Games 앱 PC 및 Mac용

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Games 앱 | March, 2025

  • Holes and Balls Free    4.5    1087  |  Free

    Drag the ball to aim, release it to shoot... and put the ball in the hole! "Holes and Balls" is the unique game where you'll have to throw a ball against walls, pens or even matchboxes! Take a few seconds to target, throw the ball and follow its rea...

  • Mysteryville 2 lite: hidden object crime investigation    3.5    790  |  Free

    용감하고 재능 있는 기자인 로라 위너가 상을 수상한 게임인 Mysteryville(신비한 마을)로부터 모두가 기억하는 그 작은 마을로 돌아 왔습니다.그녀는 자신이 사건의 중심에 있음을 또 다시 알아차렸습니다. 그녀는 휴가를 내어 친구인 빌 위토우스키와 함께 휴식을 취...

  • Batman: Arkham City GOTY    4.0    548  |  $19.99

    Before you buy, please expand this description and check that your computer matches or exceeds each of the requirements listed. A year after the events of Batman: Arkham Asylum, Quincy Sharp, the new mayor of Gotham, has turned its slums into Arkham...

  • Jump & Splash    4.5    494  |  Free

    ★★★ Special Offer!! ★★★ Swim, jump and fly for your life before it's too late! A beach should be a dream place... But when a tiny fish loses its mom, a new adventure begins! Hurry up Pilu! The water is going away! ♥♥♥ They all love Pilu! "a bo...

  • Million Dollar Adventure lite: hidden object game    4.0    371  |  Free

    주인공 캐릭터인 산드라에게는 마음대로 쓸 수 있는 돈이 없었고 그녀의 기억에 대해서 말하자면 사정이 훨씬 나빴다. 어렸을 때 그녀는 그녀의 부모를 죽이고 그녀의 기억에 상처를 남긴 자동차 충돌 사고에서 살아남았다. 고아원에서 어린 시절의 남은 기간을 보냈지...

  • DreamSleuth: hidden object adventure quest lite    3.5    205  |  Free

    어느 날 밤, 주인공 캐서린은 실종된 소녀에 대한 기묘한 꿈을 꾸었습니다. 새로운 정보도 없고, 또한 경찰도 이 사건을 해결할 기미가 없자, 캐서린은 혼자 수사를 진행하겠다고 결심했습니다. 증인들에게 질문을 하여 진실과 소문을 비교하고, 그리고 모든 단서들을...

  • Hero Academy    4.0    201  |  Free

    ★ 애플 앱스토어 2012 최고의 앱에 HA의 작품 선정 기념, 모든 아이템이 1달러! ★ "도저히 손을 놓을 수 없는 아기자기한 전략 게임" - Touch Arcade, 평점 4.5 ★ "즐거움으로 가득한 게임" - 148Apps, 편집자 평점 5 ★ "재미를 보장하는 무료 게임! iOS 기기 사...

  • Christmasville Lite: The Missing Santa ADVENTures    4.0    132  |  Free

    크리스마스가 위험에 처해 있습니다! 산타클로스가 북극의 그의 집에서 납치되었습니다. 실종된 산타클로스의 사건에 대한 자체 조사를 마지못해 시작하는 사설 형사인 Arthur Knight(아더 나이트 경)의 관점에서 게임을 하시게 됩니다. 여러분이 만날 최초의 사람은 Ab...

  • The Fate of the Pharaoh    4.4    107  |  Free

    영광스러운 이집트 제국은 오랜 전쟁 끝에 지친 상태로 남아 있습니다. 탐욕스러운 침략자들은 한때 웅장했던 왕국의 혼란과 폐허를 남기고 달아났습니다. 충성스러운 파라오의 조언자가 되어 그가 이집트의 황금 도시에서 평화와 번영을 회복하도록 도우십시오. 집을...

  • Prison Architect    4.0    43  |  $29.99

    Build and Manage A Maximum Security Prison. Build and manage a Maximum Security Prison. As the sun casts it’s early morning rays on a beautiful patch of countryside the clock starts ticking. You’ve got to crack on and build a holding cell to detain...

  • Nikakudori Reborn FREE    3.5    18  |  Free

    Using the classic puzzle game Mahjong tiles. "Nikakudori Reborn" - FREE Edition - Free version limitations - 1.GameLevel "Normal"level only. 2."Mahjong" tiles only. - Full Version "Nikakudori Reborn" - 1.Three levels of game: "Easy","Normal","Hard"...

  • Thunder Fleets Lite    3.0    16  |  Free

    Build and command your naval forces and engage in massive sea battles in this World War II real time strategy game. Thunder Fleets uses detailed historical ships, from small patrol boats to the largest battleships that were ever put to sea. You will...

  • Hypnosis Lite: mind-blowing adventure    3.5    14  |  Free

    최면술사인 Maya Anderson은 정신 병원에서 의사의 실종 뒤의, 의문스러운 상황을 알아내야 합니다. 경찰은 수사에 그의 도움을 요청했습니다. 당신이 현장에 도착했을 때, 환자는 이상한 행동을 하고 있습니다. 최면술사의 경험을 바탕으로, 당신은 공포와 집착을 중화...

  • A to Z - Free    3.0    13  |  Free

    Welcome to Mrs. Owl's Learning Tree! Come on up to the tree-house classroom and enjoy the great games that Mrs. Owl has prepared for you inside! Join Mrs. Owl in the Learning Tree's treehouse classroom as she takes you through the complete alphabet...

  • Blue Libra Lite    3.5    8  |  Free

    Command the last of the Libra class carriers and avenge the fall of your home world in this space real time strategy game. Build a variety of crafts, conquer planets and space stations and travel the universe. You will face a single player campaign...

  • Bouncy Ball - The Impossible Tile Game    2.5    7  |  Free

    It's easier than any games. But very hard to master. Various obstacle/trap will be the best control games to test your control. Bounce the ball by clicking in your mouse, don't fall and that's it! Good luck!

  • Landgrabbers    4.0    7  |  Free

    LandGrabbers, an unbelievable crusades simulator, is now available for the Mac! Imagine that you are in the Middle Ages. It’s the time of castles, knights and the Crusades. Now imagine that you are a brilliant military leader with your own troops....

  • Juranka Classic  |  Free

    Juranka is a fun, fast, and addictive word game based on the linguistic decoding tool called onsets and rimes. Match the Onsets on the left with the Rimes on the right to form as many words as you can before time runs out! For every 50 points you get...

  • Bloons TD 5  |  $9.99

    독보적인 깊이와 자꾸만 플레이하고 싶어지는 별점 5점의 타워 디펜스가 이제 2 플레이어 동맹 플레이를 선보입니다! 멋진 타워를 건설하고, 제일 좋아하는 업그레이드를 선택하고, 쿨한 새로운 특수 요원을 고용하여 역사상 가장 인기 있는 타워 디펜스 시리즈의 최...

  • Civilization® V  |  $29.99

    Experience one of the greatest turn-based strategy games of all time, Sid Meier’s Civilization® V. ——————————————————————————— B E G I N · W I T H · 2 0 · H I S T O R I C A L · L E A D E R S ——————————————————————————— Become Ruler of the World by...

  • Bubble Explosion Adventure  |  Free

    A fast action game where you must finish levels in 60 seconds by removing groups of bubbles of the same color. Can you get 3 stars in each level?

  • Full Deck Solitaire  |  Free

    NOW 83 deliciously delightful solitaire games for your Mac with three daily challenges! Designed by a Mac and Solitaire loving Mom and Daughter, Full Deck Solitaire is a beautiful card game with an easy to use user interface. Seventy two uniquely di...

  • GrassGames Hearts  |  Free

    GrassGames' Hearts is a beautiful 3D computer game version of the popular card game for 3 or 4 players. Main Features: - Play locally, online, or over your home network - "American", "Omnibus Hearts" and "Black Maria" variants included - Intelligen...

  • Fibbage XL  |  $9.99

    NOTE: This game is in English only and is local multiplayer.This is the standalone version of Fibbage XL, which appears in The Jackbox Party Pack. It’s Fibbage XL – the hilarious bluffing party game from The Jackbox Party Pack! Fool your friends wit...

  • Klondike Forever  |  Free

    Enjoy everyone's favourite solitaire game, with a simple graphic interface. Rich graphics and smooth animation enhance your game-play experience in 3D. Features include cards that move and flip in 3D space, unlimited undo/redo, statistics, auto-move...

  • Backgammon.  |  Free

    언제나 화려한 그래픽, 컴퓨터와의 대결 그리고 사용하기 쉬운 인터페이스를 가진 클래식 보드게임 백개먼은 운과 전략적 게임입니다. 수공예로 만들어진 아름다운 보드와 조각들은 회전과 줌 기능을 통해 3D 뷰로 보여집니다. 백개먼으로 당신은 동일한 디바이스에서...

  • Pixel Starships  |  Free

    요번 년 모바일 게임 킥스타터 캠페인에서 제일 성공한 픽셀 스타쉽! 아이폰, 아이패드, 애플 워치에서 사용하실 수 있습니다. 픽셀 스타쉽은 8bit 대용량 온라인에서의 세계 최초 완전한 스타쉽 매니지먼트 게임입니다. 픽셀 스타쉽에서는 우주선 안에서 일어나는 모...

  • Demon Hunter 2: New Chapter  |  Free

    "일분 일초가 재미있는 게임" – Big Fish Review "플레이 할 가치가 있는 최상급 게임" – Big Fish Review 에니그메티스와 어둠의 전설의 제작사에서 선사하는 멋들어진 숨은 그림 찾기 어드벤처 게임입니다! 마지막 남은 데몬 헌터로써 악마를 무찌르세요! 무료로 해...

  • Spider Solitaire: Classic Deck  |  Free

    세상의 모든 사람들이 카드 게임의 왕인 스파이더 카드놀이를 알고 있습니다! 스파이더 솔리테르 게임은 최고의 논리와 전략 기술을 훈련하는 앱입니다! 지금 당장 스파이더 솔리테르 앱을 다운로드하세요! 스파이더 솔리테르 게임은 언제든지 하고 즐거운 시간을 보낼...

