Simulation ゲーム PCおよびMac用


Simulation ゲーム | March, 2025

  • Touchgrind    4.0    1983  |  Free

    The smash hit Touchgrind is now available for your Mac! To celebrate the success of Touchgrind and Touchgrind BMX for iPhone and iPad, we release this game for FREE! REQUIREMENT: Touchgrind is controlled using Multi-Touch technology, thus requires...

  • Command & Conquer™: Generals Deluxe Edition    4.0    1340  |  $9.99

    IMPORTANT: Command & Conquer™: Generals Deluxe is a single player only experience.  Game Center invites are no longer received on any game which supports Game Center which effectively means players can no longer join multiplayer games.  We have bugge...

  • Turmoil    4.5    78  |  $9.99

    Turmoil offers players a visually charming, tongue-in-cheek take on the simulation genre inspired by the 19th century oil rush in North America. Get a taste of the rush and rivalry of the time as you earn your way to become a successful oil entrepren...

  • Prison Architect    4.0    43  |  $29.99

    Build and Manage A Maximum Security Prison. Build and manage a Maximum Security Prison. As the sun casts it’s early morning rays on a beautiful patch of countryside the clock starts ticking. You’ve got to crack on and build a holding cell to detain...

  • Hunting Animals: Wild Shooter    2.0    15  |  Free

    冬の狩猟ゲームは全く新しいレベルまで上がったよ! プロハンターの装備、逃げるのが早い獲物 危ない捕食者、自由自在な探索 オンタリオ州、アラスカ州、コロラド州の中に狩る ロケーションにはそれぞれの挑戦的なハンティングミッションがある これは「Hunting Animals...

  • Landgrabbers    4.0    7  |  Free

    LandGrabbers, an unbelievable crusades simulator, is now available for the Mac! Imagine that you are in the Middle Ages. It’s the time of castles, knights and the Crusades. Now imagine that you are a brilliant military leader with your own troops....

  • Extreme Landings  |  Free

    コントロールを失うな。 パイロットスキルを駆使して、現実にも起こりうる地獄のようなフライトを切り抜けよう。 現実で起こった事故を再現。アドレナリンがあふれだすこの状況に対処せよ。 各エンジンを起動、ダッシュボードを巧みに操れ。5,000を超える緊急事態を乗...

  • Homescapes  |  Free

    Playrixのスケイプ™シリーズ史上、最も心温まるホームスケイプへようこそ!マッチ3パズルを解いて、緑豊かな通りに建つ大きなお屋敷を改装しましょう。お屋敷に足を踏み入れた瞬間、ハラハラドキドキの冒険が始まります! カラフルなマッチ3パズルをクリアして、屋敷の...

  • Western Land  |  Free

    Western Land is a Simulation game with an Wild West theme. The team chose to create Western Land using Spritekit, so it's an isometric construction/management/simulation game that aims to convey the feeling and dangers of the wild west. The game shar...

  • RC Plane 3  |  Free

    Finally the RC Plane series debuts on Mac ! The third chapter in the RC Plane series brings a whole new engine which scales according to platform and device, realistic physics and a huge scenario to explore at real RC Plane scale! Learn to fly a lar...

  • Code Of War 2: Striker Zone  |  Free

    チェルノブイリ 区域をテーマにしたモダンな オンラインシューティングゲーム をプレイし、狂気の戦闘で生き残ろう。 "Code of War 2: Striker Zone は以下の要素を含む最高のシューティングゲームです。 - 素晴らしい3Dグラフィック - リアルな物性 - 豊富な銃の選...

  • Tram Tycoon Free - Transport Them All!  |  Free

    新しいことに挑戦しよう!公共交通機関の大物となり、一味違った戦略と時間管理ゲーム楽しもう。1960年から2020年までの歴史をたどり、さまざまな路面電車を購入し、駅をアップグレード、最善の戦略をもってすべてのトロフィーを獲得しよう。 市民は快適な交通手段を求...

  • Safari: Online Evolution  |  Free

    ​アクションとアドベンチャー、ビッグゲーム野生のサファリ動物はあなたが発見する準備ができています Multiplayer Online 20人のプレイヤー - サファリの動物の一人として遊ぼう ​ Safari:Online Evolutionには高品質のグラフィックスとゲームプレイ、徒歩での狩り、...

  • Baseball General Manager  |  Free

    Manage your team to a Championship! Build through the draft, or through free agent signings and trades as your team competes in a 30-team league. Set your lineup as you take control of coaching duties in addition to managerial duties. The goal of t...

  • Farming Simulator 19  |  $24.99

    2018年、超人気フランチャイズの決定版がついに登場!徹底的にオーバーホールされたグラフィックスエンジン、驚愕且つ究極のビジュアル&エフェクトで前代未聞のファーミングエクスペリエンスでゲームが帰ってきます。 『Farming Simulator 19』は、フランチャイズの強...

  • Hobby Farm (Full)  |  $6.99


  • War Trigger 3  |  Free

    Destroy, smash and blast your way to victory! Use advanced weapons and vehicles to dominate the battle field. Compete with friends or players from around the globe using some of the world's deadliest modern weapons and vehicles. Play with up to 20 p...

  • the little crane that could  |  Free

    The little crane that could... This is a life like simulation of a mobile crane. With the crane, solve a diverse set of challenging puzzles. Incredible fun for young and old alike. KEYBOARD CONTROLS Use arrow keys to drive Q/A to rotate crane W/S t...

  • War Trigger 2  |  Free

    Destroy, smash and blast your way to victory! Use advanced weapons and vehicles to dominate the battle field. Compete with friends or players from around the globe using some of the world's deadliest modern weapons and vehicles. Play with up to 18 p...

  • Shootout! : World Edition  |  Free

    You've played the full 90 and overtime. It's now down to a penalty shootout. Will you lead your team to victory? Or will you crack under pressure and lose it all? Experience both sides of a penalty shootout! Play as the penalty kicker and score as m...

  • City Island 5 Tycoon Sim Game  |  Free

    あなたの都市を建設してください 「City Island 5 - Tycoon Building Offline Sim Game」は、Sparkling Societyの新しい街づくりゲームで、プレーヤーはたった1つの島にある小さな町の市長になります。 飛行船で世界を探索し、新しい島を開拓して新しい都市を建設しま...

