によって書かれた FIPLAB Ltd on 2025-01-10
1. Want more cool features such as real-time cloud syncing, detachable and resizable window, multiple themes and text formatting? Then be sure to check out MiniNote Pro - it is everything you would ever want from a note taking app.
2. We've spent a great deal of time thinking about the details and after using this app for a few days, you'll begin to notice our small yet creative touches.
3. It has been engineered from the ground up to offer the fastest and most pleasurable note taking experience possible.
4. Use it to write down your thoughts and important pieces of information and be happy in the knowledge that your notes will be easily accessible when needed.
5. ⁕ Create and view favourites using the Star button.
6. The app lives in your Windows's menubar and is always available at the click of a button.
7. ⁕ Particularly useful for students during lectures/classes, professionals in a meeting, etc.
8. ⁕ Birthdays and presents - make a list of both to always keep at hand.
9. MiniNote is quite simply the best notes app you will ever use.
10. Try it for a week and you'll be hooked for life.
インテル、64 ビット プロセッサ、OS X 10.7 以降.
OS 互換性 覧:うん。アプリは100パーセント(100%)です安全にダウンロードしてインストールできます。当社のダウンロードリンクは安全なソースからのものであり、
About Sorting and fonts
It is very convenient because it summarizes the entire preservation in the folder. The only improvement is that you cannot sort the names of items. It will be the best if you add the sort function. Also, because I do not know the font, I expect the ability to custom set. is added. There is no import, although there is an export. If you can import in bulk by specifying the folder of the exported data is the best work efficiency increases. Please consider it by all means. In addition, I think that there is a selection that can delete data in bulk.
バー常駐のシンプルなノートです。 UIもわかりやすく,アピアランスも気に入っています。 欲を言えば,どこかサーバーを介してPC間で同期が できればいうことないかな。
メニューに常駐し書きたい時、読みたい時にクリック一発で呼び出せるメモ帳です。 日本語も問題なく使用できます。 ただ、メモが多くなるとスクロールだけでは見つけづらいでよね? そんな時は覚えている単語を検索エリアに入力すればすぐにメモのタイトルが表示されます。 もちろん日本語の検索もできます。 私の環境MacOS10.6.8 Mem:4GBでメモ10件程度で以下のメモリ状況です。 仮想メモリ3.24GB割り当て 実メモリ35.8MBを使用していました(PeekaBoo調べ)
Windows OS X 10.6.8 にて、クラッシュして使用できなくなった。 とっても残念。