어떤 소프트웨어를 선택하든, Pcmacstore.com 컴퓨터에서 실행해 볼 수 있습니다.
Hero Academy 4.0 201 | Free
★ 애플 앱스토어 2012 최고의 앱에 HA의 작품 선정 기념, 모든 아이템이 1달러! ★ "도저히 손을 놓을 수 없는 아기자기한 전략 게임" - Touch Arcade, 평점 4.5 ★ "즐거움으로 가득한 게임" - 148Apps, 편집자 평점 5 ★ "재미를 보장하는 무료 게임! iOS 기기 사...
The Fate of the Pharaoh 4.4 107 | Free
영광스러운 이집트 제국은 오랜 전쟁 끝에 지친 상태로 남아 있습니다. 탐욕스러운 침략자들은 한때 웅장했던 왕국의 혼란과 폐허를 남기고 달아났습니다. 충성스러운 파라오의 조언자가 되어 그가 이집트의 황금 도시에서 평화와 번영을 회복하도록 도우십시오. 집을...
Prison Architect 4.0 43 | $29.99
Build and Manage A Maximum Security Prison. Build and manage a Maximum Security Prison. As the sun casts it’s early morning rays on a beautiful patch of countryside the clock starts ticking. You’ve got to crack on and build a holding cell to detain...
Thunder Fleets Lite 3.0 16 | Free
Build and command your naval forces and engage in massive sea battles in this World War II real time strategy game. Thunder Fleets uses detailed historical ships, from small patrol boats to the largest battleships that were ever put to sea. You will...
Blue Libra Lite 3.5 8 | Free
Command the last of the Libra class carriers and avenge the fall of your home world in this space real time strategy game. Build a variety of crafts, conquer planets and space stations and travel the universe. You will face a single player campaign...
Landgrabbers 4.0 7 | Free
LandGrabbers, an unbelievable crusades simulator, is now available for the Mac! Imagine that you are in the Middle Ages. It’s the time of castles, knights and the Crusades. Now imagine that you are a brilliant military leader with your own troops....
Bloons TD 5 | $9.99
독보적인 깊이와 자꾸만 플레이하고 싶어지는 별점 5점의 타워 디펜스가 이제 2 플레이어 동맹 플레이를 선보입니다! 멋진 타워를 건설하고, 제일 좋아하는 업그레이드를 선택하고, 쿨한 새로운 특수 요원을 고용하여 역사상 가장 인기 있는 타워 디펜스 시리즈의 최...
Civilization® V | $29.99
Experience one of the greatest turn-based strategy games of all time, Sid Meier’s Civilization® V. ——————————————————————————— B E G I N · W I T H · 2 0 · H I S T O R I C A L · L E A D E R S ——————————————————————————— Become Ruler of the World by...
Full Deck Solitaire | Free
NOW 83 deliciously delightful solitaire games for your Mac with three daily challenges! Designed by a Mac and Solitaire loving Mom and Daughter, Full Deck Solitaire is a beautiful card game with an easy to use user interface. Seventy two uniquely di...
Pixel Starships | Free
요번 년 모바일 게임 킥스타터 캠페인에서 제일 성공한 픽셀 스타쉽! 아이폰, 아이패드, 애플 워치에서 사용하실 수 있습니다. 픽셀 스타쉽은 8bit 대용량 온라인에서의 세계 최초 완전한 스타쉽 매니지먼트 게임입니다. 픽셀 스타쉽에서는 우주선 안에서 일어나는 모...
Diner Dash 5: BOOM! | $4.99
When a sneaky prankster removes the word "fat" from Flo's "Fat Free Breakfast" sign, a huge wave of hungry DinerToons overrun the diner causing it to explode! It's up to Flo, the spunky waitress, to move outside the diner and serve food to customer...
Mystery Mosaics | Free
The secrets of the ancients lie in your hands! These relics are charged with awesome and mysterious power, such as the realm has not seen in centuries. Many factions fight to be the first to unlock them, while others would prefer the secrets were los...
Realm Of Conquerors | Free
Are you up for a new epic 3D tactical rpg? Use your strategic skills in Realm of Conquerors, the most exciting and challenging 3D heroes rpg fantasy game where you need to bring your army to the enemy diamond and defeat it. Defend your towers, use sp...
Lucky Stars | Free
[Grand Update, Must Download] 1) Save game data so you can continue game now; 2) show high score when game ends; Lucky Stars now is available on Mac App Store! To embrace your dreams, to pop all Lucky Stars in the night sky! Once you start, you can...
Western Land | Free
Western Land is a Simulation game with an Wild West theme. The team chose to create Western Land using Spritekit, so it's an isometric construction/management/simulation game that aims to convey the feeling and dangers of the wild west. The game shar...
Unstoppable Gorg | Free
Get ready to experience a revolutionary defense game that will send you spinning. Gamespot says, "...an entertaining tribute to the alien-invasion movies of days gone by and an enjoyable tower defense game that requires you to think on your feet."...
Biotix: Phage Genesis HD | $4.99
Immerse yourself in an epic war for survival, encounter tiny, yet deadly enemies, guide the smallest of beings to greatest victories, evolve and become the dominant species. Core: Your mission is to ensure the survival of your species. Use genetic e...
Radiant Defense | Free
래디안트 디펜스는 수많은 외계인 침략자에게 침공당한 우주를 배경으로 펼쳐지는 타워 디펜스 게임입니다. 마음껏 나만의 우주 요새를 구축하고 다양한 무기와 함정을 배치하여 적의 침략을 방어해보세요! • 적의 침공을 나만의 방법으로 방어하세요! • 총 14개...
