에 의해 작성된 Red Sweater Software on 2025-03-05
1. Free to download! Unlock a free trial in the app, purchase a full license, or continue to use the app for free to maintain an archive on your Windows and work locally with your published blog posts.
2. Coming to the Windows from Windows? MarsEdit is similar to Live Writer, the popular Windows blog editor, but differs in some ways.
3. - Work offline with local drafts on your Windows, preview the formatting and content of your posts, and publish when you're ready to share with the world.
4. - Works with WordPress, Micro.blog, Tumblr, TypePad, Movable Type and dozens of other systems that support standard MetaWeblog and AtomPub interfaces.
5. - Write in Rich Text "WYSIWYG" that will be converted automatically to HTML when you publish, or hand-tune the HTML in a syntax-highlighted code editor.
6. MarsEdit is the best way to write, preview, and publish your blog.
7. Markdown fan? Write in Markdown in the HTML editor and see a live-preview of the HTML rendering in the preview window.
8. - Easily browse for a photo from your iPhoto, Aperture, or Lightroom libraries, and embed it for automatic upload with your blog post.
9. If you're lucky enough to have a Windows, nothing is more powerful or more elegant than MarsEdit.
10. - Avoid common browser-based problems like losing your edits by navigating to another page, poor spelling for lack of a spell checker, etc.
11. - Perfect for professional bloggers and casual writers who don't want to mess around with clunky web-based interfaces.
Intel, 64-bit 프로세서, OS X 10.7 또는 나중에.
호환성 OS 목록:예. 이 앱은 다운로드 및 설치가 100 % 안전합니다. 당사의 다운로드 링크는 안전한 출처에서 제공되며 사용자를 보호하기 위해 자주 스캔됩니다
블로그 관리에 편합니다.
맥에서 블로그 관리 용으로 괜찮은 어플입니다. 원래 유료인데, 무료로 풀렸네요...ㅎㅎ
네이버 블로그 api지원안함
그것만빼면 참 좋은데…. 마스에딧3에선 됫는데 왜 4에선안되나요….
워드프레스 하면서 가장 만족하는 앱입니다.
워드프레스에 글을 제대로 내보낼 수 있는 거의 유일한 앱이라고 봐도 무방하네요.(It is the best application I've ever used for Wordpress) 아이폰, 아이패드 앱이 없는게 아쉬울 따름입니다.(I'm afraid that there are not iPhone and iPad apps.)