Published by Thomas Nordquist
- UI tweaks needed
- Uses lots of GPU power
- Cannot save different views
- Cannot make simple transformations on the data
You might be asking: Is there an app that is similar to MQTT Explorer? What is an alternative to MQTT Explorer? and is there a better equivalent app than MQTT Explorer for Windows? Here, we answer all your questions by providing you with the top 25 MQTT Explorer alternatives and similar software for Windows. They are the following:
Developers helper program to create,develop and test MQTT connectivity protocol. MQTTBox enables you to create MQTT clients to publish or subscribe to topics, create MQTT virtual device, load test MQTT devices or brokers and much more
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Suse Linux Enterprise Server 12Small MQTT client/sniffer Displays incoming messages from a MQTT broker in a scrolling console window and allows for publishing or subscribing to single topics. Useful for debugging purposes when working with MQTT setups
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Wake On LanExplore your message queues, delete retained topics, see what is happening on your broker. - Visualize topics and topic activity - Delete retained topics - Search/filter topics - Delete topic recursively - Publish topics - Plot numeric topics - Keep a history of each topic See the whole picture of your message queue
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HeidisqlExcellent solution for test your internet of things projects based on MQTT protocol. Very easy to use, just choose your topic an play with three different type of variables: plain text, digital input(switch) and analog variable
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Microsoft To Do Lists Tasks RemindersNeed to remember something for later? Use Microsoft Sticky Notes. They're the simple way to quickly save something for later, so you can stay in the flow
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Powerpom Pomodoro TimerHow fast is your Internet connection? Network Speed Test measures your network delay, download speed and upload speed. Using servers all over the world, Network Speed Test measures your network connection’s latency and throughput
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Msn WeatherOk, what this application do? The application tries to free storage space occupied by "others" section by filling a free device storage space until there is available space. When there is no free space available, Windows Phone shows the standard dialog
Battery is a nice and simple battery management app. It displays the current status of your battery, how much time you have before the phone turns off and other useful information
A simple yet powerful calculator that includes standard, scientific, and programmer modes, as well as a unit converter. It's the perfect tool to add up a bill, convert measurements in a recipe or other project, or complete complex math, algebra, or geometry problems
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Foxit MobilepdfApp Store Marketplace World Search GPS Travel
Applications from around the world! See and search the best applications in each market chosen by local users! App World takes you around the world showing each of the market favorite applications. Application installation is one step away by clicking on the information provided for the following genres: * top * games * new * travel and navigation * entertainment * music and video
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Pro TubeA combination of alarm clock, world clock, timer, and stopwatch. Set alarms and reminders, check times around the world, and time your activities, including laps and splits
A universal media player only for Windows 10 (UWP, PC/Tablet/Phone.
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Zip OpenerRemove all identical files from your system with the complete media editor tool to separate your media files individually and delete their copies from your storage. For any help on how to use this app, please go to http://videopixstore
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Bluetooth File Transfer BlueftpBluetooth LE Explorer allows users to find and interrogate nearby Bluetooth LE devices, read their service and characteristics and write to them. It can also be used in server mode to advertise as a battery server or a Microsoft test service server
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OfficeTeleporter File Explorer is PC-side file manager for Galaxy Watch. 1
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Dell Touchpad AssistantOpen Sqlite databases and explore the internal organisation of various objects such as schema, tables and indices. To understand how Sqlite3 data is organised, please see [Database file format](https://www
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Csv To Json ConverterREST-Explorer is an easy to use but powerful tool to query REST based web-services. It supports HTTP / HTTPS TLS 10
This app offers tests that allow you to quickly verify the installation of supported sensors such as orientation sensors (accelerometer, simple orientation sensors, etc.), and detailed tables and plots that enable you to monitor different sensors
File Comparer - File Manager And Explorer
File Comparer is an differencing and merging tool for Windows. File Comparer can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy to understand and handle
Filzer — Computer File Explorer
「Filzer — Computer File Explorer」 is a Windows Store app to browser files, videos ,photos, etc. 「Filzer — Computer File Explorer」 can access video, picture, music folder or whatever directories, disks you want with beautiful user interface
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Windows Alarms ClockNatural User Interface Cloud File Access» A new way to access your documents. Smarter
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