によって書かれた Dental Corpus on 2024-11-11
1. The full version of primary teeth, pairing with Dental Corpus TOOTH ANATOMY application is an interactive tool for dental students and health professionals and the best way for an introduction in tooth anatomy.
2. The available tooth is a 3D model created with information about primary tooth morphology gathered from the latest dental papers and references.
3. Furthermore, the PRIMARY app helps students understand and visualize the complexity of root anatomy and learn detailed information about the size, the morphology and the development of primary teeth.
4. Dental Corpus Primary Lite is a demonstration version of a complete atlas for primary teeth.
5. In this version the only available tooth is primary mandibular canine (73-83).
6. X-rays and illustrations supported by a plethora of references make this app a unique tool for any educational purpose.
ダウンロードとインストール Dental Corpus Primary Lite - PC
PC 用ダウンロード - サーバー 1 -->インテル、64 ビット プロセッサ、OS X 10.7 以降.
OS 互換性 覧:うん。アプリは100パーセント(100%)です安全にダウンロードしてインストールできます。当社のダウンロードリンクは安全なソースからのものであり、