
Daylite ウィンドウズ PC と Mac の場合

によって書かれた Marketcircle on 2024-11-26

  • 互換性: Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7, Windows Vista および Mac OS 10-11, 15.5
  • カテゴリ: Business
  • ライセンス: 無料
  • ソフトウェアのバージョン: 2024.47.0
  • ファイル サイズ: 78.33 MB

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Daylite 機能と説明

1. With Daylite, you and your team can keep track of communication with clients and follow-ups, stay on top of every deal in the pipeline, and know what’s been done on each project and what needs to be done next.

2. - Track client communication: View a history of communication including emails, calls, appointments, and notes in one place.

3. - Be prepared for meetings: Keep track of you and your team’s calendars and quickly review notes or emails tied to the meeting.

4. - Microsoft Contacts: Start FaceTime calls right from Daylite and use CallerID by setting up Microsoft Contacts sharing.

5. - FaceID & TouchID: Keep your business data private by enabling FaceID, TouchID, and Passcode protection on iPhone and iPad.

6. - Microsoft Calendar: See your personal appointments in your Microsoft Calendar right in Daylite and vice versa.

7. - Track deals in the pipeline: View a list of each Opportunity you have on the go, what stage it’s in, and what needs to be done next to push the deal forward.

8. Daylite is a CRM and business productivity app for teams on Windows, iPhone, and iPad.

9. - Siri: Add Reminders to your iPhone or iPad hands-free while you’re on the go, and have them sync to Daylite.

10. - Microsoft Mail: Daylite integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Mail on Windows.

11. - Track projects: Keep track of all your client and internal projects.

ダウンロード Daylite 最新バージョン

ダウンロードとインストール Daylite - PC

PC 用ダウンロード - サーバー 1 -->

MAC ダウンロード:
MacOS 用にダウンロード - サーバー 1 --> 無料


PC 互換性/インストール要件

OS 互換性 覧:
  1. Windows 10
  2. Windows 8.1
  3. Windows 7
  4. Windows Vista

MacOS インストールの要件

インテル、64 ビット プロセッサ、OS X 10.7 以降.

OS 互換性 覧:
  1. OS X 10.10: Yosemite
  2. OS X 10.11: El Capitan
  3. macOS 10.12: Sierra
  4. macOS 10.13: High Sierra
  5. macOS 10.14: Mojave8
  6. macOS 10.15: Catalina
  7. macOS Big Sur (macOS 11)


Daylite - ダウンロードしても安全ですか??