King's Bounty Legions | Free
최고의 전략 게임으로 친구들과 함께 세계를 지키며 격투를 즐겨보세요! 게이머들은 뛰어난 3D 그래픽을 통해 원작 게임과 동일하게 King's Bounty Universe게임을 즐기실 수 있으며 PvP상 최초로 친구들과 전투를 하실 수 있습니다. 게임 특징 및 요소: 색다른 3D...
City Island 3: Building Sim | Free
City Island와 초창기 타이쿤 게임을 좋아하고, 많은 건물을 건설했다면 저희의 세 번째 도시건설 게임도 분명히 마음에 드실 거예요! 전 세계 1천5백만 명 이상의 City Island 플레이어들과 함께 City Island 3: Building Sim을 시작해보세요! 이번에는 자신만의 독특...
Lunch Rush HD | Free
Run the best restaurant and win the Contest! Snowy the Bear opens his own eatery and offers fast-paced yet simple fun. Seat hungry customers, take orders, serve food, collect cash and clear tables. Match colors, chain actions and keep your customer...
Toy Defense 3: Fantasy | Free
이야! 이제 게임이 한국어로 제공됩니다! 이제 한국어로 짜릿한 전투 게임 플레이를 즐기세요! 화염을 대적하세요. 드래곤이 옵니다! 토이 디펜스 3: 환타지가 용감한 기사, 두려움이 없는 궁수, 분노한 고블린 그리고 마법 대기 딥으로 이루어진 새로움 마법 세계를...
Rail Maze 2 : Train Puzzler | Free
Rail Maze 2 adds even more fun and challenge to Rail Maze world. Additional Levels, new graphic environments and much more in version 2.0 of Rail Maze. Rail Maze 2 is the latest game by Spooky House Studios - creators of big hits: Rail Maze and B...
Decked Builder Lite | Free
Decked Builder aims to be the perfect companion for your Magic the Gathering hobby, taking care of everything related to deck building. Note: The Lite version of Decked Builder comes loaded with Magic 2011, Zendikar block, Shards of Alara block and...
GreenChess | Free
Chess Game Software and PGN Viewer Features include PGN support, fast game database browsing, game analysis, game annotations, position editing, importing FEN, an option to play against the GreenChess engine or the open source Stockfish engine, play...
Stockfish Chess | Free
Stockfish is a powerful chess analysis app. Play two-player games on the beautiful chess board, or get instant accurate analysis of any game. Stockfish will tell you who's winning and calculate the best move. Features: INTERACTIVE, IMMERSIVE BOARD...
Battlegrounds Real Time Strategy Multiplayer: Spy vs Spy Edition | Free
Battlegrounds: Spy vs Spy is a fast paced game that takes the best elements of tower defense and real-time strategy and combines them into an action-packed, endless strategy game! Carefully plan your attack strategy and build up your resources and d...
Bubble Shootix | Free
Shooting bubbles has never been so fun before. Take your bubble shooting experience to the next level with Bubble Shootix. Game by Spooky House Studios - creators of Rail Maze and Bubble Explode. Bubble Shootix feautures: - Beautiful animations - U...
Ancient Rome 2 Free | Free
Construct entire residential districts for people and improve their well-being by building markets, schools, theaters and other places, and connect them with roads for ease of access. Create warehouses and farms, plant wheat and bake bread, mine clay...
Worms™ 3 | $4.99
***Special Sale Price!*** Worms™ 3 has been developed for OSX and allows Mac gamers to challenge friends on iOS devices. Deal yourself the advantage with a new, game-changing enhancement. Turn on the card mode and alter the start and end of each tu...
Robotek | Free
The humanity had fallen. In the great robot uprising machines took the planet over. Empire of Machine is the new world order. It's time to take it back! One node at a time. ◉ Unique blend of strategy, action and RPG. ◉ More than 200 levels spread al...
Mystery Riddles | Free
A doubly puzzling magical adventure! The most powerful magicians in the kingdom of Mysteria were once the Pictomancers, who had the power to imbue painted or woven images with arcane energy. They have all but disappeared from the land, taking their...
Bubble Breaker Adventure | Free
Bubble Breaker Adventure is a fun and addictive puzzle game. Solve hundreds of levels by matching two or more bubbles of the same color. The gameplay is simple, but getting 3 stars in each level is a good challenge. Features - 350 levels - Unlimited...
Bubble Explode | Free
Now with awesome new feature: Mac window background TRANSPARENCY. Check out the screenshots! Bubble Explode had been Top 1 iPhone app in UK, Canada, Netherlands, Russia and has been in Top 5 apps in USA, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and...
Kingdom Tales | Free
당신의 왕국이 얼마나 영광스러워질 수 있을까요? 무료로 즐긴 다음 게임 내 모험을 모두 여세요! 고대의 예언이 선언하길....어느 날, 강력한 드래곤들이 자신들의 것이라고 주장할 새로운 영토를 찾을 것이라 했습니다! 그 날이 왔습니다! 예언이 이루어졌습니다! 이...
Civilization® VI | $59.99
수상 경력에 빛나는 게임을 즐기십시오. 지도 전역에 걸쳐 제국을 확장하고 문화를 발전시키며 역사의 가장 위대한 지도자들과 경쟁하여 역사의 시험에 견딜 문명을 건설하십시오. ———————————————— 20명의 역사적 지도자와 함께 시작 ———————————————— 베테랑 플레...
Building the Great Wall of China | Free
Embark on an epic journey across the Chinese Empire and take charge of building the greatest structure known to mankind - The Great Wall of China - in this addictive time management game. TRY IT FREE, THEN UNLOCK THE FULL ADVENTURE FROM WITHIN THE...
Tactical Monsters | Free
***** 3~5분 동안 펼쳐지는 짧은 PVP 매치의 스릴을 경험하세요! 다양한 전장에서 상대편의 몬스터와 격돌하세요! - MMO GAMES ***** 손바닥에서 펼쳐지는 턴 기반의 아레나 전투는 당신을 빨아들일 것입니다. - Alpha Beta Gamer ***** 콘텐츠의 부족이라고는 도저히...
