Plist content. Application's Functions: - Support multi-languages: English, Deutsch, Français, 日本語, 한국어...
Launch - App Screenshot Creator 0 0 無料
Launch App is the easiest and fastest app screenshot deployment tool for making your iOS app screenshots look and say what you want them to. Designed to make your apps on the Appstore look better and appeal more to your potential customers! Choose...
Color Maker 0 0 無料
Color Maker is the perfect app for graphic designers and developers! It allows you to create, pick* and save colors. ### Features ### • RGB, HSV, HEX color synthesizer • Copy to clipboard in different formats (#hex, hex, Object-c or Swift UIColor N...
AppSana for Asana with Notifications 0 0 ¥800
AppSana is a smart app that integrates with Asana. Designed to be the perfect client for Asana with Native Notifications, App Icon Badge, Smart Tabs, Screen Lock option, Dark Mode support and Mobile View option. -- Native Notifications You will be i...
IPYNB Viewer + Editor 0 0 ¥500
IPYNB Viewer allows you to view your favorite Jupyter projects on macOS without installing any additional tools and libraries. Features: ** Real-time editor * stand alone application that associate all .ipynb files. * adds a quick look to Finder *...
Contrast — Color Accessibility 0 0 無料
Make sure the text you're designing isn't too light in your interface designs with Contrast. Combine this simple little menu bar app with your favorite design tool and design with accessibility in mind. Enter hex codes manually or use the built in c...
Lexi - JSON browser 0 ¥1,220
Lexi is a lightweight and blazing fast JSON browser that lets you visualize your JSON in a split view. Lexi helps you understand your API responses in a beautiful and fun to use interface. With Lexi, you would never want to paste your JSON on those...
MakeML 0 無料
MakeML is a Developer Tool for Creating Object Detection and Segmentation Neural Networks without a line of code. MakeML is built to make the training process easy to setup. It is designed to handle data sets, training configurations, markup, and tr...
ClipFormat 0 無料
Having a hard time reading a string of JSON or XML in one line from one of your log files? ClipFormat is a menubar app that monitors your Mac's clipboard. Once you copy a chunk of text that's supported by ClipFormat then it will pretty print it for...
云梯 VPN - 连接世界的梯子 0 無料
云梯是国内技术圈最受欢迎的 VPN。智能加速自动区分国内外网络。从全球挑选了17个大陆最优机房,每用户51条可用线路,上千台服务器均衡负载。 为了让 Mac 平台的用户获得最佳体验,云梯正式推出 macOS 客户端,登录后直接获取服务器列表,实时状态,一键即可连接。 ma...
Kelir 0 無料
Compatible with macOS 10.14 Mojave Dark Theme! Kelir enable you to choose any color from everywhere on your screen using the unique picker with a preview which color you are selecting. Once you pick a color, any code will be available for you to pas...
App School for Xcode and iOS 10 Development Free 0 無料
App School for Xcode and iOS 10 teaches you how to build iOS 10 apps using Xcode 8 and Swift 3 for the iPhone and iPad. If you are an expert developer this app is not for you, but if you are a beginner who wants to learn how to make real applications...
Easy APNs Provider - Push Notification Service testing tool 0 無料
Easy APNs Provider is a tool for apple developers who want to test whether Apple Push Notification Service works on their devices. Steps: First you should make sure you have a APNs certificate file, name like aps_development.cer, which is requested...
VFL Syntax Checker 0 無料
This is an Xcode extension that lets you check if you have valid Visual Format Language strings so you don't have to build, run, and crash to find out you missed a parenthesis. If a line contains invalid VFL, an error will be displayed on that line....
NOTE: As of February 2022, the Jira Cloud app for macOS will no longer be supported. Learn more at community.atlassian.com Designed with ease and simplicity in mind, Jira Cloud for macOS enables you to: • Track and update tasks, requests, bugs • Ac...
AccessControlKitty 0 無料
public to internal to fileprivate to private - once much code is written, its access control level can be annoying to change later on, even with Xcode's new multiple cursors. AccessControlKitty magically changes the access level of selected Swift co...
Metacode 0 無料
The fastest way to search, navigate, and understand code. Works with Swift, TypeScript & JavaScript.
AppLinX - Create App Analytics Links & Track iOS App Sales with Ease 0 無料
Create, organize, and distribute all of your iTunes App Analytics links with ease using AppLinX. App Analytics links are an incredible tool for tracking the source of page views and installs of your iOS apps, but until now, using them has been a clun...
RESTed - Simple HTTP Requests 0 無料
RESTed allows developers to quickly format and make HTTP requests and view the response. RESTed supports both basic HTTP authentication and OAuth. RESTed shows you the response header and response data. XML and JSON responses can even be spruced...
