어떤 소프트웨어를 선택하든, Pcmacstore.com 컴퓨터에서 실행해 볼 수 있습니다.
Flow - Focus & Pomodoro Timer 4.8 1303 | Free
집중력과 생산성을 유지하기 위해 이 간편한 방식을 즐기며 만족하는 수많은 사용자들과 함께 해 보세요. 플로우(Flow)를 사용하여 일을 끝내세요. 플로우(Flow)는 여러분이 업무 진행 또는 학교 공부를 하거나 그저 일정 시간 동안 방해받지 않고 집중하는 것을 도와...
World Explorer - Travel guide 4.0 973 | Free
"여행 가이드 - World Explorer" 는 전 세계와 주변 지역의 정보를 한 번에 알 수 있는 놀랍고 재미있는 서비스입니다! 무료 여행 가이드 는 휴가, 장거리 여행과 짧은 주말 여행을 떠날 때 꼭 필요한 가이드입니다! 도보 여행, 자전거 여행이나 자동차 여행 등 전 세...
Bible for Gateway 4.5 202 | $3.99
Bible for Gateway is a simple Bible App that gives you faster access to a host of Bible Translations from Bible Gateway. It provides an intuitive app layout with helpful app buttons which will make Bible reading a pleasure on this app. App highligh...
Lessons for iMovie 4.5 78 | Free
Lessons for iMovie will teach you how to edit your movies and share them using Apple’s iMovie. This version now include media for following along in iMovie when the full tutorial is purchased. • Start learning with 6 free lessons • If you like what...
Accordance 12 5.0 60 | Free
Go deep into Bible study with Accordance® 12 Lite. Accordance equips you with cutting-edge original language tools, a dynamic interlinear, drag-and-drop graphical searching, and a host of other features designed to take your Bible study to the next l...
Graphing Calculator Viewer 2.5 59 | Free
Graphing Calculator Viewer displays Pacific Tech Graphing Calculator documents allowing students to interact with 2D, 3D, and 4D graphs. After opening the software, try items in the Examples and Tutorial menus.
Typing Instructor for Kids Platinum 3.5 34 | $14.99
Typing Instructor for Kids Platinum 5 The Exciting Way for Kids to Learn to Type! Learn in English or Spanish #1 Best-Selling For Kid’s Typing* Kids learn to type on an exciting adventure on Typer Island. They learn all keyboard basics following an...
Findings 4.0 28 | Free
Findings combines the best of a research assistant and a lab notebook. No more paper! Your research notes are always with you and always up to date, be it on the field, at your desk, at the bench, or at a conference. Findings helps you browse your re...
iPastels 4.5 28 | Free
A painting app for all artists, whether you’re experienced or just starting out. Perfect for creating beautiful works of art or a quick sketch whenever you have a burst of inspiration. You can also try out ideas and compositions before starting on a...
Explain Everything Player 2.5 21 | Free
Plays .EXPLAIN & .XPL screencast projects and presentations created using Explain Everything on iPad. You can play EE projects directly transferred from your iPad, without the need for compressing them into MP4 movies. Explain Everything is an easy-...
Flashcard Max 4.3 20 | Free
*INTEGRATES WITH COMPANION DESKTOP APP MAKE FLASHCARDS - Create flashcards with pictures, text, and hints - Create flashcards using lecture slides - Add hints with images & text - Edit + Cover Up key parts of a picture - Extract text from images (OC...
Complete Heart 5.0 16 | Free
Revolutionary new graphical technology from 3D4Medical brings a fully interactive beating heart to life in stunning 3D for the first time. Dissect multiple layers of a beating heart as it moves, and transform your understanding of how the cardiovasc...
Video Guide To Yosemite 5.0 16 | Free
Learn the ins and outs of using OS X Yosemite. This app includes 20 video tutorials, about 2 hours of video instruction. It begins by showing you the basics of the desktop and then goes into detail about using the Finder, iTunes, Safari, Mail, TextEd...
Video Guide For El Capitan 5.0 12 | Free
Learn the ins and outs of using OS X El Capitan. This app includes 21 video tutorials, more than 3 hours of video instruction. It begins by showing you the basics of the desktop and then goes into detail about using the Finder, iTunes, Safari, Mail,...
PAL Flashcards 4.5 10 | Free
PAL helps you learn the things you need, whatever it might be. Languages, geography, anatomy or art history. - Create your own flashcards and share your decks with friends. - Be reminded when it's time to study. - Unlimited cards and decks. - 100...
URL Manager Pro 4.0 8 | Free
URL Manager Pro is a bookmark manager for the web and includes a share extension. While surfing the web using Safari or another web browser, you can bookmark the web page using the Share button and then add the bookmark to URL Manager Pro. Any select...
PONS Dictionary Library 2.0 6 | Free
Alle PONS Wörterbücher in einer App. 100 % Offline. Die Wörterbuch Bibliothek beinhaltet einen Katalog, in dem Sie Wörterbücher für viele Sprachen testen können: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Griechisch, Italienisch, Latein, Polnisch, Portugiesisc...
Juranka Classic | Free
Juranka is a fun, fast, and addictive word game based on the linguistic decoding tool called onsets and rimes. Match the Onsets on the left with the Rimes on the right to form as many words as you can before time runs out! For every 50 points you get...
Civilization® V | $29.99
Experience one of the greatest turn-based strategy games of all time, Sid Meier’s Civilization® V. ——————————————————————————— B E G I N · W I T H · 2 0 · H I S T O R I C A L · L E A D E R S ——————————————————————————— Become Ruler of the World by...
Scratch | Free
With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations. Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century. Scratch began...
GeoGebra Classic 6 | Free
Solve math problems, graph functions, create geometric constructions, do statistics and calculus, save and share your results. GeoGebra apps are used by millions of students and teachers around the world to learn and teach mathematics and science. Jo...
Dynamo | $1.99
** Sync the flow of online video with the rhythm of your brain ** – FEATURES – • Video stream controller for Safari • Allows you to skip video ads • Lets you customize the hotkeys • Works on all your favorite websites • Never collects any personal...
Math Library by WAGmob | Free
* * * * * WAGmob: An app platform for learning, teaching and training is offering 50% DISCOUNT for a limited time only.Download today!!! * * * * * The app provides: 1. Snack sized chapters for easy learning. 2. Bite sized flashcards to memorize ke...
Complete Anatomy | Free
Works best on macOS 10.15 or newer *** COMPLETE ANATOMY 2023 IS HERE! TRY IT FOR FREE!*** INTRODUCING, THE NEW FACES OF COMPLETE ANATOMY. YOU decide how your anatomy journey begins by personalising your anatomical character. The world's leading 3D...
MRIcro | Free
MRIcro can view medical images such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT/CAT) scans. It can show 2D slices, 3D slices as well as graphs for 4D data (for example, changes over time observed on functional MRI scans). It l...
Battle of Geniuses: Quiz Game | Free
It is not just a trivia game – it is a trivia battle, and everyone is fighting for knowledge. The first RPG in trivia games. - Love brainstorming games? Challenge friends in this amazing quiz app! Duel people from across the world in a challenging...
BoneBox - Spine Viewer | Free
The BoneBox™ Spine Viewer is a real-time 3D medical education and patient communication tool, featuring a detailed anatomical spine model. It is a member of a series of apps developed by a team of anatomists, certified medical illustrators, animators...
Quiz en Français | Free
Enfin un Quiz sur Mac ! Plus de 10 000 questions / réponses n'attendent que vous! Choisissez parmis les thèmes suivants et défiez vos amis ! - Musique - Sicences et Nature - Histoire Géo - TV - Arts et Culture - Sports et Loisirs Les modes suivant...
Al-Mounged English-Arabic Dictionary by Librairie Orientale | Free
The most Authoritative Al-Mounged English-Arabic-English dictionary available for in-app purchase Full wordlist and 100 sample translations to preview before buying _____ إنصـــــرف الأستـــاذ قسطنطيـــــن تيــــــودوري في إعـــداد المنجـــد الإنك...
Unabridged Dictionaries Hoepli | Free
I dizionari di lingua italiana più autorevoli: • Grande Dizionario Hoepli Italiano di Aldo Gabrielli • Grande dizionario Hoepli inglese di Fernando Picchi • Grande Dizionario Hoepli Russo - Italiano • Dizionario di economia Hoepli di Fernando Picchi...
Flashcard Hero Lite | Free
Make your own flash cards and take the pressure out of test preparation. Flashcard Hero keeps track of what facts you already know so you can focus on what you don’t know and save a lot of time. Beyond your average-vocab-app: We made Flashcard Hero...
Sudoku+ Train Your Brain | Free
Train your brain, keep your mind active! The challenge: Sudoku is such a deceptively simple puzzle: the challenge can be expressed in one sentence. Given a puzzle in 9x9 box with few known numbers, try and fill in the remaining squares with numbers...
Microsoft OneNote | Free
Mac용 Microsoft OneNote를 사용하여 나만의 디지털 전자 필기장에서 각종 생각과 새로운 정보, 아이디어를 기록하세요. 이제 그 어느 때보다 쉽게 아이디어를 기록하고, 사진이나 파일을 추가하고, 모든 디바이스에서 다른 사용자와 메모를 공유할 수 있습니다. 친구나...
