Finance アプリ PCおよびMac用


Finance アプリ | March, 2025

  • Money Manager: Budget Tracker    4.5    406  |  Free

    "優れた" - Mac|Life. 素晴らしい新 Money で、やりくりを軌道修正しましょう! 強力な機能を搭載した華麗な総合パッケージ Money を使えば、毎日の面倒なやりくりから解放されます! 口座の監督管理、予算のプラン、有益なレポートを簡単に作成、取引のスケジュール化...

  • Money (with sync)    3.5    348  |  Free

    Moneyを使って、パーソナル・ファイナンスを総合的に管理しましょう。口座の追跡、支払いの整理、支出入の計画等を行ってパーソナル・ファイナンスを徹底管理することができます。 Appleがお届けする多彩な機能 世界中の100万人以上がMoneyを使ってパーソナル・ファ...

  • Banktivity 7    3.5    207  |  Free

    Goodbye financial stress, hello Banktivity! Banktivity lets you see all of your accounts in one place so you can make smarter financial decisions. Ditch your old worn out finance software. Banktivity is the best – you deserve it, your finances dese...

  • Bills    3.5    100  |  Free

    Plan and track your expenses every month. With all your devices synced, you'll never miss a bill again. Clear, simple and quick (a MUST HAVE) financial planning! Buy now ►►  You always need a simple tool to control the amount you want to spend this...

  • CashBook    2.0    20  |  Free

    Manage your income and expenses in a simple manner. The interactive graphics of Cash Manager 2.0 give you a continuous overview of your finances.

  • Templates for Microsoft Excel    2.5    18  |  $19.99

    ***** 40% OFF, Hurry now !!! Excel Templates for Microsoft Excel is the easiest way to create high quality spreadsheets with Excel. It gives you all the tools you need to create great-looking spreadsheets.You get a wide variety of templates to choose...

  • Wallet    3.5    16  |  Free

    The wallet is a simple and powerful full featured Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin (BTC) wallet that allows you to send and receive either currency with anyone anywhere in the world. It supports both single and multisignature wallets as wel...

  • StockTab - Monitor Stocks & Shares    3.0    14  |  $4.99

    StockTab is the slickest and simplest way to keep an eye on the markets, right from your Mac’s menubar. We’ve beautifully crafted this app to ensure you are at the forefront of the financial markets, be it following individual stock prices or checkin...

  • Tracken: Budget Planner    4.7    10  |  Free

    Simple. Easy to use. Ready to slice and dice your budget. * All of your finances at a glance; * Import bank statements from all popular formats (.ofc, .ofx, .qfx, .csv); * Recurring scheduled transactions as easy as managing your calendar appoin...

  • ePayCharge    3.5    7  |  Free

    USAePay’s ePay Charge Retail Software turns your computer (desktop or laptop) into a credit card and e-check processing solution. Straightforward installation and an easy-to-navigate interface make it easy to get started using ePay Charge right in mi...

  • Monarch Wallet    3.5    7  |  Free

    The complete crypto solution. The Monarch Wallet is a Cryptocurrency solution that allows you to: - Send/Receive Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum & ERC20 Tokens - Keep up-to-date on blockchain and cryptocurrency News Rule your own financial kingdom!

  • tokenary crypto wallet    5.0    3  |  Free

    Tokenary is an open source crypto wallet with Safari extension. Connect a wallet on any website in Safari by clicking a MetaMask or Phantom button. Supports Ethereum, Solana, NEAR, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Avalanche and mor...

  • EasyBooks Accounting  |  Free

    Take some time to try EasyBooks first and see if you like it. Start with our get-started tutorial and create up to 60 transactions before you decide to subscribe to our app. Keep track of your bank accounts, customers, suppliers, sales and purchase...

  • 同花顺-股票炒股软件  |  Free

    【炒股就用同花顺】 同花顺——国内炒股软件领跑者!公司成立于1994年,并在2009年于深圳证券交易所挂牌交易。从成立至今,已累计服务用户超过3亿! 同花顺本着让投资变的更简单的目标,专为苹果用户定制了适合Mac平台的炒股软件。我们为用户提供沪深、港、美、英、基金、...

  • 万得股票(用万得炒股,与机构同行)  |  Free

    万得股票——Wind资讯首次推出Mac版个人炒股软件,汇聚顶级投资者的金融终端。 独家提供机构专用综合屏、F9深度资料、轻巧、精美、专业! 覆盖全球金融市场,包含股票、基金、期货、全球指数等超多品种;依托海量金融信息库,为投资者提供7x24小时股市资讯。 Wind资讯个...

  • 币信  |  Free

    币信是一款可以在iPhone和其他智能手机使用的即时通讯软件和社交平台,完全免费。币信通过您的网络连接(在 4G/3G/2G/EDGE 或 Wi-Fi 无线网络可用情况下)来供您与朋友或家人收发信息。赶快尝试币信,与您的家人好友一起体验全新畅快的收发信息、多媒体图片等功能,体验...

  • Visual Budget Easy  |  Free

    Visual Budgetでは、高度な集計・統合機能を利用して個人口座とビジネス口座を簡単に管理できます。 Visual Budgetを使うと、複数の口座をグループ化して同時に管理できます。 収入・支出カテゴリーは、多くの方のニーズに合うよう、標準的な収支モデルに基づいて自...

