Touchgrind 4.5 61 無料
The smash hit Touchgrind is now available for your Mac! To celebrate the success of Touchgrind and Touchgrind BMX for iPhone and iPad, we release this game for FREE! REQUIREMENT: Touchgrind is controlled using Multi-Touch technology, thus requires...
Touchgrind BMX 3.5 25 無料
Touchgrind BMX, chosen by Apple as one of the three best iPhone games 2011 and awarded as Best Sports Game at the International Mobile Gaming Awards 2012, is now available on Mac App Store. Important note: This game plays much better with a trackpa...
Furious Driving 3.5 20 無料
真のレースゲームの中に怒りを抱く。あなたの車は、あなたの中に燃えて...道が明確であり、あなたの唯一の制限は、自分で用意する?あなたは十分に激怒していますか? Furious Drivingは、あなたの車の中、可能な限り取得するためにクロックと戦うアドレナリン主導のレ...
Traffic Ops 3D Sniper Shooter 0 0 無料
Grab your guns, it's time to have some fun and demolish cars in the mountains. You are a modern elite sniper on his day of from deadly missions in this first person shooter game. Fire with your sniper rifle on the traffic and blow up some cars and tr...
PapiMountain 0 0 無料
When you climbed a mountain, a large herd of Papis (red ball guys) was coming! You have to avoid the Papis and climb the mountain. Click and hold the screen anywhere to go ahead! If you get run over by the Papis, the game is over. You can also contr...
Puzzle Brick 0 0 無料
俄罗斯方块是一款男女老少皆宜、风靡全球的经典单机游戏。如今它改头换面,以新的面貌出现在你的面前,让你重温经典、感受经典,回忆童年! 你是方块高手吗?你是无道具加层专家吗?你是泥土工人,还是见习工程师呢,你知道什么是皇家建筑师的水平吗?你知道什么是神匠...
ハイスピード・トレイン 3D:電車運転シミュレーター 0 0 無料
素晴らしい「High Speed Trains」アプリで世界中の有名な国々を列車で通りましょう! 列車を運転して、賑やかな都市と静かな地方を通ります。列車運転手になってみましょう。 旅客列車の運転の規則: ▪ 駅に着いてドアを開く ▪ 乗客が電車に乗り込むのを待つ ▪ ドアを...
Blast 0 0 無料
Deluxe Track&Field Lite 0 0 無料
Experience that retro feeling combined with modern technology! TOP FEATURES: Eleven track and field events, four game modes (Championship, Multiplayer, Continuous and Training Mode), two difficulty levels, fully localized with text in five languages...
Garden Pets 0 0 無料
ガーデンペット - これまでで最もかわいいゲーム! マッチ3パズルを解くためにおいしいキャンディーのような果物を集めてください!ふわふわの動物仲間と遊ぼう:猫、子犬、そしてバニー! 無料&オフラインでプレイ! 助けて! 猫、子犬とバニーを介してブラスト。修...
Head Soccer 0 0 無料
複雑なコントロールのサッカーは、あっちへ行け! 誰もが1秒身につけることができる簡単なコントロールのサッカーゲーム。 ドラゴンシュート、アイスシュート、雷シュトドゥン多様で派手な必殺技シュート相手を制圧し、トーナメントで勝利してみてください。 また、...
ソリティア・スパイダー:クラシックカードゲーム 0 0 無料
「ソリティア・スパイダー」ゲームはトランプゲームが好きな人のために我々が開発した超楽しいソリティアゲームゲームです!懐かしい思い出にもぐりこんでください!暇つぶしでも電車の中でもただゲームを開いて楽しんでください! 遊び方なら簡単!クラシックなルール...
Ping Pong HD Free 0 0 無料
Ping Pong HD Free is amazing Ping Pong game with exciting Levels and themes. Player interests increases after every level. Features -Most Addictive Ping Pong you have ever played. -Different Levels for you to play in the game. -Use of HD Quality of...
PapiTrampoline 0 0 無料
OMG! Many vegetable monsters are coming. You are Mr.Papi (red ball guy). Press LEFT, RIGHT and UP keys to move and jump from ground. Jump on the monsters to defeat them. - If you defeat many monsters without landing, you get more scores. - If you cra...
Space Jet 3D: 銀河の伝説 0 0 無料
オンライン型 3D スペースシューティングゲーム かつてこれほど宇宙が近くになったことはありません! グローバルなオンライン宇宙戦争に参加して他のプレイヤー全員と戦うか、友達と一緒に参加してチームを結成してください! 比較的やさしい毎日のタスクをクリアし、...
Croc's World 2 0 0 無料
Millions of players played the first part of Croc's World! Now it´s time for "Croc's World 2"!!! "Croc´s World 2" is a really nice jump'n'run with 20 incredible levels and many challenging enemies! It features: + 20 incredible levels + Nice HD-graph...
Zombie Harvest 0 0 無料
Zombie Harvest は、タワーディフェンスとダイナミックなシューティング・アクションゲームの爽快感をミックスしたエキサイティングなゲームだ。現代のセレブを思い出させる部分も取り入れたコミカルなストーリーと、コミックスタイルのグラフィックスを採用している。...
Fancy Blast 0 0 無料
briquette sprite 0 0 無料
Sprite’s village was attacked by monsters, he was up anti-pit, experience the seasons, a journey of adventure and will start, for a colorful village, let us destroy monsters! Briquettes also look dark today, but he is full of vitality , but also to s...
Bubble Explosion Adventure 0 0 無料
A fast action game where you must finish levels in 60 seconds by removing groups of bubbles of the same color. Can you get 3 stars in each level?
FastBall Online 0 0 無料
FastBall, enjoyed by millions, has now stepped into the world of online multiplayer with FastBall Online. In this ultimate FastBall experience, you'll race against anyone globally or against your friends (up to 8 players and requires internet connect...
Halloween Racer Free 0 0 無料
New absorbing free online racing game. Unfortunately your car appeared at the cemetery on Halloween. I hope the skeletons and Jack-o'-lantern will not scare you. Pass the level from start to finish avoiding the revolving statues, witches on the broom...
Barnyard Blaster Lite 0 0 無料
Barnyard Blaster is a unique shooter with one goal, prevent all animals from escaping. Use six unique weapons, from flame throwers to rocket launchers, to stop ten species of animals from crossing the environment. Barnyard Blaster features rich 3D gr...