Italian Mondadori Dictionaries | Free
Quattro dizionari Italian Global Mondadori Langenscheidt per le lingue inglese, tedesco, francese e spagnolo, disponibili per l'acquisto in-app Elenco completo delle parole e 100 traduzioni di esempio di ciascun dizionario da visualizzare in anteprim...
Resistors Code | Free
Calculate the resistance of a 3 band resistor with this simple and easy to use app! Just adjust the sliders to match the colors of your resistor!
myHomework Student Planner | Free
What makes myHomework the best student planner? * Beauty, Simplicity, and Reliability - myHomework has a gorgeous appearance and simple interface making it easy for anyone to use. Our apps fill their role as a planner without network connectivity....
Kindergarten Reading | Free
~ Kindergarten Reading with Multiple Choice Questions ~ Kids will enjoy learning to read with these short passages about animals, sports, people and more! Enrich learning with full voice narration. This app is designed to help kids develop comprehe...
Declaration | Free
Reference copy of the US Declaration of Independence for your Mac. Includes text, notes, and images of original documents, bio and images of signers.
Youdao Translate | Free
网易有道词典 9 ——比强大更强大的桌面翻译软件 语言学习首选,9亿用户都在用;针对Mac平台特性,我们特别推出全新的版本,更符合Mac用户翻译使用习惯。发布多年以来,成为Mac系统下必备的词典软件,在同类软件排行位居前列。 【全新设计 精简专业】 -重塑全新视觉,...
Kids Farm and Animal Jigsaw Puzzle - educational young childrens game for preschool and toddlers | Free
유아 및 취학 전 아동 농장에서 생활에 대해 배울 것입니다 그리고 당신은 거기 귀여운 만화 동물 농장의 쉬운 퍼즐을 작성 하 여 찾을 수 있습니다 동물 관련 상품. 것 들의 모습에 대해 배울 그리고 그들은 소리를 듣고. 지금 보너스 메모리 작성기와 탈출 미로 수상...
Duden German Dictionaries | Free
Sieben Duden-Wörterbücher mit Hörbeispielen 2 TAGE KOSTENLOS TESTEN Verschaffen Sie sich einen Überblick über alle Inhalte: Mit der kostenlosen Testversion können Sie zwei Tage lang gratis in sieben Duden-Wörterbüchern stöbern. Erst danach entscheid...
Master of Typing: Tutor | Free
터치 타이핑은 좋은 솜씨입니다. 이 솜씨로 할 수 있는 것들: - 다양한 어려움의 테스트를 입력할 때 시간을 절약하는 것; - 집중력을 높이는 것; - 업무 효율성을 증가하는 것. 또한, 터치 타이핑은 배우기 쉬운 기술들 중 하나입니다. 이 것을 직접 입증할 수 있습...
Eudic 欧路词典 | Free
《欧路词典》是专为苹果系统开发的词典参考软件 请注意:该版本不支持海量第三方扩充词库,如果需要安装扩充词库请下载 欧路词典增强版 • 支持最新macOS Big Sur系统 • 首个支持苹果系统屏幕取词、划词搜索的词典软件,支持在任意程序中取词(包括PDF文件) • 方便的生...
BoneBox™ - Skull Viewer | Free
OVERVIEW The BoneBox™ Skull Viewer is a real-time 3D medical education tool that features exceptionally detailed anatomical skull models and unique interactive elements. It is developed by a team of anatomists, certified medical illustrators, animat...
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dict | Free
120 SAMPLE ENTRIES ONLY. This free download gives you 120 sample entries from the new OALD 9th edition. You will not be able to cross-refer from these entries to other words that are in the full dictionary. To have access to the full dictionary with...
iPieta PhD | Free
iPieta contains Catholic documents, writings, and prayers. The macOS version, which is similar to the iOS version, is optimized for research. Languages: English, Español, German, Français, Polish, Czech, and Turkish. ENGLISH CONTENT INCLUDES: • Bib...
Notability | $1.99
Notability에 오신 것을 환영합니다: 강력하면서도 신기할 만큼 간단한 필기 및 주석 달기 앱. Apple에서 선정한 올해의 Mac 앱! iPad, iPhone, Mac 전용 Apple 에디터가 선택한 앱! 학생들, 교사들, 그리고 비즈니스 전문가들이 일상 속에서 Notability를 사용하여...
Lola's Alphabet Train ABC App | Free
롤라와 함께 알파벳 기차를 타고 영어 여행을 떠나볼까요? 롤라의 알파벳 놀이는3-7세 어린이를 위한 영어 교육용 게임으로 어린이들은 흥미진진한 문제들을 풀어가면서 기차 여행을 계속합니다. 롤라의 알파벳 놀이는 여러 개의 영어 게임들, 알파벳을 드레깅, 드롭잉...
Not Just Words | Free
It's so frustrating when you think you remember a verse, but you have one or two words which are not quite right, and so you just can't find it. Perhaps you learned it in a different version. Perhaps you only vaguely remember it at all. Either way, i...
Living Lung™ - Lung Viewer | Free
OVERVIEW The Living Lung™ is a real-time 3D medical education and patient communication tool, featuring incredibly detailed anatomical respiratory models. It is a member of a series of apps developed by a team of anatomists, certified medical illust...
Stockfish Chess | Free
Stockfish is a powerful chess analysis app. Play two-player games on the beautiful chess board, or get instant accurate analysis of any game. Stockfish will tell you who's winning and calculate the best move. Features: INTERACTIVE, IMMERSIVE BOARD...
Consulting Case Job Interview Quiz | $1.99
Consulting Case Job Interview Quiz is to help you prepare the interview for McKinsey, Booz, BCG, Monitor or other consulting firm. With its exclusive intuitive UI, you can take the mock test and get the real exam experience. The study mode is even be...
Music Keys | Free
Music Keys is an app that teaches you how to play popular songs and teaches you to recognise piano keys. SONGS Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Mary Had a Little Lamb London Bridge Wheels on the Bus Row your Boat Alphabet Song DESCRIPTION Th...
Amelia - LITE | Free
Meet Amelia - a little girl who lives in mysterious Mushroom Clearing with 3 friends: ▶ Big furry creature TeddyTeddy ▶ a blue two wheeled cat named Kitty-Patter ▶ and shy little tortoise called Little Pencil Help Amelia and team rescue their frien...
Doodle Words | Free
From the makers of Doodle Drops and Doodle Trivia comes Doodle Words, an exciting and challenging word spelling application that tests your spelling skills! There are thousands of words ready for you to solve! Think you can spell them all correctly...
Acellus Learning | Free
Acellus is the fastest growing learning system in America. The program is used by over one million students at schools in every U.S. state. It works by showing short video lessons followed by practice problems to assess understanding of the concept t...
Rendia Favorites | Free
Rendia Favorites gives clients access to their Rendia web app Favorites content on a Mac. Play content, draw on-screen, and share presentations via email or social media. Use of the app requires a current subscription to a Rendia license which allow...
Kids animal puzzle and memory skill games | Free
알파벳, 계산 및 60 개 이상의 다른 동물 재미 하 고 직관적인 방법으로 교육 하 고 재미 있는 퍼즐 메모리 게임 동물 애호가 대 한 교육의 다양 한 하는 어린 아이 가르칩니다. 게임은 어려움에 다와 지 그 소 퍼즐 포함, 점 들을 연결, 쌍 메모리 게임 뿐만 아니라 슬...
SimpleMind Pro | $29.99
마인드 매핑은 생각을 정리하고, 정보를 기억하고 새로운 아이디어를 창출하는 데 유용합니다. 그래서 언제, 어디서나 마인드 매핑을 할 수 있는 탁월하고 직관적인 앱을 개발했습니다. SimpleMind Pro는 플랫폼 간 마인드 맵 동기화를 위해 디자인되었습니다. Windows...
ClassLink LaunchPad Extension | Free
The ClassLink LaunchPad Safari Extension gives students and teachers one-click access to their web apps and files. ClassLink empowers students and teachers with instant access to their learning resources. ClassLink® LaunchPad® includes a library of...
Animal Typing - Lite | Free
동물 타자연습으로 누구나 쉽게 타자를 배울 수 있습니다. 재미있게 연습하면서 타자 실력을 늘리면 달팽이, 토끼, 말 등 많은 동물 친구들을 갖게 됩니다. 하지만 빨리만 쳐서는 안 됩니다. 타자의 정확성이 높아야 가장 힘센 치타를 얻을 수 있으니까요. 동물 타자연...
Japanese-English Audio Bible | Free
聖書日本語 Japanese Bible 日本語の聖書から本を選択してください 旧約聖書 - Old Testament [1] 創世記 [2] 出エジプト記 [3] レビ記 [4] 民数記 [5] 申命記 [6] ヨシュア記 [7] 士師記 [8] ルツ記 [9] サムエル記上 [10] サムエル記下 [11] 列王記上 [12] 列王記下...