  • Township  |  Free

    Townshipで街作りと農業に挑戦しよう! 夢の街作り!作物を収穫して施設で加工して、商品を売って街を発展させよう。遠くの島と貿易するチャンスも。レストランや映画館など公共の建物を作って、雰囲気のある街を作ろう。鉱山を探索して資源を確保すれば、古代の遺物を...

  • Warplanes: WW2 Dogfight  |  Free

    Grab the control yoke of a warplane and jump into the battlefields of World War 2 in this thrilling combat flight action game. In each of the campaigns for USA, Great Britain, USSR, Germany and Japan you will assume the role of a pilot and squadron l...

  • Ancient Rome 2 Free  |  Free

    Construct entire residential districts for people and improve their well-being by building markets, schools, theaters and other places, and connect them with roads for ease of access. Create warehouses and farms, plant wheat and bake bread, mine clay...

  • Trick Shot Bowling  |  Free

    Bowling with trick shots and GameCenter multiplayer! Bowl classic 10-pin games, or try own trick shot pin configurations for a fresh experience. Pick from 24 unlockable balls with different weight, speed, and hook to find the perfect ball for the c...

  • Gun Disassembly 2  |  Free

    Explore the world of weaponry like never before! Disassemble and reassemble 91 highly-detailed models with fully working animated parts! View the gun in complete 3D, and learn about the inner workings of the guns. Operate the weapons in OPERATION mod...

  • Japan Food Adventure - Tokyo  |  Free

    この早いペースタイムマネジメント的なゲームで料理の準備と料理を作って沢山美味しい和食とおやつを提供させて楽しめます!東京から全国のいろんな地域に訪ねて沢山面白い食べ物を学ぶ。 レベルが進んで行くとお客さんや色んな面白いキャラと出会える。限らないチャレ...

  • Pool!  |  Free

    Play 8-ball pool against computer or your friend. The object of the game is to pocket your set of assigned balls (solid or striped) and finally pocket black ball to designated pocket. Good luck and enjoy the game!

  • Zombie Ops 3D Shooter  |  Free

    The Apocalypse, World War III ended two years ago. After the war society was at the brink of anarchy. Crippled by modern warfare, humanity was unable to stop the zombie outbreak caused by some of the most devilish chemical weaponry ever created. Radi...

  • Star Chef™ : Cooking Game  |  Free

    世界中で2000万回以上のダウンロード! ベストクッキングシミュレーションゲーム、App Storeのベスト、スターシェフをプレイしましょう! アマチュアシェフから料理マスターまで、世界中のさまざまな種類のおいしい料理を調理して成長します。都市の真ん中で自分だけの...

  • Civilization® VI  |  $59.99

    ストラテジーゲームの金字塔を体感しよう。マップ一面に帝国を拡大し、文化を発展させて、歴史上の名だたる英雄たちと競い合いながら、悠久の時の流れにも揺るがない不朽の帝国を築き上げましょう。 ——————————————————— 歴史上の指導者20人からゲームスタート ——————...

  • Meow Match  |  Free

    あなたの役目は迷子のネコたちを連れ戻すこと! 数百ステージのマッチ3に挑戦しながら、ネコの楽園を取り戻し、数十匹のユニークなネコたちが登場するストーリーを楽しみましょう! 『Meow Match』の時間です! ネコ友と力を合わせてマッチ3のパズルに挑戦。手強いス...

  • Wildscapes  |  Free

    PlayrixのScapes™最新作、ワイルドスケープにようこそ!カラフルなパズルを解いて、かわいい動物たちでいっぱいの動物園を一緒につくろう! 動物たちが喜ぶ空間をつくり、来場者にカフェや噴水、遊び場やたまり場といった充実した施設を用意しよう!世界中の動物につい...

  • Life Quest 2 - Metropoville  |  Free

    Move to Metropoville and begin a 12 step Life Quest program! Find a new rewarding career in this incredible Strategy game! Upgrade your vehicle, purchase a pet, and even find true love as you move up the social ladder. Go from rags to riches and com...

  • mySolar - Build your Planets  |  $11.00

    Play as a God, build your own solar. Roaming the universe to collect GP (God point) and MP (Mass point) to grow your solar. Defeat all emery solars, absorb their resources.

  • Fat Birds Build a Bridge! - FREE  |  Free

    Start building some bridges, and help the Fat Birds get back home! The Fat Birds have gotten themselves into some serious trouble. At first, they utterly disregarded their flying lessons, and now the evil mastermind Mad Hamster managed to destroy t...

  • Transport Agent 3D  |  Free

    Start transportation madness with Transport Agent 3D. Dear all Drivers and Transporters, now its time to become a transport agent! Choose your mega big truck and buckle up for a heavy duty and crazy challenge. You need to drive these huge cargo Tran...

  • Gunship III - Combat Flight Simulator - FREE  |  Free

    Immerse yourself into the mist of the Vietnam war as an US helicopter, rescue downed pilot, support other attack aircrafts. This free version of Gunship III features: * 360 3D cockpit view with zoom. * Fully functioning cockpit avionics. * Pilot...

  • Gardenscapes  |  Free

    PlayrixのScapes™シリーズで初の大ヒットを記録した、ガーデンスケイプへようこそ!マッチ3パズルを解いて、美しい姿のお庭を取り戻しましょう! ワクワクの冒険に出発:マッチ3に挑戦してお庭のさまざまなエリアを修理して飾りつけ、秘密を解き明かし、執事のオーステ...

  • Fishdom  |  Free

    フィッシュダムは初めて?大きく息を吸って、水中でのマッチ3の世界に飛び込みましょう! 楽しくてハマるマッチ3に挑戦して、かわいい魚が暮らすアクアリウムをデコレーションしましょう。魚にエサをあげたり遊んだり、魚同士の会話も見逃せない!魚がいっぱいのアクア...

  • Iron Sea Frontier Defenders TD  |  Free

    Man the guns! The enemy fleet is on the horizon! Take a part in the real sea battle! Now the battle rages absolutely free! Defend your fort from attacks – show your tactical skill. This unique historical setting will allow you to immerse yourself...