  • Connect Fun - Four in a Row  |  Free

    Connect Fun is the classic two-player game of four in a row. Two players take turns dropping their color checkers into one of the slots at the top of the board. Win the game by getting 4 or more of your color checkers either vertically, horizontally,...

  • Moonlight Mahjong  |  Free

    The popular 3D Mahjong Solitaire game created for the iPhone and iPad now comes to the Mac. Play arcade-style with progressively difficult levels, or relax with one of the non-competitive game modes. The gameplay is simple yet addictive. Originally...

  • Bubble Shooter 60  |  Free

    Bubble Shooter 60 is a fast and easy action game to train your reflexes. You play for 60 seconds and try to beat your high score. There is no target, it is you against yourself. You can also remove the seconds and play with 60 moves.

  • WWR: War Robots Game  |  Free

    환상적인 멀티 유저 3D 액션. 전투 로봇 대군이 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다! 함선 로그, 엔트리 X-137 - 현재 날짜 서기 2156년 전쟁. 전쟁은 변화하지 않습니다. 단지 무기만 변화할 뿐입니다. 진보적 발전으로 조종 로봇 전투 기계인 MECS 생성이 활성화되었습니다...

  • Extreme Landings  |  Free

    모든 제어권을 가지세요. 인간이 알고 있는 가장 위태로운 비행 조건을 극복하며 당신의 조종 기술을 시험해보세요. 절정의 아드레날린이 분출하는 실재 시나리오에서 영감을 받은 응급 상황과 사고에 대처하세요. 각 엔진의 시동을 켜고 계기판을 다루며 5,000개가...

  • Homescapes  |  Free

    Homescapes에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 집사 오스틴을 도와 가문의 멋진 저택에 따뜻함과 편안함을 되돌려 주세요. 들어오세요. 현관문 안으로 발을 내딛는 순간부터 모험이 시작됩니다! 다양한 매치3 레벨을 깨서 저택의 방을 수리하고 장식하며 흥미진진한 가족의 이...

  • Diner Dash 5: BOOM!  |  $4.99

    When a sneaky prankster removes the word "fat" from Flo's "Fat Free Breakfast" sign, a huge wave of hungry DinerToons overrun the diner causing it to explode! It's up to Flo, the spunky waitress, to move outside the diner and serve food to customer...

  • Coloring Book - Cats  |  Free

    고양이들 는 모든 연령대를 위한 재미있고 상호적인 그림 그리기 그리고 색칠 하기 앱입니다! 당신은 고 품질의 사진들을 색칠할 수 있고 비어있는 페이지에 당신이 원하는 것을 그릴 수 있습니다! ••• 특징들 • 재미있는 그림들! • 비디오 재생 • 쉬운 확대 • 많은...

  • Continuum  |  Free

    Continuum - Try to navigate through an endless and immersive combination of color, geometry, and music. Continuum is a lightweight and simple game where you move around in different directions to avoid swarms of never-ending obstacles that fly right...

  • Battle of Geniuses: Quiz Game  |  Free

    It is not just a trivia game – it is a trivia battle, and everyone is fighting for knowledge. The first RPG in trivia games. - Love brainstorming games? Challenge friends in this amazing quiz app! Duel people from across the world in a challenging...

  • Mystery Mosaics  |  Free

    The secrets of the ancients lie in your hands! These relics are charged with awesome and mysterious power, such as the realm has not seen in centuries. Many factions fight to be the first to unlock them, while others would prefer the secrets were los...

  • Realm Of Conquerors  |  Free

    Are you up for a new epic 3D tactical rpg? Use your strategic skills in Realm of Conquerors, the most exciting and challenging 3D heroes rpg fantasy game where you need to bring your army to the enemy diamond and defeat it. Defend your towers, use sp...

  • Lucky Stars  |  Free

    [Grand Update, Must Download] 1) Save game data so you can continue game now; 2) show high score when game ends; Lucky Stars now is available on Mac App Store! To embrace your dreams, to pop all Lucky Stars in the night sky! Once you start, you can...

  • Western Land  |  Free

    Western Land is a Simulation game with an Wild West theme. The team chose to create Western Land using Spritekit, so it's an isometric construction/management/simulation game that aims to convey the feeling and dangers of the wild west. The game shar...

  • RC Plane 3  |  Free

    Finally the RC Plane series debuts on Mac ! The third chapter in the RC Plane series brings a whole new engine which scales according to platform and device, realistic physics and a huge scenario to explore at real RC Plane scale! Learn to fly a lar...

  • Unstoppable Gorg  |  Free

    Get ready to experience a revolutionary defense game that will send you spinning. Gamespot says, " entertaining tribute to the alien-invasion movies of days gone by and an enjoyable tower defense game that requires you to think on your feet."...

  • Octagon 1: Maximal Challenge  |  Free

    You are trapped inside the Octagon, a megaplex of hallways, platforms, and gaps—and the clock is running. Can you survive the mad race through this trippy 8-sided tunnel? "Fast, tough game that doesn't give a darn about your feelings. Go for it!" -...

  • Le Pendu en Français  |  Free

    Amusez-vous avec le jeu du Pendu à découvrir plus de 10 000 mots cachés, en français, parmi les catégories suivantes: Groupes de Musique Célébrités Films Animaux Autos Divers Jeux Pays Professions Facile Sport Sciences Musique Nature Aliments Des m...

  • Quiz en Français  |  Free

    Enfin un Quiz sur Mac ! Plus de 10 000 questions / réponses n'attendent que vous! Choisissez parmis les thèmes suivants et défiez vos amis ! - Musique - Sicences et Nature - Histoire Géo - TV - Arts et Culture - Sports et Loisirs Les modes suivant...

  • King's Heir  |  Free

    2명 왕 기사, 에드먼드와 랜달 울메르는 왕관에 대한 음모 속으로 속았다. 왕 가드와 무자 비한 공모자들이 추구하는 형제들은 왕국의 부끄러운 비밀을 드러내고 울머 가족의 명예를 깨끗이하고 그들의 운명을 영원히 바꿀 위험한 여정을 시작한다. 무료로 해보세요....

  • Biotix: Phage Genesis HD  |  $4.99

    Immerse yourself in an epic war for survival, encounter tiny, yet deadly enemies, guide the smallest of beings to greatest victories, evolve and become the dominant species. Core: Your mission is to ensure the survival of your species. Use genetic e...

  • Radiant Defense  |  Free

    래디안트 디펜스는 수많은 외계인 침략자에게 침공당한 우주를 배경으로 펼쳐지는 타워 디펜스 게임입니다. 마음껏 나만의 우주 요새를 구축하고 다양한 무기와 함정을 배치하여 적의 침략을 방어해보세요! • 적의 침공을 나만의 방법으로 방어하세요! • 총 14개...

  • Vroom Vroom !!!  |  Free

    Vroom Vroom !!! is a free, fast, and fun racing game for players of all ages.

  • Sudoku+ Train Your Brain  |  Free

    Train your brain, keep your mind active! The challenge: Sudoku is such a deceptively simple puzzle: the challenge can be expressed in one sentence. Given a puzzle in 9x9 box with few known numbers, try and fill in the remaining squares with numbers...

  • Flappy Golf 2  |  Free

    미칠 듯이 중독성 있는 Flappy Golf의 후속작이 출시됐습니다! Super Stickman Golf 3의 코스들이 등장합니다. 친구들을 상대로 온라인이나 로컬로 신나는 레이스 모드를 플레이하세요! 최소한의 플랩으로 홀인하여 모든 골드 스타도 획득해 보세요. 과연 모든 골드...

  • Puzzle Brick  |  Free

    俄罗斯方块是一款男女老少皆宜、风靡全球的经典单机游戏。如今它改头换面,以新的面貌出现在你的面前,让你重温经典、感受经典,回忆童年! 你是方块高手吗?你是无道具加层专家吗?你是泥土工人,还是见习工程师呢,你知道什么是皇家建筑师的水平吗?你知道什么是神匠...

  • Quiplash  |  $9.99

    For 3-8 Players and an Audience of thousands! The team behind the hit party games YOU DON’T KNOW JACK, Fibbage, and Drawful presents Quiplash, the laugh-a-minute battle of wits and wittiness! Use your phone or tablet to answer simple prompts like “S...

  • Doodle God™  |  $4.99

    전 세계 170,000,000명이 넘는 플레이어와 함께하세요! 창조의 힘이 당신의 손안에 있습니다! 현재 12개국어로 가능합니다. 가장 크고 기발한 두들 갓! 비평가들이 사랑하는 게임! >애플 리와인드 2011 수상 >2011년 상위 50 베스트 셀러 >"놀랍도록 독특한 컨셉. 큰...

  • Frantic  |  $0.99

    FREE FOR LIMITED TIME! ‘Truly and Utterly Brilliant.’ - FHM.COM Frantic is an old school arena wave based shooter that is played at a frenetic pace. Run, gun and jump through each wave grabbing weapons as they appear and take on the monsters like...

  • Jigsaws Galore Play  |  Free

    A free version of the ultimate jigsaw puzzle game! Comes with 64 beautiful puzzles for you to solve. Each puzzle can be played many times over by changing the number of pieces or the style of pieces. Simply right-click a completed puzzle icon to star...

  • Asian Riddles  |  Free

    Solve the riddles of the far away land and Asian generosity will know no bounds! This puzzle game's genre also known as griddlers, picross, hanjie, nonograms, japanese crosswords, logic puzzles, pic-a-pix, nonogramme, logimage, logic art, nonogrids...

  • Impossible Twisty Dots  |  Free

    Fun dots placing game, thousands levels, hundreds hours of entertainment. Very challenging and addicting puzzle game. This is a simple game with simple rules. Just click to shoot the dot, and don't touch the dots on the circle. Over 1000 Exciting L...