Minesweeper 101 | Free
Minesweeper, a refreshingly clean, yet authentic interpretation of the classic strategy/puzzle game. The object of the game is to identify all mine squares by revealing all non-mine squares. The best minesweeper experience available. FEATURES - Begi...
Tap 'n' Pop 3: Balloon Adventures | Free
Tap 'n' Pop 3 is finally here! Incredible, 8 different game challenges, gorgeous graphics and smooth gameplay. Over 500 levels will keep you popping for hours. You simply have to try this game! Game types/challenges - Pop total number of balloons (h...
Iron Sea Frontier Defenders TD | Free
Man the guns! The enemy fleet is on the horizon! Take a part in the real sea battle! Now the battle rages absolutely free! Defend your fort from attacks – show your tactical skill. This unique historical setting will allow you to immerse yourself...
Rail Maze : Train puzzle | Free
Rail Maze is the latest game by Spooky House Studios - creators of big hits: Bubble Explode and Pumpkin Explode. Solve 100+ of challenging and unique puzzles, build railroads, bomb through obstacles, escape PIRATES on rails. Have a lot of fun with...
The Battle for Wesnoth | Free
The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme. Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans. In later games, recall your toughest warriors and form a deadly host whom none can...
DeckEleven's Railroads | Free
DeckEleven's Railroads is an addictive railroad empire building game in full 3D. You are in charge of building your own railroad empire, from track layout to cargo management. Choose your train configuration wisely, from steam-powered locomotives to...
baKno Chess | Free
고전적인 전략 게임 - 화려한 그래픽, 온라인 게임 및 쉬운 인터페이스. 수공으로 만들어진 멋진 보드와 말들을 회전과 줌 기능을 통해 3D로 보여집니다. 게임하기는 쉽지만 마스터는 어렵습니다. 지금 세 단계 다른 레벨을 설정하여 오프라인으로 컴퓨터와 대결하거나...
World Conqueror 2 | Free
In World Conqueror II you will be a general to accomplish a lot of important campaigns during World War II and Cold War. You can fight with or against those famous generals including Guderian, Rommel, Patton, Zhukov, Nimitz, MacArthur, Yamamoto, Mont...
Emoji World | Free
- Unite the World of Emoji Characters with a Sword in Your Hand - The world full of living Emoji is nothing like the world where we live. It's dark. It's hot. It's smelly. Life is tough. La vida no es facil allí according to my Spanish teacher....
Airfield Mania | $0.99
Airfield Mania is an addictive line-draw air traffic control game for your Mac. But don´t tell us we didn´t warn you. It´s really addictive. It features: * Three Maps * HD graphics Instructions: Click the aircrafts and drag them to their runways...
Samurai vs Zombies Defense | Free
사무라이 영웅이 되어 좀비떼의 공격으로부터 마을을 수호하세요! 동맹을 모집하고 방어력을 키워 좀비떼를 막아내세요! 전략적 게임플레이 좀비떼에 맞서 방어력을 갖추세요! 동맹과의 협력 가게에서 농부, 전사, 궁사 등 다양한 사람들의 도움을 받으세요! 미니 게...
Edge Out : Escape Game | Free
Gus is trapped in a world of blobby Boogons! Can you help him escape? The exits are at the furthest edges. They are his way out. To get to an Edge Out, Gus needs to evade or pop the Boogons closing in to get him. As the Boogons close in, they someti...
Beholder (Free) | Free
*TRY BEFORE YOU BUY* Grim dystopian future. A totalitarian State controls every aspect of private and social life. Laws are oppressive. Surveillance is total. Privacy is dead. But not is FREEDOM You are a State-installed manager of an apartmen...
Plane Control Lite | Free
This is a very simple and fun game from the "line drawing" genre. You can play 1 map (6 maps in the full version, each presents a unique game experience. Some require fast fingers, others require careful planning)
Craft Control Lite | Free
"I'm very surprised about this game. It's polished and designed with love of details. [..]" - iTunes review, speed4mee "The best drawing game so far. Really test your reaction and focus. Thumbs up!" - iTunes review, littledgs Would you like to se...
Royal Offense | Free
Royal Offense contains elements of role play: while fulfilling your orders, the heroes improve their skills and talents, as well as earn gold to be spent on new equipment, weapons, and magical elixirs. Game Features: - Legendary indirect control str...
Viking Saga: Epic Adventure (Freemium) | Free
Discover Viking Saga - Epic Adventure, the next fantastic chapter in the hit action series! Lodin, Dala's greedy father, doesn't approve of the marriage between his daughter and Ingolf. Only when Ingolf brings Lodin the legendary Stone of Destiny, wi...
Chinese Chess Master | Free
Chinese Chess Master is the ultimate Chinese Chess board game. Chinese Chess Master uses pieces similar to those of International Chess. However, the variations in the pieces, their movements, and the board layout make Xiangqi an exciting and challe...
Gomoku - Online Game Hall | Free
The Game Hall for Gomoku on App Store ! Also the powerful gomoku on App Store! Support Online challenge with other players. $$$ Online battle vs. Mode - Seamless integration with your Game Center account, nickname. - Support as many as three diffe...
CrossPix Magic Express | Free
CrossPix Magic is a collection of nonogram puzzles that are fun and challenging to complete, we feature easy to hard puzzles for the beginner and the expert alike. In 1987, Non Ishida, a Japanese graphics editor, won a competition in Tokyo by desig...
Environ | Free
Environ is an educational game that puts players in the role of a global decision maker. The game is set in near-future Earth, where the player must make difficult and complex choices to improve the Earth’s environment while increasing economic prosp...
eCITY | Free
eCITY is a city simulation game where you are challenged to solve different engineering issues. Eight scenarios are available including topics such as: * energy distribution * pollution * networking * transportation * natural disasters * etc... The...