Typing Fingers LT | Free
Paid version : https://itunes.apple.com/app/typing-fingers/id504110340?mt=12 Typing Fingers is an app that will teach you how to type the right way on your Mac. - Ready for US/EN QWERTY keyboard layout - Great for homeschooling. Contains typing g...
مدينة الحكمة | City Of Wisdom | Free
Islamic quotes that can change your life. - English + Arabic user interface --- موسوعة إسلامية على مذهب أهل البيت عليهم السلام وينقسم البرنامج لعدة أقسام: * قسم الحكم والأقوال ويحتوي على أكثر من 23 ألف حِكمة وحديث للنبي محمد وأهل بيته الطاهرين صلى...
GeoGebra Geometry | Free
Easily construct triangles, drag points, draw parallel lines, intersect circles, save and share your results. Millions of people around the world use GeoGebra to learn mathematics and science. Join us! * Create constructions with points, lines, circ...
Moodle Desktop | Free
Introducing Moodle Desktop - the solution to accessing your Moodle courses on desktop. With Moodle Desktop, you can enjoy the following popular features and functionalities that make online learning of any kind collaborative: • Easily access c...
Beginning (The Deskplorers - Try-It Chapter - for 7 to 11 yo kids) | Free
★★★★ Discover with this try-it chapter a new series of games for 7 to 11 years old girls and boys, blending storytelling, gaming and learning. With The Deskplorers, your kids will read, play, think, discover foreign languages and learn, all with lots...
550 Royalty Free Fonts | Free
Download the largest collection of free commercial use fonts, and get even more fonts in future updates! Need to change the way your text looks in a presentation, print project or a graphic design project? Download a new collection of inspiring font...
Nisus Thesaurus | Free
Nisus Thesaurus is a fast electronic thesaurus that automatically integrates with any service aware application including Nisus Writer Pro, Nisus Writer Express, Apple Mail, Safari, TextEdit, and more.
German <> Spanish Dictionaries | Free
Kostenloser Test ***Anzeige der kompletten Wortlisten und jeweils 100 Beispielübersetzungen pro Fachwörterbuch*** Damit Sie sicher sein können dass jedes Wörterbuch Ihren Ansprüchen genügt und auch das geforderte Vokabular enthält. • MYJMK Wörter...
Cambridge English Dictionary | Free
With 140,000 words, phrases, meanings, and examples, Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Fourth Edition (CALD) is trusted by millions of English learners worldwide. Every dictionary entry has thesaurus sections that show related words, phrases...
Chess Academys | Free
象棋學園提供走棋練習、殘局沖關、趣味殘局、人機對戰、人人對戰等多種遊戲模式的應用。內置從簡單到復雜的殘局近400關,是象棋入門學習的必備軟件。 1、走棋練習及殘局沖關提供了參考解答,便於對照學習。 2、趣味殘局提供 200 種殘局供玩家選擇下棋。 3、讓子挑戰...
Happy Solitaire | Free
Happy Solitaire lets you play any type of solitaire in freeform. Contains: - Play with 1 to 3 decks of cards - Deal 1 to 3 cards in play mode - Stack the cards in 4 different ways - Customise the background colour - Customise the colour of...
EasyAnatomy: 3D Canine Anatomy | Free
AWARD-WINNING 3D CANINE ANATOMY FOR VETERINARY STUDIES! Trusted by veterinary students, professors, and professionals in over 120 countries, EasyAnatomy was built in partnership with leading universities and anatomists to unmatched medical accuracy...
Langenscheidt Dictionaries | Free
***Fast 45 Wörterbücher in 13 Sprachen: Mit umfassender Testmöglichkeit vor dem Kauf!*** Testen Sie alle Wörterbücher mit jeweils 100 vollständigen Einträgen und der kompletten Wortliste. Überzeugen Sie sich vor dem Kauf von den innovativen Such-, Üb...
ChessBot 2 | Free
ChessBot is an elegant chess app with powerful features. - Basic move operations and outcome detection - A strong chess engine which offers hints for next moves - Human v.s. human & human v.s. computer modes - PGN files importing and exporting - Gam...
Coach Center | Free
Coach Center, ist die App für Fußballtrainer. Es ist die offizielle App des Insititut für Jugendfußball: - 100% Gratis Trainingseinheiten und Übungen - Lade Gratis Fußballübungen aus eBooks herunter - Download und Streaming von Trainingsvideos für...
Happy Airplane | Free
Fun and easy for the youngest ones. Play with the sounds, alternate colours and fly the Happy Airplane. Contains: - Start the engine - Drive down the path - Fly - Land - Stop the engine - Board the airplane - Colour the wheels of the...
Slovoed Dictionaries | Free
#1 DICTIONARY TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD 240+ dictionaries for 35+ world's languages available for in-app purchase 40+ branded dictionaries, including English Chambers, Spanish VOX, Arabic Malayin, Irish Focalbeo, Turkish Redhouse, Collins and Encic...
Shakespeare Pro | $8.99
Shakespeare Pro is now on your Mac! Shakespeare Pro® for Mac includes the complete works of Shakespeare (41 plays, 154 sonnets and 6 poems, including doubtful works) and search the concordance to find the exact word or phrase you’re looking for (wit...
Lessons for Compressor | Free
Lessons for Compressor will teach you how to encode and digitally distribute your video using Apple’s Pro Video App, Compressor. •Start learning with 2 free lessons! •Buy only the lessons you need with individual movie purchases •If you like what y...
Raindrop.io for Safari | Free
If you have any issues please check help page https://help.raindrop.io/mac-safari Collect bookmarks Collect articles, photos, videos and links from around the web. Attach note, tag or screenshot Organize Put bookmarks into collections. Each collect...
Readmoo 看書 | Free
Readmoo 是台灣最大 EPUB 電子書服務,擁有數萬本免費及付費EPUB電子書。使用「Readmoo 看書」,讓你在 Mac 上享受美好的閱讀體驗,並享有以下功能: 1. 雲端同步:同步你所有的閱讀進度,無論你擁有多少裝置,都可以隨時接續先前的閱讀進度。 2. 劃線註記:在你讀到有...
ABC Preschool car truck and engine dot puzzles | Free
유아 및 취학 전 아동 학습 하 게 됩니다 계산 고 알파벳에 대 한 차량 및 작성 하 여 운송에 대 한 찾는 동안 쉬운 자동차, 트럭, 보트, 기차, 비행기, 응급 차량, 더 많은의 점 스타일 퍼즐을 연결 합니다. 아이 들 것 처럼 보이게에 대해 배울 하 고 그들은 소리를...
Extra Point Lite | Free
‘베르데루트의 경외기혈’은 과거부터 전해오는 기혈과 새롭게 발견된 신혈을 통합하여 만들었습니다. 경외기혈 외 14 경락의 정경혈이 같이 표시되어 있어서 혈자리의 위치를 서로 쉽게 비교, 확인할 수 있습니다. 멀티터치의 확대, 축소 기능으로 경외기혈의 정확한 위...
Earth 3D - World Atlas | $2.99
This interactive 3D globe features wonders of the world, political and physical maps, and weather. Discover a lot of fascinating facts and useful information about our planet! Original and colorful graphics, user-friendly interface and accurate infor...
Soundbrenner DAW Tools | Free
Let your body feel the pulse of the rhythm with our Soundbrenner DAW Tools. We’ve already created the World’s First Smart Vibrating Metronome, the Soundbrenner Pulse. Now you can use our Soundbrenner DAW Tools integration to connect your favorite D...
Mastermind - Cows and Bulls Free Word Game | Free
마음이 지도자 / 앱 스토어에 소와 황소의 WORD 게임을 깨는. 귀하가 50 층로 분류 일상 생활에서 본적 않는 번호 및 말과 함께 재생합니다. 사명 - 비밀 번호 / 단어를 해독. 재생하는 방법 - 비밀 번호 / 찍었다 단어 소와 황소의 수를 알 단어 & LOCK을 맞춰보세요...
App School for Xcode and iOS 10 Development Free | Free
App School for Xcode and iOS 10 teaches you how to build iOS 10 apps using Xcode 8 and Swift 3 for the iPhone and iPad. If you are an expert developer this app is not for you, but if you are a beginner who wants to learn how to make real applications...
Medical Dictionary - A simpleNeasyApp by WAGmob | Free
* * * * * WAGmob: An app platform for learning, teaching and training is offering 50% DISCOUNT for a limited time only.Download today!!! * * * * * WAGmob brings you SimpleNeasy, on-the-go learning app for "Medical Dictionary". You have limited acce...
Learn recorder - Flute Master | Free
With the Flute Master App, YOU will see the first successful played notes in minutes, unless you are under 5+ years old! After learning the first music note on your instrument, you will start a super fun adventure helping a little dragon protect his...
Happy Music | Free
Easy to use music application suitable for young children, play with three different instruments to make your own Happy Music. Contains: - 8 Guitar chords - 8 Piano keys - 8 Strings notes - Use keyboard keys or mouse to play - No popup adv...