  • Real Boxing™  |  Free

    **REAL BOXING IS AVAILABLE FOR **FREE** FOR A LIMITED TIME DOWNLOAD THE GAME NOW!** TOUCH ARCADE – “It’s called Real Boxing for a very good reason, and it lives up to its name impeccably well.” 4.5/5 IGN - “Real Boxing is an Unreal Engine-powered be...

  • Baseball General Manager  |  Free

    Manage your team to a Championship! Build through the draft, or through free agent signings and trades as your team competes in a 30-team league. Set your lineup as you take control of coaching duties in addition to managerial duties. The goal of t...

  • Free Mahjong  |  Free

    You just discovered a great mahjong app! This app is packed full of features, including... - 3 Different game modes - Automatic saving/loading - 3 Fun Layouts to play - Great tiles and backgrounds. Upgrade via in-app purchase to unlock undo/red...

  • King's Bounty Legions  |  Free

    최고의 전략 게임으로 친구들과 함께 세계를 지키며 격투를 즐겨보세요! 게이머들은 뛰어난 3D 그래픽을 통해 원작 게임과 동일하게 King's Bounty Universe게임을 즐기실 수 있으며 PvP상 최초로 친구들과 전투를 하실 수 있습니다. 게임 특징 및 요소: 색다른 3D...

  • Horse Racing 3D 2015 Free  |  Free

    Horse Racing is Amazing 3D horse racing game for everyone. You will love to Face Different Challenges during game play. Features -Amazing 3D Horse Racing Game for everyone. -Different Challenges in Different Stages. -Hurdle Racing (...

  • Farming Simulator 19  |  $24.99

    수백만 카피가 판매된 프랜차이즈가 2018년을 향해 거대한 도약을 시도합니다. 최고의 농업 시뮬레이터가 완전히 새로운 그래픽 엔진의 충격적이고 몰입되는 비주얼 및 효과, 그리고 심도 있고 완벽한 농업 체험으로 무장하고 돌아옵니다. Farming Simulator 19는 프...

  • Circle Jump  |  $1.99

    It is a causal style game, wait same color segment shoot and destroy it. Circle will destroy, when circle life decrease to zero. It can be jump to new stage. When bullet run out, it will be game over.

  • 2048 Game  |  Free

    * Over 1,000,000 people Love '2048 Game' :) Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! Press the arrows keys (up, down, right and left) or use your Trackpad/Magic Mouse to move all tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into o...

  • Hobby Farm (Full)  |  $6.99

    Jill’s dream has finally come true! She has her very own farm on her very own island. Harvest exotic fruits, manage free-roaming animals, and operate handmade machines in Hobby Farm! Work your farm under the gorgeous sun and help Jill with your Time...

  • Demon Hunter 4  |  Free

    에니그메티스와 어둠의 전설의 제작사에서 선사하는 멋들어진 숨은 그림 찾기 어드벤처 게임입니다! 돈 애쉬무어가 고대 이집트의 어둠의 비밀을 파헤치려 하자 고대의 신들이 우리가 사는 세상에 발을 들인다. 한 번 구입하시고 – 영원히 즐기세요! 무료 게임을 체험...

  • Ryzom  |  Free

    Enter a unique science fantasy MMORPG and dive into a unique organic living world ! OPENSOURCE Ryzom is one of only a few commercial-grade MMORPGs that are fully open source: client, server, tools, and media. Being open source means that Ryzom draws...

  • City Island 3: Building Sim  |  Free

    City Island와 초창기 타이쿤 게임을 좋아하고, 많은 건물을 건설했다면 저희의 세 번째 도시건설 게임도 분명히 마음에 드실 거예요! 전 세계 1천5백만 명 이상의 City Island 플레이어들과 함께 City Island 3: Building Sim을 시작해보세요! 이번에는 자신만의 독특...

  • Halloween Racer Free  |  Free

    New absorbing free online racing game. Unfortunately your car appeared at the cemetery on Halloween. I hope the skeletons and Jack-o'-lantern will not scare you. Pass the level from start to finish avoiding the revolving statues, witches on the broom...

  • Kids Farm and Animal Jigsaw Puzzle - educational young childrens game for preschool and toddlers  |  Free

    유아 및 취학 전 아동 농장에서 생활에 대해 배울 것입니다 그리고 당신은 거기 귀여운 만화 동물 농장의 쉬운 퍼즐을 작성 하 여 찾을 수 있습니다 동물 관련 상품. 것 들의 모습에 대해 배울 그리고 그들은 소리를 듣고. 지금 보너스 메모리 작성기와 탈출 미로 수상...

  • 宽立象棋  |  Free

    这是Mac版一款业余棋手段位评测软件,通过九个段位后,相当于专业二段的选手水平,可以试试看自己的水平到底是多少。 目前游戏纪录保存在本地,以后会与facebook连通。 棋弈之道,贵在专注. 界面上非常简朴, 只有下棋这个功能,各位可以专心对弈,早日升级段位. 本程序是为...

  • Kim Kardashian: Hollywood  |  Free

    Kim Kardashian: Hollywood에서 킴 카다시안과 함께 레드카펫을 걸어보세요! 나만의 스타를 육성하여 명예와 부를 모두 내 손에! * 나만의 스타를 만들기! 수백가지의 패션 스타일로 커스터마이징 가능! 킴 카다시안의 추천도 볼 수 있습니다! * 연예가에서의 모험!...

  • War Trigger 3  |  Free

    Destroy, smash and blast your way to victory! Use advanced weapons and vehicles to dominate the battle field. Compete with friends or players from around the globe using some of the world's deadliest modern weapons and vehicles. Play with up to 20 p...

  • Spider+  |  $1.99

    Spider+ is the #1 classic Spider Solitaire you know and love for your Mac. We have stayed true to the spirit of Spider Solitaire, and carefully designed a fresh modern look, woven into the wonderful classic feel that everyone loves. In Spider Solit...

  • Shadow Fight 2  |  Free

    운명과 마주하세요! 타이탄의 당신의 도전을 받아들였습니다! 준비되셨나요? 4천만 명의 사용자가 즐기는 유명한 페이스북 대히트작의 속편! 섀도우 파이트 2는 가슴을 조마조마하게 하는 RPG와 정통 격투 게임의 결합을 보여줍니다. 이 게임에서 캐릭터에 수많은 살...

  • FreeCell CronlyGames  |  Free

    [Grand Update] Prevent Stale Your Mac OS and Update the whole UI, make it more clean and clear; FreeCell is a solitaire-based card game played with a 52-card standard deck. It is fundamentally different from most solitaire games in that nearly all...

  • NetHackCocoa  |  Free

    NetHack Cocoa is the classic NetHack game with a graphical interface written specifically for OS X.

  • the little crane that could  |  Free

    The little crane that could... This is a life like simulation of a mobile crane. With the crane, solve a diverse set of challenging puzzles. Incredible fun for young and old alike. KEYBOARD CONTROLS Use arrow keys to drive Q/A to rotate crane W/S t...

  • Lunch Rush HD  |  Free

    Run the best restaurant and win the Contest! Snowy the Bear opens his own eatery and offers fast-paced yet simple fun. Seat hungry customers, take orders, serve food, collect cash and clear tables. Match colors, chain actions and keep your customer...

  • Toy Defense 3: Fantasy  |  Free

    이야! 이제 게임이 한국어로 제공됩니다! 이제 한국어로 짜릿한 전투 게임 플레이를 즐기세요! 화염을 대적하세요. 드래곤이 옵니다! 토이 디펜스 3: 환타지가 용감한 기사, 두려움이 없는 궁수, 분노한 고블린 그리고 마법 대기 딥으로 이루어진 새로움 마법 세계를...

  • Fill and Cross. Trick or Treat 3!  |  Free

    Fill and Cross. Trick or Treat 3 is a sequel to our series of logic puzzles with a happy Halloween atmosphere. A young couple has decided to see go trick-or-treating and see who can collect more candy. But will it all go smoothly?! After all, the mos...

  • Rail Maze 2 : Train Puzzler  |  Free

    Rail Maze 2 adds even more fun and challenge to Rail Maze world. Additional Levels, new graphic environments and much more in version 2.0 of Rail Maze. Rail Maze 2 is the latest game by Spooky House Studios - creators of big hits: Rail Maze and B...

  • Drawful 2  |  $9.99

    The team behind the hit party games Fibbage, Quiplash, and YOU DON’T KNOW JACK presents Drawful 2 the game of terrible drawings and hilariously wrong answers! Use your phone or tablet to draw funny and challenging things like “creepy tiger” or “two m...

  • Shootout! : World Edition  |  Free

    You've played the full 90 and overtime. It's now down to a penalty shootout. Will you lead your team to victory? Or will you crack under pressure and lose it all? Experience both sides of a penalty shootout! Play as the penalty kicker and score as m...

  • RC Mini Racers  |  Free

    ••• We're celebrating >> 1 million downloads

  • Jewel Rotation  |  $0.99

    "Jewel Rotation" is a fun and addictive puzzle game. It features: * Three game modes: Beginner, Expert and Infinite * HD graphics * Tutorial for an easy start! Instructions: The board consists of four side-to-side layers filled with sparkling jewe...

  • Lola's Alphabet Train ABC App  |  Free

    롤라와 함께 알파벳 기차를 타고 영어 여행을 떠나볼까요? 롤라의 알파벳 놀이는3-7세 어린이를 위한 영어 교육용 게임으로 어린이들은 흥미진진한 문제들을 풀어가면서 기차 여행을 계속합니다. 롤라의 알파벳 놀이는 여러 개의 영어 게임들, 알파벳을 드레깅, 드롭잉...

  • Moto Racing 3D — Bike Baron  |  Free

    가장 빠르고 심각한 레이스 때 고무를 태워 보십시오. 바퀴가 태우고 아드레날린은 정맥으로 통과할 때 결정을 낼 시간이 없습니다… 승리하기 위해 러시가 유일한 방법입니다! 전면적인 횡전, 거의 불가능한 점프, 똑같은 표류를 할 기회가 없는 것을 하면서 시간을...