Finger Football 0 0 無料
The wildly popular "school-days" game of paper football has arrived on mobile devices in 3D! Based on Zelosport's wildly popular tabletop game, Finger Football™ lets you play the modern version of paper football right on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod T...
Flappy Golf 2 0 0 無料
どハマリ間違いなしのFlappy Golfの続編が登場!Super Stickman Golf 3のゴルフコースもプレイ可能です。 人気のレースモードをプレイして、オンラインで友達と勝負したり、ローカルで本気で楽しみましょう!可能な限り少ないフラップ数でカップインしてゴールドスター...
Bubble Shooter 60 0 0 無料
Bubble Shooter 60 is a fast and easy action game to train your reflexes. You play for 60 seconds and try to beat your high score. There is no target, it is you against yourself. You can also remove the seconds and play with 60 moves.
MadBombz 0 0 無料
Save the world from mass destruction by catching all the bombs unleashed by the evil zombie robot. Choose from 3 themes with an incredible soundtrack!
Star Hound 0 0 無料
Run. Jump. Swing. Jetpack! Good dog! Race across the rooftops. Swing from ledge to ledge with your trusty grappling hook. Or blast to the next building with your hi-tech jetpack. The night is young, how far can you go?
Empire&Boat 0 0 無料
-Happy New Year- Empire & Boat is a simple and easy naval shooting game. Inspired by classic arcade games Empire & Boat will provide a unique and addictive gameplay. Earn game money to buy and upgrade your boats. There are plenty of boat to choose f...
Ice Rush 0 0 無料
New great extreme arctic racing game. Your task is to find the secret package on the North Pole and take it to the base. You have the map and the hint arrow. The police cars will prevent you from reaching your aim. Pay attention that the driving on t...
Pinball 0 0 無料
SlideBox 0 0 無料
Slide Box is running through obstacles. Score is calculated from the distance. The most score is winner. How to play 1. Skip the Box Gide throws as possible 2. Between Jump. Box able to perform floating period of time. Leave a message at ht...
PapiRubber 0 0 無料
Mr.Papi (red ball guy) fights with many enemies. His weapon is a spiky ball with a rubber-rope! Brandish the spiky ball and defeat the enemies. Move a mouse cursor to move him. To brandish the spiky ball well, you may draw circles repeatedly in a su...
SpeedTrains 0 0 無料
Speed maniac! Collect all the diamonds without crashing! Unstoppable acceleration makes for heart stopping action! Split second reactions needed! Multilevel adrenaline! ***higher levels ---insanely difficult***
Paper Wings 0 0 無料
The life of your paper bird depends on catching all the coins. Don't let any of them fall! "Gorgeous game of bird stunts" - Touch Arcade Paper Wings is a fast-paced arcade game about catching falling balls mid-air to keep your bird alive. As you ga...
TorpedoRun Naval War 0 0 無料
Take control of a surfaced submarine and use your 'Tigerfish' torpedoes to sink the enemy ships. Watch out for incoming depth charges and use your canon to destroy them before they hit your sub. Enemy ships can fire either single shots or devastating...
SFCave 0 0 無料
This is a simple but addictive action game. Control ribbon to avoid cave walls! Click and hold anywhere to move up. Release to move down. This game contains 12 LEVELS including 3D and Mouse modes! (higher levels are unlocked by scores) You can also...
Pinball Shuffle Lite 0 0 無料
Stabb Gunner Pinball is BACK! Pinball Shuffle is the follow up to Pinball Massacre, the first round in the epic pinball battle. Like the first table, this is a high octane arcade style pinball game. Table One brought never before seen pinball innovat...
Slots! Golden Cherry Deluxe 0 0 無料
Golden Cherry now has a Deluxe upgrade! Faster hitting progressives. It doesn't get more real than this! Play for Free forever!! Free Credits every day. Includes new levels to unlock bonus features like Hold and Nudge. The more you play the more you...
Super Stickman Golf 3 0 0 無料
App Storeの「BEST OF 2013」にランクインした「Super Stickman Golf」シリーズが、さらに面白くなって戻ってきました!Super Stickman Golf 3は完全新作のコースやパワーアップ、集めて楽しいカードやゲームモード、ドロドロなマルチプレイに、新しいオドロキの要素が...
Rainbow Blocks Lite 0 0 無料
Rainbow Blocks is a block-sliding game similar to JT's Blocks or SameGame. The object of the game is to clear the board by removing groups of blocks of the same colour. The more blocks you clear in a single move, the higher your score and the fur...
WWR: 戦争ロボットゲーム。MMO バトルロボシューター。 0 0 無料
空想的なマルチプレイヤー型 3D アクション。多数の戦闘ロボットが君を待ち構えている! X-137 の航空日誌の記録によれば、現在の日付は西暦 2156 年、戦争中。 戦争というのは以前と何も変わらず、変わっているのは武器だけ。進歩により、有人戦闘車両やロボットスキ...
Jet Ducks 0 0 無料
Jet Ducks – experience fun old-school shooter on your Mac! Welcome a treat for the fans of trendy cartoon graphics and classic arcade-shooter mix inspired by Duck Hunt. The task is simple: kill as many ducks as possible. You have two minutes, but sh...
Head Boxing 0 0 無料
対戦要素を加味したスペクタクルコミックボクシング対戦ゲーム! 個性溢れるキャラクターたちのスリルのある一本勝負!ゲーム中に骨が折れることがありますので、気を付けてください モーションキャプチャーを使ってリアルな動きとアクションを強調! モバイル対戦ゲー...
Laserface Jones 0 0 無料
Laserface Jones, winner of six uDevGames 2008 awards including "Best Overall Game", is now available on the Mac App Store! Swiftly, silently through space it slides… the giant, extraterrestrial being known only as Doomsday Odious devours planet afte...
Octagon 1: Maximal Challenge 0 0 無料
You are trapped inside the Octagon, a megaplex of hallways, platforms, and gaps—and the clock is running. Can you survive the mad race through this trippy 8-sided tunnel? "Fast, tough game that doesn't give a darn about your feelings. Go for it!" -...
Astro Shooter Free 0 0 無料
Astro Shooter is an awesome arcade game base in space. The goal of the game is to destroy as many asteroids as possible.