Mines | Free
Mines is a simple and elegant implementation of the classic game Minesweeper. The purpose of the game is to find all the mines on the board by uncovering all the empty cells. You can use flags to mark the cells suspected of containing a mine to avoi...
Spooky Runes | Free
Feel a chill down your spine. Play frightfully fun Spooky Runes. Spooky Runes is a fun game in Halloween atmosphere. Help Evelyne collect enough magic runes to get rid of ghosts, ghouls and scary cats. Spooky Runes is a twist to Runes of Avalon 2....
Glozzle | Free
3D 게임을 좋아하십니까? 그렇다면 지금 Glozzle을 다운로드하세요! 이 미래지향적 3D 퍼즐 게임은 뒤섞인 이미지를 다시 정리하면서 이전에 경험할 수 없었던 도전 의식을 갖게 합니다. 충분히 날카로운 눈을 가지셨나요? 3,000개 이상의 레벨에서 시간 제한의 압박...
FlowerSudoku | Free
Give us some feedback and reviews - Thanks FlowerSudoku - "Grab" a sudoku image from your screen, drop it on the grid then start playing! Watch our demo videos at http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=flowersudoku PLUS - Many amazing featu...
Mystery Mosaics 2 | Free
Unravel the mystery, restore the city! Once scattered throughout the land, the Mosaics of the Ancients have been gathered and brought together at the cradle of their once-glorious civilization. As the only one with the knowledge to decipher their ri...
Arizona Rose | Free
*** A clever code holds the key to buried treasure! *** Arizona Rose: humble antique collector, or treasure-hunter extraordinaire? While shopping for exotic antiques, Arizona stumbles across some old maps, which turn out to hold the key to Blackbea...
Gardens Inc. 3: A Bridal Pursuit | Free
"훌륭한 그래픽과 놀라운 스토리" (4.5/5) – ng4.com "빠져나올 수 없는 재미" – hcgamer.com 에니그메티스와 어둠의 전설의 제작사에서 선사하는 멋들어진 숨은 그림 찾기 어드벤처 게임입니다! 오리지널 시간 관리 게임인 Gardens Inc. 3: 신부 찾기에서 유럽 최고의...
Molecular Mayhem | Free
A mystical journey through a stunning and surreal universe, surrounded by the chaos of cosmic annihilation. Think fast, or be obliterated. If you think the opposing forces that life must conquer in order to survive are armed with bullets and bombs,...
Countess Thalia Solitaire Lite | Free
Why play Solitaire alone, darling? As a member of the idle aristocracy, Countess Thalia has oodles of spare time to devote to games of Yukon. Her ladyship's best kept secret is how she wiggles the playable cards. This is the free 'Lite' version. Ple...
Empire XP Lite | Free
Build an empire in this Risk-like game. Conquer the World, against computer players or human players (LAN or Hotseat). The game's options include seven computer personalities to choose from, Strongholds, Troop experience, Statistics, and the option t...
Hexin : Space Chess Game | Free
Hexin is a chess-like game that brings strategy to another dimension. Hexin is the brain child of my son, Ryan Morrill. He was looking for a strategy game like chess to challenge his students. They all are very familiar to chess. Too familiar. He w...
Mummy's Treasure | Free
“Wickedly well-designed levels will keep you challenged throughout. (Top 50 iPad Games)” - artoftheiphone.com “…high quality game and one certainly worth picking up if you’re looking for a physics fix (4/5)” - allaboutthegames.co.uk Your goal is si...
Plush Wars Lite | Free
After being rejected, the PlushBalls decided to take revenge: they locked up the princess in her castle and killed all PlushBears. But they were brought back as ZomBears to save the princess and destroy the PlushBalls. Will you let them succeed? He...
Worms Special Edition | $9.99
***On Sale Now!*** 5/5 - "Mac Format Choice Award" - "A super version with great new visuals, new weapons and an air of hilarity" - MacFormat.co.uk 4.5/5 - "Worms Special Edition is delightful in just about every aspect. It's charming and fun and a...
Virtual City Playground | Free
Virtual City Playground®: 건설의 거물에서 꿈의 도시를 건설하여 직접 운영해 보세요! • 먼저 거주용 주택들과 산업용 건물들을 짓게됩니다. • 다양한 소비재를 생산하고 멋진 쇼핑몰에 배달하세요. • 도시 거주자들이 공원, 영화관, 경기장 등에 갈 수 있도록 대...
Doodle Drops : Physics Puzzler | Free
“Who knew a game like this could be so fun? I’ve played over 100 levels... and that’s only the levels that came with the game! I still haven’t tried the community created levels yet! - Mitch B., Seattle, WA Over 10000+ levels and counting. Can you b...
WW2 Battle Front Simulator | Free
당신이 뭐든지 할 수 있는 힘이 있다면, 어떻게 2차 세계 대전 전장을 만드시겠어요? 전쟁에 어떤 탱크와 군대를 배치하겠습니까? 전쟁에서 승리하기 위해 어떤 전략과 전술을 이용하겠습니까? 2차 세계 대전 밀리터리 팬이라면 'WW2 배틀 프론트 시뮬레이터'는 완전히...
Runes of Avalon 2 | Free
Take a fantastic journey through a magical world as you match the runes to help Evelyne fulfil her mission and find her way home. Welcome to the once glorious empire of Avalon, now clouded by the darkness of the evil Morganna's spells. After defeat...
Stand O’Food City | Free
버거 왕조를 세울 준비가 됐나요? Stand O’ Food 프랜차이즈의 무료 플레이 시간 관리 게임인 Stand O’ Food® City가 찾아왔습니다! 오랜 친구인 로니와 니키, 클라렌스는 틴슬타운을 떠나 새로운 레스토랑을 오픈하고자 합니다. 하지만 사악한 미스터 토르그가 언제나...