  • Solitaire Epic  |  Free

    Solitaire Epic is a free solitaire card game. This premium quality game is designed to deliver the best solitaire experience, focusing on keeping things simple, clean and easy to play. Classic Solitaire, also known as Patience or Klondike, is the mo...

  • Decked Builder Lite  |  Free

    Decked Builder aims to be the perfect companion for your Magic the Gathering hobby, taking care of everything related to deck building. Note: The Lite version of Decked Builder comes loaded with Magic 2011, Zendikar block, Shards of Alara block and...

  • The Jackbox Party Pack 3  |  $24.99

    The threequel to the party game phenomenon features FIVE new sense-shattering games! 1) The say-anything sequel Quiplash 2 (3-8 players). Play all new questions or make your own! 2) The deadly quiz show Trivia Murder Party (1-8 players). Match wits...

  • Words with Foxy  |  Free

    In Words with Foxy you find words to claim tiles. Each letter used in a word will turn your color. Foxy will make words as well and turn the tiles to his color. There's no time limit, just turn for turn to see who can make the best words an...

  • Temple of the Abyssal Winds  |  Free

    Twenty years ago, the demoness Urgoroth rose to power from the depths of the Temple of the Abyssal Winds. She was defeated, but your parents were lost in the conflict. Your aunt and uncle have raised you in the small village of Tomm's Crossing, where...

  • GreenChess  |  Free

    Chess Game Software and PGN Viewer Features include PGN support, fast game database browsing, game analysis, game annotations, position editing, importing FEN, an option to play against the GreenChess engine or the open source Stockfish engine, play...

  • Daily Mah Jong Free  |  Free

    Reveal your fortune every day with this serene Mahjong Solitaire game from Skunk Studios®. Play three new layouts daily to reveal the fortune that may change your day. You can unlock more tiles, symbol sets as you seek peace from the craziness of li...

  • City Island 5 Tycoon Sim Game  |  Free

    당신의 도시를 건설하세요 “City Island 5 - 오프라인 건설 타이쿤 심 게임”은 스파클링 소사이어티(Sparkling Society)사에서 선보이는 새로운 도시 건설 게임으로, 여러분을 하나의 섬에서 시작하는 작은 도시의 시장으로 만들어드립니다. 비행선을 보내 세계를 탐사...

  • Head Soccer  |  Free

    복잡한 컨트롤의 축구는 저리가라! 누구나 1초면 익힐수 있는 간단한 컨트롤의 축구게임. 독수리슛, 도깨비슛, 총알슛등 다양하고 화려한 필살기 슛으로 상대방을 제압하고 토너먼트에서 승리해보세요. 또한 게임센터를 통해서 친구 혹은 전세계 모든 유져와 서로...

  • FighterA  |  $0.99

    Fighter is a semi-random fighter class generator for the Pathfinder RPG. It generates a completely usable fighter character for (more or less) immediate use. This app assumes the user knows the Pathfinder RPG rules.

  • Stockfish Chess  |  Free

    Stockfish is a powerful chess analysis app. Play two-player games on the beautiful chess board, or get instant accurate analysis of any game. Stockfish will tell you who's winning and calculate the best move. Features: INTERACTIVE, IMMERSIVE BOARD...

  • Township  |  Free

    Township은 도시 건축과 농사를 독특하게 조화시킨 게임입니다! 꿈의 마을을 건설하세요! 작물을 수확하여 공장에서 가공하고 물건을 판매해서 마을을 발전시키세요. 머나먼 섬들과 무역하세요. 레스토랑, 영화관 등 공공건물을 세워서 나만의 마을을 꾸미고 활기를 불...

  • Empire&Boat  |  Free

    -Happy New Year- Empire & Boat is a simple and easy naval shooting game. Inspired by classic arcade games Empire & Boat will provide a unique and addictive gameplay. Earn game money to buy and upgrade your boats. There are plenty of boat to choose f...

  • zMahjong Solitaire from SZY  |  Free

    ◉This는 유명한 Zhongyuan 마작 (카드놀이)! (zMahjong 일인 그것의 약식된 이름입니다.) 이것은 한 번만 구입 했지만 계속 것 이다 영원히 연주 게임입니다. 이 게임은 거 대 한 관찰, 대단한 인내심과 도전 정신을 요구! 단지 10%의 사람들이 마지막으로 게임을 완...

  • Music Keys  |  Free

    Music Keys is an app that teaches you how to play popular songs and teaches you to recognise piano keys. SONGS Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Mary Had a Little Lamb London Bridge Wheels on the Bus Row your Boat Alphabet Song DESCRIPTION Th...

  • Battlegrounds Real Time Strategy Multiplayer: Spy vs Spy Edition  |  Free

    Battlegrounds: Spy vs Spy is a fast paced game that takes the best elements of tower defense and real-time strategy and combines them into an action-packed, endless strategy game! Carefully plan your attack strategy and build up your resources and d...

  • Bubble Shootix  |  Free

    Shooting bubbles has never been so fun before. Take your bubble shooting experience to the next level with Bubble Shootix. Game by Spooky House Studios - creators of Rail Maze and Bubble Explode. Bubble Shootix feautures: - Beautiful animations - U...

  • Mahjong !!  |  Free

    이 게임은 마작 게임입니다. 여러 시간 동안 즐길 수 있는 1인용 게임입니다 ! 이 게임의 목표는 모양이 같은 패 전부를 제거하여 마작판을 비우는 것입니다. 유효한 한 쌍의 패는 두 패 모두 "막혀 있지 않고" "같은" (즉 같은 무늬의) 두 개의 패로 구성됩니다....

  • Amelia - LITE  |  Free

    Meet Amelia - a little girl who lives in mysterious Mushroom Clearing with 3 friends: ▶ Big furry creature TeddyTeddy ▶ a blue two wheeled cat named Kitty-Patter ▶ and shy little tortoise called Little Pencil Help Amelia and team rescue their frien...

  • Nightmares from the Deep™: Davy Jones, Collector's Edition  |  Free

    데이비 존스의 가장 어두운 비밀을 밝히고 극악무도한 바다 악마를 영원히 잠재우세요! 박물관 큐레이터 사라 블랙은 데이비 존스 전설에 대한 연구가 어디로 자신을 데려갈지 상상도 하지 못했습니다. 강의 중 데이비 존스의 이름을 언급한 후 악명 높은 귀신 해적선이...

  • Dooms Knight Lite  |  Free

    This is the LITE version of Doom's Knight. It has one episode with 9 levels. Get the full game with 36 levels at: iTunes and MAC APP Store reviews of our DOOM themed games (Doom’s Knig...

  • Warplanes: WW2 Dogfight  |  Free

    Grab the control yoke of a warplane and jump into the battlefields of World War 2 in this thrilling combat flight action game. In each of the campaigns for USA, Great Britain, USSR, Germany and Japan you will assume the role of a pilot and squadron l...

  • Ancient Rome 2 Free  |  Free

    Construct entire residential districts for people and improve their well-being by building markets, schools, theaters and other places, and connect them with roads for ease of access. Create warehouses and farms, plant wheat and bake bread, mine clay...

  • Eternity Warriors 2  |  Free

    ***초기 로딩시 멈추는 현상이 있으신 경우 Mac OS Mountain Lion 10.8.2 으로 업데이트 해주세요 (3월 14일 출시판)*** ***컨트롤러 조정을 원하실 경우 듀토리얼 완료후, 메인 메뉴의 게임 세팅에서 가능하십니다.*** Northern Udar를 위한 끝나지 않은 전쟁! 첫...

  • Doodle Words  |  Free

    From the makers of Doodle Drops and Doodle Trivia comes Doodle Words, an exciting and challenging word spelling application that tests your spelling skills! There are thousands of words ready for you to solve! Think you can spell them all correctly...

  • Golden Fall  |  $0.99

    Golden Fall is a cave crawling RPG using time based tactical battles. The Golden Fall is of our hero who looks for a quick coin and fall into the cave many adventurers have ventured into but never came out of. Once our hero falls, the only way out is...

  • Trick Shot Bowling  |  Free

    Bowling with trick shots and GameCenter multiplayer! Bowl classic 10-pin games, or try own trick shot pin configurations for a fresh experience. Pick from 24 unlockable balls with different weight, speed, and hook to find the perfect ball for the c...

  • Just Dance Now  |  Free

    Just Dance Now로 댄서 본능을 일깨워 보세요! Just Dance의 명곡과 안무를 게임기 없이 Mac으로 즐겨보세요! 컨트롤러로 사용할 스마트폰과 인터넷에 연결된 Mac 기기(iMac, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac Pro, Mac Pro, Mac mini)만 있으면 된답니다. Just Dance...

  • Kids animal puzzle and memory skill games  |  Free

    알파벳, 계산 및 60 개 이상의 다른 동물 재미 하 고 직관적인 방법으로 교육 하 고 재미 있는 퍼즐 메모리 게임 동물 애호가 대 한 교육의 다양 한 하는 어린 아이 가르칩니다. 게임은 어려움에 다와 지 그 소 퍼즐 포함, 점 들을 연결, 쌍 메모리 게임 뿐만 아니라 슬...

  • Tibetan Quest: Beyond the World's End  |  Free

    "동양의 아름다운 풍경" - "긴장감 넘치는 숨은 그림 찾기 게임" - 에니그메티스와 어둠의 전설의 제작사에서 선사하는 멋들어진 숨은 그림 찾기 어드벤처 게임입니다! 실종된 조카를 찾아 신비로운 도시 샹그릴라로 떠나는 여...