3D Human Anatomy Atlas 2025 | $24.99
Human Anatomy Atlas 2023 includes core anatomy reference content! Get the 3D interactive visual content you need to learn about the human body: - Full female and male 3D models to study gross anatomy. View these alongside cadaver and diagnostic image...
Unscramble Words Lite | Free
This game has over 1000 words. You can pick which word you want to unscramble. The game ends when you go 45 seconds without successfully unscrambling a word. This lite version limits you to 3 minutes of gameplay. Purchase the full version to remove...
Thai Dictionary Pro | Free
โปรแกรมพจนานุกรม อังกฤษ-ไทย , ไทย-อังกฤษ สำหรับ Mac - ค้นหาคำศัพท์ได้รวดเร็ว - พิมพ์ค้นหาได้ทั้งภาษาไทย และภาษาอังกฤษ - มีเสียงคำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษ สามารถเปิด-ปิด เสียงได้ - ไฮไลท์คำศัพท์และคำแปล สีสันสวยงาม เข้าใจง่าย พร้อมปุ่ม Print - หน้าจอโปรแกรมแ...
The Vehicles Typing | Free
This app is the first typing game for kids and beginners! FEATURES - More than thirty lessons (from basic to sentences) - More than ten popular vehicles, from cars, trains, airplanes and ships - User switching up to 3 people - Vehicles transform MON...
Music Prodigy | Free
Music Prodigy is Practice and Assessment made simple. Music Prodigy is an easy way to manage music practice, assignments and assessments, saving you time, and helping students learn faster. Made for music teachers and students, teachers manage and as...
50 States and Capitals | Free
Is it easy memorizing states' names and locations? Now it's simple with the help of 50 States and Capitals! This kind of edutainment software presents a great opportunity to keep your child occupied, enhancing their knowledge in using computers a...
CryptoBar: Bitcoin and Altcoin | Free
CryptoBar lets you easily display and monitor the prices of your favorite cryptocurrencies directly from your Mac menu bar. Main Features: - Support for 320 major Cryptocurrency coins (and over 2200+ pairs) including but not limited to: Avalanche (A...
Boaty McBoatface | Free
- Control your RRS Ship to collect science and biology research, food, supplies, fuel and entertainment. - Scavenge knowledge pickups to win extra large scores whilst learning about topics like Zoology, Marine Ethology, Medicine, Anatomy, Ecology. (a...
Phonogram Sounds | Free
Click a tile and hear the correct pronunciation! This interactive program features clear enunciation of the sounds of the letters and letter combinations (also known as phonograms). Contains all 72 of the basic phonograms as taught in the All About R...
OE WordBook | Free
OE Wordbook is a concise and powerful tool for collecting and learning new words. It is designed to support words in all languages. You can create multiple wordbooks for each language. ==Features:== - Supports to synchronize wordbooks between iPhon...
Deutsch English Audio Bible | Free
Bibel in Deutsch, und es gibt Audio-Bibel in der App sind sowohl in Deutsch und in Englisch. the iOS version is: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bibel-deutsch/id684600746
Cambridge Dictionaries | Free
Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary - the definitive guide to contemporary pronunciation for British and American English, with audio pronunciations and helpful language learning features. Preview the full wordlist and sample entries before buyi...
Irish <> English Dictionaries | Free
Irish-English and English-Irish dictionaries available for in-app purchase Full wordlist and 100 sample translations of each dictionary are available to preview before buying _____ The app allows you to easily and quickly navigate through and try ou...
Vision Teacher for Chromebooks | Free
Vision for Chromebooks classroom management software provides visibility into all student activities, allowing teachers to see what their students see. Teachers can also share their screen, lock student screens and keyboards, and block websites - all...
Kids Dinosaur Join and Connect the Dots Puzzles - Rex teaches the ABC numbers and counting | Free
완전 좋아하는 공룡 도트 퍼즐을 연결, 그들의 포효를 듣고 및 각 그들의 이름을 발음 하는 방법. 지금 보너스와 함께 쌍 메모리 게임을 일치 하 고 탈출 미로 논리 게임 교육 게임 개발자 설계 유아와 유아 2 세 이상 수상에서 키를 누릅니다. 교육과 재미 애플 리...
Jack's House Free | Free
어린이와 유아에게 교육적인 게임: 논리, 숫자 세기, 퍼즐, 디자이너, 격려, 색깔, 그리고 합. 유아를 개발, 어린이에게는 재미있는 게임! 잭의 재미있는 일상이 당신의 아이들을 쉽고 재미있게 가르쳐줄거에요! 본 게임은 사고, 집중력, 기억력 그리고 색깔 구별력을...
Speech Central: Text to Speech | $9.99
20,000개가 넘는 라이선스 판매와 4점 이상의 일관적인 평가들을 가지고 있는 Speech Central은 세계를 이끄는 글 음성 변환 브랜들 중 하나 입니다. 이는 2017년과 2020년, 애플(Apple) 기기의 접근성의 분야에 있어 선도적인 권위를 가진 애플비스(AppleVis)에서 iOS...
Chinese 23 - Mandarin Chinese language dictionary | Free
중국어 23 - 표준 중국어(보통화)의 무료 영중 및 중영 사전입니다. 이 사전을 중국어 회화집처럼 사용하여 중국어를 학습하고 어휘력을 확장하세요. 사전은 다양한 언어를 지원합니다: 영어, 독일어, 프랑스어, 스페인어, 포르투갈어, 이탈리아어, 러시아어, 일본어,...
French English Bilingual Bible | Free
Sainte Bible en français, et il ya bible audio en anglais et en français. Bible en français Louis Segond (Traduction King James Version - KJV) - Naviguez à travers les différents livres, chapitres et versets - Continuer la lecture à partir de la der...
FlashToPass Free Math Flash Cards | Free
FlashToPass Free is an easy-to-use, elegant program designed to facilitate mastering the basic math facts studied in Elementary School. Features: -Captivating sound effects and animations! -Enter answers using Speech Recognition! -Randomly...
Kids Halloween Puzzles and Logic Games | Free
어린 아이 들을 위한 할로윈 테마 매력적인 교육 퍼즐, 논리 및 메모리 훈련의 컬렉션 퍼즐 게임. 이 애플 리 케이이 션, 알파벳, 어린 아이 들을 가르치는 데 도움이 메모리를 유지 하 고 그들은 모두 재미와 직관적인 방법에 할로윈에 대해 배울 하는 동안 논리 능력...
موسوعة اسفار | Free
موسوعة أسفار - مكتبة التراث الإسلامي ------------------------------------- برنامج (أسفار) هو مكتبة التراث الإسلامي التي انتظرها مستخدموا أجهزة (ماك) طويلا، فهي مكتبة تضم في طياتها أكثر من ٤٥،٠٠٠ مجلد من مختلف العلوم والمعارف الإسلامية، وهي تعتمد في ب...
同音字典 - Chinese Helper | Free
輸入中文字、拼音、粵拼或廣東話輸入法 - 列舉同音字 - 華語、粵語發音 - 顯示其拼音、粵拼、倉頡及廣東話輸入法 - 列舉常用詞彙 - 支援繁/簡體 - 顯示萬國碼 (Unicode) - 連結外部中文字典 其他功能 - 可選擇在 Dock 或 Menu Bar 執行 - 可隨登入啟動 - 可在其他應用...
The Foos Coding 5+ | Award-winning free educational programming game | Free
5살 이상이면 누구나 코딩에 대해 배울 수 있는 최고의 앱, The Foos에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 아이들이 수상 경력에 빛나는 게임들을 통해 흥미롭게 컴퓨터 과학의 기초를 배울 수 있습니다. 그림으로만 구성된 인터페이스로 누구든 장소에 관계 없이 플레이할 수 있습...
Redhouse Turkish <-> English dictionaries | Free
***Büyük İndirim! Sözlük fiyatları 3.49 - 9.99 TL arasında.*** Uygulama içi satın alma imkanı veren üç farklı Redhouse İngilizce-Türkçe, Türkçe-İngilizce sözlük. Satın almadan önce önizleme için tam sözcük listesine ve 100 örnek maddenin tam içeriği...
100% Hidden Objects | Free
Hidden Object fanatics, we've got just the game for you! Forget those long-winded stories and dive right into the hidden object scenes you love! Let your eyes feast on an abundance of HO scenes, with beautiful graphics and multiple game modes that l...
Big Ideas Math | Free
The Dynamic eBook App is a complete electronic version of the Big Ideas Math student edition that includes interactive digital resources. This app allows you to navigate through the book, highlight important information, and add notes or bookmarks....
3D Organon Anatomy - Skeleton, Bones, and Ligaments | Free
3D Organon Anatomy - Skeleton, Bones, and Ligaments is a feature-rich interactive anatomical atlas of the skeletal system and connective tissues enhanced with quality anatomy descriptions and texts with frequently encountered clinical correlations....
每日英语听力 - 英语听力的最佳途径 | Free
《每日英语听力》是最好用的离线听力软件 - 拥有每天更新的海量听力库,并独家提供智能语音高亮跟随功能 - 独家支持语音高亮跟随功能 - 与拥有海量词库的《欧路词典》无缝集成,查词典、背单词轻松搞定。 提示:如果需要实现即指即译功能,请搜索安装“欧路词典” ===每...