  • GetRate - Currency Exchange Rates  |  Free

    GetRateは、為替レートの予測と分析を搭載した革新的な為替計算機です。当アプリは、130以上の通貨や複数のデータソースをサポートしています。 GetRateは、アナリストや旅行者のための計算機です! 内蔵の分析を使用すると、通貨の詳細や互いや一次資源に対するその相...

  • StockSpy Realtime Stocks Quote  |  Free

    NEW VERSION - Now with cloud sync between iPhone, iPad, Mac & More! NOTE: Cloud sync with StockSpy apps on other platforms and stores (including iOS) requires a separate purchase for each platform. - More new features... - StockSpy keeps getting mo...

  • MoneyVault Lite  |  Free

    MoneyVault is cutting-edge software to manage your personal finances. It was designed to quickly and easily track your revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities. MoneyVault Lite has the following functionalities: - Track your Revenue & Expenses -...

  • Easy Invoice (PDF generator)  |  Free

    Download the app and enjoy a 14-day free trial. Then you have 60 transactions, so you can try us out before purchasing a subscription. If you don’t want to purchase a subscription after the 14-days or 60 transactions, you won’t be charged anything....

  • Coinage  |  Free

    Conquer the “Coin Age” Track your favorite crypto-currency in real-time across the most popular exchanges. Developed by digital currency enthusiasts, Coinage extends the Mac OSX status menu into a live ticker detailing current Bitcoin and Litecoin ra...

  • Multi Trend Pro IEX t&b  |  Free

    The power of original Multi Trend Pro bestseller is doubled by pro data feeds directly from AMEX,BATS,NASDAQ,NMFQS,NYSE,NYSE ARCA,NYSE MKT,OTCBB,OTCMKTS,PINK,SHE,SHG,Cryptocurrencies. MultiTrendPro IEX t&b. gives you the real, underlying trends of al...

  • Webull: Advanced Trading  |  Free

    Zero Commission - Zero commission and zero minimum deposit. Free Real-time Quotes - Free Level 2 market data (NASDAQ TotalView), in-depth charts, and analyst ratings. Multi-platform Accessibility - Free, in-depth data and analytics in one custom...

  • All Things Money Lite  |  Free

    All Things Money (ATM) was created with the mindset that good finance software doesn’t need to be expensive, to contain advertisements, or to log into your bank account. It should be comprehensive and provide interconnected services. It should also b...

  • Debit & Credit  |  Free

    If you are looking for a personal finance app that is convenient, easy to use and at the same time has enough features, then Debit & Credit is the right app for you. • All accounts in one app Keeping financial records was always a bit of a hassle....

  • NewsBar RSS reader  |  $4.99

    Enhance your Desktop with NewsBar - the top selling Mac newsreader since 2011! News Reading crafted to perfection! NewsBar is built with a fresh concept: news feeds delivered with a smooth animation, right to your desktop with automatic iCloud sync...

  • Wind金融终端(机构专用)  |  Free

    【本终端须拥有万得机构专用的终端账号方可使用】 ►如您为“金融专业人员”,但尚无万得机构专用终端账号,请联系贵公司的万得客户经理或致电400-820-9463,咨询账号购买事宜 ►如您为“个人投资者”,请搜索下载《万得股票》Mac终端,同样体验“专家级”Mac炒股软件 Wind资讯...

  • Job Relocation Cost of Living  |  $1.99

    Job Relocation is the cost of a living app that lets you compare 2 different states and cities within the USA. The numbers focused here will help you make the decision if new job offers make sense financially for your situation. Take your job offer...

  • ContractorTools  |  Free

    ContractorTools helps construction contractors quickly create estimates, invoices, and payments and sync them with QuickBooks Online. You can also sync between multiple people within your company using the iPhone, iPad, or Mac versions of the app. W...

  • [店頭FX]岡三アクティブFX  |  Free

    「岡三アクティブFX Mac版」は、Mac OS専用のFXトレーディングアプリです。 ※お取引には、岡三アクティブFX取引口座の開設、取引口座へのログインが必要です。 FX初心者の方からアクティブトレーダーまで投資スタイルに合わせて自由な画面レイアウトが可能です。 ワン...

  • Stockfolio - Stocks Portfolio  |  $24.99

    FEATURED BY APPLE AS A NEW APP THEY LOVE: ** CURRENTLY $24,99 INSTEAD OF $49,99 ** Stockfolio is an investment app for macOS that will help improve your investment returns by allowing you to research and track interesting stocks and cryptocurrencies...

  • CheckBook  |  $14.99

    "Where does all my money go?" A paper check register can't categorize your transactions or report cash flow over time, and it'll never balance itself. Other finance apps are like medieval torture devices, so full of features you don't need that they'...

  • MoneyWiz 3 : Personal Finance  |  Free

    Manage everything about your money from a single app. Sync with banks or manage accounts manually. Available for all major platforms and syncs between all of your devices automatically. FEATURES HIGHLIGHT: • worldwide online banking support with au...

  • BudgetTail Light  |  Free

    Simple. Easy to use. Ready to slice and dice your budget. BudgetTail Light is your best personal finance budget tracker: * All of your finances at a glance; * Import bank statements from all popular formats (.ofc, .ofx, .qfx); * Recurring schedu...

  • Nifty Invoices  |  Free

    Nifty Invoices creates professional looking invoices, quickly and easily. WHO'S IT FOR? Software developers, graphic designers, web developers, translators, photographers and all types of freelancers will appreciate the beautiful, detailed and fun...

