에 의해 작성된 Wouter Wisse on 2025-01-27
1. iPhone, iPad, iPad Pro, Microsoft Watch, Windows and CarPlay are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
2. Please note that this application will only export icons for iOS, watchOS, Windows OS and CarPlay projects and not for any other type of (mobile) platform.
3. Just use this simple tool to export all required icon images for all the devices your project supports.
4. With the always growing list of iOS devices, creating an icon asset catalog is a pain.
5. You will have your asset catalog ready within ten seconds.
6. Just drag and drop it in your Xcode project and you're done.
7. It's that easy.
다운로드 및 설치 Icons — Asset Catalog Generator - PC
PC용 다운로드 - 서버 1 -->Intel, 64-bit 프로세서, OS X 10.7 또는 나중에.
호환성 OS 목록:예. 이 앱은 다운로드 및 설치가 100 % 안전합니다. 당사의 다운로드 링크는 안전한 출처에서 제공되며 사용자를 보호하기 위해 자주 스캔됩니다