Preschool Car Truck and Engine Jigsaw Puzzle | Free
유아 및 취학 전 아동 자동차, 트럭, 보트, 기차, 비행기, 응급 차량, 더 많은의 쉬운 퍼즐을 작성 하 여 차량 및 교통에 대 한 배울 것입니다. 지금 보너스 미로 게임 및 아 이들의 재미와 교육 소프트웨어의 수상 경력 개발자에서 논리, 더하기와 빼기를 가르치는 수...
SimpleMind − Mind Mapping | Free
마인드 매핑은 생각을 정리하고, 정보를 기억하고 새로운 아이디어를 창출하는 데 유용합니다. 그래서 언제, 어디서나 마인드 매핑을 할 수 있는 탁월하고 직관적인 앱을 개발했습니다. 무료 기능 • 마인드 매핑을 시작할 때 필요한 모든 것. • 광고 없음. • 데이터 수...
Skript | Free
The popular words board game playable in six different languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Grab seven tiles from the bag and place them on the board, constructing words and earning points. Two or four players play Skr...
Environ | Free
Environ is an educational game that puts players in the role of a global decision maker. The game is set in near-future Earth, where the player must make difficult and complex choices to improve the Earth’s environment while increasing economic prosp...
eCITY | Free
eCITY is a city simulation game where you are challenged to solve different engineering issues. Eight scenarios are available including topics such as: * energy distribution * pollution * networking * transportation * natural disasters * etc... The...
TraiMonitorMiniEt | Free
We start to provide Mac OS version of EtCO2 monitor simulator by FREE!! This program, simulating EtCO2 monitor, has very limited functions based on fully functional TraiMonitor SE. EtCO2 starts to be focused by AHA Guideline 2010 though it hasn't b...
Abacus HD | Free
ABACUS is Amazing way for to learn Math. Its ancient instrument which has been used for over 2500 years. Its the most successful learning tool for everyone who want to learn Math. Features -Easiest way to learn Math. -You can do Addition,Subtraction...
Monkey Stories: Books & Games | Free
Monkey Stories is an English language learning program which aims at helping children be conversant with English before the age of 10! (suitable for children of 2 - 10 years of age) Designed by language experts in accordance with The Common European...
Medical Practice Tests | Free
******** 30 % DISCOUNT for each In-App Purchase. LIMITED TIME ******** Do you want to check your level of knowledge for a specific medical exam? If yes, then you should try Medical Practice Tests app. It's quick and easy to use. Our test questions...
Tutor for Mac, iPad, and iPhone | Free
Tutor for the Mac, iPad and iPhone includes over 50 video lessons on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone. These lessons are designed to get you started on your Mac, iPad, and iPhone. Want to learn more? With a low-cost subscription you can unlock over 30 more...
Lola’s Math Train - Counting | Free
롤라 판다와 친구들과 수학 놀이 여행을 떠나세요. 롤라의 수학 놀이는 3세에서 7세 사이의 어린이가 즐길 수 있도록 세심하게 꾸며졌습니다. 게임을 언뜻 보면 단순한 미니게임처럼 보이지만 여기에 현혹되지 마시고 전체 게임을 살펴 보십시오. 롤라의 수학 놀이는...
AHA eBook Reader | Free
With the AHA eBook Reader you can read all your American Heart Association (AHA) eBooks online, offline or anytime on your Mac device. You can log into this eBook reader using the same account information as your AHA account. How to add AHA eBooks...
MusicInteract | Free
MusicInteract is an interactive music software product that can literally be called a Virtual Piano Teacher. This product shall by no means replace a professional teacher, however, it can be used in a teaching environment to enhance the learning expe...
Quran Pak Urdu — قرآن پاک | $5.99
Quran Pak is the only app that offers the most beautiful Arabic Quran text (proofread by a Muslim scholar 'alim), in the elegant font used in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh region. It includes Urdu Tafsir Usmani (in Nastaliq font) which beautifies yo...
Russian - Italian Dictionary G.Zorko, A.Kanestri | Free
Два обширных словаря от всемирно известных лингвистов в одном приложении! Новый большой итальянско-русский словарь Г.Ф. Зорько и Новый большой русско-итальянский словарь А. Канестри. Не требует Интернет-соединения. ----------------------------------...
Being Mindful App | Free
Like a Buddhist body scan meditation, but can be done lying down, sitting, standing, walking, with qigong, tai chi, yoga, upper bodyweight exercises, lower bodyweight exercises, or all of them in a complete routine.
Understanding Photography Basics with simple words Free Edition | Free
Understand the basics of photography with simple words ====================================== Must buy ! ***** =========== Excellent - I've just completed the videos and this app has been excellent. Well presented, no over complicated instructions'...
Holy Bible Audio Book | Free
영어와 중국어 킹 제임스 버전 성경. 그리고 당신은 두 언어에게 오디오 성경을들을 수 있습니다. Only the first 3 chapters of the book Genesis are free to listen and download. The other audio required an additional purchase. the iOS protestant version a...
Tutor for Apple Watch | Free
A getting started tutorial for the Apple Watch using watchOS 4. Tutor for Apple Watch - watchOS 4 Edition is designed for the beginner user but not limited to first time users’ learn the Apple Watch. We cover everything from getting around the Apple...
Tagsom Edutainment | Free
Tagsom Edutainment: - Learning App for Kids with Fun Features Help your kids in enhancing their learning skills in a fun way. Yes! Our edutainment app is specially designed to build the reading and writing skills of the kids with the help of educat...
Brick Train Build Game 4 Kids | Free
Labo Brick Train is an amazing train building and driving app for children. It provides a virtual sandbox where children can freely build and play with brick trains. In Labo Brick Train, children build unique trains by putting together pieces of co...
Spanish-English Audio Bible | Free
Santa Biblia en español, y hay biblia audio en la aplicación, tanto en Inglés como en español. the iOS version is: https://itunes.apple.com/es/app/santa-biblia-espanol/id684594203?mt=8
Lola's ABC Party LITE | Free
Join the Party! Lola Panda™ invites you and all of her friends to party! Lola’s ABC Party LITE is another engaging educational game from the Lola Panda™ game series. It begins with simple word recognition, and graduates to more challenging tasks when...
Overpaint | Free
Overpaint is all about color in motion. The goal is simple: drag-and-drop the squares over the matching circles to clear them. To make new colors just overlap the 3 squares. Seems easy, right? You have all the time yet each move counts… Observe the...
AI English Grammar Check Spell | Free
문법 검사기 X를 사용하면 모든 사람이 더 쉽고 고품질의 글을 쓸 수 있습니다. 이제 철자나 문법 오류 없이 모든 텍스트를 작성하고 보낼 수 있습니다. 이제 Mac 장치에서 바로 자신 있게 글을 쓸 수 있습니다. 우리의 문법 교정기 및 편집기는 간단하고 무료입니다!...
Translate - 27 Hot Languages | $4.99
Translate support 27 kinds of hot language translation around the world. - Arabic - Estonian - Bulgarian - Polish - Danish - German - Russian - French - Finnish - Korean - Dutch - Czech - Romanian - Portuguese - Japanese - Swedish - Slovene - Thai...
I Spy With Lola LITE | Free
그녀의 첫번째 I Spy 모험 앱에서 전 세계를 여행하도록 Lola Panda에 가입하세요! 길을 따라 숨겨진 수 백가지의 물체를 찾을 수 있도록 다른 나라에서 Lola의 친구를 방문하십시오. 이 멀티 레벨 게임은 모든 연령대의 어린이를 위한 재미있는 도전을 제공합니다. Lo...
iStudiez Pro Legendary Planner | Free
A student's life is a dizzying mix of activity and just plain craziness! Take charge of your schedule and put iStudiez Pro to work for you! Take advantage of iStudiez Pro easy navigation and never miss another course, lecture and lab, track tasks and...
iHomework 2 | Free
iHomework 2 for Mac is the perfect organizer for any student and makes tracking your school work a breeze. Let iHomework 2 organize your work so you can focus on getting it done. Track your assignments, courses, grades and teachers with minimal effo...
3D Anatomy for the Artist 2024 | Free
골격계 및 그림 갤러리 무료 이용 근육계 (앱내 구매) 미켈란젤로와 레오나르도 이후 오늘날의 만화가에 이르기까지 해부학의 깊이 있는 연구는 위대한 예술가에게 매우 중요한 발판이 되어 왔습니다. 이 앱은 아주 상세한 3D 해부 모델을 통해 예술가들이 골격계와...
Overview of Blackboard Learn | Free
In this FREE Blackboard overview course trainer Jason Diehl gives you an intensive first look at all the modules that are contained in the Blackboard Learn system. Sit back, watch and see what Blackboard can do for you!
Globe Geography 3D: Geo Atlas | Free
Globe Geography 3D - 어린이와 청소년을 위한 다채로운 교육용 3D 아틀라스입니다. 지구 곳곳으로 매혹적인 여행을 합니다! 지구본의 인터랙티브 시각화 세계적으로 유명한 랜드마크의 3D 모델 참조 정보 국가, 도시, 지리적인 개체 및 랜드마크에 대한 가장 흥미로...