  • Everyday Jigsaw  |  Free

    하루에 퍼즐 한 게임씩 하면서 지루함을 날려버리는 건 어떨까요? 가족사진이나 여행에서 찍은 사진으로 나만의 개성 넘치는 직소퍼즐을 만들어 보는 건 어떨까요? 1만 개가 넘는 다양한 퍼즐 콜렉션을 클릭 몇 번으로 둘러본 후 마음에 쏙 드는 퍼즐을 구입할 수도...

  • Worms™ 3  |  $4.99

    ***Special Sale Price!*** Worms™ 3 has been developed for OSX and allows Mac gamers to challenge friends on iOS devices. Deal yourself the advantage with a new, game-changing enhancement. Turn on the card mode and alter the start and end of each tu...

  • Mahjong Solitaire Epic  |  Free

    Mahjong Epic는 7년이 넘는 세월 동안 수백 만 명이 즐겼습니다. 이 새롭고 개선된 시리즈 때문에 게임이 완전히 새로운 경지에 올랐습니다! Mahjong Solitaire는 전 세계에서 가장 유명한 게임 중 하나입니다. 규칙과 게임 방식이 간단하고 흥미진진하기 때문이죠. 몇...

  • Zombies Ate My Friends  |  Free

    인구 4,206명(대부분 좀비)의 감염마을에 오신 여러분을 환영합니다! 마을을 탐험하고, 경치와 (신음)소리에 취해보세요. 뭐든지 찾아내서 식사를 즐기시고, 주민들과 친분을 쌓아보세요. 가급적 죽은 주민은 피하시길 권해드립니다^^. 오락시설로는 저희 마을의 명물,...

  • Flap Flap  |  $0.99

    Help our little guy to avoid the obstacles. How to play: 1. Click or press space to flap your wings 2. Avoid obstacles 3. Beat your Highscore! Flap Flap is also available for free on iOS for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch:

  • Backgammon Reloaded 3D  |  Free

    This is Backgammon Reloaded 3D, the first 3D backgammon game on the market. Play in offline mode against Artificial Neural Networks trained for thousand of games in mixed and cascade mode. Play in online mode against high skilled players all around...

  • Japan Food Adventure - Tokyo  |  Free

    Prepare, cook and serve lots of delectable Japanese dishes and snacks in this exciting and fast-paced time-management game! Get ready for a mouth-watering adventure that is addicting fun! Start off with a few sushi and soba to sell from your small m...

  • Typing Fingers LT  |  Free

    Paid version : Typing Fingers is an app that will teach you how to type the right way on your Mac. - Ready for US/EN QWERTY keyboard layout - Great for homeschooling. Contains typing g...

  • Sorceress Free  |  Free

    An exciting new way to play solitaire... with potions! Potions let you burn cards, shuffle stacks, and more. Features include: -2 Fun and Helpful Potions -3 Solitaire Games -Retina graphics, including support for the new iPad. -Fun sound effec...

  • Cribbage: Classic Card Game  |  $1.99

    Cribbage, or crib, is a game of numbers. You collect points by combining cards together to make runs, triple, fifteen, pairs and having a Jack of the same suit as the starter card ("one for his nob or nobs or nibs"). The mathematics is simple, but cr...

  • Rose Puzzle  |  Free

    ❀ Complex Puzzle Game ! ❀ Roses ! ❀ Spiky yet tender, wild but beautiful ❀ plant it, cultivate it, puzzle it out ! I developed this puzzle for my mother to keep her busy. Also I thank the Cocos2D Framework and its community. Have fun playing it! In...

  • Dark Mysteries: The Soul Keeper - Collector's Edition  |  Free

    Charles Dexter Ward has summoned you to the island of Pawtuxet to stop a renegade spirit that is murdering the townspeople. The spirit is using human souls to become immortal, and you will be next if you can't stop him. Based on the novel by H.P. Lo...

  • Platforms Unlimited  |  Free

    Platforms Unlimited is a procedural, minimalistic, zen, madly hard one-button endless platformer! An arcade game like in the old times when simplicity, fun and challenge ruled. Free to celebrate the holidays and the release of Pixel Boat Rush! ---...

  • World Kitchen Fever Cooking  |  Free

    당신은 요리의 큰 팬입니까? 나는 할 요리사가되고 싶어? 《요리 셰프- 맛집 중독》는 무료 중독성 시간 관리 유형, 빠르고 재미 요리 및 고객 서비스 게임이다. 이 새로운 게임에서 당신은 식품 햄버거와 슈퍼 이탈리아어 요리사가 될 것이다. 엄마 (제니퍼)를 요리하...

  • The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom  |  Free

    "결코 멈출 수 없게 당신을 사로잡을 환상적인 마법의 어드벤처" - BFG User "지금까지 경험한 최고 비주얼의 진수" - 에니그메티스와 어둠의 전설의 제작사에서 선사하는 멋들어진 숨은 그림 찾기 어드벤처 게임입니다! 그리핀 결사대가 시...

  • 宽立拖拉机  |  Free

    新版上线,AppStore上广受欢迎的拖拉机升级80分游戏 即日起限免,欢迎下载试用并评论! 双抠/升级/80分/拖拉机游戏! 升级是一种流行于中国和海外华人社区的纸牌游戏,一般是四人参加,非常考验玩家的团队合作观念, 如果有良好的团队合作将让你更好的获得好的成绩。...

  • Ludo Online  |  Free

    Ludo Online, The most excellent ludo on App store! With four cute themes, and all themes are free! Turn your Mac computer into a ludo board, - Play ludo with your friends on Online Game Hall; Match with 2 or 3 or 4 players, Start from Dice 5 poi...

  • Crossword Light  |  Free

    Play crossword puzzles right on your Mac. Each day many newspapers provide their crossword puzzles online; Crossword Light lets you solve a selection of what's out there; get hints, view clues, and track how quickly you're improving! This is a ligh...

  • SlideWords  |  Free

    Slide the tiles to unscramble the word square—a square of letters that forms valid words both across and down. My theory is that because this puzzle exercises two opposing skills, it will be challenging for anyone. If you have a good English vocabu...

  • Beginning (The Deskplorers - Try-It Chapter - for 7 to 11 yo kids)  |  Free

    ★★★★ Discover with this try-it chapter a new series of games for 7 to 11 years old girls and boys, blending storytelling, gaming and learning. With The Deskplorers, your kids will read, play, think, discover foreign languages and learn, all with lots...

  • Traffic Ops 3D Sniper Shooter  |  Free

    Grab your guns, it's time to have some fun and demolish cars in the mountains. You are a modern elite sniper on his day of from deadly missions in this first person shooter game. Fire with your sniper rifle on the traffic and blow up some cars and tr...

  • Dirt Bikes Super Racing  |  Free

    Dirt Bikes Super Racing is a challenging physics-based motocross game. If you have played before Extreme Bike Trials, you will feel right at home with Dirt Bikes Super Racing. This time you are competing against the computer on a challenging motocro...

  • Robotek  |  Free

    The humanity had fallen. In the great robot uprising machines took the planet over. Empire of Machine is the new world order. It's time to take it back! One node at a time. ◉ Unique blend of strategy, action and RPG. ◉ More than 200 levels spread al...

  • Mystery Riddles  |  Free

    A doubly puzzling magical adventure! The most powerful magicians in the kingdom of Mysteria were once the Pictomancers, who had the power to imbue painted or woven images with arcane energy. They have all but disappeared from the land, taking their...

  • Archer 2  |  Free

    90 LEVELS full of HUGE challenges for a SMALL price. You’ll be OVERSTUFFED! Archer 2 features an all-new engine; bringing you gameplay with updated physics and levels in stunning graphics. A game that will definitly suprise you! Following the event...

  • Bubble Breaker Adventure  |  Free

    Bubble Breaker Adventure is a fun and addictive puzzle game. Solve hundreds of levels by matching two or more bubbles of the same color. The gameplay is simple, but getting 3 stars in each level is a good challenge. Features - 350 levels - Unlimited...

  • Star Chef™ : Cooking Game  |  Free

    전 세계 2,000만 회 이상의 다운로드! 최고의 요리 시뮬레이션 게임이자 App Store 최고인 스타 셰프를 플레이하세요! 맛있는 전 세계의 다양한 메뉴를 요리하며 아마추어 요리사에서 마스터 요리사로 성장하세요. 도심 한복판에 나만의 멋진 레스토랑을 차리고 높은...

  • Star Defender 4 (Free)  |  Free

    Ready to fight?! Then go ahead! Start your space battle in Star Defender 4 and prevent impudent aliens from conquering the Earth! Who can give a dare to numerous hordes of Insectus and to protect the native Galaxy? What do the Black Holes hide insi...

  • Tic-Tac-Toe  |  Free

    Tic-Tac-Toe game. basic and free. XOks, Nuller og Krydser, Nullen und Kreuze, Tic-Tac-Toe, Bondesjakk, Ristinolla, Luffarschack, Kolko i krzyzyk, Morpion.

  • Jigsaw Puzzles Epic  |  Free

    Jigsaw Puzzles Epic은 다양한 카테고리로 제공하는 10,000개 이상의 아름다운 사진이 가득한 직소 게임입니다. 이 프리미엄 퀄리티 앱은 직소 퍼즐을 사랑하는 사람들에게 최고의 선택이 될 것입니다. Jigsaw Puzzle Epic에서 전 세계를 여행해 보세요. 장엄한 풍경...

  • The Perfect Tree  |  Free

    Spruce up your Christmas season with The Perfect Tree, a cheerful holiday offering from Anawiki Games! Based on the classic Christmas tale of the same name, the game tells the story of a lonely little pine tree and the player's efforts to help it bec...

  • Mantras 3D Free  |  Free

    Mantras App in 3D is very Devotional App for everyone. It contains Various Professional Quality Mantras which gives intense peace and satisfaction in mind. Features -15 Most famous Mantras Available in this app. -Any Mantra Can be Played Multiple Ti...

  • Quiz Creator - Take, Share and Publish Quizzes  |  Free

    If you like quizzes, competitions and knowledge games ... then you have found your new home! Quizpedia is a new fast growing online community for people that like to: • Create quizzes • Take quizzes • Compete on knowledge •• Exchange quizzes •• Ch...

