によって書かれた Marcos Antonio Tanaka on 2025-03-05
1. Play is a modern app with support for the latest system features such as Home and Lock Screen widgets, Shortcuts actions, Focus Filter, Action Extension, Context Menu, iCloud sync, and dark mode.
2. Play is the best way to bookmark and organize videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Microsoft Music, Twitter, and more to watch later.
3. - Create a Smart Search to automatically filter videos based on a set of rules.
4. - Customize the widget's sort order, filtering options, and tags to see a specific set of videos.
5. - Easily access your bookmarked videos from the Home Screen with customizable Widgets.
6. - Use Focus Filter with Focus to limit the videos and tags shown in the app.
7. - Perform bulk actions and organize multiple videos at once.
8. iCloud sync keeps your database up-to-date on your iPhone, iPad, Windows, and Microsoft TV.
9. - Tap a thumbnail to watch the video on YouTube, Vimeo, Microsoft Music, Twitter, or a web browser.
10. - All Play features and data are available through the Shortcuts app, so you can create custom shortcuts and automate your workflow.
11. - You can also watch YouTube videos using Invidious or Piped.
ダウンロードとインストール Play: Save Videos Watch Later - PC
PC 用ダウンロード - サーバー 1 -->インテル、64 ビット プロセッサ、OS X 10.7 以降.
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