Knights And Merchants

Knights And Merchants ウィンドウズ PC と Mac の場合

によって書かれた Runesoft

  • 互換性: Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7, Windows Vista および Mac OS 10-11, 10.9
  • カテゴリ: Games
  • ライセンス: ¥1,500
  • ソフトウェアのバージョン: 1.31
  • ファイル サイズ: 272.22 MB

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スクリーン ショット

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Knights And Merchants 機能と説明

1. The player can manufacture different products, making use of numerous buildings and producer goods of the Middle Ages period.

2. A conspiracy against the king catapults the captain into a situation where he finds himself responsible for the defence of the last royal province.

3. The economical structuring is very specific - you manufacture finished products using various raw materials which go through your production processes.

4. Apart from the purely fictitious geography of our world, all game elements and scenes are based on the Anglo-Saxon period, ca.

5. KNIGHTS AND MERCHANTS recreates the era of the Middle Ages.

6. The player takes on the role of an ordinary captain in the Palace Guard.

7. This is all that remains of the shattered kingdom, which has been split into numerous small principalities and fiefdoms.

8. All these manufacturing systems are highly detailed and visually understandable, enabling fast and dependable control of your economy.

9. This is the starting point of your Middle Ages adventure.

10. KNIGHTS AND MERCHANTS can be described as a strategic economy simulation.

11. Economics play a major role in this real-time action game.

ダウンロード Knights And Merchants 最新バージョン

ダウンロードとインストール Knights And Merchants - PC

PC 用ダウンロード - サーバー 1 -->

MAC ダウンロード:
MacOS 用にダウンロード - サーバー 1 --> ¥1,500


PC 互換性/インストール要件

OS 互換性 覧:
  1. Windows 10
  2. Windows 8.1
  3. Windows 7
  4. Windows Vista

MacOS インストールの要件

インテル、64 ビット プロセッサ、OS X 10.7 以降.

OS 互換性 覧:
  1. OS X 10.10: Yosemite
  2. OS X 10.11: El Capitan
  3. macOS 10.12: Sierra
  4. macOS 10.13: High Sierra
  5. macOS 10.14: Mojave8
  6. macOS 10.15: Catalina
  7. macOS Big Sur (macOS 11)


Knights And Merchants - ダウンロードしても安全ですか??