  • Army Chess Super Online SZY  |  Free

    ゲームのご紹介 軍人将棋は陸軍の戦争をシミュレーションする2人用のボードゲームです。中国では軍棋、または陸軍棋と呼ばれています。このバージョンの軍人将棋は中国軍棋のルールを採用しています。 ゲームモード 1)スーパーオンラインモード(GameCenter経由の同...

  • AirFMC  |  Free

    This is the Mac desktop version of our AirFMC app. Designed to integrate with the X-Plane flight simulator, AirFMC provides an interface layer to your favourite flight management system and allows you to have a remote, portable and beautiful MCDU,...

  • DeckEleven's Railroads  |  Free

    DeckEleven's Railroads is an addictive railroad empire building game in full 3D. You are in charge of building your own railroad empire, from track layout to cargo management. Choose your train configuration wisely, from steam-powered locomotives to...

  • Sailing Regatta  |  Free

    Dive into an unforgettable experience. Inshore & Offshore Competitive Sport Of Sailing Races. Play local vs others real players ghost sailboats. Play on-line(multiplayer) vs real players. Periodically new sailing race Paths. Commands a sail boat...

  • World Conqueror 2  |  Free


  • Nova Golf Lite  |  Free

    Welcome to Nova Golf Lite, the finest golfing game on the Mac! A followup to the award winning game GL Golf, Nova Golf is sure to keep you entertained and immersed for countless hours. Redesigned from the ground up, Nova Golf has everything both casu...

  • Bike Disassembly 3D  |  Free

    Bike Disassembly 3D is the one and only app that fully simulate the assembly and disassembly of motorcycle models with working, animated mechanism. In Bike Disassembly 3D, the user can explore a motorcykle gears with a full 3D perspective, and learn...

  • Burger  |  Free

    マスターシェフになりませんか?                                                         とてもおもしろいバーガー作りのゲームが、マグマ・モービル・タッチに無料のバージョンでやってきますよ。   ...

  • Plane Control Lite  |  Free

    This is a very simple and fun game from the "line drawing" genre. You can play 1 map (6 maps in the full version, each presents a unique game experience. Some require fast fingers, others require careful planning)

  • Craft Control Lite  |  Free

    "I'm very surprised about this game. It's polished and designed with love of details. [..]" - iTunes review, speed4mee "The best drawing game so far. Really test your reaction and focus. Thumbs up!" - iTunes review, littledgs Would you like to se...

  • AirFighters - Combat Flight Simulator  |  Free

    最先端の戦闘機コンバット&フライトシミュレーター 戦術ミッションの作戦を立ててワールドスプレマシーチャレンジを始めよう。地上・海上・空中の目標を撃破。波状攻撃を仕掛けてくる敵機とのドッグファイト。毎日公開されるミッションは数え切れないほど-無限大の...

  • Viking Saga: Epic Adventure (Freemium)  |  Free

    Discover Viking Saga - Epic Adventure, the next fantastic chapter in the hit action series! Lodin, Dala's greedy father, doesn't approve of the marriage between his daughter and Ingolf. Only when Ingolf brings Lodin the legendary Stone of Destiny, wi...

  • Environ  |  Free

    Environ is an educational game that puts players in the role of a global decision maker. The game is set in near-future Earth, where the player must make difficult and complex choices to improve the Earth’s environment while increasing economic prosp...

  • eCITY  |  Free

    eCITY is a city simulation game where you are challenged to solve different engineering issues. Eight scenarios are available including topics such as: * energy distribution * pollution * networking * transportation * natural disasters * etc... The...

  • Hockey General Manager  |  Free

    Manage your team to a Championship! Build through the draft, or through free agent signings and trades as your team competes in a 30-team league. Set your lines as you take control of coaching duties in addition to managerial duties. The goal of th...

  • Dead Rider  |  Free

    Get motobike and ride through crazy tracks. Unique physics, challenging levels and much more! This game delivers the true ElastoMania and xMoto expiriense on you Mac devices. Features: - More than 100 challenging levels - Realistic physics and...

  • Touch Pong  |  $1.99

    Touch Pong is the first game EVER brought to the Mac App Store to use the brand new Touch Bar. Pong - one of the first games ever created, brought to you using the newest apple hardware. FEATURES: • Brand new Touch Bar support to control your Pong p...

  • Delicious - Emily's Taste of Fame  |  $9.99

    Emily is ready for prime time in Delicious - Emily's Taste of Fame, an award-winning chapter from the hugely popular Delicious series of games. Emily's trip to Hollywood and her new cooking show, "Emily's Taste of Fame", comes to a sudden halt when...

  • Dino Safari: Online Evolution  |  Free

    ​このようなジュラ紀のサファリの冒険では、あなたは野生で致命的なディノの肉食動物を発見しています Multiplayer Online 20 Players - 20種類の恐竜のうちの1人としてプレイする ​ チラノサウルス、スピノサウルス、ラプター、トリケラトプス、ヴェロキラプトル、...


    Live an Top Gun experience piloting F15 fighter aircraft in exciting missions. - True scaled F15 Eagle - 6 weapons - 3 Rockets - 2 Bombs - 1 Bullets - Radar system - True piloting simulation - Lift force to control - Automated landing syste...

  • Virtual City Playground  |  Free

    「Virtual City Playground®: 建設の王者!」で夢の都市を作り、さらに運営! ● 住宅や産業施設を建設 ● さまざまな商品を生産し、スタイリッシュで魅力的なショッピングモールに配達 ● 大量輸送システムを建設し、住民を公園や映画館、スタジアムなど色々な場所に輸送...

  • Jet Battle 3D Free  |  Free

    Jet Battle is very interesting and challenging battle game in which you have to face ultimate challenges and destroy enemy's jet. HD quality of Graphics used in the Game. Get Ready to Fight with Enemy's. Features • HD Quality of Graphics used in the...

  • Card Game Simulator  |  Free

    Create, share, and play card games with Card Game Simulator! Create your own original card games, import custom cards, organize your decks and cards, and play card games with your friends. All on an intuitive virtual tabletop! # Create and Share...

