State of Confusion

State of Confusion ウィンドウズ PC と Mac の場合

によって書かれた School Zone Publishing on 2024-11-13

  • 互換性: Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7, Windows Vista および Mac OS 10-11, 10.6.6
  • カテゴリ: Education
  • ライセンス: ¥980
  • ソフトウェアのバージョン: 1.0.2
  • ファイル サイズ: 39.08 MB

ダウンロード ⇩

スクリーン ショット

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State of Confusion 機能と説明

1. Inspire a love for and knowledge of our United States of America, while promoting social studies success! Start off learning key facts about the 50 states, including state capitals, state abbreviations, state flowers, state birds, state flags, and state nicknames.

2. Geography, memory and visual perception skills get a vigorous work-out! Selecting the A+ icon displays an Achievement chart that tracks progress and completion of questions answered for each state.

3. Next, put together a USA puzzle—a perfect game to learn state names, the location of each state, and which states are next to each other.

4. A trusted friend to parents and teachers for more than 30 years, we know how kids learn best.

5. Play together with your kids or turn them loose to explore with confidence--no third-party advertising.

6. We offer playful, research-based content, brimming with color, creativity and bonus features.

7. School Zone sparks imagination and nurtures children’s natural curiosity.

8. Finally, test learning by selecting Quiz mode.

9. This is a great app for both kids and grown-ups.

ダウンロード State of Confusion 最新バージョン

ダウンロードとインストール State of Confusion - PC

PC 用ダウンロード - サーバー 1 -->

MAC ダウンロード:
MacOS 用にダウンロード - サーバー 1 --> ¥980


PC 互換性/インストール要件

OS 互換性 覧:
  1. Windows 10
  2. Windows 8.1
  3. Windows 7
  4. Windows Vista

MacOS インストールの要件

インテル、64 ビット プロセッサ、OS X 10.7 以降.

OS 互換性 覧:
  1. OS X 10.10: Yosemite
  2. OS X 10.11: El Capitan
  3. macOS 10.12: Sierra
  4. macOS 10.13: High Sierra
  5. macOS 10.14: Mojave8
  6. macOS 10.15: Catalina
  7. macOS Big Sur (macOS 11)


State of Confusion - ダウンロードしても安全ですか??

