Gnomes Garden 2 Free

Gnomes Garden 2 Free ウィンドウズ PC と Mac の場合

によって書かれた 8Floor on 2024-11-10

  • 互換性: Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7, Windows Vista および Mac OS 10-11, 10.6.6
  • カテゴリ: Games
  • ライセンス: 無料
  • ソフトウェアのバージョン: 1.0
  • ファイル サイズ: 67.46 MB

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Gnomes Garden 2 Free 機能と説明

1. The wicked queen of the trolls has returned from banishment! Using her evil magic, she has kidnapped the princess of the gnomes and taken her to a distant kingdom.

2. In those lands, none know of the power of the magical gardens! The gnomish people who live there have suffered long at the hands of the queen of the trolls and her subjects.

3. A multitude of varied quests, over 40 levels, an upbeat plot, simple and entertaining gameplay and an extraordinary universe – all this is waiting for you right now.

4. Set out on a journey through an unknown land full of secrets and mystical mechanisms in the exciting casual fantasy strategy game Gnomes Garden 2.

5. The princess decides to help her brothers and sisters and return the power of the magic trees.

6. Restore ancient machines, plant magical gardens, manage resources and construct buildings.

7. - An extraordinary magical world whose source of magic is ancient gardens.

8. Simple controls and a clear tutorial will help you master the basics of the game.

9. - A multitude of varied quests which the princess has never undertaken before.

10. - Unusual enemies: bees, merrymaker trolls, stone dormice and... krakens.

11. - 4 unique locations: woods, snowy mountains, swamps and deserts.

ダウンロード Gnomes Garden 2 Free 最新バージョン

ダウンロードとインストール Gnomes Garden 2 Free - PC

PC 用ダウンロード - サーバー 1 -->

MAC ダウンロード:
MacOS 用にダウンロード - サーバー 1 --> 無料


PC 互換性/インストール要件

OS 互換性 覧:
  1. Windows 10
  2. Windows 8.1
  3. Windows 7
  4. Windows Vista

MacOS インストールの要件

インテル、64 ビット プロセッサ、OS X 10.7 以降.

OS 互換性 覧:
  1. OS X 10.10: Yosemite
  2. OS X 10.11: El Capitan
  3. macOS 10.12: Sierra
  4. macOS 10.13: High Sierra
  5. macOS 10.14: Mojave8
  6. macOS 10.15: Catalina
  7. macOS Big Sur (macOS 11)


Gnomes Garden 2 Free - ダウンロードしても安全ですか??