Confluently - ConfluenceViewer 0 無料
Confluently is a viewer for Atlassian Confluence Cloud. Superfast ・Much faster than web version of Confluence. Search ・Fast search in all spaces. Activities ・Follow activities in your team. Designed exclusively for Mac ・Drop URL into the Dock...
Paste JSON as Code • quicktype 0 無料
quicktype infers types from sample JSON data, then outputs strongly typed models and serializers for working with that data in Swift, Objective-C, C++, and more. This extension adds native quicktype support to Xcode 9. Try quicktype in your browser...
Markoff 0 無料
A Lightweight Markdown Previewer ========================= Markoff is a lightweight Markdown (CommonMark) previewer that allows you to open any Markdown file and preview it in a stylized HTML rendering (Github-inspired). - Auto-refreshes whenever t...
JavaFX Ensemble8 0 無料
Ensemble is a gallery of sample applications that demonstrate a large variety of JavaFX features. It is included in the official Oracle JDK Demos and Samples downloads, which are open sourced under the BSD license. This package contains Ensemble co...
AlpacaFree 0 無料
SQLをターミナル(psql)から実行していませんか? AlpacaFreeはPostgreSQL用のシンプルなSQL実行環境です。 しかし、AlpacaFreeは以下のような強力かつスマートな機能を備えています。 これは、Alpacaの無料版です。 有料版との違いは接続情報の保持数だけです。 1. Po...
Datum - Lite 0 無料
Datum is a fast modern database viewer. This has all the features and speed of it's predecessor and is FREE! Quickly view your data and modifying table schema. This app is perfect for anyone who deals with SQLite. Especially those who are just looki...
Lift - SQLite Pro 0 無料
Lift is a full featured SQLite editor. Made for speed and power. If there's a feature missing let us know and we'll add it! Import and Export with multiple file formats including, xlsx, json, csv directly to and from SQLite databases. Simple and...
XMLSpy 0 無料
You can easily view the content of XML/HTML/xsl file in tree outline view and search keyword rapidly. This is a small but useful tool to check your XML file(s). The free edition can NOT modify the source of the XML/HTML/xsl file. 这是一个十分简单...
Make My App - Mockup Tools for Developers 0 無料
アプリに関するアイディアを実施するためにアプリの開発ツールを使ってください。アプリのモデルを作って、アプリのスケッチをして、ボタンとフィルドを並んで、アプリの機能を示すために色々な画面コピーを作ろう。 簡単なアプリの開発 - 色々なツールを使ってアプリ...
Learn how to create apps for iOS 9 using Xcode 7 with these easy-to-follow video tutorials. If you're already an expert this app probably isn't for you, but if you want to learn app development from the ground up you've come to the right place. Learn...
SEORankyLite 0 無料
**** SEO MAC APP **** Free version of SEORanky app, limited to one website SEO tracker for your websites. * PR, Alexa, StumbleUpon stumbies, Twitter Tweets, Facebook Likes etc. * Backlinks * Keyword positions See video tutorial: http://www.seorank...
Paddle Battle 0 無料
Go head-to-head with a friend in this modern take on a classic. Play Paddle Battle as two friends sitting at one keyboard, just like the old flash games. In addition to being a fun, easy arcade game, Paddle Battle is also an educational tool! All...
Anaxi: Track Issues and Work 0 無料
Anaxi is the first software engineering management platform. It brings your GitHub, Jira, Bitbucket and Sentry projects together in one place to give you the visibility you need to focus on what matters most right now. Teams can build, share and co...
Code Blackboard 0 無料
- Keep your code in one central place to read, annotation, and share. - Support creating code blackboards from files, clipboards, Xcode, or command-line. - Take your code anywhere on your iOS devices. - Read it anytime you want. - Annotate anyway you...
Octets 0 無料
Octets - Your preferred Hex Editor > Features: - View hex and ASCII representations simultaneously - Copy, cut an paste UTF-8 encoded text - Compare two different files with the changes highlighted - Search for Hex / UTF-8 - Support for Dark Mode - C...
Baacloud 0 無料
由Baacloud官方團隊推出與Baacloud帳戶互通的快捷一鍵連接用戶端 針對國際網絡的加速,快速穩定 免費註冊,簡單易用的網絡加速神器 擁有美國、日本、香港、新加坡等多條線路提供選擇 內購套餐 [普通套餐]每月200g流量 一個。18元1個月每月200g流量 B。45元3個月每月200g...
AppXLite 0 無料
With powerful and intuitive editing feature, AppX lets you create custom components to build a genius macOS App never before. quickly drag and drop a component from the Libraries to the design panel, customize its background color, foreground color,...