  • CoinView Lite  |  Free

    「コイン相場」はついにMacOS版登場!iPhoneでリリース3週目で8万ダウンロード突破 Coincheck、BitFlyer、Zaif、Bitbankなど、各取引所のTicker情報が一覧できます。 日頃から仮想通貨の取引をしている人も、これから購入を考えている人にもオススメのアプリ!副業ト...

  • Crypto Tools  |  Free

    Crypto Tools is a handy menu bar app to convert between fiat currencies and cryptos. Also features real-time price and news feeds. Get the latest exchange data live in your menu bar. Features • Live conversion between hundreds of crypto and fiat...

  • CryptoBar: Bitcoin and Altcoin  |  Free

    CryptoBar lets you easily display and monitor the prices of your favorite cryptocurrencies directly from your Mac menu bar. Main Features: - Support for 320 major Cryptocurrency coins (and over 2200+ pairs) including but not limited to: Avalanche (A...

  • Cheque Print Lite  |  Free

    Cheque Print is easy to use, which allow to print cheque with any printer with unlimited print logs ● Best Selling Records in US, Canada, France, India, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, AUS and many Other Mac Store ● Main Features: - Setup unlimited te...

  • 大智慧  |  Free

    大智慧Mac版是集行情、资讯及分析功能为一体的炒股软件,我们在开发过程中吸取众多优秀元素,舍弃一些不常用功能,使整个程序更为轻便、快捷、实用,是为广大Mac用户量身打造的诚意之作; 主要特色: 【使用简单】用户界面清晰明了、迅速理解、易于使用; 【实时行情】...

  • 牛菲特-智能股票理财炒股投资顾问  |  Free

    炒股就用牛菲特,机构专用Mac大屏行情展板,炫耀上市。 牛菲特机器人 ,能挣钱的炒股神器! 独门绝技,大盘预警,带您开启风险管控之旅,经过2年的回测,大盘预警准确率达到92.5%,明日走势准确率达到84.3%。

  • 东方财富经典版-股票开户证券炒股理财  |  Free

    东方财富网Mac版采用全新的卡片式界面布局,只为有品味的您而生!简约,而不简单!提供沪、深、港、美、英、全球指数等各个品种极速行情和海量资讯。依托国内首家互联网券商-东方财富证券,为您提供行情交易多元化便捷的交易体验。 我们的特色: 1. 全球首发A股板块热...

  • 广发操盘手  |  Free

    广发证券MAC版,是广发证券为广大股民打造的一款集股票开户、股票交易、股市行情、基金理财为一体的股票/证券/炒股/理财/投资/财经/金融软件,是深受广大股民欢迎的股票、炒股、理财平台。 【特色亮点】 1、开户有礼 开户即送手机Level-2,7*24小时,3分钟快速...

  • 富途牛牛:全球投资平台  |  Free

    最新动态: 【上市公司】纳斯达克上市公司「富途控股」(股票代码:FUTU)旗下一站式数字化金融服务平台 【实力雄厚】富途获腾讯控股、经纬创投、红杉资本、泛大西洋资本集团战略投资 【荣获奖项】连续3年荣获「毕马威金融科技50强」 荣获第七届中国...

  • MoneyStudio  |  Free

    MoneyStudio is a home finance management application. It allows one to control their home budget and increase savings efficiency. We hope that the modern interface and ease of use will provide even more motivation to store and control your expenses....

  • Budget Badger: Expense Tracker  |  Free

    Budget Badger - Budgeting as Easy as ABC • Add the money you have now • Budget it into envelopes • Cover the unexpected Budget Badger is an envelope style personal budget planner and expense tracker that helps you stick to a budget and r...

  • Cashculator+: Personal Finance  |  Free

    Cashculator - あなたのキャッシュフローをMacらしく追跡する! あなたは将来の経済状況が不安ですか? Cashculatorがお手伝いしましょう! より賢い経済的決定をするため、また将来の計画をして経済的ゴールに達するために、あなたのキャッシュフローを追跡します。...

  • Capital・Cryptocurrency Tracker  |  Free

    Capital — Bitcoin, ICO & Cryptocurrency portfolio tracker for your Mac. Keep track of all your investments in crypto coins effortlessly. Capital lets you track all your investments in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin or in any of the 2.000+ altcoins on a...

  • FloatCoin - Bitcoin rates  |  Free

    Stay updated with updated crypto rates from multiple exchanges on an always visible window. View rates from Binance, Bitfinex, CEX, Coinbase, Kraken Features - Adopts to dark and light mode in Mojave - Transparency - Font size adjustment - Always fl...

  • Balanced Checkbook  |  Free

    This is a simple ledger for balancing any number of checking accounts. Its purpose is to keep an up-to-date record of all transactions, whether they be deposits, withdrawals, or checks that haven't cleared yet. Note: this app does not reconcile with...

  • Coin Watch - Bitcoin&AltCoins  |  $6.99

    Coin watch v2 is an all-in-one tool for crypto currencies and bitcoin. -Create own watch-list from 2000 crypto currencies, watch them with real-time data from 7 different exchanges. Data is updated every 5 seconds directly from the exchanges on real...

  • Zoho Inventory — Inventory App  |  Free

    Zoho Inventory is online inventory management software which simplifies and automates your order fulfilment and inventory management processes. You can create and manage orders, track your inventory and integrate it with other third-party application...