数独 - 脳を鍛える 0 0 無料
脳を鍛え、心をアクティブに保ちましょう! チャレンジ: 数独は非常に単純なパズルです。チャレンジは1つの文で表現できます。 既知の数字がほとんどない9x9ボックスのパズルを考えて、残りの正方形に1〜9の数字を入力して、各行、列、3x3ボックスにすべての数字1〜9...
PapiMissile 0 0 無料
OMG! Many enemy missiles are falling down to the Papi Town. Drag a mouse cursor from a military base to launch Mr.Papi (red ball guy) and break all the enemy missiles. - If you break many missiles at a time, you get more score. - If all the bases ar...
Star Defender 4 (Free) 0 0 無料
Ready to fight?! Then go ahead! Start your space battle in Star Defender 4 and prevent impudent aliens from conquering the Earth! Who can give a dare to numerous hordes of Insectus and to protect the native Galaxy? What do the Black Holes hide insi...
Head Basketball 0 0 無料
超簡単コントロール対戦バスケットボールゲーム! ヘッドバスケットボール!! 炎のシュート韓国から幽霊船長イギリスまで! 自分だけのスキルを持ったキャラクターで手軽にバスケットボール競技を楽しんでみてください! 多様なコスチュームにて個性豊かなキャラクターを作...
Factory Parking 0 0 無料
New free online parking game. Do you park well in the city? Then test your skills working as a parker at the factory that produces expensive cars. It is impossible to slow down the factory conveyer that's why you have limited time to park every new c...
BombSquad 0 0 無料
Grab some friends, your Mac, a few gamepads or iPhones, and get your party-game on! Challenge your friends or the computer to a plethora of mini-games including Capture-the-Flag, King-of-the-Hill, Bomber-Hockey, and of course Epic-Slow-Motion-Eli...
Dead Route 0 0 無料
DEAD ROUTEはゾンビ、血、そして山ほどのバイオレンスに満ちた強烈なアクションゲームです!世界の終末が訪れ、ゾンビたちは血に飢えています。 どれだけ生き延びられる? DEAD ROUTEでその答えを見つけよう。 走り、狙いを定め、射撃! エンドレスなランニングアク...
Shotgun FunFun HD 0 0 無料
Welcome to Shotgun FunFun 2.0 A Zombie virus has infected the denizens of Hell where the demons are starting to turn into rotting flesh and corrupting their evil spirits. The Demon Zombies are losing their mind's and their ability to think clearly ab...
Flap Flap 0 0 ¥150
Help our little guy to avoid the obstacles. How to play: 1. Click or press space to flap your wings 2. Avoid obstacles 3. Beat your Highscore! Flap Flap is also available for free on iOS for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch: https://itunes.apple.com...
Hop - Endless Arcade Hopper 0 0 無料
Simplest game on the Mac App Store - it's totally free! How to play: Use left/right arrow keys. Note: IAP is 100% optional!
Super Ninja Boy Run 0 0 無料
Super Ninja Boy Run is a one-button platform game. You play 6 mini levels randomly selected from the 120 levels available. If you die in one level, you will automatically go to the next level, there is no penalty. Develop your reflexes, but also you...
Star Defender 3 (Free) 0 0 無料
Get ready to fight through hoards of alien beasts in Star Defender 3 – a classical SPACE-SHOOTER! The year is 2743 A.D., only two short years since the last war, and the Insectus have already prepared for their next wave, with new tricks to defeat...
Villagers vs Robots Run 0 0 無料
Help the villagers in this fast and challenging platform game. You need to jump to avoid enemies and obstacles. This game is more challenging than your typical platformer since you can not jump on the enemies to kill them. Features - Choose your vi...
万里の長城を築け! 0 0 無料
中華帝国全土を巡る壮大な旅が始まる。人類がこれまで築いた最大の建造物「万里の長城」をその手で作り上げる、ハマると抜け出せないタイムマネジメント・ゲーム。 中華帝国の富と繁栄を脅かす北からの遊牧民により、重大な危険がもたらされている。優れた知性と機知...
Invasion : Battlefield Free 0 0 無料
!!! ONE OF THE BEST GAME ON MAC APPSTORE !!! With one of the most powerful engine in the world, Invasion : Battlefield will blow you away with the amazing graphic, incredible sound and exciting gameplay!!! The government found the mysterious cube...
Paradudes 0 0 無料
Dudes are falling from the sky! They may look smart, but they don't know how to open their parachutes! Rescue them by clicking on the dudes. As thanks for saving their lives they can reward you with coins. You will see other (unidentified) objects fl...
PapiDrive 0 0 無料
Mr.Papi drives his smiley car to get more hamburgers! Move a mouse cursor left and right to lead the car. When the car gets a hamburger, you get bonus 100 points. If the car hits the side of the road, the car is pushed back. The game ends if the car...
Flappy Sky Bird 0 0 無料
Fly the bird as far as you can without hitting the pipes in Six different levels ! -Amazing Game Play. -Beautiful graphics. -Game Center Support.
Metal Force: オンライン戦車戦争のゲーム PVP 0 0 無料
このクレイジーなゲームのモットーは – 追いかけ叩きのめす! それだけだ! 友達を招待してプレイしよう。「完全無料」! 「祖国を守ろう」 祖国の誇りを守るのだ! 戦うプレーヤーはアメリカ、中国、ロシア、日本、ドイツほかたくさんの外国から参加している。 「...
FootLOL: Epic Fail League Free 0 0 無料
We all love soccer – but how badly do you want to win? FootLOL lets you use mines, shields, aliens, cows, guns and many more cheats to decimate the opposing team and protect your players. As a manager, you’ll take your team through a few training m...
Extreme Road Trip 2 0 0 無料
Your gas pedal is stuck AGAIN! Do stunts to get nitro boost and SLAM it all down to unlock the insane speed of OVERDRIVE! Collect coins to unlock new cars as you play! Complete missions and get rewards! It’s bigger, faster, and still FREE! The ga...
Pinball Massacre Lite 0 0 無料
Do you have what it takes to become the undisputed Pinball Master? Pinball Massacre is an arcade style pinball game (we know that sounds silly but it makes sense when you play). This first table in the Pinball Massacre series features two unique twis...
Kingdom Coins Pirate Booty Edition - Dozer of Coins Arcade Game 0 0 無料
Kingdom Coins HD Pirate Booty Edition - Dozer of Coins Arcade Game Arghh!! The pirates are back to bulldozing coins in the latest release in the Kingdom Coins series! Kingdom Coins is a beautiful and fun arcade coin pusher game for your iPad or iP...