Toy Defense 2 | Free
놀이는 끝났다! 실시간으로 숨 가쁘게 진행되는 타워 디펜스 액션 게임 Toy Defense 2를 즐겨보십시오. 캐슬이나 클랜은 접어두고 역사 전투의 현장으로 뛰어들어 강력한 무기로 전략을 연마하고 최고의 사령관이 되어보십시오. 타워 디펜스 게임에 자신이 있다면 전술...
My Kingdom for the Princess III Lite | Free
Finally! The great adventure continues! Familiar landscapes and great gameplay that combines features of time-management, simulation and strategy are waiting for you in the third part of My Kingdom for the Princess! ...It's been twenty five years si...
Modern Conflict 2 | Free
Gaijin Entertainment가 전세계 많은 게이머들의 전폭적인 지지와 사랑을 받는 전략 전술 게임의 후속편을 발표합니다. Modern Conflict 2 프로젝트는 새로운 전투, 더 많은 게임 방식, 여러 명의 참가자 모드 등 가장 흥미로운 기능을 제공합니다! 여러 강국들이 세...
TicTacToe - Menu Edition | Free
The classic Tic-Tac-Toe game right on your menu bar! Play TicTacToe anytime without losing focus on your work. Just click on the TicTacToe grid icon in the menubar and you can start playing! ≈ WHAT IS TIC TAC TOE ≈ Tic-tac-toe is a fun game that yo...
Dino Rage Defense TD | Free
Onwards to the past - сreate the future! Learn the real power of science! Welcome to the unique Strategy Game. You tripped into history, or to be precise – you fell straight into the past. Well, will you defeat the dinosaurs? Build towers, collect...
Arizona Rose and the Pharaohs' | Free
Arizona Rose is the world's foremost treasure-hunter, and her latest adventure takes her to Egypt, where an ancient temple has been unearthed. Inscribed on its walls are mysterious glyphs - a code, of the sort only Arizona can solve! Join Arizona on...
Shogun's Empire: Hex Commander | Free
The Empire of Japan is tearing itself apart. Fights are constantly breaking out between its provinces. The reign of your clan begins — become Shogun, ultimate ruler of the Medieval Japan. Shogun’s Empire: Hex Commander is a turn-based strategy game...
RollerCoaster Tycoon® 3 | $19.99
Rediscover the critically acclaimed rollercoaster simulation bestseller and feel the thrill of a genre-defining classic, complete with two huge expansion packs. —————————— Your Park. Your Way —————————— Whatever you want to create, RollerCoaster Tyc...
World of Tanks Blitz PVP | Free
월드 오브 탱크 블리츠가 OS X에 등장했습니다! 10천만 다운로드를 기록한 무료 온라인 게임 월드 오브 탱크 블리츠에서 박진감 넘치는 전차 전투를 즐겨 보십시오. 300대가 넘는 전설적인 전차에 탑승하여 7대 7 전투에서 실력을 시험해 보십시오. 월드 오브 탱크 블리...
Garden Rescue Christmas edition lite | Free
On Christmas Eve you have a chance to get into the thick of a battle between beetles and plants - the two archenemies. Despite the cold spell, beetles are rushing to take revenge for their recent defeat. Help the plants to stop them! This Lite versio...
12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull | Free
The evil goddess Hera has frightened the great Cretan bull! The bull is going wild and ruining the roads and many buildings. Help Hercules save the day by taming the great Cretan Bull. Meet heroes, gods, fight beasts and build Wonders! Collect and...
Epic Cards Battle(TCG) | Free
3D 세트 인 타입 전략 카드 게임(TCG), 게이머라면 놓칠 수 없어! 서사시 카드 전투 게임은 게이머에게 전설속 종극 카드 결투를 체험하게 하며 세계 각지의 친구, 게이머들과 전투를 벌인다. - 차세대 혁신 카드 전투 게임. 3D 장면에서 수백가지 놀라운 전투 시각...
Battle of Ships 3D: Sea Attack | Free
2 해군 선단은 치명적인 싸움에 만납니다 계획과 작전을 잘 준비하고 전략과 전술, 다양한 무기를 사용합니다 적의 배를 가라앉히고 전투를 승리합니다! 어어이, 선장님! 대포의 소리가 벌써부터 들려옵니다! 전략 게임을 시작해봅시다! 해전에서 승리하려고 전함을 잘...
Happy Chef 2 | Free
Cook a variety of dishes from all parts of the world and become an expert chef in this Time Management game. You start from the humble beginnings in an authentic pizza and pasta place in Italy, and as you become a more advanced cook, you go to Hawaii...
Next Stop 2 Free | Free
Game Trailer: https://youtu.be/Agnye75_HHM We're off with our friends on another railroad journey! Margaret didn't just mope around -- she's taken out another loan with the bank. This time she has a limited amount of time to fix the broken parts of...
Fortress Under Siege | Free
A conspiracy throws our kingdom into the most dangerous moment, which needs you and your army to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding the kingdom. The powerful enemy already launches the attack, which leaves you no choice as you are the last h...
SimCity™: Complete Edition | $19.99
도시를 카지노 리조트, 산업 허브, 스릴을 찾는 모험가들의 안식처, 소비자 최우선의 거대 기업, 친환경 유토피아 등으로 발전시켜 보세요. 올타임 넘버원 도시 시뮬레이션 게임의 궁극의 버전입니다. ———————————————————————————— 게 임 구 성 ? ————————————————...