  • Zoho Invoice — Invoicing App  |  Free

    Zoho Invoiceは、主に中小企業やスタートアップ、個人事業主向けの請求管理サービスです。見積書や請求書を作成、管理するための便利な機能がたくさん用意されています。今回、Zoho Invoiceの料金プランが変更されました。今後、Zoho Invoiceの機能をすべて無料で利用で...

  • Moneydance 2024  |  $69.99

    Moneydance is a complete personal financial management application that protects your privacy while not skimping on features. It supports online banking and bill payment, investment management, budget tracking, scheduled transactions, check printing,...

  • Coin Tick - Menu Bar Crypto  |  Free

    The best crypto ticker for the Mac! View prices of your selected crypto coins directly from your Mac menu bar. * Supports displaying multiple coins at once in the menu bar, fully customizable! * Data is pulled from, with over 2,00...

  • CoinTicker  |  $0.99

    CoinTicker is a Mac status bar app that provides the latest prices for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Polygon, Dogecoin and many other altcoins/cryptocurrencies. Set it to pull prices and all currency pairs from your favorite coin exchange and get updat...

  • HomeBudget Lite (w/ Sync)  |  Free

    Lite version of HomeBudget with Sync. Limited to 20 expense and 10 income entries. Now available in mobile (iPhone/iPad) and desktop versions (Mac OS), including instant data sync between mobile/desktop versions. HomeBudget is an integrated expens...

  • GreenBooks - Money Manager  |  Free

    Are you tired of personal finance apps that are overloaded with features you don't need? GreenBooks isn't like that. It is powerful enough to do all the money management tasks you need, but with none of the complexity you don't. 
• Simple without t...

  • Everyday Calculator  |  $0.99

    ** Worked on this app during my spare time. Leave review to let me know how I am doing! ** Everyday Calculator, as the name suggests, will satisfy all your daily calculator needs. However, it can do so much more! This is a custom calculator, design...

  • StarMoney - Financemanagement  |  Free

    BANKING • Beliebig viele Banken und Sparkassen: Sie haben alle Ihre Finanzen im Blick - für Ihren Finanzstatus über alle Konten und Institute hinweg • Beliebig viele Konten: Giro- und Tagesgeldkonten, Depots, Bausparverträge, Kreditkarten, Sparbüche...

  • Moneyspire 2020  |  Free

    Keep track of your bank accounts, credit cards, loans, cash or investment accounts. Categorize your spending and income with customizable categories. Keep track of your bills so you never forget to make a payment again and avoid late fees. Set a budg...

  • moomoo - Trade Stock & Option  |  Free

    Trade like a pro with moomoo. Invest in US stocks, options, ETFs, and other opportunities with full extended trading hours and $0 commission fees for US residents! Access global investments with real-time data and a suite of powerful free analytical...

  • Tramo - Transaction Monitor  |  Free

    Tramo is a menu bar app to monitor transactions in your Braintree accounts, so you can be informed about money flow. Get transaction details in Notification Center. Tramo is free if you monitor 1 account. Tramo Premium is an optional subscription to...

  • Bank Bill Pricing Calculator  |  Free

    Calculate the Settlement Value of a 360 or 365 day basis Discount Security

  • MoneyCoach Legacy  |  Free

    MoneyCoachは、何百万もの人々が簡単かつインテリジェントな方法ですべてのアカウントと財務を集約するのを助けています。 MoneyCoachはあなたの財政行動を変えるので、あなたはより多くのお金を節約することができます。これでこれらすべてがあなたのMacで利用可能にな...

  • SayMoney - Your finances  |  Free

    提供! Mac用のSayMoneyを購入して、SayMoney Mobileを無料で入手してください!アプリでプロモーションコードをリクエストできます。 (メニュー->その他) SayMoneyは4年間存在しています。この期間中、このアプリはMacOSとiOSユーザーの間で非常に人気が高くなりま...

  • e海通财  |  Free

    1、支持股票、港股通、股份转让(新三板)、银证转账等业务功能。 2、支持场内基金、分级基金、ETF申赎、场外开放基金等业务功能。 3、支持一键新股申购、OTC、国债逆回购、债券报价回购、现金赢家等业务功能。 4、支持融资融券、约定购回、股票质押、快融宝等业务功能...

  • Track My Mileage_  |  Free


  • Crypto Tracker  |  $4.99

    Cryptocurrency online tracking. Biggest list of cryptocurrencies of all apps. Track online and make bids first. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and many others. Create your own portfolio to track changes in your investments.

  • Coinverter  |  Free

    Coinverter is a powerful yet simple currency rates converter that lets you calculate currency exchange rates easily. Coinverter provides you always up-to-date currency rates, but you don't necessarily need an Internet connection for it to work. Coin...

  • sInvoices  |  Free

    Create simple beautiful invoices. Download invoice as PDF. You can manage also pro forma invoices, orders, calculations. You can simply manage you clients and product. You can manage invoices for more then one own company. When more then one company...

  • BeanCounter  |  Free

    ••• Featured by Apple in Money Management - Business Accounting collection ••• BeanCounter is a powerful yet easy to use professional bookkeeping, time tracking, and invoicing application. It features double-entry accounting, multiple currency suppo...

  • Quick Quotes  |  Free

    Get Stock and Mutual Fund Quotes from the Internet and Track Offline. Create and Save Multiple Stock Lists with optional quantity and extended amounts. Print Stock Lists. Compare amount changes since last save. Automatically retrieve quotes using pre...