Dino 0 0 無料
This is a lite version of the popular Dino Madness pinball game where you are given 1 ball and 30 seconds to do your best, crack the egg and save the baby dino! Get the full version for unlimited play time and more balls!
Bor 0 0 ¥300
ボルの冒険の特徴。 + 48のレベル(プラス13の秘密のレベル!) +古典的な16ビットグラフィック + 5つの異なる世界のテーマ +たくさんのパワーアップ + 22種類のモンスター Borは60人の妻を亡くしたバイキングです。見つけるのを助けてあげましょう! たくさんのモンス...
NewPark Simon XL 0 0 無料
Improve your memory playing to the modernized classic game Simon now with harmonic sounds and beautiful graphics. - 3 difficulty levels - Harmonic sounds - World Records - Beautiful graphics - Local Rankings Also available for iPhone 3GS and higher...
Impossible Twisty Dots 0 0 無料
Fun dots placing game, thousands levels, hundreds hours of entertainment. Very challenging and addicting puzzle game. This is a simple game with simple rules. Just click to shoot the dot, and don't touch the dots on the circle. Over 1000 Exciting L...
Continuum 0 0 無料
Continuum - Try to navigate through an endless and immersive combination of color, geometry, and music. Continuum is a lightweight and simple game where you move around in different directions to avoid swarms of never-ending obstacles that fly right...
Kartfinity 0 0 無料
Kartfinity is a casual racing game that never ends! You can play through community-created racetracks or build and publish your own! • Infinite Driving: Drive around a never-ending racetrack with Infinite Mode, featuring tons of unique community-cre...
Grow in the Hole 0 0 無料
Grow in the Hole is a 2D side view golf game based around an often-growing and shrinking golf ball and procedurally generated courses. How well can you handle 18 holes when the ball is getting bigger after every failed shot? The game features: Six...
Running Sheep Free 0 0 無料
真っ暗な夜に、農場の上空が裂け、きらめく光線が地面に届き、農場の羊たちを引き上げ始めた。かわいそうな羊たちは、目覚めて自分たちが奇妙な部屋に浮かぶ透明なチュ- - ーブの中にいることに気付いた。その後何が起こったのかはわからないが、光線は消え羊たちはチュ...
Future Tanks: 戦車シューティングゲーム3D 0 0 無料
これが未来の戦車バトルだ 世界中のプレイヤーと同時対戦ができる戦闘に参加しよう! たくさんの戦車タイプや戦闘ロケーションを自由にカスタマイズしよう! 友達を誘って一緒にプレイしよう。完全無料だ! 最高のクオリティー リアルな描画、素晴らしいグラフィック、至...
Croc's World 0 0 無料
Croc´s World is a really nice jump'n'run with 10 incredible levels and many challenging enemies! It features: + 10 incredible levels + Nice graphics + 2 different themes + many challenging enemies Instructions: Controls: Move left: "Left arrow k...
Dooms Knight Lite 0 0 無料
This is the LITE version of Doom's Knight. It has one episode with 9 levels. Get the full game with 36 levels at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dooms-knight/id413213284?mt=12# iTunes and MAC APP Store reviews of our DOOM themed games (Doom’s Knig...
Pinball Arcade 0 0 無料
Macで本物のピンボールを!PS3、Xbox 360、PSP、3DS、Wii版のベストピンボールメーカー、FarSight StudiosからPinball Arcade新登場! Williams®、Bally®、Stern Pinball®、Gottlieb®の史上最高のピンボールテーブルをリアルに再現、ひとつのゲームで全てプレイできる!...
Just Dance Now 0 0 無料
あなたの内に眠るダンサーを「Just Dance Now」で解き放とう! Just Danceの素晴らしい曲と振付をコンソールがなくてもMacで楽しめます! 必要なのはコントローラーとして使うスマートフォンと、インターネットに接続してあるMacの機器(iMac、MacBook Air、MacBook Pr...
Mr. Runner 2: The Masks 0 0 無料
Mr. Runner 2: The Masks, the critically acclaimed multi-million selling iOS game, is now available on Mac! ▶Quality Index's Top 10 iPhone games list of April 2013 ▶The series has achieved over 5 million downloads on iOS ▶Golden Pass award at Global...
Infinity Beats Song Edition 0 0 無料
Infinity Beats Song Edition is a fun, exciting and thrilling rhythm game where you need to hit the notes based on the rhythm of the music. - Classic rhythm game style where you simply hit the notes based on the beats and melodies. - Handpicked sound...
Osmos 0 0 ¥150
"Named as iPad Game of the Year for a reason, Osmos is a fantastic game. A combination of physics, survival and classic eat em up" -- WeDoCode Enter the absorbing world of Osmos: part ambient, cosmic simulator, and part Darwinistic game of survival....
Brain Practice 0 0 無料
How good is your memory? How fast does your brain react? Take the Brain Practice challenge to see! Brain Practice is a fun memory game that will help improve your short term memory. Train your brain through a variety of cards and collections, racin...
The Jackbox Party Pack 6 0 0 ¥5,000
It’s the wildest Party Pack yet with five hilarious new games! 1) The popular trivia deathmatch Trivia Murder Party 2 (1-8 players). Try to survive the bizarre new minigames. 2) The weird word circus Dictionarium (3-8 players). May the funniest d...
PapiJump Free 0 0 無料
PapiJump is a simple but addictive jumping action game! Mr.Papi (red ball guy) wants to go up higher, is jumping eternally. Press LEFT or RIGHT keys to accelerate him left or right. Note that the left side of the screen is connected with the right...
Snake '97: retro phone classic 0 0 無料
Play Snake like it is 1997. This is a remake of the original Snake, complete with dot-matrix display and monotone sounds. Rewind time and get a dosis of nostalgia that is as addictive (and frustrating) as the original. Play Snake '97 and be prepared...
The Treasures of Hotei Lite 0 0 無料
Embark on a dangerous island journey in search of the Treasures of Hotei. Swap gems and advance through each level, collecting coin parts that- once combined- will open the gates to the treasure! The challenge increases with each level, but help is o...
