によって書かれた Suresh Verma on 2024-12-01
1. Indian Tanpura is the software version of a Tanpura, this sitar-like instrument used in Indian classical music to play a drone sound throughout a musical performance.
2. All music learner, musicians, professional or amateur, experts or beginners, need Tanpura or Shruti box for the practice and performance of Indian music.
3. The application has been designed and carefully tuned to accurately reproduce the sound of an original Tanpura instrument, including its beautiful tone, resonance and overtones.
4. The professional instrument quality sounds of this application, simple but advanced customization options and professional level signal processing settings.
5. Whether you practice Indian music or just want a meditative background sound for relaxing, we hope you'll enjoy this little free app.
6. We have created with passion, this Tanpura professional application.
7. You can fine tune the pitch & speed & volume with a resolution of 10 cents.
8. Includes real sounds.
ダウンロードとインストール Indian Tanpura - PC
PC 用ダウンロード - サーバー 1 -->インテル、64 ビット プロセッサ、OS X 10.7 以降.
OS 互換性 覧:うん。アプリは100パーセント(100%)です安全にダウンロードしてインストールできます。当社のダウンロードリンクは安全なソースからのものであり、