  • Chess Academys  |  Free

    象棋學園提供走棋練習、殘局沖關、趣味殘局、人機對戰、人人對戰等多種遊戲模式的應用。內置從簡單到復雜的殘局近400關,是象棋入門學習的必備軟件。 1、走棋練習及殘局沖關提供了參考解答,便於對照學習。 2、趣味殘局提供 200 種殘局供玩家選擇下棋。 3、讓子挑戰...

  • Bubble Explode  |  Free

    Now with awesome new feature: Mac window background TRANSPARENCY. Check out the screenshots! Bubble Explode had been Top 1 iPhone app in UK, Canada, Netherlands, Russia and has been in Top 5 apps in USA, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and...

  • Happy Solitaire  |  Free

    Happy Solitaire lets you play any type of solitaire in freeform. Contains: - Play with 1 to 3 decks of cards - Deal 1 to 3 cards in play mode - Stack the cards in 4 different ways - Customise the background colour - Customise the colour of...

  • Word Search Epic  |  Free

    Word Search Epic lets you enjoy free, unlimited word search puzzles in a variety of different categories. Find the hidden words to solve the puzzle. Play handcrafted puzzles, or generate new random word search puzzles for limitless, free play! One o...

  • Eventide: Slavic Fable  |  Free

    에니그메티스와 어둠의 전설의 제작사에서 선사하는 멋들어진 숨은 그림 찾기 어드벤처 게임입니다! 슬라브 신화속의 마법의 세계로 어서 오십시오! 헤리티지 파크에서 평화롭게 살고 있는 신비로운 생물들을 구하고 희귀한 식물을 찾는 여행을 떠나십시오. 보루타의 사...

  • Grumpy Snowmen  |  Free

    Spartan pride is at stake! Across Michigan State University's campus, rival Big Ten schools have set up snow forts populated with Grumpy Snowmen. Help Sparty rid campus of these pesky snowmen! Grumpy Snowmen features easy-to-learn, but challenging t...

  • Angeldust  |  Free

    ADVENTURE. ANYWHERE! Explore endless magical worlds and battle fearsome creatures alongside millions of friends. Ride your own horse, bear or moa and discover the many game world wonders. Unleash your imagination by crafting beautiful buildings. BE...

  • Kingdom Tales  |  Free

    당신의 왕국이 얼마나 영광스러워질 수 있을까요? 무료로 즐긴 다음 게임 내 모험을 모두 여세요! 고대의 예언이 선언하길....어느 날, 강력한 드래곤들이 자신들의 것이라고 주장할 새로운 영토를 찾을 것이라 했습니다! 그 날이 왔습니다! 예언이 이루어졌습니다! 이...

  • Civilization® VI  |  $59.99

    수상 경력에 빛나는 게임을 즐기십시오. 지도 전역에 걸쳐 제국을 확장하고 문화를 발전시키며 역사의 가장 위대한 지도자들과 경쟁하여 역사의 시험에 견딜 문명을 건설하십시오. ———————————————— 20명의 역사적 지도자와 함께 시작 ———————————————— 베테랑 플레...

  • Meow Match  |  Free

    고양이는 방랑했습니다. 다시 집으로 가져 오는 것이 당신의 일입니다! 수백 개의 일치하는 3 단계를 거쳐 고양이 보호 구역을 복구하고 수십 개의 독특한 고양이로 스토리를 펼칩니다. Meow Match의 시간입니다! 매치 3 레벨을 이기고 키스 컴패니언과 팀을 이루어 한...

  • Lucky Sudoku  |  Free

    Classic sudoku puzzle with amazing graphics and additional sudoku grids Samurai, Cross, Sohei, Flower, Windmill, Trio, Double and Tripple sudoku. Challenge your brain with the tricky logic of our sudoku puzzle. This is a Sudoku like one you have nev...

  • Queen's Quest 3: The End of Dawn  |  Free

    에니그메티스와 어둠의 전설의 제작사에서 선사하는 멋들어진 숨은 그림 찾기 어드벤처 게임입니다! 전도유망한 연금술 수련생 엘리아나는 강력한 유물을 찾는 임무를 맡는다. 임무 완수를 위해 그녀는 치명적 위험과 싸우며 과거의 비극에 직면하게 될 것이다. 한 번...

  • What`s Pixelated? word picture guessing puzzle  |  Free

    그리고 아직 습 관성 및 재미 도전적인 단어 게임을 즐기 십니까? 수상 경력에 빛나는 퍼즐에서 브랜드의 새로운 게임 개념 단어 퍼즐 애호가 매니아를 위한 시장에 신선한 무언가 데리고 게임 개발자는 `Pixelated 무엇입니까?`. 시작에, 사진은 pixelated 이며 하 그...

  • ChessBot 2  |  Free

    ChessBot is an elegant chess app with powerful features. - Basic move operations and outcome detection - A strong chess engine which offers hints for next moves - Human v.s. human & human v.s. computer modes - PGN files importing and exporting - Gam...

  • Wildscapes  |  Free

    Playrix의 Scapes™ 시리즈의 새로운 인기 게임, 꿈의 동물원으로 환영합니다! 퍼즐을 풀며 귀여운 동물들이 사는 꿈의 동물원을 만들어 보세요! 동물들이 편안하게 지낼 수 있도록 커다란 울타리를 만들고, 방문자들이 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있도록 카페, 분수, 놀이...

  • Life Quest 2 - Metropoville  |  Free

    Move to Metropoville and begin a 12 step Life Quest program! Find a new rewarding career in this incredible Strategy game! Upgrade your vehicle, purchase a pet, and even find true love as you move up the social ladder. Go from rags to riches and com...

  • Building the Great Wall of China  |  Free

    Embark on an epic journey across the Chinese Empire and take charge of building the greatest structure known to mankind - The Great Wall of China - in this addictive time management game. TRY IT FREE, THEN UNLOCK THE FULL ADVENTURE FROM WITHIN THE...

  • Jet Ducks  |  Free

    Jet Ducks – experience fun old-school shooter on your Mac! Welcome a treat for the fans of trendy cartoon graphics and classic arcade-shooter mix inspired by Duck Hunt. The task is simple: kill as many ducks as possible. You have two minutes, but sh...

  • Brain Practice  |  Free

    How good is your memory? How fast does your brain react? Take the Brain Practice challenge to see! Brain Practice is a fun memory game that will help improve your short term memory. Train your brain through a variety of cards and collections, racin...

  • Jigsaw Puzzles for Adults  |  Free

    Relax, focus and forget your worries with Jigsaw Puzzles. Features: - High resolution jigsaws puzzles - Adjust the amount of jigsaw puzzle pieces from easy to hard. - Relaxing background music. - Easy navigation for elderly users

  • Happy Airplane  |  Free

    Fun and easy for the youngest ones. Play with the sounds, alternate colours and fly the Happy Airplane. Contains: - Start the engine - Drive down the path - Fly - Land - Stop the engine - Board the airplane - Colour the wheels of the...

  • Extreme Road Trip 2  |  Free

    Your gas pedal is stuck AGAIN! Do stunts to get nitro boost and SLAM it all down to unlock the insane speed of OVERDRIVE! Collect coins to unlock new cars as you play! Complete missions and get rewards! It’s bigger, faster, and still FREE! The ga...

  • Christmas Mosaic Puzzle Free  |  Free

    Christmas Mosaic Puzzle is an exciting puzzle game with a winter holiday theme! The time for Christmas wonders and gifts begins with Christmas Mosaic Puzzle! Assemble unusual puzzles – 120 colorful mosaics that are fun for all ages! Challenge yourse...

  • Shotgun FunFun HD  |  Free

    Welcome to Shotgun FunFun 2.0 A Zombie virus has infected the denizens of Hell where the demons are starting to turn into rotting flesh and corrupting their evil spirits. The Demon Zombies are losing their mind's and their ability to think clearly ab...

  • Dress-Up Pups  |  Free

    Pattie is an animal-lover, working at the Dress-Up Pups fashion agency for dogs. When her boss has to leave town on important business, she's put in charge of the whole place; it's a big opportunity for her! Help her deal with ten different clients,...

  • Tactical Monsters  |  Free

    ***** 3~5분 동안 펼쳐지는 짧은 PVP 매치의 스릴을 경험하세요! 다양한 전장에서 상대편의 몬스터와 격돌하세요! - MMO GAMES ***** 손바닥에서 펼쳐지는 턴 기반의 아레나 전투는 당신을 빨아들일 것입니다. - Alpha Beta Gamer ***** 콘텐츠의 부족이라고는 도저히...

  • Hyper Drift: Retro  |  Free

    Participate in a race on 50 unique tracks to collect stars and achieve a new rank. Reach a higher rank and get a new car. * Stunning graphics: Game using modern 3D Graphics API - "METAL" provided by apple; * Vintage style: All elements in the game ar...

  • Pinball Massacre Lite  |  Free

    Do you have what it takes to become the undisputed Pinball Master? Pinball Massacre is an arcade style pinball game (we know that sounds silly but it makes sense when you play). This first table in the Pinball Massacre series features two unique twis...

  • mySolar - Build your Planets  |  $11.00

    Play as a God, build your own solar. Roaming the universe to collect GP (God point) and MP (Mass point) to grow your solar. Defeat all emery solars, absorb their resources.

  • Fat Birds Build a Bridge! - FREE  |  Free

    Start building some bridges, and help the Fat Birds get back home! The Fat Birds have gotten themselves into some serious trouble. At first, they utterly disregarded their flying lessons, and now the evil mastermind Mad Hamster managed to destroy t...

  • Iron Tanks: 3D Tank Shooter  |  Free

    Future Tanks 개발자들이 만든 미래의 탱크와의 흥미로운 온라인 탱크 전투. SF 차량에 탄 실제 상대과 싸우는 잊지 못할 전투. 탱크를 업그레이드하고 더 강력하고, 더 빠르고, 더 치명적으로 만드세요. 전투에서 친구들에 맞서 자신이 가진 탱크의 전투력을 느껴보...