WormWar 0 0 無料
Stop eating apples and Beat the other snakes! In this TOTALLY NEW snake, you have to outsmart the other players and block them. This game is super QUICK TO LEARN & PLAY and rounds are short (~2 minutes). MODES : - 1 Player vs Computer - 2 Players...
Pocket Dogfights 0 0 無料
Blast back to the early days of gaming with Pocket Dogfights! A game of oldschool style arcade aerial combat, inspired by the days of 80's arcade gaming, when skill was all that mattered. Fly the unfriendly skies to engage and destroy numerous wave...
Shotgun FunFun Legacy 0 0 無料
Welcome to Shotgun FunFun Legacy * Same old graphics but with the new engine, menus, and bugs fixed. * A Zombie virus has infected the denizens of Hell where the demons are starting to turn into rotting flesh and corrupting their evil spirits. The D...
Tico 0 0 無料
PapiWall 0 0 無料
Mr.Papi (red ball guy) is rolling down a dangerous hill, where many walls sprout out. Click the screen anywhere to jump timely and avoid the walls! This game contains the following 3 levels - Normal, Hard, and Move (higher levels are unlocked by sc...
Torpedo Strike Lite 0 0 無料
Command a submarine in this adrenaline fueled, fast paced arcade action shoot-em up. You control a surfaced submarine fighting for survival. Use your Torpedo tubes to launch the devastating Merlin torpedo and sink the enemy ships. Defend against in...
Z-aXYs 0 0 無料
Z-aXYs is an old school shoot 'em up, bringing to your Mac the feel of the '80s arcades! Make your way through 9 levels in Campaign mode! Choose which of the 4 characters you want to play with: everyone has specific characteristics and a special weap...
TouchBrickout 0 0 ¥100
一款经典与现代并存的游戏 —— TouchBrickout! 在您的 Mac 上享受打砖块带来的乐趣吧!另外如果您的 Mac 带有 Touch Bar,还可以用 Touch Bar 上的滑块来控制打砖块的控制杆,享受前所未有的玩法。 如果您有任何建议或找到了 bug,欢迎发邮件到:[email protected],...
Android 2 Retro LodeRunner 0 0 無料
Pickup all the golds bags before being caught by levels guards, and find the door. Use bombs to stop ennemies, to pass though bricks. Don't be caught droid, avoid spikes. Welcome Android ! Pickup all the golds bags before being caught by levels...
Columns Free 0 0 無料
Remake of classic "Columns" game. Manipulate falling columns to form vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines of 3 or more of diamonds of the same color. Try to clear as many diamonds as possible. FEATURES - Game Center for online scores - Listen...
Full Frontal Assault Lite 0 0 無料
Your task is to defend a hill from enemy paratroopers, tanks, trucks and ships. Day and night kill all the enemy soldiers and destroy all the tanks and don't let them get passed you. In the Darkness use your flare pistol (Optional) Stop the enemy re...
Toon Wars: タンク合戦 0 0 無料
漫画調のリアルタイムな戦車戦! 豊富で面白いマップと自分の戦車をカスタマイズできる機能を備えたエキサイティングなゲーム。戦車を改良し、戦場まで進んで敵を粉砕しよう! 好きなゲームモードを選択できます:マルチまたはシングルプレイヤー。そして、これらすべ...
Flying Duckling 0 0 無料
Help the little duckling collect coins and pass inside the tunnels! Features: - Challenging gameplay! - Cool Graphics! - Lovely Music! - Cartoony sounds! - Very addicting! More info at www.boviosoft.com
Solitaire Forever II 0 0 無料
Enjoy 7 variations of solitaire with silky smooth 3D animation. Take a sneak peek at over 300 more games that can be added at any time. You'll be playing solitaire forever. Personalize every game with a choice of card layouts, and rate each game wit...
Plush Wars Lite 0 0 無料
After being rejected, the PlushBalls decided to take revenge: they locked up the princess in her castle and killed all PlushBears. But they were brought back as ZomBears to save the princess and destroy the PlushBalls. Will you let them succeed? He...
Jardinains 2! Lite 0 0 無料
Jardinains 2!: one of the best brickbreaker games available for the Mac. Over 2.5 million downloads worldwide! The 'nains have invaded--and it's up to you to to knock 'em off their blocks! Try the classic arcade game that's enchanted, infuriated,...
ArcadianX 0 0 ¥120
This is easy and fun game. Objective is simple. Collect crystals, avoid red elements. 1. Collect crystals 2. Avoid red crystals 3. Be fast and precise 4. Find your wayBe Arcadian!
Block 2D - The Retro Block 0 0 無料
Block 2D A simple minimalistic game with retro inspired design. Stack and build blocks as high as you can. Features: • 3 blocks to play each turn. • Short game sessions. • Gamer Center Support. • Retro sound and music. • Apple exclusive game. • Su...
TYPER 0 0 無料
You have one goal! Shoot down the evil blocks using your keyboard as a weapon! Challenge your friends to see who can get the highest score, or try to beat the designers high score! After a couple of plays a more difficult challenge may appear...
Rats and Spears 0 0 無料
Records are made to be broken. Cool rats go javelin throwing! Play Rats and Spears, a fun sport game on your Mac. This colourful cartoonish game will surely amuse you from the first seconds. This time some sporty rats have decided to organize their...
Frederic - Resurrection of Music Lite 0 0 無料
“Colorful and full of character, the art direction lends itself perfectly…” Mike Fahey, Kotaku - Gaming App of The Day “Insane personality and sly digs at pop culture” Scott Steinberg, Rollingstone.com “It’s so well-done and engaging that it’s impo...
Classic Slots - Live Contest 0 0 無料
Download now and start winning today! Classic Slots features the most realistic classic style slot machines in the app store. If you like old style Vegas slot machines, Classic Slots is your BEST CHOICE! Features: * Challenging other players in rea...
Christmas Eve Crisis 0 0 無料
It's Christmas Eve. Everyone is sound asleep, while up in the North Pole, Santa Claus is getting ready for his deliveries. Christmas presents destined for children around the world lie safely in his sack, and his sleigh has been equipped with the la...
Christmas Break - Breakout Game 0 0 無料
Christmas Break is a festive and cute take on the classic brick breaker arcade game that we all know and love. What makes this game even more unique is its smart use of the Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro, which enables you to physically control th...
Yellow Fins HD 0 0 無料
Our tiny yellow hero is back better than ever and still wants to fly like a bird. But he has fins and no wings. So he needs the hills to gain speed and fly from hill to hill to avoid getting caught by the snowstorm that is chasing him. It features:...