Rosetta Stone: Learn Languages | Free
언어 학습에 있어서 가장 신뢰받는 Rosetta Stone과 함께 새로운 언어를 배우세요. 단어와 개념을 해석 없이 직관적으로 습득하세요. Rosetta Stone의 수상에 빛나는 모바일 앱은 실생활의 이미지에 단어를 연관 지어 새로운 언어를 완전히 이해하고 어떤 상황에서도...
Reading Comprehension Prep | Free
Try the most advanced reading comprehension tool on the Mac App Store for free! "This app helped me in my reading. Now I have an A+. I am very happy I tried this app." 3rd Grade Non-Fiction Stories: - Bats - The Life of Abraham Lincoln 3rd Grad...
Learn Retouching Photoshop CS 6 Edition Free | Free
CREATE STUNNING PHOTOS using the new Photoshop CS 6 In these videos you will get a good start at using the powerful Photoshop CS 6. The free version gives you access to over 40 minutes of this course. NO technical jargon used without a simple expl...
Count 1 to 10 Free - Mrs. Owl's Learning Tree | Free
Welcome to Mrs. Owl's Learning Tree! Come on up to the tree-house classroom and enjoy the great games that Mrs. Owl has prepared for you inside! Join Mrs. Owl in the Learning Tree's tree-house classroom as she helps you count all the way to ten wi...
Master of Typing 3: Practice | Free
타이핑 마스터 3 앱은 손가락 10 개를 동시에 사용하여 빠른 타이핑 기술을 습득하기위한 효과적인 터치 타이핑 과정입니다. 타이핑 속도를 증가합니다 - 다양한 연습 문제: 글자 및 특수 문자, 단어 및 문구. 1. 기어 아이콘(왼쪽 하단)을 탭하세요. 2. 자동 난이도...
Scrivener 3 | $59.99
Typewriter. Corkboard. Scrapbook. Scrivener combines all the writing tools you need to craft your first draft, from nascent notion to final full stop. “The biggest software advance for writers since the word processor.” - Best-selling novelist Micha...
Morpheme Dictionary | Free
A morphological and etymological dictionary with 800 entries and growing, designed with a light and clean interface. Many morpheme and etymology dictionaries tend to either be incomplete, or large and clunky web interfaces; This one was created with...
Go Game Joseki Dictionary | Free
A Go software for Joseki dictionary. Function,interface, operating experience, strive for perfection! Content-rich, comprehensive, careful to explain Crystallization of the wisdom of the professional players,Go enthusiasts must software! In Go,...
Learn music - Rhythmic Village | Free
Now, this is over! With this fun app, you will learn the basics of reading music - drumming and drum notation, while playing a rhythm tap game. In this adventure, you get introduced to the crazy and happy music notes named Rhythmiacs, who live in a v...
Dynamic Geometry | Free
Sketchpad is a set of mathematics dynamic geometry, mathematical computation, formulas input application. Using mathematical drawing board, you can replace the Ruler mapping, but you can make advanced image and function of the image trajectory, can...
Peek 360 | Free
Easily record screencasts on your Mac with Peek, a screencasting app that's part of Articulate 360. Peek is always there when you need it, right on your Mac menu bar. Choose the app you want to record, then drag the frame to customize your view. You...
Quick Quiz | Free
Create, share, and download multiple choice quizzes to help your kids or yourself learn various topics. An immediate written and spoken response for correct or incorrect answers is provided for each question. Responses may be customized. Type in the...
Spike Recorder | Free
Let’s face it. The brain is complex, but it is extremely fascinating. To study the brain, you typically have to be a graduate student at a major university. But not any more! Backyard Brains enables everyone to be a neuroscientist! Coupled with ou...
Baby View Lite | Free
아기보기, 당신의 아기를 참여하고 즐겁게하도록 설계 콘트라스트가 높은 장면의 자극 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 아기보기가 자신의 삶의 형성 개월 만에 눈을 아기의 조율과 초점을 장려하는 좋은 방법입니다. 그것은 아기가 아주 어린, 그리고 시력이 개발되는...
Aviation Exam - EASA Test Prep | Free
Prepare for your EASA written exams with us and study also offline. The question bank is constantly updated and maintained to effectively prepare you for your exams. Do not hesitate any longer and download the application now! Our application bring...
Learn To Play Piano | $4.99
Learn to play the piano with the help of this incredible selection of MORE Than 550 Video lessons. Learn the basics, chords, theory and much more. Use this app as a “Video Referencing Library” where you can come back for a refresher lesson or searc...
Music Tones | Free
This game is focused on music tones. It will teach you where you can find for example tone C on music staff with either treble or bass clef. We use colors to let children and people freely explore music realm. No matter how old you are, this music g...
Visual Anatomy 3D | Human | Free
An interactive visual guide for learning and understanding human anatomy Quickly get a clear and complete 3 dimensional understanding of all muscles, bones & organs of the human body. Includes the option to add notes, get wikipedia information & imag...
Anatomy 3D Atlas | Free
이 앱은 무료로 다운로드할 수 있지만 모든 콘텐츠의 잠금을 해제하려면 인앱 구매가 필요합니다. 일부 콘텐츠는 항상 자유롭게 액세스할 수 있으므로 앱의 기능을 제대로 사용해 볼 수 있습니다. '해부학 3D 아틀라스'를 사용하면 인체 해부학을 쌍방향 방식으로 쉽게...
Focus – Productivity Timer | Free
Meet Focus: the best time manager for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac. Focus is the most elegant and professional solution to get more work done. Stay focused by working in highly efficient sessions, tackling one task at a time. “[…] a tool that c...
Staventabs Pro: Music Notation | Free
Stave’n’Tabs is a notation and tablature editor for your Mac. Simple interface, fast files’ opening, smart and convenient tools let you feel the atmosphere of the majestic classical scores, dynamic rock ballads or good old jazz. Support of the main m...
Kids Christmas Activites and Puzzles | Free
크리스마스 테마 교육 하 고 재미 있는 논리 퍼즐, 어린 아이 들에 대 한 메모리 훈련 게임의 컬렉션입니다. 이 애플 리 케이이 션 계산, 메모리 및 논리 기술 하는 동안 그들은 재미와 직관적인 방법에 축제의 계절에 대 한 모든 학습 알파벳, 어린 아이 들을 가르치는...
Make It - Create & play games | Free
Create games, quizzes, activities and stories ... in just a few seconds! Play and share your creations with whoever you want, wherever you want. Make It is the perfect app for teachers, students, schools, educators and professionals. Games Create ed...
TutorIQ | Free
TutorIQ™ connects your child with professional educators for live tutoring sessions providing personalized and accelerated learning your child will enjoy. Through TutorIQ’s cross-platform design, ALL sessions are easy to attend using any device from...
Halloween Car Game For Kids | Free
"Labo Halloween Car is a delightfully creative app with an engaging game to bring your creation to life." -- fundamentallychildren.com Design and build your own Halloween-themed car. It's an app for kids 4-8 years old. This app comes with 30+ t...
Alphabetimals: Animal Alphabet | Free
재미 있고 쉬운 영어 알파벳 학습 어린이 나이 1,2,3,4,5는 어리석은 동물 캐릭터, 소리 및 애니메이션을 좋아합니다. 영어 문자 모양을 인식하고 대문자와 소문자를 식별하고 알파벳 순서로 문자를 입력하기 시작합니다. 전 세계의 수천 명의 교사와 학부모가 동의합...
GradingCalc | Free
Imagine this scenario: You just scored individual questions on a stack of papers and now you need to calculate grades. Simply start entering the points gained or lost into the app and see it calculate the overall percentage, total points, and lost...
Word Magic - Toddler Reading and Phonics | Free
Word Magic is a simple application I developed for my 2-year old son who kept on wanting to "help" me while I was typing on my laptop. This app will let your child "help" with your typing, while you help them learn about language and words. You typ...
School Assistant – Planner | Free
School Assistant by Sun Apps is a simple but powerful school planner app. It allows you to quickly and easily keep track of homework, tests, your schedule, and see your grades if your school uses an online portal system. You can also view Google Clas...
trainchinese Desktop Chinese Dictionary and Flash Cards | Free
Learn Chinese with an amazing dictionary and flash card system. trainchinese will teach you Chinese, with a free and complete dictionary, thousands of vocab lists, example sentences, audio recordings, measure words and character animations - and a p...
MEGA Addition 1-100 LITE | Free
MEGA 더하기 1-100 LITE 은 재미있게 수학을 잘할 수 있게 만들어주는 어플입니다. 게임하고, 별을 따고, 스티커를 모아서 보물상자에 모으세요! ••• 기능 • 덧셈 쉽게 배우기 • 별을 얻으세요 • 스티커를 얻으세요 • 아름답고 재미있는 그래픽 • 행과 열로 포맷된 질...