  • Checkbook Tao  |  Free

    Simple Checkbook Register. Made for those who just want to keep track of their spending. Features: * Create Multiple Registers. * Track Deposit or Credit Account Balances. * Add a Credit Line to view Available Credit. * Copy and Paste or Drag selec...

  • Accounting App — Zoho Books  |  Free

    Zoho Booksは、便利で使いやすいクラウド型会計アプリです。取引をまとめて記録し、収入と支出を管理できます。レポート機能もあるため、最新情報をすぐに把握できます。すべてのプランで税計算にも対応しています。  Zoho Booksは、Mac、iPad、iPhone、Apple Watchで...

  • Savings 2: Personal Finance  |  $29.99

    NOTE: This is not the latest version of Savings. Please search "Savings 3" to download the latest version instead. Are you tired of personal finance apps like Quicken that is overloaded with features you don't need? Savings 2 isn't like that. It is...

  • Checkbook HD: Personal Finance  |  Free

    Checkbook HDを利用すると、パーソナル・ファイナンスを迅速かつシンプルに管理することができます。高級感溢れるMac向けのデザイン が印象的で、同期が容易で、1つのアプリにiPad/iPhoneの両バージョンが融合しています。さあ、今すぐ始めましょう►► Checkbook HDで...

  • Invoice Generator by Moon  |  Free

    なぜ月インボイスを使うべきですか? Moon Invoiceの主な利点は、外出先でも請求書を簡単に作成して支払いを迅速に行うことができることです。さらに、Moon Invoiceは、簡単で使いやすいプロフェッショナルでシンプルなユーザーインターフェイス設計により、請求書、見...

  • Abacus Accounts Lite  |  Free

    This is a free, trial version of Abacus Accounts that is limited to entering 30 transactions, after which you can transfer your entered data to the full, paid version, if you wish. That way you can try the app., to see if it meets your requirements,...

  • Stock Market Tracker & Alerter  |  Free

    株式の範囲を追跡する最も簡単な方法です。このアプリを使用すると、あなたは必要なすべての鍵データを持つことになります。 便利なツール - 株式のリストを作成します。 - 最小値と最大値を設定します。 - 株式価値の変化を監視します。 経済状況を追跡 - バックグラ...

  • ezCheckPersonal  |  Free

    With a user-friendly interface, ezCheckPersonal is for any individual wanting to design and print professional-looking pocket-sized personal checks themselves. No prior graphic design experience or computer expertise is needed. Users can print on any...

  • Finances 2  |  Free

    Finances provides everything you need for your personal and business accounting. Record your transaction using a new kind double-entry bookkeeping system. This simple system doesn't use credit and debit, and makes bookkeeping easier than ever. FEATU...

  • Stock Control 2: inventory  |  Free

    List your items, sort them into categories and associate them with places of storage. Easily manage your inventory level and value. Conceptualize and hierarchize your categories and places of storage. Thanks to the built-in search tools, you can r...

  • Profusion  |  Free

    Profusion easily organizes all of your online financial accounts into one convenient place, giving you the freedom to manage all of your financial information from multiple accounts quickly and easily. Profusion lets you track the pulse of your finan...

  • Crypto: Bitcoin Ticker Live  |  $9.99

    50% OFF! This app displays and monitors latest prices of thousands most valuable cryptocurrencies. App features: - real-time price monitoring (!) - list of favorites cryptocurrencies - World news about Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc - detailed graphs over 24...

  • MoneyControl - Income and Expense tracker  |  Free

    MoneyControl – the highly successful budget-book app for iPhone and iPad is now available for the Mac! ► SIMPLE BUT POWERFUL A budget-book app needs to be simple and intuitive, otherwise you’ll quickly stop using it and lose track of your finances....

  • Market Junkie  |  Free

    Market Junkie - Your stock portfolio always up to date With Market Junkie you can easily manage you stock portfolio and keep an eye on the market. Intuitive management, integrated stock search and interactive charts (intraday and longtime) make your...

  • Bookkeeping  |  Free

    Bookkeeping is an income and expense recording App, designed for personal or small business use. - Recording date, payment method, category and detail of income or expense. - You can define your own income or expense category. - You can define y...

  • Bitcoin Monitor X  |  Free

    Bitcoin Monitor X Live price updates for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and more on your status bar. Includes over 70+ different symbols from all major exchanges, and support for over 25+ currencies. *** Bitcoin Monitor X celebrates its 6th year in th...

  • Hipo - Track expenses and focus on budget balance  |  Free

    Hipo is a simple and efficient app that help to track your expenses and income, focusing on expenditure budget. Fast tracking. Efficient financial management. Simple action, control spending. Hipo also support iOS and Web,free sync data across all p...

  • Unpaid Bills Lite  |  Free

    Never pay your bills late again. This app sits in you dock and reminds you about all those annoying bills that are due in the very near future. Enter all your upcoming bills and they will rotate from one to the next at 1, 5, 15 or 30 minute interva...

  • Cryptocurrency Ticker  |  Free

    Show your favorite crypto currencies directly in the Mac statusbar. You decide what to display and how to display it. There are more than 100 different ways of showing the ticker in the status bar including ways to fit even more currencies in the sta...

  • Marketron  |  Free

    Marketron is a menubar utility that will provide pricing summary and details for all coins on Poloniex, Bittrex, and Binance exchanges. In summary mode, Marketron will display the count of all coins up, down, and sideways in the last 24 hours. This...

