
GraphicsDesigner ウィンドウズ PC と Mac の場合

によって書かれた Jason Stafford on 2024-10-31

  • 互換性: Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7, Windows Vista および Mac OS 10-11, 10.8
  • カテゴリ: Graphics & Design
  • ライセンス: ¥1,100
  • ソフトウェアのバージョン: 1.0
  • ファイル サイズ: 2.50 GB

ダウンロード ⇩

スクリーン ショット

→   →   →   →   →  

GraphicsDesigner 機能と説明

1. if you're a graphic designer or a photographer, Photoshop actions are one of the handiest time-saving tools you can have in your utility belt.

2. For the novice, the ease of use and instant gratification of actions can be an important step in learning to embrace Photoshop.

3. Adobe Photoshop Software or a Image Graphic Editor is Required to use Graphic Designer.

4. When you install a professional action in Photoshop, you are essentially getting the expertise of the person that created the action right on your computer.

5. And if you're interested in learning more, you can always dig into the individual layers of the actions to see how the original creator did certain things.

6. No Need to Learn how to be a Graphic Designer, Let this Software do all the hardwork for you and Profit!.

7. These are Photoshop Effect Actions for Photoshop.

8. You can bypass hours of frustration and instead have fun playing around with different looks at the click of a button.

9. Actions are great because they not only save time, but they significantly speed up your workflow.

10. Get Professional Hollywood Effects without Hours and Frustration!.

11. Really they're like magic, allowing you to transform your photos and designs with a single click.

ダウンロード GraphicsDesigner 最新バージョン

ダウンロードとインストール GraphicsDesigner - PC

PC 用ダウンロード - サーバー 1 -->

MAC ダウンロード:
MacOS 用にダウンロード - サーバー 1 --> ¥1,100


PC 互換性/インストール要件

OS 互換性 覧:
  1. Windows 10
  2. Windows 8.1
  3. Windows 7
  4. Windows Vista

MacOS インストールの要件

インテル、64 ビット プロセッサ、OS X 10.7 以降.

OS 互換性 覧:
  1. OS X 10.10: Yosemite
  2. OS X 10.11: El Capitan
  3. macOS 10.12: Sierra
  4. macOS 10.13: High Sierra
  5. macOS 10.14: Mojave8
  6. macOS 10.15: Catalina
  7. macOS Big Sur (macOS 11)


GraphicsDesigner - ダウンロードしても安全ですか??