  • WW2 Battle Front Simulator  |  Free

    あなたが力を持っていたら、どうやって第二次世界大戦の戦場をつくりますか? あなたはどの戦車や軍の部隊を戦争に参加させることを選びますか? あなたは戦争に勝つためにどのような戦術と戦略を作りますか? あなたが第二次世界大戦のマシンのファンなら、 'WW2 Battl...

  • Slots! Golden Cherry  |  Free

    The number 1 casino slot machine. It doesn't get more real than this! Play for Free forever!! Features amazing graphics and sounds. Spin the pie for coins! Spin the wheel for free games! Bet up to 20 lines or play the amazing Golden Cherry reel for...

  • Create Real Games  |  Free

    Create and play with made by you shooter game, then when you like it enough, get the compiled version and share it or publish on Apple or Google stores for free or paid. Easy development No coding is required. Customise the game look and feel: - U...

  • Plopp  |  $0.99

    Addicted to bubble wrap? Can't resist to plop it whenever you get it in your hand? Here is your app to live your plop: * number of plops are counted across devices via iCloud * count is reported in GameCenter - challenge your friends! Also have a lo...

  • Stand O’Food City  |  Free

    さあバーガー帝国を築き上げよう。人気シリーズ「Stand O’ Food」をベースに作られた無料のタイムマネージメントゲーム「Stand O’ Food® City」が登場!おなじみのRonnie、Nikki、ClarenceがTinseltownからやってきて新しいレストランを開店。そしていつものように、邪...

  • Pinball Arcade  |  Free

    Macで本物のピンボールを!PS3、Xbox 360、PSP、3DS、Wii版のベストピンボールメーカー、FarSight StudiosからPinball Arcade新登場! Williams®、Bally®、Stern Pinball®、Gottlieb®の史上最高のピンボールテーブルをリアルに再現、ひとつのゲームで全てプレイできる!...

  • My Kingdom for the Princess III Lite  |  Free

    Finally! The great adventure continues! Familiar landscapes and great gameplay that combines features of time-management, simulation and strategy are waiting for you in the third part of My Kingdom for the Princess! ...It's been twenty five years si...

  • Pilot's Path  |  Free

    Experience the thrill of adventure with Pilot’s Path – an old school top down view helicopter flying game. Feel like a first-class pilot, explore over 50 islands, fulfill risky missions, enjoy the trendy retro design, beautifully rendered cut scenes...

  • Aquarium Island - Underwater Kingdom  |  Free

    Play the best undersea world game! Breed and care for cute exotic fish, turtles, and seahorses! Design & explore beautiful coral reefs, find sunken treasures, breed new types of cute sea animals! Build the perfect underwater park for your fishes! Des...

  • APP Control Lite  |  Free

    Do you have what it takes to be an Approach Controller at a busy airport? Can you guide aircraft approaching and departing at an increasing pace? Like a real-life air traffic controller you must maintain a lateral separation of 3 miles or a verti...

  • The Cooking Game  |  Free

    ザ・クッキングゲームにようこそ。 あなたのミッションは、あなた自身のレストランビジネスを始めることです。 チェーンレストランを持つ人気シェフ、ゴードン・ラムゼイに憧れていますか? ザ・クッキングゲームで、料理の仕方、給仕の仕方、そしてあなたのレストラン...

  • WORLDS Builder: Farm & Craft  |  Free

    WORLDS Builder: Farm & Craft - from creators of Doodle GOD, Doodle Devil and Doodle Mafia Command the powerful forces of nature to bring the world of your vision into life! Create earth and divide it from water, erect mountains and fire up volcanoe...

  • Youda Farmer - Lite  |  Free

    Do you want to experience country life like never before? The Lite version plays up till the Apple party! * Enjoy the full version by purchasing it in the Mac App Store! * *

  • Demolition Physics Lite  |  Free

    Demolition Physics is a three-dimensional Simulator with physics of destruction. It has complete control over the physical world and the objects it contains, with plenty of special effects, 10 types of explosions: from the fiery trail to the atomic e...

  • Air Force Commander - Combat Arms Fighter Shooting Attack  |  Free

    Fight the wicked goblin invaders and beat the boss in air combat to be the savior of Mooshmooland! Help the brave Commander, to fulfill his mission and defeat the boss monster in his modern aircraft! *FEATURES* : - Fast-paced gameplay with intense...

  • GL Golf Lite  |  Free

    GL Golf Lite is a 3D sports game for the casual gamer. With a realistic physics system and great simple graphics, you and up to four players can golf all 720 holes for countless hours. Everything in a real game of golf is included, such as water haza...

  • Naval Armada: Warship Battle  |  Free

    最高のチーム戦が君を待っている! 海軍の活動を基にしたNaval Armada: World Warshipsは、Modern Tanksの作者による軍艦をテーマにした無料のマルチプレイヤー型アクションPVPゲームです。 World of Warshipsの戦いが、君に挑戦状をたたきつけている! 自分だけのゲー...

  • Top Bike: Real Racing Speed & Best Moto Drag Racer  |  Free

    Features: 71+ heavily modded bikes to choose from Tune and customize your bike any way you want Enjoy an epic story of underground rivalry and gang battles Prove yourself against the most brutal kings of the road Express yourself through millions of...

  • Helicopter Sim - Hellfire Squadron  |  Free

    Join HELLFIRE SQUADRON and launch the attack on the most modern deadly threats. Guide with precision your multi-role helicopter, demolish the enemy defences and let the raiders disembark in enemy bases. Tactics, flying skills and the right amount...

  • Gunship-II  |  Free

    *** THIS GAME IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON iOS DEVICES (supported iPad3) AND ANDROIDS, CHECK FOR DETAILS *** EXPERIENCE VIETNAM WAR ERA COMBAT HELICOPTERS! Immerse yourself into the mist of the Vietnam war as an US helicopter pilot. Be...

  • Top Speed: Drag & Fast Racing  |  Free

    ハシリヤの伝説になろう 極端なドラッグレース接戦で不法的な狂者ライバルを支配します。 巧妙なタイミングでギアの入れ換えとニトロ破裂によりトップスピードに達します。 69台の車を運転し、20名の不法オーバーロードを負かして市区の最強レーサーになります。  ...