  • Car Manager 2: Cost Tracking  |  Free

    Designed for anybody owning one or more vehicles (cars, motorcycles, etc.), the Car Manager application allows you to store everything related to them: administrative information, insurance, fuel or maintenance expenses, mileage of the next maintenan...

  • Smart Investments  |  Free

    お金はあなたのために働かなければなりません。投資はあなたの収入を増やすために安全で収益性の高い方法です。 さまざまな投資方法や増加についてもっと詳しく知ることができます。 『FinEco』とは、金融分野の専門家や収入を増やしたいと思う人にも簡単に仕事できま...

  • MARKETSPEED  |  Free

    MARKETSPEED for Mac -すべてのMacユーザーに、最高の投資体験を- 国内初、唯一のMac用国内株式アプリMARKETSPEED for Mac。 国内株式の投資情報の提供から発注までを兼ね備えた、総合的な株式トレーディングのアプリケーション。 現物株式、信用取引の発注機能をはじ...

  • Mortgage Analyzer  |  Free

    Recognized by as one of the Best Consumer Tablet Applications worldwide for Personal Finance for Personal Finance. And, a finalist for the 2013 Tabby Award. The Mortgage Analyzer Mac adds the following features: - monthly/semi-monthly/...

  • Crypticker - Crypto Ticker  |  $0.99

    Crypticker is the easiest to use bitcoin and cryptocurrency menu bar ticker in the App Store. Crypticker monitors all your cryptocurrencies while staying conveniently out of the way. Exchanges: GDAX, Bitfinex, Kraken, OKCoin, Gemini, CEX.IO, Poloni...

  • Tokeo - Cryptocurrency News  |  Free

    Tokeo helps you find the news that matters: price analysis, new blockchain projects and ICOs, regulatory movements, or [insert reason for crash here]. Keep up with cryptocurrency market news without the hyperbole. Features: • Beautiful Charts and D...

  • Crypto Terminal  |  $8.99

    Crypto Terminal is one piece of software allows you to follow supported cryptocurrency exchange markets in one place. Any pair that is listed on these exchanges can be followed on real-time with these information provided to you: - Real-Time Order B...

  • Skraps Crypto Tracker  |  Free

    You’re looking at the #1 free cryptocurrency tracking app for top performing crypto coins like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Lynx (LYNX), Ripple (XRP), and thousands others. Track prices at a glance, easily view stats, and find the perfect time to b...

  • MyMoney Free  |  Free

    My Money is a high quality personal financial software written from ground up to work with online bank statements. Simply download your transactions from bank web site and they are automatically entered into electronic register. By bringing all of...

  • Abacus Accounts SE Lite  |  Free

    Abacus Accounts SE (Startup Edition) is a simplified version of the original, more comprehensive Abacus Accounts. It is designed as a basic and straightforward bookkeeping program for the self-employed or even for your personal accounts. It uses t...

  • 1° Finance: Bills & Expenses  |  Free

    1° Finance is a modern program for home expense management. Enter your bills, add payment schedules, assign categories and set budget limits. Browse statistics and check what you spend your money on to start saving optimally. 1° Finance has been des...

  • Bitcoin Expert  |  Free

    Bitcoin Expert - The #1 Bitcoin Tracking App for Mac. Fully Customizable Menu Bar Crypto Ticker Bitcoin Expert can help you monitor bitcoin and altcoins exchange rates, so you know when best to buy them, sell them or just straight up use them. Exch...

  • Stock Alarm  |  Free

    You already know that time is money. Yes, but unless we miss our bet, the right timing -- that's where the real money is. Stock, future, and bond traders -- you'll never miss that right timing again when you clock your stock or other ETF with this...

  • ezCheckPrinting  |  Free

    With a user-friendly interface, ezCheckPrinting is for any business needing to design and print professional-looking checks themselves. Massive enterprises and small startups alike can organize their payments and print custom checks from any laser or...

  • CryptoManiac - Cryptocurrency  |  Free

    Over 4000 crypto currencies to watch. · Realtime cryptocurrency market price · View charts · View your portfolio value for each cryptocurrency and it's total · Currency converter · Read tweets or reddit posts on each cryptocurrency · Keep portfolio s...

  • Crypto Price Alerts  |  Free

    Crypto Price Alerts is a free and easy to use lightweight app that runs in the taskbar. It tracks and alerts you of the latest realtime price actions of cryptocurrencies. Simply set your alerts and let it run quietly in the background. A notification...

  • Moonie  |  Free

    Moonie is an all-in-one portfolio monitoring, analysis, bookkeeping and reporting app designed specifically for cryptocurrency investors and traders. Providing an easy way to document and track all of your crypto trading and transaction activity. Ke...

  • Crypto Price  |  Free

    Crypto Price let's you easily monitor current prices and news from most influence crypto portals. Simple status bar popup makes things as easy as possible, just dismiss it when you don't need it. From version 2.0 you can use it in macOS 10.14 Mojave...

  • My Banking Accounts  |  Free

    「私の財政」はあなたの個人の財政的なアシスタントです。主なロシア銀行からの最新で利益のある預金オファーを探し出すためにとても役に立つアプリです。 アプリの主な機能と特徴: ・最新のオファーのリスト ・目的によって預金の個人的な検索を設定できます。次のパ...

  • Crypto Coins  |  $0.99

    Crypto Coins lets you search and add coins to your favorites list. The favorites screen shows up to date USD, Ethereum, and Bitcoin prices, pulled from Bittrex, all in one screen.