The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt | Free
검은 깃발안에 하얀 해골이 있고, 푸른 파도와 야망이 있는 해적의 시대에 카리브해 중심으로 항해하십시오. 해적기를 들어올리고 배의 키를 잡으며 전투와 습격을 하고, 보물을 찾아내어 앤틸리스제도의 강력한 왕이 되어 보세요. - 18 종류의 배 - 무한대로 확장할 수...
Island Tribe Free | Free
거대한 화산의 최종 폭발이 일어나 뜨거운 용암이 마을을 덮기 전에 주민들이 해안가로 도피할 수 있게 도와주세요! 거대한 바다에 위치한 작은 섬에 잊혀진 부족이 살고 있었습니다. 섬의 주민들은 자유롭고 평화로운 완벽한 삶을 살고 있었습니다. 거대한 화산이 깨...
Paradise City Island Sim | Free
무료 도시 건설 게임으로 꿈에 그리던 도시를 구상해 보세요! 근사한 그래픽으로 가득한 무료 도시 건설 게임을 찾고 계시나요? 그렇다면, 낙원 시티 아일랜드 심 게임이 마음에 드실 거예요! 게임의 목표는 이국적인 섬에 농장 몇 개로 시작해서 아름다운 도시를 건설...
The Pirate: Plague of the Dead | Free
Take the helm of your own ship and conquer the Caribbean! The Pirate: Plague of the Dead is a sandbox game, letting you see what it’s like to be the fiercest pirate captain to ever hoist the Jolly Roger! Assume the role of legendary pirate captain...
Minesweeper - Classic Game | Free
Play Classic Minesweeper on your Mac now, this Minesweeper has No Ads and it's totally free! The Challenge: You start with a covered mine field of square tiles and clear field by flipping one tile at a time. Beneath each tile could be a number, an e...
Free Cell Collection | Free
Play the classic solitaire game of Free Cell on macOS and trace the game's history with two lesser known forerunners: Baker's Game and Napoleon at St Helena. Featuring in-game AI, instructions and detailed retina graphics, four games from the full So...
Solitaire Perfect Match | Free
Entirely new Solitaire Game! Match cards to clear the decks, get valuable rewards, and compete with friends. No hurry, no rush. You will receive: ● Smart and sometimes crafty ways to score You can simply remove similar cards. But you can make color...
Royal Adventure | Free
Royal Adventure is a turn-based role-playing game, which will be appreciated by fans of the good old-school RPG classics. The village of Midgard, lost in the remote outskirts of civilization, holds many secrets. Deep beneath the village is the myste...
Stronghold Kingdoms | Free
Kick start your medieval domination in Stronghold Kingdoms, the first and only MMORTS for Mac. “One of my favorite MMORTS titles” – Massively “There’s a whole lot to keep strategy veterans happy” – Strategy Informer “A level of depth that goes bey...
Pocket City | $2.99
Build your own city as mayor. Create residential, commercial, and industrial zones. Build parks and recreation spots. Respond to crime and disasters. Level up your city and unlock new buildings. Watch your city come alive! The hit city-building game...
Arena: Galaxy Control | Free
투기장에입장하세요!친구들과함께무료실시간PvP멀티플레이어온라인팀대전(MOBA)게임에참여하세요.투기장에서승리하는사람이온우주를정복합니다! 계속해서추가되는다양한카드를수집하고업그레이드하세요.카드에는SF병력과특성,방어장치가포함됩니다.군대를지휘하여적...
Loria Lite | Free
Game introduces not just RTS elements but also RPG elements such as: hero units, collecting items and quest driven missions offers for a more interesting take on the RTS genre. Goal of Loria is to take the best concepts from the classics and create...
iKout | Free
iKout is a new experience in playing the popular Kuwaiti card game (Kout bo Sitta) with rich graphics and immersive gameplay. Enjoy a single player game against intelligent computer players or play with friends from all around the world online. GAM...
전투 요새를 지휘하라! 최강의 포병대를 이끌어 적을 잿더미로 만들어 버려라! 반역자와 반란군에 맞서 제국의 수도를 수호하라 • 마음대로 빌드하고 꾸밀 수 있는 전투 요새 • 시간을 멈추고 여러 명령을 동시에 내릴 수 있는 정전 기능 • 개별 병사부터 초강력 대포...
Kingdom Chronicles | Free
*** Mac App Store Best 0f 2012 in 148 countries! A strategy game that requires quick actions, smart decisions and some management skills to success. Discover an adventure story in fancy medieval setting, where you have to build, trade, research and...
Toy Defense. World War I – strategy | Free
새 토너먼트 모드에서 최고의 테스트로 방어와 전술을 사용! 무한한 적의 무리로부터 기지를 방어하고 매주 토너먼트에서 친구들과 경쟁! 살아남는 한 계속 플레이! WWI 설정에서 새로운 타워 방어 게임에서 완전 파괴 게임플레이를 경험하세요! 지금 다양한 기회, 보...
Fun Bridge | Free
Funbridge is an online bridge game allowing you to learn and play duplicate bridge wherever and whenever you like. Bridge is a card game played with four people who play as two competing teams of two players called "pairs" (North-South and East-Wes...
Country Tales | Free
평범한 농부인 테드... 그러나 그는 더 큰 꿈이 있었고, 그래서 그는 큰 도시의 학교에서 교육을 받기로 결정 했습니다. 교육을 완료한 그는, 선셋 힐즈라는 작은 마을에서 시장의 조수 일을 얻었습니다. 그곳에서 만나 한눈에 반해버린 여인 캐서린... 하지만 그녀는...
Defense Zone 2 Lite | Free
The new, engaging levels are even more stunning and impressive. New weapons have been added, along with new opponents, and even more action and tactics. The game supports four languages: English, Russian, French and German. The game settings are ba...