  • Trophy Hunt: Online Evolution  |  Free

    ​致命的に大きなゲーム動物は、昼夜やあらゆる条件で野生動物を狩り、狩りをします ​ マルチプレイヤーオンライン20プレイヤー - 動物として遊ぶ すべての武器を持って、ジープ、バイク、ボート、馬にロードしてください。 おそらく、歩くだけで動物を追跡したいと思う...

  • RollerCoaster Tycoon® 3  |  $19.99

    Rediscover the critically acclaimed rollercoaster simulation bestseller and feel the thrill of a genre-defining classic, complete with two huge expansion packs. —————————— Your Park. Your Way —————————— Whatever you want to create, RollerCoaster Tyc...

  • Next Stop 2 Free  |  Free

    ゲームトレイラー 友だちと一緒にまた別の鉄道の旅に出かけました!何もしないで手をこまねいているマーガレットではありません。銀行でまたローンを組みました。今回彼女は、線路の壊れた部分を修復する時間が制限されていますが、今回...

  • Billiards  |  Free

    5種類のビリヤードのシミュレーションが、リアルでとても簡単に楽しめます。テーブルやクロスの色をカスタマイズして、9ボール、8ボール、ストレート、3ボール、スヌーカーからお選びください。 3Dシミュレーションに完全対応しており、スピンのコントロールがで...

  • Gunship-II LITE  |  Free

    EXPERIENCE VIETNAM WAR ERA COMBAT HELICOPTERS! Immerse yourself into the mist of the Vietnam war as an US helicopter pilot. Be part of the new air mobility tactic which helicopters are heavily used to insert troops into battles, transport supplies...

  • Fortress Under Siege  |  Free

    とある陰謀によって我々の王国は窮地に陥っていた。あなたには軍隊を率いて王国を守るという使命があります。王国の最後の希望であるあなたは戦闘態勢に入って- いる敵に- 向って一歩とも引くわけにはいけません。 ゲーム特有の城作りモードで自分だけに属する城を作...

  • SimCity™: Complete Edition  |  $19.99

    カジノリゾート、製造拠点、スリルを求める人々の天国、消費主導の巨大企業、緑のユートピアなど、あなたの街を自由に形作りましょう。史上最高の都市シミュレーターの決定版です。 ———————————————————————————— 含 ま れ て い る も の ——————————————————————————...

  • Zen Pinball 2  |  Free

    Williams™ Pinball classics are now available -- and Fish Tales™ is yours for FREE! Zen is proud to bring these amazing games to players around the world. Enjoy! ZEN STUDIOS IS THE DEFINITIVE LEADER IN VIDEOGAME PINBALL! o ZEN STUDIOS HAS THE HIGHE...

  • MiniDrivers: The game of mini racing cars  |  Free

    MiniDrivers is the craziest race to reach your hands! The animated series that has captivated millions of people around the world has a new star: You! Create your own stories or change the racing rules and become a World Champion. IS TIME TO RACE! I...

  • Farming Simulator 17  |  $14.99

    THE MOST COMPLETE FARMING SIMULATOR EXPERIENCE! Take on the role of a modern farmer in Farming Simulator 17! Immerse yourself in a huge open world loaded with new content: new environment, vehicles, animals, crops and gameplay mechanics! Explore fa...

  • Paradise City Island Sim  |  Free

    無料の街づくりゲーム: あなただけの夢の街をデザインしましょう! グラフィックが素晴らしい(無料プレイ)街づくりゲームをお探しですか?それなら、パラダイス・シティアイランド・シムがあなたに一番ピッタなゲームです!あなたのゴールは、エキゾチックな島にある...

  • Volley Balley  |  Free

    No matter what the season is, the happiest moments of your summer vacation are always there on your Mac. Shining sun, deep blue sea and beach sport games! Download full version of Volley Balley at no cost and play it to your heart's content. Various...

  • Birdie Golf  |  $6.99

    Welcome to Birdie Golf, the top golfing game and simulator for the iPhone, iPad, iPod and Mac. Birdie Golf is sure to keep you entertained over hundreds of holes across five distinct landscapes. Play the famous Birdie Links club for free while starti...

  • Tiny Bridge: Prologue  |  Free

    Two crazy rats dream of an unlimited amount of cheese! Help them by building spectacular towers, incredible bridges and any other constructions which will help them achieve their goal! During this mission you will encounter many challenges, and reme...

  • Dinosaur Assassin: Online Evo  |  Free

    ​あなたの恐竜アサシンの旅には、この危険な世界を旅するための多くの方法と武器が必要です ​ Multiplayer Online 20 Players - 20種類の動物のうちの1人としてプレイする ピストルクロスボウ(爆発的な矢)、複合弓、近接鉱山/ガスキャニスター、拳銃、ライフルを含...

  • Slots! Diamond Strike  |  Free

    The number 1 casino slot machine. It doesn't get more real than this! Play for Free forever!! Free Credits every day. Features amazing graphics and sounds. Plenty of new and unique bonus features, including Jewel Train, Kockouts and Pickawin. Bet...

  • Ice Driver  |  Free

    The unique Ice Lake racing experience from Spooky House Studios - creators of big hits Rail Maze and Bubble Explode. Let's race : play Ice Driver now! Online and local game modes: Ice Driver features: - Ice racing - Nitro Jet booster - Ghost rival...

  • SteamTrains  |  Free

    3歳から12歳までの子供向けアプリ 小さな子供たちは列車を列車の周りで運転し、列車の周りを見ることであらゆる角度から見ることができます。 そのすべてが3Dで作られているので、すべての角度からすべてを見ることができます。 本物のものと同じように! それらを前...

  • Bridge Constructor FREE  |  Free

    Bridge Constructor では、特別な訓練がなくても橋を建設することができます。40あるレベルの中で渓谷や運河、川に橋をかけていきます。建設した橋を車やトラックが毎日通っても強度に耐えられるかどうか、道路の状態を試験します。 木材、鋼鉄、ケーブル、コンクリー...