  • O3  |  Free

    O3 allows you to securely store, send and receive NEO, GAS, ONT, ONG, or any NEP5 token. Your private key is securely stored in an encrypted format on your computer, or in your ledger device.

  • BitPay  |  Free

    Manage your finances in one app with the secure, open source BitPay Wallet. Get up and running fast with blockchain security, store and send funds. With the BitPay Wallet, your private keys and your money remain in your control at all times. And you...

  • MyMoney Accounting  |  Free

    MyMoney is a lightweight, simple accounting software with an easy interface and minimal functionality, including your most basic accounting needs, easy to record your living expenses. Features • The most simple accounting interface, including the d...

  • Budget Planning  |  Free

    「Budget Planning」アプリによって自分の財政をコントロールしてください。このアプリは短期または長期に予算をよく計画するのを手伝います。 使いやすい: - 現在の予算と制限を入力する; - 一定の時期の費用と収入を書く; - あなたの予算の変化を閲覧する。 便利...

  • Crypto Watcher  |  $0.99

    Crypto Watcher is a status bar application that tracks the price of any cryptocurrency listed on the Bittrex exchange. Features - Add any coin on Bittrex to your Watched Coins list - See the latest price for any of your Watched Coins - Get notified...

  • Crypto Value Monitor  |  $1.99

    Best value for money. Discount at launch 50% off. A lightweight application that will monitor the selected cryptocurrency price. Just run it and you will find it in the menu bar near the battery or wireless icon. Easy to customize by clicking the "P...

  • Multi Trend Pro  |  Free

    MultiTrendPro gives you the real, underlying trends of all the stocks showing in Yahoo Finance and ForEx including FXCM. Save stock symbols in groups, adjust trend dates, get buy and sell signals using different methods, compare with other indicators...

  • Stock News  |  Free

    Stock News is an application that allows one to keep track of shares and stock indices in order to have a real-time interactive panorama of financial markets. Live You may easily add the indices and shares that you would like to follow; the applic...

  • Chart Trendliner  |  Free

    This is a trend line drawling tool for stock charts with basic technical indicators. Stock quotes and charts from Yahoo! Finance.

  • OKCoin - Bitcoin  |  Free

    应用描述: OKCoin Mac 客户端是由 OKCoin(官方推出的免费的比特币 / 莱特币行情显示、区块及比特币网络信息概览的Mac客户端应用。 用户可以快捷查看比特币 / 莱特币各大交易所的实时行情,了解掌握比特币网络的状态信息。 产品特点: 1.比特币、莱特...

  • KeyFutures  |  Free

    KeyFutures allows you to search and manage your futures markets and futures spreads. Enjoy the first and unique Application allowing you to look through the spreads in the layers. Have a look at the seasonal indicator and plan your spreads positions...

  • MATRIX TRADER  |  Free

    「MATRIX TRADER」は、Macならではの操作性を最大限に活かしたFX取引ツール「MATRIX TRADER」をベースにしたMac用トレードアプリです。 スキャルピングがしやすい取引ツールを目指しシステムを一新しました。 取引に必要な要素は全て兼ね備えている「MATRIX TRADER」...

  • Margin Calculator  |  Free

    A must have for anybody involved in sales. This simple calculator will enable you to work out the price of anything you sell easily and in realtime. All you need to do is to provide two parameters from Cost, Margin, Revenue and Profit, and the calcul...

  • Copay  |  Free

    Copay is a true bitcoin wallet, not an account service. Secure your personal funds with multiple signatures, or just one. - Take security into your own hands and avoid trusting third parties with your savings. Like a joint-checking account, your Cop...

  • TCF Emprunt  |  Free

    Pour fêter 20 ans de développement sur Mac, Innomatix vous offre ce logiciel. Tous Comptes Faits Emprunt est un logiciel d'aide au calcul des mensualités d'un emprunt, de la capacité d'emprunt ou du taux d'endettement. Évaluation de l'impact d'une r...

  • Inspire Finance: Home Budget  |  Free

    Your home budget under control. It is simple with Inspire Finance. Regularly add your expenses and schedule your payments. Add limits and complete your currents purchases accordingly. You can now analyse your costs day by day. This will be facilitat...

  • Find.Exchange  |  Free

    Find.Exchange Mobile Appでは、あなたの手のひらからリアルタイムの為替レートを知ることができます。 このシンプルで簡単に操作ができる両替計算機は観光やビジネス旅行者にとって即座に為替換算ができる大変便利なアプリです。 特徴: • 為替レートがリアルタイ...

  • Household Accounting Book  |  Free

    Household Accounting Book is a personal finance application that supports your daily household-managing tasks. Your income and expenses will be listed, evaluated and visualized very clearly.

  • FinCalc  |  Free

    FinCalc is a simple to use Financial Calculator that enables you to make specific financial calculations around interest and loans. FinCalc will present your information in text format for easy review or allow you to copy and paste information to ot...

  • Coin Stats Widget  |  Free

    CoinStats is the #1 free crypto portfolio tracking and management app and DeFi wallet. Track and manage Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and over 20,000 other coins from over 300 exchanges. Connect all your favorite exchanges and wallets to your CoinSt...

  • WebMoney Keeper  |  Free

    Теперь WebMoney всегда с вами! - Контролируйте баланс на кошельках и движение средств - Выставляйте счета, переводите и получайте WebMoney - Пополняйте карту\счёт* с кошелька (можно и наоборот) - Удобно платите за телефон, интернет, услуги ЖКХ и...

