Geschrieben von Dejal Systems, LLC on 2024-03-13
1. Time Out comes with two kinds of breaks: a "Normal" break, typically for 10 minutes every hour, so you can move about and relax, plus a "Micro" break: a very brief pause of typically 15 seconds every 15 minutes, so you can remember not to tense up too much for long periods.
2. You can change, disable or remove either kind of break if desired, and add new kinds of breaks, e.g. fixed lunch or afternoon breaks.
3. You can configure how long each kind of break lasts, and how long between breaks, and the breaks can be set to count backwards when you take a natural break, e.g. when you go away from your computer.
4. The app features customizable break themes, with several variations to show during breaks.
5. While in a break, a progress bar shows how long till it is over, and buttons are available to postpone or skip the break if you can't be interrupted right then.
6. Easy break reminders, with flexible customization if you want it.
7. It will gently remind you to take a break on a regular basis.
8. You deserve a break.
9. The human body isn't built to sit in one position for endless hours, gripping a mouse or typing on the keyboard.
10. It is very easy to fall into bad habits when using a computer for hours on end.
11. What's more, you can optionally perform various actions before, during or after breaks.
Herunterladen und Installieren Time Out - Break Reminders - PC
Download für PC - Server 1 -->Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.7 or later.
OS vereinbarkeit:ja. Die App ist 100 Prozent (100%) sicher zum Herunterladen und Installieren. Unsere Download-Links stammen aus sicheren Quellen und werden häufig virengescannt, um Sie zu schützen
Great app but definitely not free (& too expensive) (subscription model)
I really like this app but in order to use all of its features you must donate. This would be ok, if the donation was a one time thing, instead it is a subscription model: 3,49€ per 3 months usage. This is way to expensive for such a tiny tool. App 5 stars, subscription model 1 star => 3 stars. Update (as response to the developer): It is still some sort of subscription model. Even if features available at the time your “Supporter” status is active remain unlocked, you will have to pay again.. read more as soon as the app gets updated. I understand that developing and maintaining the app takes a lot of time and effort but this pricing model is everything but user friendly. From a users perspective it is just a (local) little helper tool and no SaaS that could justify the pricing/donation strategy. Just make it a one-time payment (<10€) and pay the development from the money generated by new purchases. (As as side note: maybe you also want to submit your app to setapp?)
Grandiose Entspannung
Dies App funktioniert einwandfrei und ist sehr gut programmiert. 5 Sterne gibts auf jeden fall schonmal für den nicht vorhandenen Preis, aber ich würde mir wünschen, wenn das Programm oben in der Leiste verschwindet und nicht den Platz im Dck verschwendet. Außerdem wäre eine deutsch Übersetzung hilfreich, bei der ich auch genre mitwirke, wenn danach gefragt ist. :)
Genau richtig
Ich habe schon länger eine App gesucht, die mir dabei hilft meinen Arbeitstag zu strukturieren und kleine Pausen einzubauen. Time Out macht das genau richtig. Unaufdringlich, schnell auch abzuschalten oder eine Pause zu überspringen, aber doch regelmäßig, um die Augen zu schonen und einen Schluck zu trinken.
Ein super Programm! Ich sitze oft 10 Stunden lang vorm Computer, hatte früher immer Kopfschmerzen, trockene und angestrengte Augen, sah schlechter und war unkonzentriert. Dieser kurzen Pausen in denen man gezwungen ist, seinen Augenfokus in die Ferne zu setzen, mal aufzustehen und umherzugehen bringt sehr, sehr viel und lassen einen wesentlich produktiver werden. Man kann die Pausen natürlich auch verschieben oder überspringen. Auch das eine gute Sache, wenn man gerade nicht unterbrechen kann... read more Absolute Empfehlung!
Perfect tool when working
Since working in the homeoffice, I noticed more and more I am not moving enough anymore. So I was looking for a tool to help, since default reminders are not flexible enough to have breaks only on workdays, and so on. No luck until I saw this app featured in the store some days ago. The forced locking pushes you from the desk and move or stretch a bit - and has options to postpone or skip when in a meeting. One small thing I'd like to see in the future, is an option to get the desired appearance.. read more on multiple screen at the same time, not just either the active or inactive menu bar one.