  • Demolition  |  Free

    Explore, admire, then destroy works of architectural beauty! Place bombs, guns, and rocket launchers - an entire arsenal at your disposal, including a nuclear bomb! More explosions than you have ever experienced before! The ultimate destruction sandb...

  • Disc Golf 3D Lite  |  Free

    Welcome to Disc Golf 3D Lite, the finest disc golf game on the Mac, iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch! Disc Golf is a fast growing sport and can be thought of as golf with a Frisbee, or Frolf. The object is simple, traverse the course in as few throws as...

  • Stardom: The A-List  |  Free

    *** シリーズを初めてプレイする方は、最新の「セレブクエスト」をダウンロードしてください *** 有名人リストへの仲間入りに挑戦!おべっか使って、イチャイチャして、嘘ついて、喧嘩して... その上頑張ってみちゃったりもして... スターへの道を駆け上がろう! 名も...

  • Basketmania  |  Free

    ★★ BASKETMANIA ★★ Enjoy basketball with this new game from NO2. With three play modes, Basketmania is the most addictive basketball game out there. ☆☆ HOW TO PLAY ☆☆ Click on the ball and drag it to adjust power and direction. The dots mark t...

  • Shopping Mall — The Dress Up Game  |  Free

    All you stylish youngsters out there, get ready to discover beauty salons, clothing stores, fashion boutiques, celebrity make up sets, a bakery and many other restaurants! Come on boys and girls, its going to be fun! PLAY Fashion Shopping Mall NOW!...

  • Jurassic Dino Kids: Evolution  |  Free

    子供や大人のためのジュラシックな楽しみ、ミニゲームのあなたのディノとプレイの負荷を見てください。 恐竜 キャラクター 最大8つの制御可能な恐竜 Blythe - Angel - Shiny - Oscar - Butter Cup - Hugo - Rex - Zac ディノになることを選択し、ジュラ紀諸島を探索...

  • RC Mini Racing  |  Free

    RC Mini Racing is a game to feel adrenaline running together with remote control cars from scale 1:28. You have full control of your car to make exciting turns and amazing overtakings! Race in more than 30 tracks and you have access car pieces like...

  • Island Racer.  |  Free

    一人でも、コンピューター対戦でも、他のプレイヤーとのオンライン対戦でも、気軽に楽しめるレーシングゲームです。Island Racerには、自分だけの新しい地形やコースを作れる特徴があり、無限な数のコースで遊ぶことができ、すべてのレースで新しい体験ができます。対戦...

  • Disassembly 3D  |  Free

    Love taking things apart? Seeing how things work? Shooting stuff with a shotgun or rocket launcher? This game lets you do so in the ultimate destruction experience! DISASSEMBLE Disassembly 3D: Ultimate Stereoscopic Destruction simulates the experie...

  • Football General Manager  |  Free

    Manage your team to a Championship! Build through the draft, or through free agent signings and trades as your team competes in a 32-team league. Set your lineup as you take control of coaching duties in addition to managerial duties. The goal of t...

  • Slot Machine Maker  |  Free

    Have fun and make money : - Creating great slot machine - Classic and poker style - Set slot machine payment values - Popular advertising provider integrated Can export to platforms: (Export is In-App Purchase feature) - (Selling) Popula...

  • Stronghold Kingdoms  |  Free

    Kick start your medieval domination in Stronghold Kingdoms, the first and only MMORTS for Mac. “One of my favorite MMORTS titles” – Massively “There’s a whole lot to keep strategy veterans happy” – Strategy Informer “A level of depth that goes bey...

  • Subway Train Simulator 2D  |  Free

    Become a subway train driver and explore the whole metro system of the city (89 unique stations on 21 lines) which contains more than 100 kilometers of underground, overground, and underwater rails. Experience what it takes to be a subway train opera...

  • Pocket City  |  $2.99

    Build your own city as mayor. Create residential, commercial, and industrial zones. Build parks and recreation spots. Respond to crime and disasters. Level up your city and unlock new buildings. Watch your city come alive! The hit city-building game...

  • Rocket Golf Lite  |  Free

    Rocket Golf Lite gives golfing a new twist with its 2D gameplay and clean 3D graphics. Challenge yourself to five unique holes. Rocket Golf provides accurate game physics while maintaining an arcade feel. Up to four players can enjoy all of Rocket Go...

  • Farm Up  |  Free

    Best farming game also available for iPhone and iPad! 1930年代のクローバーフィールドは、農業が大不振の年となった。農家には厳しい年になったが、チャレンジ精神の強い者には、大きなチャンスとなった。イーストクランベリーから来た、元気いっぱいのジェニファ...

  • Planet of Cubes Survival Craft  |  $1.99

    惑星ブロック サバイバルクラフトへようこそ - リアルタイムで大規模なオープンワールドのキュービックで数千人のプレイヤーとエキサイティングなマルチプレイヤーオンラインサンドボックスゲーム!惑星ブロックへようこそ - リアルタイムで大規模なオープンワールドの...

  • SNOK  |  Free

    World best online multiplayer snooker game! Features: Snooker, 8 ball pool and 9 ball pool all in one. NEWBIE TRAINING Training courses for newbie. Learn snooker skills and operations. 1-ON-1 RANDOM MATCH Random play with world wide snooker player...

  • Dino  |  Free

    This is a lite version of the popular Dino Madness pinball game where you are given 1 ball and 30 seconds to do your best, crack the egg and save the baby dino! Get the full version for unlimited play time and more balls!

  • Slots! Black Cherry  |  Free

    The number 1 casino slot machine. It doesn't get more real than this! Play for Free forever!! Features amazing graphics and sounds. Spin the pie for coins! Spin the wheel for free games! Bet up to 20 lines or play the amazing Black Cherry reel for...

  • Industry Transporter 3D  |  Free

    Industry Transporter is first ever parking game with original industry environment and real mega trucks. Every Industry uses the most powerful and advanced land vehicles. So if you enjoy working with highly mechanized truck games here is the one as...