Zen Pinball 2 0 0 無料
Williams™ Pinball classics are now available -- and Fish Tales™ is yours for FREE! Zen is proud to bring these amazing games to players around the world. Enjoy! ZEN STUDIOS IS THE DEFINITIVE LEADER IN VIDEOGAME PINBALL! o ZEN STUDIOS HAS THE HIGHE...
ChessBot 2 0 0 無料
ChessBot is an elegant chess app with powerful features. - Basic move operations and outcome detection - A strong chess engine which offers hints for next moves - Human v.s. human & human v.s. computer modes - PGN files importing and exporting - Gam...
Galactic Driver 0 0 無料
Demonstrate all your skills and adroitness in this new free online driving game. Rush at full speed on the space motor road, jump over the holes, knock down the annoying UFOs and avoid enemies' bullets. Collect plasma to get new more powerful types o...
HyperCarsX 0 0 ¥120
Step on gas and outrun your competitors. Win each race in order to be able to advance in the championship. Complete 3 racing modes - circuit, knockout and time attack. The ‘Circuit racing’ implies a large number of competitors racing in close proxi...
Classic Snake 0 0 ¥300
The classic game of Snake - eat the targets & grow, but don’t run into anything ! A great way to relax and tune-out from your day for a quick break. Classic snake is the most customisable snake game you will ever find. Look at all the options ! B...
Duck Run 0 0 無料
TAP TAPPY TAP! FLAP FLAPPY FLAP! Guide your bird through a snowy adventure and grab a high score! Tap mouse pointer anywhere on the game screen to flap your tiny wings and fly your ducky through the snowy piped adventure. Navigate your flyer around...
Critter Crush - Hunting Game 0 0 無料
Critter Crush is an addicting 3D cartoon shooter that is sure to entertain. Hunt eleven different animals, including hunting game such as deer/bear/duck along with more silly targets such as cow/sheep/chickens. Just make sure to avoid shooting the oc...
Code of War - オンライン銃撃ゲーム 5v5 0 0 無料
軍事オンラインシューティングゲーム - 純粋なアクションのみ! Code of War は最高の 3D グラフィック、リアルな物性と実在する豊富な銃を備えたオンラインシューティングゲームです。 ダイナミックなオンラインアクションゲームで世界中にいる他のプレイヤーと対戦し...
Vroom Vroom !!! 0 0 無料
Vroom Vroom !!! is a free, fast, and fun racing game for players of all ages.
Dive Inside 0 0 無料
Ever wanted to dive into the sea? Dive Inside - Treasures of the Night Sea is best for you! Cruise through the depths of the sea surface, explore its nature and try on the role of a treasure hunter who agreed to a dangerous mission to find a mysterio...
Color Match 0 0 無料
Tap the 3D ball, Triangle and Flower carefully through each obstacle and your ball will switch color with some powerups. You must follow the color or shape pattern on each obstacle to cross it! Be careful not to pass through the wrong color, or you...
Blocky Snake 0 0 無料
スキンのロックを解除し、ユニークなアイテムを収集し、他のヘビを避け、最高のスコアであなたの友人に挑戦してください! 中毒性のあるゲームプレイで、左または右の使いやすいコントロールをタップします。 - 無料プレイ - インターネット接続は必要ありません - エ...
Classic snake final 0 0 無料
Standard rules: Eat foods, grow longer and fatter. Score: = Basicscore x Level x Length Slow Level = 1 Normal Level = 2 Fast Level = 3 Basicscore:...
Rising Robots 0 0 無料
Rising Robots combines a colorful worlds with elegantly designed platforming. The one-touch control ensures it's easy to start playing. Join the greatest adventure! Rising Robots is a super slow to start and super fast to finish arcade game with a...
mySolar - Build your Planets 0 0 ¥1,500
Play as a God, build your own solar. Roaming the universe to collect GP (God point) and MP (Mass point) to grow your solar. Defeat all emery solars, absorb their resources.
Hyper Drift: Retro 0 0 無料
Participate in a race on 50 unique tracks to collect stars and achieve a new rank. Reach a higher rank and get a new car. * Stunning graphics: Game using modern 3D Graphics API - "METAL" provided by apple; * Vintage style: All elements in the game ar...
PapiBatting 0 0 無料
You play baseball with Mr.Papi (red ball guy)! Click the batter for swing. You should hit a ball timely to get more score. When a ball comes over the batter, click the area above the batter for JUMP SWING. If you miss a ball, you get an OUT. When y...
Kawaii Panda 0 0 無料
The Beginning of Kawaiiiii Pandaaaaa! The free flappy flap Adventure for your Mac!!! This is another funny Game from MOBY DICK GAMES! Watch out our other games! If you like this game and you want to support us, simply click on the AD's, install a p...
Tank 90 0 0 無料
[Grand Update] You must download this version of Tank 90 or you will miss the marvellous joys here: 1) the long-time expected WiFi battle vs friends is available now. Connect you to all Apple devices, like iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and iMac, MacBook,...
Flight Fight 2s 0 0 無料
Flight Fight is a "FLYING COOL" game with sophisticated images of 3D characters and firearms, together with exciting rock music and fluent controlling system. All these will bring you fantastic game experience and enjoyment. * Sophisticated 3D cha...
Missile Barrage 0 0 無料
Top 10 FREE Arcade and Action Mac App! Missile Barrage is a simple yet addictive arcade game in which you will have the responsibility to defend cities against endless enemies missiles. To do so, you are in charge of two anti-missile turrets which y...
Simple Brickout 0 0 ¥300
A simple Brickout game. Just jump right in and play it like old times. Hit the bricks but don't drop the ball. Powerups - Fireball, MultiBall, Sticky Paddle, lights Out and more Many Boards - with more being added Many backgrounds - black, whit...
Billiards 3D Pool Game 0 0 ¥100
Improve your pool skills with this 3D game! Practice against the computer AI or challenge another person in two player mode. ≈ Features ≈ • Play against computer or choose two player mode • 8-ball • 3D experience • Immersive environment • Sounds • F...
Pirate Chronicles 0 0 無料
Captain! We've heard that you can't live without the thrill of adventure. If so, Pirate Chronicles is the right game for you! Ready yourself, raise the Jolly Roger and sail the Seven Seas in this addictive time-management game! Find fortune, glory an...