Learning Ally Audiobooks | Free
This app provides access to Learning Ally’s library of human-read audiobooks, offering an extensive selection of books students want and need to read, including bestsellers, classic literature and textbooks. Now students have interactive learning too...
Swedish Dictionaries | Free
14 mest auktoritativa svenska lexikonen tillgängliga som Applikations köp Full ordlista och 100 exempel på ord ur varje lista för att testa inför ett köp _____ Appen innehåller fjorton välkända svenska bilinguala lexikon för språken engelska, tyska...
West Academic Library | Free
The West Academic Library app provides offline access to titles available in your subscription to West Academic Study Aids or the West Academic Reference Collection. Sign in to the app using your West Academic username and password. West Academic is...
ReadingLogPro - Teacher | Free
Promotion! Free for this week. ReadingLogPro is an application for teachers to store reading log information received from students. With all the information stored in a local database, ReadingLogPro can help teachers to track the progress of stude...
Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering - A simpleNeasyApp by WAGmob | Free
* * * * * WAGmob: An app platform for learning, teaching and training is offering 50% DISCOUNT for a limited time only.Download today!!! * * * * * WAGmob brings you simpleNeasy, on-the-go learning app for "Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engin...
TrackCC Class management | Free
School types - Single teacher or multi-teacher - Customizable for any type of school - From day care to high school to universities - From public schools to private schools & home schools - Music schools, sports schools, dance schools - Can also be u...
Typesy (Existing Users Only) | Free
* This version is for existing customers who already have a Typesy account. * Install this and use your existing Typesy account to log in. * If you are not an existing user of Typesy, please see the other Typesy listing in the App Store.
Oxford Learner’s Academic Dict | Free
Winner, Innovation in Learner Resources, British Council ELTon Awards 2015 Awarded “BEST OF 2016 - INNOVATIONSPREIS-IT” by Initiative Mittelstand *** IMPORTANT: This free download will give you sample entries from the dictionary. An in-app purchas...
Learning numbers for kids! | Free
We present an educational application for kids that will help them learn numbers together with funny characters, as well as teach them how to count and perform simple mathematical operations. Funny and bright pictures are waiting for the kids, so t...
One Button Studio | Free
The One Button Studio is a simplified video recording solution. Once setup, the design of the studio allows the user to create high-quality and polished video projects without having to know anything about lights and cameras. They only need to bring...
Course for Intro to iMovie | Free
The new iMovie is here! Check out all the fun and features and get a glimpse of all the new editing power Apple has built into this easy-to-use, yet full-featured iLife app! App Features: • 33 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • O...
Declan Italian BASIC | Free
Serious about learning Italian? Learn over 5,000 Italian words. Yes, that's right, 5,000! And each and every one with true native speaker audio. Includes flashcards and exercises. * Over 5,000 Italian words and phrases. * Every word includes a nat...
Vision Exchange App | Free
The Vision Exchange App allows users to collaborate with the Sony Vision Exchange Collaboration System. Vision Exchange provides a dynamic and flexible solution to cover various teaching space and meeting room needs. For use with the Vision Exchange...
Being Centered | Free
Quick Calm lowers your energy from your crown to your tailbone. Quick Energy raises your energy from your tailbone to your crown and includes movement exercises. Principles are a text description of methods and ideas. Chakra Sparkle actives one ra...
TMU - Tutorials | Free
With TheMacU Tutorials App you can view our Mac & iOS(iPad & iPhone) video tutorials. Each tutorial is presented in HD. View free preview lessons for each tutorial along with full outlines and descriptions! Tutorials purchased in this App will also a...
HelloWeb Free: Write & Test HTML/CSS/JS Code | Free
HelloWeb is simply the fastest way to write and test your HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. You only need to write or paste in your source code and switch to the "Result" tab to run/preview it. Note: HelloWeb Free supports only one document at a time,...
Zen: coloring pages for kids | Free
Zen: Coloring pages for kids Zen: Coloring pages for kids is a beautiful digital coloring book app for kids. Pure finger,mouse or stylus painting fun without all the mess! Coloring is an excellent way to help kids develop fine motor skills, col...
Kids Dinosaur Rex Jigsaw Puzzles - educational shape and matching children`s game | Free
좋아하는 공룡의 직소 퍼즐을 완료 하 고 각 영어에 그들의 이름을 발음 하는 방법. 게임 하는 데 도움이 어린이의이 교육 하 고 재미 있는 세트 그들의 손의 개발 하면서 매칭 기술을 조정 눈 및 퍼즐 해결 능력 알아보기 그것은 사진 품질의 사진 함께 독특한 초기...
Spirit Qigong App | Free
1) Type in a question. 2) Press start. 3) Guess the answer from the clues. Some people think the clues are just random. Other people think the clues come from the Spirit World.
Elyoum - Islamic Calendar | Free
Elyoum is a Mac app that sits on your menubar, showing the Islamic Calendar along with the historical events and the sunnah fasting. What you could do with Elyoum: 1. It shows the current date on hijri calendar on your menu bar 2. Shows the sunnah...
Political Coordinates | Free
Political Coordinates are the most popular and inclusive way to display ideological spectrum. They use two axes: one measures politics based on social and personal opinions, the other prioritizes economic preferences. Political Coordinates have four...
Coloring Book - Ocean | Free
대양 는 모든 연령대를 위한 재미있고 상호적인 그림 그리기 그리고 색칠 하기 앱입니다! 당신은 고 품질의 사진들을 색칠할 수 있고 비어있는 페이지에 당신이 원하는 것을 그릴 수 있습니다! ••• 특징들 • 재미있는 그림들! • 비디오 재생 • 쉬운 확대 • 많은 사...
Mind Body Tool | Free
Mind Body Tool Menu - 1) Make Basic Changes 2) The Subtle Idea 3) Energy Practices 4) Inner Journey 5) Affirmations You can also model your mind-body state as well as others’.
Wild Faces Jigsaw Puzzle - The Free Animals | Free
Many beautiful puzzles for your child to master! This app contains 18 hand-picked and individually prepared jigsaw puzzles. Features: - A user interface with no extra features. - 2 solving modes: normal (allowing puzzle pieces to be rotated) and bab...
Essential Anatomy 5 | $22.99
Essential Anatomy is the most successful anatomy app of all time, with more content, features, structures and ease of use than any other anatomy app — bar none! Now with over 8,200 structures including female 3D model. Download our FREE "Essential S...
MEGA Multiplication 1-100 LITE | Free
MEGA 곱하기 1-100 LITE 은 재미있게 수학을 잘할 수 있게 만들어주는 어플입니다. 게임하고, 별을 따고, 스티커를 모아서 보물상자에 모으세요! ••• 기능 • 곱하기 쉽게 배우기 • 별을 얻으세요 • 스티커를 얻으세요 • 아름답고 재미있는 그래픽 • 행과 열로 포맷된...
Course for Xcode 7 Lite | Free
Learn how to create apps for iOS 9 using Xcode 7 with these easy-to-follow video tutorials. If you're already an expert this app probably isn't for you, but if you want to learn app development from the ground up you've come to the right place. Learn...
Lola's Beach Puzzle LITE | Free
롤라 팬더가 즐거운 비치 퍼즐을 즐길 수 있도록 도와주세요! 만 3세-8세아이들을 위해 만들어 졌으며 아이들의 인지 능력과 운동기능을 향상시켜 줍니다. 쉽고, 교육적이며 특히 어린아이이들에게 재미를 주는 "롤라 비치 퍼즐"은 롤라 팬더가 주인공인 흥미롭고, 컬...
Teacher Assistant 3 - Schedule Master | Free
This programs is one of the best solutions for keeping an electronic class register. It's is a helpful teacher's tool for managing classes and personal schedules. In this version you can: 1. Organize the main aspects of your teacher's process easil...
Ultimate Guitar-Chords & Tabs | Free
Get the world's largest catalog of guitar, bass & ukulele chords, tabs, and lyrics to learn your favorite songs! Search for any song by type, difficulty, tuning, and rating. Focus on guitar techniques or discover songs for particular moments with c...
Bible Quizzer | Free
Learn all about the Bible in this fun quick-fire quiz game! Answer correctly before time runs out, or it's game over! Gradually improve your knowledge of the world's most read book, and prove to your friends that you're the ultimate biblical expert!...
Word Builder for Oliver FREE | Free
★ Includes native language wordplay sets for the following 8 languages: English (both American and British), German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi and Czech ★ A really fun way to get children to learn - without them knowing! WOULD YOU L...
Iota Reader | Free
Offers an incredible reading experience for Lit.ge Books, Magazines and Newspapers on your Mac. Lit.ge is the first Georgian shop for eBooks offering hundreds of Georgian books. It also offers some foreign books but primarily is oriented on Georgian...
1Focus - App & Website Blocker | Free
1Focus lets you block distracting websites and apps. Stay focused and get things done with 1Focus. 4.7 star average rating from over 2000 reviews worldwide. "1Focus creates an oasis for focused work by disabling access to specific websites and apps...
Russian dictionaries by DROFA | Free
25 авторитетных словарей для английского, немецкого, испанского, французского, итальянского и датского языков от крупнейшего издательства учебной литературы "ДРОФА" в одном приложении. Полный список слов и 50 статей доступны в каждом словаре для прос...