  • Carrier Landings  |  Free

    最も先進的なフライトシミュレータ航空母艦着陸システムは、これまでに作成しました。 空母への着艦は、パイロットにとって最も難しい任務のひとつ。フライトデッキの長さは着艦に必要な限界ギリギリの150メートル。 壮大なシナリオで展開される世界で最も危険な30種類...

  • REDCON  |  Free

    Command your own battle fortress! Assemble the mightiest artillery force and bombard your foes into oblivion! Lead the Empire State offensive against Traitor General and his foul rebellion. ◉ Play the beginning for free ◉ Build and customize your ba...

  • Warplanes: WW1 Sky Aces  |  Free

    Be a pioneer of aerial warfare in Warplanes: WW1 Sky Aces. Fight above the battlefields of World War I and become the ultimate Sky Ace! The game will take you into the times when aviation was in its dawning of existence – the first Wright brothers ma...

  • Wet.FM - 3D Music World  |  Free

    Join the 3D music revolution. Wet.FM is a brand new platform that brings a multi-player 3D world and your favorite music together in one place. Test your rhythmic skill by matching the beats to the moves of your avatar's dance animations. Score b...

  • F18 Carrier Landing Lite  |  Free

    最も先進的なフライトシミュレータ航空母艦着陸システムは、これまでに作成しました。 空母への着艦は、パイロットにとって最も難しい任務のひとつ。フライトデッキの長さは着艦に必要な限界ギリギリの150メートル。 壮大なシナリオで展開されるな種類のミッションに挑...

  • The Sims™ 2: Super Collection  |  $29.99

    ゆりかごから墓場まで、あなたのシムに最高の人生を体験させましょう! ————————————————————— あ な た の シ ム に 人 生 を ————————————————————— 自分だけの家や、街並みや、シムを作って――それらが生き生きと暮らすのを眺めましょう!シムが人生のすばらしさ...

  • Parkour Simulator 3D: Extreme  |  Free

    パルクールシミュレーター:自由・運動・スリル!ボディーランゲージで自分を表現しろ!素晴らしいスタントを行って、ライバルと競争して、ストリートパルクールバトルに参加して、スキルを発展しろ。 ストーリーモード:ストリートライフの一部になれ 自分の意思決定...

  • Basketball General Manager  |  Free

    Manage your team to a Championship! Build through the draft, or through free agent signings and trades as your team competes in a 30-team league. Set your rotation as you take control of coaching duties in addition to managerial duties. The goal of...

  • Ace Coin BullDozer  |  Free

    The world famous carnival & arcade game 'Coin Bulldozer' has finally come to the Mac App Store! It's never been better! What people are saying: "I'm in love with this game!!!!" --Chrisjb232011 "I can't seem to stop, every time I get the chance I ta...

  • World of Guns  |  Free

    ターミネーターのMinigun の内側がどうなっているのかご存知ですか?World of Guns をぜひお試しください:世界で最もリアルな武器の3Dシミュレーター (戦車やDeLorean タイムマシーンなどの物を含む)。昔のピストル、ライフル、マシンガン、大砲について知りましょう。...

  • Swim for Gold  |  Free

    Become the swimming champion in this challenging game!  Easy to play, hard to master. ≈ Features ≈ • choose your favorite country • choose from 3 event types • upgrade your athlete after winning challenges • 10 challenge locations • smooth graphics...

  • High Speed Trains 3D: Driving  |  Free

    素晴らしい「High Speed Trains」アプリで世界中の有名な国々を列車で通りましょう! 列車を運転して、賑やかな都市と静かな地方を通ります。列車運転手になってみましょう。 旅客列車の運転の規則: ▪ 駅に着いてドアを開く ▪ 乗客が電車に乗り込むのを待つ ▪ ドアを...

  • World of Cubes Survival Craft  |  Free

    マルチプレイヤーモードで世界中の友達や何千人ものランダムプレイヤーとオンラインの世界を作りましょう! 無限にランダムに生成された単一のオフラインマップでサバイバルゲームをプレイしてください! ランダムなサーバーや他の人が作った世界を探検してください!...

  • Hobby-Farm  |  Free


  • City Island 4 Simulation Town  |  Free

    最も人気のある街づくりモバイルゲームのシリーズをプレイしましょう!このCity Islandシミュレーションゲーム最新作は、史上最高の面白さ!あなたはタイクーンとなって、1つの島にある小さな村を複数の島にまたがる巨大都市に成長させます。新しい島を発見して、あなた...

  • Elifoot 18 PRO  |  Free

    Elifoot is a classic style Football Manager game. It is an application of great simplicity but with huge entertainment capabilities. Each player plays the role of manager and coach of a club, buys and sells players, manages the finances and selects...

  • Car Parking - Test Drive and Parking Simulator  |  Free

    Car Parking is the iPhone Appstore's most addictive driving and parking game that puts your spatial awareness and dexterity to the ultimate test. Car Parking opens a new era of parking simulation games, with super-stunning graphics and challenging f...

  • Bridge Constructor  |  $7.99

    さあ手に入れよう:Trains! 「Trains」ダウンロードコンテンツを購入して、3つの島が舞台の新しい18ステージからなる「イギマス」群島をゲットしよう。通勤電車と重量貨物列車の新しい乗り物2種類が運ぶ重みに耐えられるビッグな橋を建設しましょう。のどかで美しくデザ...

  • Sniper Ops 3D  |  Free

    Load, aim and fire! Become the deadliest Sniper in Sniper Ops 3D! Upgrade your weapons and hunt down the enemies in over 200 levels! Sniper Ops 3D is the best of the sniper games available! It’s fun and free app that puts you in charge of fighting t...

  • Virtual Villagers - The Secret City  |  $6.99

    Embark on a journey with a group of villagers in search of a new part of the island to populate. Land on the hidden shores of the northern side of Isola and explore what was once a secret city. Find new sources of food to nourish your villagers and h...

  • GL Golf  |  $14.99

    GL Golf is a 3D sports game for the casual gamer. With a realistic physics system and great simple graphics, you and up to four players can golf all 720 holes for countless hours. Everything in a real game of golf is included, such as water hazards,...