  • Monento - Personal Finances  |  Free

    Monento helps track expenses and incomes in easy and clear way. Financial data can be encrypted and securely synced between mobile and desktop devices. All data can be imported and exported. Features: - Easy to start. - Multi-currency accounts. - Cu...

  • Forex Signals Crypto Signals  |  Free

    Try our Forex, Stock, Future, Indices, Crypto and Commodities Signals. We will sends live buy and sell Forex signals based on Daily average, Daily Pivot Break Points and other professional technical staff which we develop. Forex Signals are a per...

  • CoinBar  |  Free

    A small status bar application which monitors the spot rate, buy price, and sell price on Coinbase. CoinBar has support for notifications for both the spot rate and account transactions. These are presented as banners and show up in notification cen...

  • Bitcoin Ticker Widget  |  Free

    This app displays and monitors the current bitcoin (BTC) exchange rates. The following exchanges are currently supported: Anxpro Bitcurex Bitfinex Bitkonan Bitpay Bitstamp Bitx BTC Chi...

  • Fudget: Budget Planner Tracker  |  $3.99

    Join over 1 million people who manage their money hassle-free with Fudget. Download now & start saving money! "Fudget takes the stress out of managing your money" — Engadget "Good for tracking short-term budgets for the holidays, vacation or for tr...

  • Kyrrex  |  Free

    YRREX trading platform application Professional trading platform brings traditional market experience to cryptocurrencies trading. Reliable, robust and multifunctional platform. More on

  • Bitcoin Clan Ticker - Track trade price from your menu bar!  |  Free

    Live streaming of current price data from major exchanges. The first value on your list will automatically update on the Menu Bar at the top right of your screen. Support our development, we plan to add other features like pricing limit alert, etc....

  • Bitcoin Bar  |  Free

    This menu bar application will keep you up to date on Bitcoin prices in 31 different currencies. Choose from several different update intervals and add your wallet holdings to keep track of your personal value in any supported currency. Bitcoin Bar...

  • LION FX  |  Free

    「LION FX」は、Macならではの操作性を最大限に活かしたFX取引専用ツールです。 多彩な注文方法に高性能なチャート機能。 短期売買に特化したクイック注文機能を搭載し、時々刻々と変化する為替市場に 1,000通貨からのお取引・魅力的な低スプレッド・高機能かつ抜群の...

  • StockSpy Realtime Stock Market  |  $19.99

    NEW VERSION - Now with cloud sync between Mac, iOS & other platforms! NOTE: This App is a different product from the one marketed on! - More new features... - StockSpy keeps getting more awesome with FREE upgrades! StockSpy for Ma...

  • StocksBondsCalc  |  $0.99

    StocksBondCalc provides a selection of 27 different calculators that simplify all complex computations involving Stock, Bonds and other investment products. > Bid-Ask Spread > Bond Equivalent Yield > Book Value per Share > Capital Asset Pricing Mode...

  • Educative Cash Desk  |  Free

    Kids will learn how to handle with money in the shop. Goal of this game is training basic mathematics operations through funny form of the purchase in small fruit shop. Kids will have to handle with the cash desk, create whole purchase list, calcula...

  • CarOrganizer  |  Free

    With CarOrganizer you can easily keep track of any expenses connected to your personal vehicle(s). Version 3.0 is the fifth release of this successful software, which has been greatly improved, based on the feedback of many users... The software co...

  • Chronicle - Bill Reminder  |  Free

    Chronicle takes bill management back to the basics. It focuses on just the essentials, so you never miss a payment. Here's what makes it so great: Reminders how you want them: Chronicle can show you bills due soon on the dock icon, in your menu bar,...

  • CryptoCap  |  $0.99

    CryptoCap is a simple menu bar application for tracking all of your favorite cryptocurrencies. Create your custom list of favorites from over 1,000 cryptocurrencies. Interested in knowing when a coin hits a certain price? Just create a price alert...

  • Crypto Tools Pro  |  $1.99

    Crypto Tools Pro is a handy menu bar app to convert between fiat currencies and cryptos. Also features a real-time price and news feeds. Get the latest exchange data live in your menu bar. Features • Live conversion between hundreds of crypto and...

  • Tiger Trade—Trading Platform  |  Free

    Tiger Trade老虎国际,美国纳斯达克上市公司,股票代码TIGR。 一个账户,一笔钱即可投资全球证券市场,交易品种涵盖正股/期权/期货/ETF/涡轮/牛熊证/基金等。 ——在老虎,享受一流的全球投资体验—— 【全球市场】一个账户玩转全球市场,无需切换 【老虎社区】实时财经资...

  • iFacturas  |  Free

    Cualquier autónomo o pyme, al iniciar su actividad, se encuentra con el problema de cómo generar y gestionar sus facturas de manera rápida y sencilla. iFacturas es una solución mobile de facturación que contempla las funcionalidades básicas al de c...

  • iFinance 4  |  $39.99

    iFinance 4 allows you to keep track of your income and expenses in the most convenient and fastest way. By taking a quick look at its useful evaluations and charts, you'll immediately know what you spend money on and where your income comes from - op...

  • Home Assets Folio  |  $4.99

    Easy-to-use home assets/inventory database. Great for insurance purposes. Features: - Easy, intuitive interface - Easy item entry and updating - Easily scan and locate items by image (left table) or by information (bottom table) - Several view opti...