Balls! Lite 0 0 無料
Balls! A highly addictive ball matching arcade game. Comes with two separate game modes: an arcade mode to test your reflexes, and a strategic mode to test your brain power. With multiple difficulty settings and game modes to choose from, this game...
unPredictable 0 0 無料
Drive as far as you can without crashing. That's it. No complicated gameplay, just unpredictable drivers. The ideal game for killing time.
Vip Anarchy 0 0 無料
Have you bought an expensive and powerful car? Now don't be shy - crush other's cars, explode the burning barrels. The most important is not to turn upside-down otherwise you will have to pass the level from the beginning. While goings thru the level...
ActionPotato 0 0 無料
Catch fresh potatoes to make potato stew! Press 1,2,3 keys (or click pots) to jump and catch potatoes thrown from the right side. If they catch a rotten potato, you lose the pot. But if they catches a heart item, a pot comes back. More right pot ea...
Royal Offense 0 0 無料
Royal Offense contains elements of role play: while fulfilling your orders, the heroes improve their skills and talents, as well as earn gold to be spent on new equipment, weapons, and magical elixirs. Game Features: - Legendary indirect control str...
PapiRiver 0 0 無料
PapiRiver is a scroll action game. Mr.Papi (red ball guy) is going down a river. Press LEFT or RIGHT keys to lead him along the river! If he hits the bank of the river, he is pushed back. The game ends if he goes out of the upper edge of the screen....
To The Rescue! 5 0 0 無料
Join the world famous Rescue Team and experience an adventure you'll never forget! Once again, people in peril are looking to the men and women of the Rescue Team to save them. Use your time management skills to remove the obstacles that stand in you...
Toy Party - Dazzling Puzzle 0 0 無料
Looking to play the next smash hit brand NEW Hexa block Match 3 puzzle games? Bored of easy free match 3 games anyone can play with no puzzle skill or strategy? Got a creative AND logical brain to take on a HEXA BLOCK MATCH 3 PUZZLE c...
Sudden Sticks 0 0 無料
Avoid the sticks in order to reach and walk on the platform. Watch out! If the stick touches you, you will die! How far can you go? What is hidden in the next Level? Find out. Total 70 levels.
StuntCopter! 0 0 無料
Haven't you always wanted to fly in a helicopter? Then jump out without a parachute? And hope you land in a hay wagon? Then you're going to love this game. Pilot a helicopter by using the arrow keys and tap the space bar to send the stunt man fly...
Screen Snake 0 0 ¥300
Screen Snake is a re-make of the classic snake game. But instead of moving the snake in a window, the snake moves across your screen itself, or even from screen to screen. This version includes multiplayer games, highscores, levels, and various litt...
Dinosaur Hunter: Africa Contract 0 0 ¥100
Could you knock out T-Rex with a sledge hammer? Can Stegosaurus survive bazooka strike? Can you cut raptor with Katana? Is shotgun as effective as it sounds against Ankylosaurus? What is the experience with shooting crossbow at Brontosaurus? How does...
Emily's Adventures 0 0 無料
Dive into Emily’s Adventure – the newest arcade game from Melior Games. Jump through countless obstacles to save the helpless creatures trapped in cages by the Evil Dr. Workman. You will need to use your wits and skill to avoid the various challengin...
Virtual Hunting Bear 0 0 無料
Kill or Get Killed - Awesome Bear Sniper Game. Enjoy Two Mode : Time Trial: Snipe Bear in given Time Limit. Free Mode : Snipe as many as you can. Ultimate Radar System to get Bear's Locations. Ultimate Radar System to get AmmoCrate's Locations. T...
Pew Pew Zombies 0 0 無料
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PEW PEW ZOMBIES IS FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wishing for a Zombie Apocalypse? Be careful what you wish for because the zombies are everywhere... Only the strong will survive th...
Sleepwalker's Journey HD FREE 0 0 無料
さあ、夢への美しい旅へ 眠たいMoonboyに会いましょう。月の大くしゃみによりベッドから飛び起こされた彼は、夢の中をふらふらと歩き始めます。Moonboyがベッドに戻れる- - よう、あなたの助けが必要です。様々な罠を避け、行く手を阻む障害物を取り除き、周囲を変化...
Insaquarium Deluxe Edition 0 0 ¥100
Control and protect an aquarium filled with fantastic fish and sea creatures by keeping your friendly fish fed and happy… and safe from alien intruders. Collect coins to get better food, new fish and awesome weapons — then use those weapons on the e...
Stars and Ghosts Race 0 0 無料
Prepare your broomstick and follow the path… spooky hills are full of Ghosts to catch! Gather around the haunted night… to send stars back to the light. Each ghost you get is a star in the sky… catch them all, don’t let them fly! Avoid the bat, the p...
Sand Slides 0 無料
Sand Slidesは素晴らしくて癖になる,2011年にできた新しいゲームです。 シンプルなルールで,すぐに気に入りますがマスターするためには少し時間がかかる,おもしろいゲームです。 機能: 76のゲームセンターアーカイブ 素晴らしい音楽 とてもよい映像効果 無限の砂 おも...
炎に立ち向かえ――ドラゴンたちがやってくる! 『Toy Defense 3: Fantasy』の魔術的な新しいワールドは、突撃する戦士、恐れを知らぬ射手、狡猾なゴブリンがひしめく雰囲気たっぷりの異世界だ! 勇気を出してスリリングな週間トーナメントに参加しよう:友達に勝って最...
War Legends 0 無料
Help four brave heroes stop an orc invasion and protect the Fairy Kingdom! Once upon a time, a great evil invaded the Fairy Kingdom. Clans of wild orcs came from distant lands, and armies of the undead rose from their graves. Use the power of swords...
Platforms Unlimited 0 無料
Platforms Unlimited is a procedural, minimalistic, zen, madly hard one-button endless platformer! An arcade game like in the old times when simplicity, fun and challenge ruled. Free to celebrate the holidays and the release of Pixel Boat Rush! ---...
Extreme Bike Trials 0 無料
Accept the challenge of fearless bike racers and take first place in an extreme motorcycle trial! Get on your trusty bike and get ready for an insane motorcycle trial. The roaring of the engines and the unbeatable twists and turns of the tracks, rea...