  • Mini Metro  |  $9.99

    Voted the Mac App Store "Game of the Year" for 2016! In Mini Metro, you take on the task of designing the subway layout for a rapidly expanding city. Your city starts with three stations. Draw routes between these stations to connect them with subwa...

  • Demolition Company  |  $9.99

    The successful demolition simulator is now also available for your Mac! “Demolition Company“ puts you in the lead of an up-and-coming demolition contractor. A variety of missions takes you to construction sites in different parts of the city. Get be...

  • Jane's Hotel Mania Free  |  Free

    Our business lady Jane comes back again! In this challenging sequel to such well-known hits as Jane's Hotel and Jane's Hotel: Family Hero you are to help Jane's niece Jenny polish her hotel management skills. Travel all over the world together with J...

  • F18 Carrier Landing  |  $3.99

    最も先進的なフライトシミュレータ航空母艦着陸システムは、これまでに作成しました。 空母への着艦は、パイロットにとって最も難しい任務のひとつ。フライトデッキの長さは着艦に必要な限界ギリギリの150メートル。 壮大なシナリオで展開されるな種類のミッションに挑...

  • Gunship III - Combat Flight Simulator - V.P.A.F - FREE  |  Free

    This game is an expansion pack of the Gunship-III Vietnam War series. Features flyable MIG-17PFand MIG-19 (J-6). Players could play against others USAF players online. For more info about the Gunship-III Vietnam War Aircombat series, visit devel...

  • PeaceMaker: Israeli Palestinian Conflict  |  Free

    PeaceMaker challenges you to succeed as a leader where others have failed. Experience the joy of bringing peace to the Middle East or the agony of plunging the region into disaster. PeaceMaker will test your skills, assumptions and prior knowledge. P...

  • Jane's Hotel Free  |  Free

    Help Jane make her dream come true and build a beautiful 5 star hotel in Jane`s Hotel! You begin with a small 2 star hotel at the outskirts of town and work your way to the top by upgrading accommodations and achieving an excellent reputation. Keep a...

  • Hotel Island: Paradise Story!  |  Free

    The most fantastic Hotel awaits you: Design, decorate and run your own dream island resort! Discover hot new room styles! Accomodate guests from all over the world! Come on, lets discover Hotel Island together. Download now, it’s FREE! * PLAY OFFL...

  • BlockheadsServer  |  Free

    Please note - this is not the full playable game of The Blockheads, but a server app to allow people on mobile devices to play together. With this server app, up to 32 players can play The Blockheads together in persistent online worlds. Simply crea...

  • Scania Truck Driving Simulator  |  $11.99

    Get behind the wheel of one of the most iconic trucks on the road with this highly detailed Scania R-series simulation. Simulation reality is pushed to the extreme, in this unique mix of video game and simulation, designed to have mass appeal to anyo...

  • 4x4 Safari: Online Evolution  |  Free

    ​アクションを生かしたアフリカンサファリの冒険。 4x4ジープ、バイク、馬、徒歩で探索、25以上の野生動物の発見と狩猟: Multiplayer Online 20人のプレイヤー - サファリの動物の一人として遊ぼう ​ ゾウ、ライオン、キリン、サイ、ライオネス、リードバック、フラミ...

  • Dinosaur Safari: Online Evo  |  Free

    Dinosaur Safari:Online Evoには高品質のグラフィックとゲームプレイがあります シングルプレイヤー&オンラインマルチプレイヤー マルチプレイヤー 恐竜としてプレイ - 最大20種類の恐竜から選択できます。 最大20人のプレイヤーまたは友達と遊べます ジュラ紀の恐...

  • Bridge Constructor Playground FREE  |  Free

    Bridge Constructor Playground は、あらゆる年齢層のプレーヤーが「橋を建設」して遊べるゲームです。このゲームは、あなたの創造性を思いっきり炸裂させて楽しめます。もはや不可能はありません。30のレベルで、渓谷、運河、川などをつくり出します。建設したら、強度...

  • Youda Sushi Chef - Lite  |  Free

    Challenge yourself rolling the best sushi in town! The Lite version contains 1 restaurant! * Enjoy the full version by purchasing it in the Mac App Store! * *

  • Farmily  |  Free

    Welcome to Farmily, a traditional yet innovative farm game with a built-in player community. Farmily is a traditional farm game. In this game, you can plant crops and trees, harvest vegetables and fruits, cook food in kitchens, raise animals, milk c...

  • Pantomime Bug Farm  |  Free

    Pantomime magically immerses your Mac in networked virtual worlds with your iPads, iPhones and other Macs – all in interactive 3D. Welcome to virtual worlds for the rest of us! Upon launching Bug Farm, Fire Ants, Spiders, Scorpions and Mantises are...

  • Ice Age Hunter: Online Evo  |  Free

    ​凍って怖い、あなたは要素と戦い、これらの危険な肉食動物を狩る必要があります: ​ Multiplayer Online 20人のプレイヤー - Ice Age動物の1人としてプレイする セイバートゥースタイガー、マンモス、ダイアーウルフは、ショートはくま、ふんわりライノ、メガロセロ...

  • Euro Truck Simulator  |  $8.99

    Euro Truck Simulator is a European first - a truck simulation game in a European setting, with European long haulage trucks! Drive cargos from Rome to Berlin to Madrid to Prague - and many more cities - in realistic vehicles. Euro Truck Simulator is...

  • WorldCraft : survival cubes  |  Free

    支持日本語 オンラインサーバーをサポートする フリーピクセルサンドボックスゲーム In this sandbox game, you need to learn how to mine and craft new things, live in the dark night and fight with zombies and monsters. You can also build amazing build...

  • SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition  |  $19.99

    SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Editionは、街を建設するだけではありません。まさにあなたが街に命を吹き込むのです!SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Editionには、ベストセラーであるSimCity™ 4とSimCity™ 4 Rush Hour Expansion Packが含まれています。 ———————————————————————————— 力 は...

  • Constructor Plus  |  $19.99

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  • Jean's Boutique 2 Free  |  Free

    Recommended for fans of Time Management Games. Basic Concepts: - Serving customers fast keeps them happy. - Waiting customers can get upset, angry and will eventually leave the store. - Each day the store will remain open for a limited time. Featur...