City Island 4 Simulation Town | Free
최고 인기 도시 건설 시뮬레이션 게임을 모바일 기기에서 즐겨보세요! 새로운 시티 아일랜드 게임의 도시 건설은 지금까지와는 비교도 할 수 없는 재미를 선사합니다! 타이쿤이 되어 섬의 작은 마을을 여러 섬의 대도시로 키워나갑니다. 새로운 섬을 발견하고, 마을과...
Six Letter Words Lite | Free
This game is an unscramble game that contains thousands of common six letter words. To make it easier we tell you the first letter & last letter of each word. Click the letters to add them to the answer lines. Click them again to remove them from th...
Cutthroat Pinochle Lite | Free
Cutthroat Pinochle Lite gives you a taste of the full-featured Cutthroat Pinochle app also available in the Mac App Store. The lite version plays individual hands only rather than a full game, and does not record game stats. There is a link in the ap...
Defense Zone Lite | Free
Stunning detail of levels, in-depth gameplay, finely tuned balance of all levels and turrets. During the game you will hold your defence with your turrets against the massive hordes of enemies. With every level you will have the use of new weapons...
Nanuleu | $2.99
Nanuleu (나눌르)는 RTS/타워 디펜스 게임입니다. 이곳에서 당신은 살아남아야 하며, 자신들을 파괴하려는 적들을 물리쳐야 하는 마법의 나무 네트워크를 컨트롤하게 될 것입니다. 이 게임에서 당신의 유일한 임무는 씨앗을 심는 것뿐이지만, 이 과정에서 영토 확장, 자...
Treasure Miner Free - a 2d gem mining adventure | Free
Treasure Miner is a classic sandbox game. Build your own mine infastructure and be the first miner, who discover rare artefacts, ores and gems. Sell your discoveries and expand your mine with new buildings, more lifts or better equipment. You can als...
Glass Fort : Smash It | $0.99
Unleash your destruction desire and enjoy life-like behavior of 3D Glass Blocks! NOW packed with more than 100 levels of physics based Jenga style puzzles. Glass Fort is the ultimate 3D physics-based Jenga-style block removal puzzle. Every tower is...
Slide Quest: Match The Snacks | Free
Slide Quest: Match The Snacks is a beautifully designed, challenging and unique puzzle game. Seven different game challenges, over 500 levels and awesome gameplay. You will be entertained and challenged for hours. Match snacks of same type/color by...
Moai: Build Your Dream | Free
모아이 - 당신의 꿈을 지으세요 정식 버전을 구매하고 미지의 섬에 가득한 불가사의를 찾아보세요. 또, 원주민들을 도와 파괴된 섬을 과거의 찬란한 모습으로 돌려주세요! 화려한 그래픽, 생생한 캐릭터 애니메이션 및 만화 스타일로 구성된 매력적인 막간 스토리 전개...
Empire Z: Endless War | Free
'그 사건'' 이후 전 세계는 파멸로 치달았습니다. 남은 생존자는 하나로 뭉쳐 문명을 다시 세우려고 노력하는데. 이제 세상에 유일하게 남은 안전한 장소는 장벽으로 둘러쌓인 여러분의 도시뿐. 이 혼란으로부터 인류를 구원하고 전 세계 질서를 세우는 것은 이제 여...
Mini Metro | $9.99
Voted the Mac App Store "Game of the Year" for 2016! In Mini Metro, you take on the task of designing the subway layout for a rapidly expanding city. Your city starts with three stations. Draw routes between these stations to connect them with subwa...
Four in a Row 2018 | Free
Do you want to bring some childhood memories back? Then discover the famous classic game Connect Four in this brand new app! The famous four in a row board game is back in this modern redesigned version! The aim of the game is to connect 4 pieces...
Dragon Swarm | Free
Lead your swarm to victory! Command fiery dragons in epic online battle! Dragon Swarm offers an arcade twist to classic real-time strategy that strikes an exciting balance between action and tactics, making it ideal for mobile gaming sessions. In ea...
Heroic Battle | Free
Heroic Battle is a challenging strategy board game that requires logic, deception and memory. Play against a friend on your local Wi-Fi network or a computer opponent: Probe, the Computer Stratego World Champion. You can start a new game in seconds a...
Slide Soccer – Multiplayer online soccer kicks-off! Championship Edition | Free
Have a ball playing soccer on your computer with Slide Soccer. You can play the game online with your friends, or with anyone in the world with the multiplayer option! Available for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Mac. APP REVIEWS: -"Guaranteed fun,...
Northern Tale | Free
This awesome app is also available for iPad! A beautiful legend filled with magic, bravery and amazing adventures! The story of Northern Tale begins in the lands of the mighty Viking king Ragnar. He returns home and finds his kingdom cursed and his...
12 Labours of Hercules | Free
• FEATURED BY APPLE AS A NEW BEST GAME ON IPADS/IPHONES! • RATED 4.5/5 ON IPADS/PHONES IN THE US APP STORE! • BEST SIM OF 2013 ON BIGFISHGAMES.COM! Like Mac version? Play on iPhone/iPad! https://itunes.apple.com/app/id797072099 * * * * * Accompa...
Zombie Defense HNG | Free
Today, 7 billion humans live on our planet. Over 100 billion lived and died on it in the past. What if just a tenth of them came back... for us? A modern hybrid of the classic RTS and modern Tower Defense. Recruit soldiers, place them on slots and l...
Epic Cards Battle 2 | Free
당신은 즉시! 3 차원 수집 트레이딩 카드 게임 (TCG)을 그리워 서사시 대결 행위를 경험하는 세계의 친구들과 게이머에 가입 할 수 없다! 궁극적 인 전략 게임 결투 카드 1 공식 속편을 칭찬 고통. 게임 특징 - TCG의 팬들을위한 단지 전략 게임, PVP 전투 매니아 나...
Playground Wars | Free
* if you enjoy Playground Wars, make sure to download the game on your iOS device! With iCloud, you can continue your progress on all of your Apple devices! Hey Alex! Our playground has been taken over! Only you can help us take it back! Prepare fo...