Bug Defender 0 無料
Protect your home from the onslaught of hordes of really really nasty bugs in "Bug Defender", a turret defence game from GrassGames.
Frantic 0 ¥120
FREE FOR LIMITED TIME! ‘Truly and Utterly Brilliant.’ - FHM.COM Frantic is an old school arena wave based shooter that is played at a frenetic pace. Run, gun and jump through each wave grabbing weapons as they appear and take on the monsters like...
PapiMelt 0 無料
Mr.Papi (red ball guy) came into an ice castle where many hamburgers exist. Press LEFT, RIGHT and UP keys to move and jump! - If he gets a hamburger, you get 50 points of score. - While he lands on an ice platform, the platform melts and will be gon...
PapiTrio 0 無料
Papi Trio (three red ball guys) are rolling in each layer! Press Q,A,Z keys or click the screen so that they jump and eat delicious hamburgers! If they crash into walls they are pushed back. The game ends if one of them enter the fire on the right. Y...
AirAttack 2 0 ¥120
Sequel of Award Winning next-gen top down air combat shooter with stunning 3D graphics and amazing orchestral soundtrack. Enjoy the classic atmosphere of WW2 arcade shoot-'em-ups in modern rendering. Prepare your plane and destroy the axis of evil w...
Crazy Monster Trucks 0 無料
Crazy Monster Trucks brings you challenging obstacle courses and several unlockable monster trucks to try out. Physics-based car racing game puts you behind the wheel of a monster truck facing an impossible looking obstacle course. Racing at full sp...
PapiOrange Free 0 無料
The Earth has been attacked by strange Orange creatures! This is a classic 2D shooter. Move a mouse cursor on the window to move Mr.Papi so that he destroy all the Orange creatures. Infos: - If you destroy the enemies faster, you can get more scores...
mimic mind - memory training 0 無料
+ Play also on iOS Devices and Apple Watch ! ***Exercise your memory while having fun at the same time and enjoy the automatically changing color themes, which delight your mood and alternately stimulate and calm down your brain.*** mimic mind lets...
Bubbles for Kids 0 無料
Simple, engaging and fun bubble popping game for precious one. It’s ideal for a bored kid. Whether in long waiting line at the doctor's or on the car ride to grandparents, this app will keep your little one entertained.
Pin Tiki Ball Free 0 無料
★ "Featured by Apple in Portable Pinball" - App Store Home (US) ★ "Featured by Apple as New and Noteworthy" - Mac App Store Home (US) ★ "5/5 Stars Review" - APP ADVICE ★ "Featured as Popular" - APP SHOPPER ★ "If t...
Toy Defense. World War I – ストラテジー 0 無料
新しいトーナメントモードで、究極の防御と戦略のスキルを試そう! 終わりのない敵の波状攻撃から基地を守り、週間トーナメントで友達と競うのだ!倒されない限り、永遠にプレイ! WWI 設定の塔を守る新しいゲームで、一触即発のハラハラするゲームプレイを体験しよ...
PLAY AS A PRO KICK RETURNER IN TED GINN'S OFFICIAL APP Field kickoffs, follow blocks, find holes, and break tackles on your way to the end zone in this amazing 11-on-11 kick return challenge! SIMPLE TO GET STARTED With ridiculously simple controls a...
Standard Snake 0 無料
Smile! This classic game is weirdly addictive! It's your old friend Snake. He's taking a vacation from cell phones everywhere to play around with you on your Mac.
Candy Mania Star 0 無料
Your mission is to win Candy Star Mania, pass the levels and try to get all stars in each level. Features of candy frenzy: • Beautiful HD graphics • Beautiful Background • Sweet diamond animations • Many challenging levels • Easy & fun to play, chal...
Blot 0 無料
Meet Blot, a cheeky and fun loving blob of ink! Blot has decided to go on an adventure and you get to come too! --- Reviews "Blot by Majestic Software is perhaps the best hand-drawn game. Ever." 5 stars - AppAdvice.com Uber Indie Game of the Mont...
Toy Defense 2 0 無料
もう遊びは終わりだ、兵士よ!今こそリアルでテンポの速いタワー防衛アクションの時。幸運なことに、Toy Defense 2 がカバーしています。お城や氏族のことは忘れ、壮大な戦いに飛び込み、強力な装甲車を操り、戦略スキルを磨いて究極の司令官になろう。 自分はもう十分...
Armada Tanks: 戦争兵器 - 3D戦車ゲーム 0 無料
最新式モデルの重兵器技術を搭載したモダンな戦車アクション 壮大な戦車戦の世界の壮快な冒険に出かける準備をしよう。 これはスケールの大きな多人数参加型の 3D オンライン戦車ゲームであり、敵に完全勝利するまであなたはデバイスから離れられなくなります。 戦車に...
Gradients Game 0 無料
Get a detailed score of the target gradient and your gradient with points out of 100. Use the stepper for each color for more precise control, helping you match it exactly. Refer to the tutorial to understand better how it works! Remember, it loo...
Alien's Return 0 無料
There has been chosen for the mission an alien astronaut: He has to test the super modern aircraft and be the first to go into space, fly around his planet and return. During the flight in his flying saucer suddenly crashed a meteorite, which leads t...
Galacticos 0 無料
Join your friends and family to have a good laugh with Galacticos, a game that will bring more fun and will provide good laughs during matches. Galacticos is a game where up to four players can connect through their iPhones to control the stars in a...
Wave Arrow 0 無料
Fly your ship through the waves of space. Gain points by flying through the hoops. Collect coins to unlock new ships!
Paddle Battle 0 無料
Go head-to-head with a friend in this modern take on a classic. Play Paddle Battle as two friends sitting at one keyboard, just like the old flash games. In addition to being a fun, easy arcade game, Paddle Battle is also an educational tool! All...
Papi Chocolate 0 無料
Let's roll Mr.Papi (red ball guy) and coat him with chocolate! Use cursor keys to move.
PapiDiving 0 無料
Mr.Papi (red ball guy) dives into the sea to collect coins! Press DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT keys to control him. - If he gets more coins at a single diving, you get more scores. - If he clash with spiky balls, the game ends. - While he is diving, the oxy...
Edge Runner 0 無料
Will you take a leap of faith? Take a deep breath and get ready to cross the Himalayan edge. Run like a wind, leap over botomless chasms, and become one with the mountains. With clouds far below and clear sky above you, how far can you go before fa...