  • Transport Agent 3D  |  Free

    Start transportation madness with Transport Agent 3D. Dear all Drivers and Transporters, now its time to become a transport agent! Choose your mega big truck and buckle up for a heavy duty and crazy challenge. You need to drive these huge cargo Tran...

  • Bind: Brain teaser puzzle game  |  Free

    Bind is the challenging new puzzle game that is easy to learn but difficult to master! A variation of an old classic, it is very addictive to play and will keep you entertained for hours. SIMPLE RULES: + Draw lines to connect each pair of same-colo...

  • Gunship III - Combat Flight Simulator - FREE  |  Free

    Immerse yourself into the mist of the Vietnam war as an US helicopter, rescue downed pilot, support other attack aircrafts. This free version of Gunship III features: * 360 3D cockpit view with zoom. * Fully functioning cockpit avionics. * Pilot...

  • ABC Preschool car truck and engine dot puzzles  |  Free

    유아 및 취학 전 아동 학습 하 게 됩니다 계산 고 알파벳에 대 한 차량 및 작성 하 여 운송에 대 한 찾는 동안 쉬운 자동차, 트럭, 보트, 기차, 비행기, 응급 차량, 더 많은의 점 스타일 퍼즐을 연결 합니다. 아이 들 것 처럼 보이게에 대해 배울 하 고 그들은 소리를...

  • Minesweeper 101  |  Free

    Minesweeper, a refreshingly clean, yet authentic interpretation of the classic strategy/puzzle game. The object of the game is to identify all mine squares by revealing all non-mine squares. The best minesweeper experience available. FEATURES - Begi...

  • Mastermind - Cows and Bulls Free Word Game  |  Free

    마음이 지도자 / 앱 스토어에 소와 황소의 WORD 게임을 깨는. 귀하가 50 층로 분류 일상 생활에서 본적 않는 번호 및 말과 함께 재생합니다. 사명 - 비밀 번호 / 단어를 해독. 재생하는 방법 - 비밀 번호 / 찍었다 단어 소와 황소의 수를 알 단어 & LOCK을 맞춰보세요...

  • Deluxe Track&Field Lite  |  Free

    Experience that retro feeling combined with modern technology! TOP FEATURES: Eleven track and field events, four game modes (Championship, Multiplayer, Continuous and Training Mode), two difficulty levels, fully localized with text in five languages...

  • FastBall Online  |  Free

    FastBall, enjoyed by millions, has now stepped into the world of online multiplayer with FastBall Online. In this ultimate FastBall experience, you'll race against anyone globally or against your friends (up to 8 players and requires internet connect...

  • Learn recorder - Flute Master  |  Free

    With the Flute Master App, YOU will see the first successful played notes in minutes, unless you are under 5+ years old! After learning the first music note on your instrument, you will start a super fun adventure helping a little dragon protect his...

  • Happy Music  |  Free

    Easy to use music application suitable for young children, play with three different instruments to make your own Happy Music. Contains: - 8 Guitar chords - 8 Piano keys - 8 Strings notes - Use keyboard keys or mouse to play - No popup adv...

  • Flying Comet  |  $1.99

    Control the comet, avoid all obstacles, fly to destination. Each level we are allow to crash twice, more than twice crash you need to play again. Many levels are waiting for you.

  • Frozen Dragon Gems  |  Free

    Help your Dragons Battle through Weeds that Grow, Fire Balls, Stones, Ladybirds, Branches, Ice, Jelly, Walls and Blocks. Frozen Dragon Gems is a spell bounding addictive Match 3 type game, offering 450 levels of increasing difficulty making the game...

  • Gardenscapes  |  Free

    Playrix 꿈 시리즈(Scapes™ 시리즈)의 첫 히트작, 꿈의 정원에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 3조각 맞추기 퍼즐을 풀어 정원의 영광을 되찾아주세요! 3 매치 레벨을 깨서 정원의 여러 구역을 복원하고 장식하며 정원에 숨겨진 비밀을 파헤쳐 보세요. 다정한 집사 오스틴과 장...

  • Unscramble Words Lite  |  Free

    This game has over 1000 words. You can pick which word you want to unscramble. The game ends when you go 45 seconds without successfully unscrambling a word. This lite version limits you to 3 minutes of gameplay. Purchase the full version to remove...

  • CKZ Origins  |  Free

    ***초기 로딩시 멈추는 현상이 있으신 경우 Mac OS Mountain Lion 10.8.2 으로 업데이트 해주세요 (3월 14일 출시판)*** 주인공 에블린이 되어서 좀비무리로부터 세이브헤븐 연구소를 구하라! 그리고 서서히 드러나는 미스테리한 질병의 발생! 자유로운 움직임의 3인...

  • 2048 Hex  |  Free

    2048 Hexagonal more interesting than the square. have you try ? We support multiple board size --- 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5. If 4x4 too hard, you can to try 5x5. if 4x4 too easy, you can to try 3x3 #Feature 2048 Hexagonal mode. Support multiple board...

  • Fishdom  |  Free

    Fishdom이 처음인가요? 숨을 깊게 들이쉬고 물속 깊이 잠수해서 매치3의 세계에 빠져보세요! 독창적인 매치3 게임에 도전하고 수족관을 장식해서 사랑스러운 물고기들에게 아늑한 집을 만들어주세요. 먹이를 주고, 함께 놀아주고, 서로 소통하는 모습을 지켜보세요. 앗...

  • Lost Grimoires 2: Shard of Mystery  |  Free

    에니그메티스와 어둠의 전설의 제작사에서 선사하는 멋들어진 숨은 그림 찾기 어드벤처 게임입니다! 페른 왕자가 대관식 직전에 실종됐을 때 그를 찾을 수 있는 이는 궁정에서 오직 한 사람! 교사와 스파이, 그리고 그리프집의 조언자로서 왕실 후계자를 찾아 어두운 마...

  • Montana Solitaire  |  Free

    Montana Solitaire is a great family card game for kids to adults. The goal of the game is get 52 shuffled playing cards arranged in order. However, cards may only be placed in sequence and only in open slots. As the game progresses, those open slots...

  • Tap 'n' Pop 3: Balloon Adventures  |  Free

    Tap 'n' Pop 3 is finally here! Incredible, 8 different game challenges, gorgeous graphics and smooth gameplay. Over 500 levels will keep you popping for hours. You simply have to try this game! Game types/challenges - Pop total number of balloons (h...

  • The Vehicles Typing  |  Free

    This app is the first typing game for kids and beginners! FEATURES - More than thirty lessons (from basic to sentences) - More than ten popular vehicles, from cars, trains, airplanes and ships - User switching up to 3 people - Vehicles transform MON...

  • Iron Sea Frontier Defenders TD  |  Free

    Man the guns! The enemy fleet is on the horizon! Take a part in the real sea battle! Now the battle rages absolutely free! Defend your fort from attacks – show your tactical skill. This unique historical setting will allow you to immerse yourself...

  • Simple Brickout  |  $1.99

    A simple Brickout game. Just jump right in and play it like old times. Hit the bricks but don't drop the ball. Powerups - Fireball, MultiBall, Sticky Paddle, lights Out and more Many Boards - with more being added Many backgrounds - black, whit...

  • Emoji Charades  |  Free

    ~ BE AWARE: YOU NEED TO CONNECT A MOBILE DEVICE TO PLAY THIS GAME ~ Stop being anti-social, and start using your apps as an excuse to scream into your friends' and family's ear-holes. Emoji Charades is a saucy party game to play in the same physica...

  • Black Ink 2  |  Free

    Solve Crossword Puzzles in Style: free to download and use, with optional paid upgrade for premium features. Try all the premium features for 14 days with a free in-app-trial "purchase." NOTE: You will only be charged if you choose to unlock premium...

  • Invasion : Battlefield Free  |  Free

    !!! ONE OF THE BEST GAME ON MAC APPSTORE !!! With one of the most powerful engine in the world, Invasion : Battlefield will blow you away with the amazing graphic, incredible sound and exciting gameplay!!! The government found the mysterious cube...

  • Word World - Puzzle  |  Free

    Find all the words to complete the level! Word World Puzzle provides you the great fun. You have no time to be bored. Thanks all of you who enjoy Word World. DOWNLOAD NOW! Features: * Level Hints * Extra Words * Various Themes * Daily Gifts * Glo...

  • Queen's Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past  |  Free

    "매력적인 유명 캐릭터들의 화학적 혼합물!" - BFG 사용자 "이색적이고 흔치 않은 게임" - BFG 사용자- 에니그메티스와 어둠의 전설의 제작사에서 선사하는 멋들어진 숨은 그림 찾기 어드벤처 게임입니다! 왕은 자신이 가장 신임하는 요원의 죽음을 조사해 달라고| 유...

  • Nightmares from the Deep™: the Siren’s Call  |  Free

    카리브해 해군 박물관의 큐레이터인 사라 블랙은 알 수 없는 소포를 받는 순간 자신도 모르게 오래된 갈등 속에 휘말리게 됩니다. 그녀가 소포에서 유물을 꺼내 들자마자 바로 암살자들이 박물관에 침입해 뺏어갑니다. 이 믿을 수 없는 상황 속에서 사라는 자신이 심해...

  • Rail Maze : Train puzzle  |  Free

    Rail Maze is the latest game by Spooky House Studios - creators of big hits: Bubble Explode and Pumpkin Explode. Solve 100+ of challenging and unique puzzles, build railroads, bomb through obstacles, escape PIRATES on rails. Have a lot of fun with...

  • 50 States and Capitals  |  Free

    Is it easy memorizing states' names and locations? Now it's simple with the help of 50 States and Capitals! This kind of edutainment software presents a great opportunity to keep your child occupied, enhancing their knowledge in using computers a...