Northern Tale 2 (Freemium) | Free
Try the awesome sequel! After the evil witch Gesta was defeated, the time of peace was restored. The viking king Ragnar decides to restore the kingdom in its former glory — repair the ruined villages, heal the cursed trees. However, Gesta is still al...
Jane's Hotel Free | Free
Help Jane make her dream come true and build a beautiful 5 star hotel in Jane`s Hotel! You begin with a small 2 star hotel at the outskirts of town and work your way to the top by upgrading accommodations and achieving an excellent reputation. Keep a...
Pirate Chronicles | Free
Captain! We've heard that you can't live without the thrill of adventure. If so, Pirate Chronicles is the right game for you! Ready yourself, raise the Jolly Roger and sail the Seven Seas in this addictive time-management game! Find fortune, glory an...
Island Tribe 3 | Free
REQUIRES OS 10.7 바다를 떠돌던 부족민들은 숨겨진 섬에 있던 고대 기도의 제단에 기도를 올린 후 자신들의 고향 섬으로 돌아갈 수 있게 되었습니다! 거대한 화산은 더 이상 활동하지 않았고, 행복한 미래가 부족민들을 기다리고 있었습니다. 고향 섬의 새로운 삶은...
Garden Rescue Lite | Free
A serious menace has approached the gentle and snug garden, where various plants have been quietly living - masses of voracious insects rushed to it to fill their maws. The green defenders had to lay aside their everyday jobs to save their tiny mothe...
Gnomes Garden 2 Free | Free
The wicked queen of the trolls has returned from banishment! Using her evil magic, she has kidnapped the princess of the gnomes and taken her to a distant kingdom. In those lands, none know of the power of the magical gardens! The gnomish people who...
Happy Nonogram | $1.99
Happy Nonogram is a paint by numbers puzzle, also known as Griddler and many other names. Contains: - 11 puzzles 5 x 5 pixels - 14 puzzles that are 15 x 15 pixels - 14 puzzles that are 25 x 25 pixels - 7 puzzles that are 50x50 pixels - 8 E...
To The Rescue! 5 | Free
Join the world famous Rescue Team and experience an adventure you'll never forget! Once again, people in peril are looking to the men and women of the Rescue Team to save them. Use your time management skills to remove the obstacles that stand in you...
Weather Lord: Legendary Hero Collector's Edition | $9.99
Call upon the gods of Olympus to help you rescue your beloved before all hope is gone! Wield the power of the sun, the wind, the rain, and more as you face towering obstacles, encounter strange enemies, and repair a ravaged land! Unfolding with the s...
Bad North | $14.99
당신의 보금자리가 공격을 받고 있습니다. 왕은 바이킹 침략자들 손에 죽습니다. 희망은 멀리 안개 속에서 희미하게 보이는 불빛같이 매 순간 빠른 속도로 멀어져 갑니다. 아버지의 자리를 차지해 통치자가 되어 방어를 시작하십시오. 하지만 실수를 하면 안됩니다. 이...
Iron Marines | $14.99
유명 수상작인 킹덤 러시 시리즈의 제작진이 선사하는 놀라운 우주 모험입니다. 실시간으로 이루어지는 역동적이고 심오한 전략 게임이 당신을 놀라운 미지의 행성으로 초대합니다. 흥미로운 게임플레이, 매력적인 아트워크에 재밌는 유머까지 더했습니다. 용감한 병사...
Reversi! | Free
Reversi is played on a board made up of 64 tiles in an 8x8 grid. Two players take turns placing pieces on the board and trying to flip their opponents' pieces. Pieces are flipped when they become sandwiched between the opposing players' pieces. The...
SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition | $19.99
In SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition, you don’t just build your city; you breathe life into it. SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition includes the bestselling SimCity™ 4 and the SimCity™ 4 Rush Hour Expansion Pack. ———————————————————————————— Y O U · H A V E · T H E ·...
Chinese Checkers | $1.99
A variant of Halma, Chinese Checkers is both an easy to learn and a challenging to master board game. Test your strategic skills with this desktop version for your Mac! You can play against up to 5 friends, or against the computer, choosing among 4...
Wedding Dash 4-Ever | $6.99
This romantic time-management game puts Quinn, the fabulous wedding planner, front and center in the wedding mania! Help Quinn manage more wedding festivities, lead ceremony and reception details, tackle outrageous wedding day disasters, and collect...
Push Box - A Game For All Ages | $0.99
Push Box is a puzzle game for all ages. - Space key : Show game strategy; - ESC key : Restart the game; - Up arrow key : Move up; - Left arrow key : Move left; - Right arrow key : Move right; - Down arrow key : Move down.
Constructor Plus | $19.99
In this town you've gotta think BIG! Take on the role of a budding property developer and build yourself up from minor-league housing crook to interplanetary property tycoon, wheeling, dealing and thieving all the way. Getting to number one is eas...
Jean's Boutique 2 Free | Free
Recommended for fans of Time Management Games. Basic Concepts: - Serving customers fast keeps them happy. - Waiting customers can get upset, angry and will eventually leave the store. - Each day the store will remain open for a limited time. Featur...
Classic Games | Free
Play the best free Classic and Retro games with 6 legendary entertainments such as TicTacToe 2D & 3D, Connect Four, Peg solitaire, Bubble Breaker and Minesweeper. Tic-Tac-Toe 2D: The first player to align 3 symbols wins.. Tic-Tac-Toe 3D: Play your f...
Mystery Mosaics (Full) | $6.99
The secrets of the ancients lie in your hands! These relics are charged with awesome and mysterious power, such as the realm has not seen in centuries. Many factions fight to be the first to unlock them, while others would prefer the secrets were los...