Polyglot | Free
Polyglot is a powerful translator for Safari that translates selected text into your native language at lightning speed. Key feature: - Automatic language detection - Instant Translation - Synonyms - Transliteration - Keyboard shortcut
Classroom | Free
교실 앱은 사용자의 Mac을 강력한 보조 교구로 만들어 줍니다. 학생을 지도하고 학생의 학습 과정을 확인할 수 있을 뿐 아니라 학생이 진도를 따라갈 수 있도록 관리할 수 있습니다. 교실 앱을 사용하면 모든 학생의 iPad 또는 Mac에 동시에 같은 앱을 쉽게 실행하거나...
VOX Spanish Dictionaries | Free
Esta aplicación presenta 14 diccionarios VOX, bilingües y de lengua española, con las pronunciaciones de las palabras grabadas por hablantes nativos. Gracias a sus funcionalidades se puede navegar por cualquiera de los diccionarios bilingües y de l...
Vumingo Exam Testing Engine | Free
Welcome the Mac version of Exam Testing Engine, your personal guru in exam preparation process! ETE is the response for on-the-go productivity. Even your busy schedule is not an obstacle now! Being always at hand, you can prepare for your certificati...
Healing Movements | Free
This app has many simple healing movements that help you feel better easily. Follow along and practice the water move, wind move, fire move, and ground moves.
Kids ABC and Counting Jigsaw Puzzles Pre school | Free
영어 알파벳을 학습 하 고 계산 하는 동안 귀여운 만화 그림의 완전 한 직소 퍼즐. 게임 일치 하는 쌍으로 메모리 기술을 구축 하 고 자세히 덧셈과 뺄셈 1에서 20 까지의 숫자에 대 한. 지금 보너스와 함께 쌍 메모리 훈련 게임, 추가 문자 퍼즐 및 수상 교육 게임 개...
Fruits - Connect the Dots and Add Colors - Free | Free
A coloring game that will make your kids happy. To learn what is in a picture, connect all the dots by alphabet or by numbers. The resulting picture can be colored into your favorite colors. Advantages: - 3 game modes: connect dots by alphabet, by...
Animals - Connect the Dots and Add Colors - Free | Free
A coloring game that will make your kids happy. To learn what is in a picture, connect all the dots by alphabet or by numbers. The resulting picture can be colored into your favorite colors. Advantages: - 3 game modes: connect dots by alphabet, by...
ABC Spelling - Spell & Phonics | Free
Discover a brand new world of education with ABC Spelling - Spell & Phonics, a fun and free game for parents and children to play together! ABC Spelling is a colorful and easy to use educational game that helps young children learn the alphabet, sou...
Heydooda! The kitty says: Hello animal kids | Free
Most of you asked us for more animals. So here we go: from now on, you can buy packages of 12 items directly inside the app. The first 12 animals remain of course free. There´s 1 more set of animals and 2 sets of vehicles available. And as an introdu...
Capo | Free
Learn your favorite songs without tabs or sheet music. Whether you play for the world or yourself, all musicians need a good ear for harmony, melody, and rhythm. Using the songs in your music collection, Capo guesses the beats, chords, and key of so...
Dot to Dot - Ocean | Free
The underwater world is diverse and beautiful. It hides many things that are waiting to be discovered! It would be quite interesting to be able to explore the waters of the world ocean and observe its inhabitants. Huge whales and small seahorses, too...
Monkey Junior: Learn to Read | Free
1. PROGRAM SYSTEM Monkey Junior is built by experts with a comprehensive lesson system, especially suitable for children who start learning English, with: - More than 670 lessons divided by courses: Basic - Medium – Advanced. Even children who do not...
Dinosaurs - Connect the Dots and Add Colors - Free | Free
A coloring game that will make your kids happy. To learn what is in a picture, connect all the dots by alphabet or by numbers. The resulting picture can be colored into your favorite colors. Advantages: - 3 game modes: connect dots by alphabet, by...
ABC MAGIC PHONICS 5 Lite-Connecting Sounds, Letters and Pictures | Free
Learn The Alphabetic Principle. Develop Phonemic Awareness. Learn How Sounds Relate to Words. Learn Letter-Sound Correspondence. Learn How to APPLY Letter Sound Correspondence. Gain proficiency in the use of the sounds of the letters. Gain Proficienc...
Kids Musical Instrument Connect the Dots Puzzles - learn the ABC numbers shapes and for toddlers | Free
배우고 악기에 대 한 찾는 동안 그들은 소리를 식별 숫자와 알파벳을 계산. 수상에서 수상 교육 게임 개발자 교육과 재미 애플 리 케이 션이 어린 아이 손 눈 조화를 개발 하면서 알파벳 문자와 세 숫자를 배울 수 있습니다. 음악 연결 했다 점 퍼즐 아이: • 고품질...
US War Trivia | Free
American War History Trivia. Categories: Revolutionary War, Civil War, World Wars, Recent Wars. - NO user submitted questions. - NO multiple choice. - NO lame questions. We love trivia! But we've found most trivia games out there aren't that fu...
Scale: Beautiful Fractals | Free
Explore the mathematical beauty of fractals and create stunning fractal art with Scale. Scale is fast and a pleasure to use. It was designed from the ground up to be intuitive and user-friendly. * Click and drag or use arrow keys to pan. * Double-c...
Labo Brick Car(4+) | Free
이 앱은 3-6세 아동에 적응합니다. 만약 당신이 그걸 좋아하지, 귀하의 자녀에 대 한 iPad 버전을 다운로드 하는 것이 좋습니다. [YOUTUBE]: https://youtu.be/DnjfzCHm9BQ 아이들이 자동차 장난감을 좋아하고 쌓기놀이 장난감으로 자동차를 조립하기 좋아합니다. 이...
Preschool ABC Zoo Animal Connect the Dot Puzzles | Free
세 배우 그리고 알파벳 동물원에서 볼 수 있는 야생 동물에 대 한 밖으로 찾는 하 고 소리를 식별 하는 동안 그들은이 당혹 게 하 고 재미 있는 게임. 지금 보너스와 함께 쌍 메모리 게임 찾아서 탈출 미로 논리 퍼즐. 조기 교육 애플 리 케이 션 개발자 젊은 두뇌 개...
Dictionary Books | Free
Dictionary Book is a simple dictionary app with very useful Features: 1. search word definition. 2. pronounce the word 3. save your words into a list 4. save your personal lists. 5. print your word list and specific word definitions as a word card....
Kiwix Desktop | Free
Kiwix enables you to have the whole of Wikipedia (and many other web sites) available wherever you go! On a boat, in the middle of nowhere, or when data charges are too high, Kiwix gives you access to the whole human knowledge for free. You don't nee...
Visual Acupuncture 3D | Free
Study acupuncture visually and interactively. Get a good feel for the flow of meridian pathways and their (anatomical) point locations. Includes a complete interactive anatomy model (muscles, bones, and organs), which can be interactively edited...
IPA Keyboard | $3.99
Transcription of any language using the international phonetic alphabet. Use predefined layouts or make your own. Clicking any letter on-screen will add it to the text field at the bottom, allowing easy copying and clearing. IPA Keyboard supports d...
Typist | Free
タイピスト(Typist)は、タッチタイピングの練習用ソフトウェアです。 英文タイプに加え、ローマ字かな入力、かなタイプ入力、テンキー入力の練習ができます。 ◆ 英文タイプ 米国で長年利用されている定評のあるレッスン内容です。 少々きついかもしれませんが、じっく...
Preschool Animal Match | Free
★★★★★ Our Little Miss Muffet is #3 on the reader’s choice BEST KIDS APPS 2011 list, and available on the Mac App Store ★★★★★ “Preschool Animal Match” is a premium memory game for preschoolers. It will help them learn the names of animals whilst impro...
Color by Numbers - Cars | Free
There’s a car so suit any boy’s taste – once he’s found one, he can color it in with his favorite colors. Benefits: ◦ Teaching children simple arithmetic. Addition and subtraction ◦ Coloring by geometrical figures and pictograms ◦ Coloring by lette...
ScoreCloud Studio | Free
“Like Google Translate for music” - ScoreCloud instantly turns your songs into sheet music. As simple as that! It's ideal for musicians, students, teachers, choirs and bands as well as composers and arrangers. - Instant Score from MIDI or Audio - Ar...
好视通云会议 FastMeeting Cloud | Free
通过好视通云会议你可以与其它用户进行面对面的多人语音、视频沟通,并可在会议中用文字聊天。广泛适用于企业开会、在线教育、在线培训、远程协助等场景。 主要特性: - 可通过用户名、会议室号、会议室链接登录会议室 - H.264 编码,视频质量高,省流量 - 音视频清晰...
Anatomy & Physiology | $34.99
Conquer those tough anatomy topics! Put aside the textbook, the lab specimens, or plastic 3D models and jump into an immersive 3D experience. - Zoom in to see in real 3D how nerves exit the spinal cord and their relationship to the vertebrae. - Ro...