  • Fruits Link 3  |  Free

    An Addictive Image Matching Game - Match 2 Images In No More Than 3 Lines. This is an update to the very classical common good old game, and it will also bring you a totally different and whole brand-new experience! You will be lost in this game! T...

  • Army Chess Super Online SZY  |  Free

    ***Introduction Army Chess is a two-player board game that simulates army wars. It is a very popular game around the world, especially in China, where it is called Junqi (军棋) and several generations have been spending their recreation time on it....

  • Boaty McBoatface  |  Free

    - Control your RRS Ship to collect science and biology research, food, supplies, fuel and entertainment. - Scavenge knowledge pickups to win extra large scores whilst learning about topics like Zoology, Marine Ethology, Medicine, Anatomy, Ecology. (a...

  • The Battle for Wesnoth  |  Free

    The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme. Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans. In later games, recall your toughest warriors and form a deadly host whom none can...

  • AirFMC  |  Free

    This is the Mac desktop version of our AirFMC app. Designed to integrate with the X-Plane flight simulator, AirFMC provides an interface layer to your favourite flight management system and allows you to have a remote, portable and beautiful MCDU,...

  • CRIMSON ROOM® DECADE Lite  |  Free

    A decade after the release of the original Crimson Room Flash game comes the sequel, Crimson Room Decade. Inspector Jean-Jacques Gordot finds himself investigating the Crimson Room. A door that won’t open, a flickering light bulb, scattered wine bott...

  • DeckEleven's Railroads  |  Free

    DeckEleven's Railroads is an addictive railroad empire building game in full 3D. You are in charge of building your own railroad empire, from track layout to cargo management. Choose your train configuration wisely, from steam-powered locomotives to...

  • Crazy Monster Truck Escape  |  Free

    ** The mega hit from iTunes store now available on MAC App Store ** Crazy Monster Truck - Escape is all about adventurous escape that’s full of hasty pace and adrenal boosting thrill. You could not resist your crave of stealing valuable assets but n...

  • The Secret Order 3: Ancient Times  |  Free

    "놀라운 그래픽과 흥미진진한 줄거리" - "게임 플레이가 쾌적하고 즐겁다" - 에니그메티스와 어둠의 전설의 제작사에서 선사하는 멋들어진 숨은 그림 찾기 어드벤처 게임입니다! 에어론하트의 신비로운 왕국을 찾아 과거로 여...

  • Speed Car Fighter 3D 2015 Free  |  Free

    Speed Car Fighter 3D 2015 is amazing 3D Car Racing Game for Everyone. You will love to play this amazing game. Excitement increases after every level. Get Ready to Rock with this amazing Game for everyone. Features -HD Quality of Graphics used in th...

  • Aha Link Color: ALL  |  Free

    메시지의 모든 Google에 의해 번역합니다. 당신은 어떤 오류가 발견되면, 내가 알고 주시기 바랍니다. "Aha Link Color: ALL" 유동 게임 규칙을 모두 제공 포함 클래식 크로스 (브릿지) 곡선 (벤드) 크로스 또는 곡선 일반 (지점) 일반 & 크로스 일반 및 곡선...

  • baKno Chess  |  Free

    고전적인 전략 게임 - 화려한 그래픽, 온라인 게임 및 쉬운 인터페이스. 수공으로 만들어진 멋진 보드와 말들을 회전과 줌 기능을 통해 3D로 보여집니다. 게임하기는 쉽지만 마스터는 어렵습니다. 지금 세 단계 다른 레벨을 설정하여 오프라인으로 컴퓨터와 대결하거나...

  • Solitaire Beach Season 2 Free  |  Free

    Get an explosion of summer sensation with Solitaire Beach Season 2. The paradise beaches of the Caribbean, luxury spa hotels, snow-white sands, a cruise over the warm waves of the Atlantic, a tour to the hospitable bays of Cuba – what else awaits you...

  • unPredictable  |  Free

    Drive as far as you can without crashing. That's it. No complicated gameplay, just unpredictable drivers. The ideal game for killing time.

  • Frederic - Resurrection of Music Lite  |  Free

    “Colorful and full of character, the art direction lends itself perfectly…” Mike Fahey, Kotaku - Gaming App of The Day “Insane personality and sly digs at pop culture” Scott Steinberg, “It’s so well-done and engaging that it’s impo...

  • Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest  |  Free

    에니그메티스와 어둠의 전설의 제작사에서 선사하는 멋들어진 숨은 그림 찾기 어드벤처 게임입니다! 숲속 밑바닥에는 비밀의 세계가 숨겨져 있어요. 작은 인간들이 동물들과 어울려 사는 마법의 세계, 바로 브리의 왕국이죠. 떨어져 사는 엄마에게서 도와달라는 요청이...

  • TacWars  |  Free

    Armed with Axes, Bows and Magic, you lead an army of brave Dwarven Warriors to battle against ugly Goblins and spooky Skeletons in this addictive Puzzle/RPG. Steal Tactics from your Enemies and unleash their power on the battlefield for maximum impac...

  • Sailing Regatta  |  Free

    Dive into an unforgettable experience. Inshore & Offshore Competitive Sport Of Sailing Races. Play local vs others real players ghost sailboats. Play on-line(multiplayer) vs real players. Periodically new sailing race Paths. Commands a sail boat...

  • Rats and Spears  |  Free

    Records are made to be broken. Cool rats go javelin throwing! Play Rats and Spears, a fun sport game on your Mac. This colourful cartoonish game will surely amuse you from the first seconds. This time some sporty rats have decided to organize their...

  • World Conqueror 2  |  Free

    In World Conqueror II you will be a general to accomplish a lot of important campaigns during World War II and Cold War. You can fight with or against those famous generals including Guderian, Rommel, Patton, Zhukov, Nimitz, MacArthur, Yamamoto, Mont...

  • Emoji World  |  Free

    - Unite the World of Emoji Characters with a Sword in Your Hand - The world full of living Emoji is nothing like the world where we live. It's dark. It's hot. It's smelly. Life is tough. La vida no es facil allí according to my Spanish teacher....

  • New York Mysteries 3: The Lantern of Souls  |  Free

    As a journalist, Laura James is again brought in to investigate a strange murder. What starts as a routine investigation quickly takes a dark turn. TRY THE FREE VERSION, AND THEN UNLOCK THE COMPLETE ADVENTURE IN THE GAME! New York Mysteries: The La...

  • Kids Dinosaur Join and Connect the Dots Puzzles - Rex teaches the ABC numbers and counting  |  Free

    완전 좋아하는 공룡 도트 퍼즐을 연결, 그들의 포효를 듣고 및 각 그들의 이름을 발음 하는 방법. 지금 보너스와 함께 쌍 메모리 게임을 일치 하 고 탈출 미로 논리 게임 교육 게임 개발자 설계 유아와 유아 2 세 이상 수상에서 키를 누릅니다. 교육과 재미 애플 리...

  • Airfield Mania  |  $0.99

    Airfield Mania is an addictive line-draw air traffic control game for your Mac. But don´t tell us we didn´t warn you. It´s really addictive. It features: * Three Maps * HD graphics Instructions: Click the aircrafts and drag them to their runways...

  • Klotski Unblock  |  Free

    This is Klotski, the classic block puzzle game. Attempt to remove the red block from ever more challenging layouts. Available free until the next version. FEATURES - Clean elegant design. - Includes seven popular layouts of varying difficulty for a...

  • Hidden City: Mystery Games!  |  Free

    전 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 숨은그림찾기 게임! 알 수 없는 도시의 신기루가 세계 곳곳에서 목격되고 있습니다. 이것은 진짜일까요? 아니면... 거짓일까요? 당신의 탐정 사무소가 정보 수집에 바쁜 통에, 당신의 친구가 검은 연기와 함께 그 유령 도시로 끌려갑니다....

  • Cradle of Rome (Free)  |  Free

    Start your adventure for free and purchase the full version without leaving the game! Welcome to Cradle Of Rome! Use the chance to build Ancient Rome, the most legendary city of all time! One of the powerful capitals that have ever existed wants you...

  • Jack's House Free  |  Free

    어린이와 유아에게 교육적인 게임: 논리, 숫자 세기, 퍼즐, 디자이너, 격려, 색깔, 그리고 합. 유아를 개발, 어린이에게는 재미있는 게임! 잭의 재미있는 일상이 당신의 아이들을 쉽고 재미있게 가르쳐줄거에요! 본 게임은 사고, 집중력, 기억력 그리고 색깔 구별력을...

  • Full Frontal Assault Lite  |  Free

    Your task is to defend a hill from enemy paratroopers, tanks, trucks and ships. Day and night kill all the enemy soldiers and destroy all the tanks and don't let them get passed you. In the Darkness use your flare pistol (Optional) Stop the enemy re...

  • Samurai vs Zombies Defense  |  Free

    사무라이 영웅이 되어 좀비떼의 공격으로부터 마을을 수호하세요! 동맹을 모집하고 방어력을 키워 좀비떼를 막아내세요! 전략적 게임플레이 좀비떼에 맞서 방어력을 갖추세요! 동맹과의 협력 가게에서 농부, 전사, 궁사 등 다양한 사람들의 도움을 받으세요! 미니 게...

  • Animal Records. Lite  |  Free

    The aim of the game. Choose the melody that touches your heart and enjoy the music of great orchestra. Don't get confused by the tails and paws of musicians, the goal is the talent! How to play. Direct the orchestra by touching the musicians. If...

  • ABC Super Solitaire Free - A Brain Game  |  Free

    각 이동 영감 이다. 각 단계는 흥미 진 진한! 이것은 쉔 Zhongyuan 여 다른 최고의 퍼즐 게임! 그것은 뿐만 아니라 도전 및 습 관성, 하지만 당신의 두뇌 소프트 뿐! Youtube 데모 * * * 게임 목표 3 개의 동일한 타일...

인기 카테고리

게임 카테고리
