Card spiele für PC und Mac

Egal für welche Software Sie sich entscheiden, helfen Ihnen, es auf Ihrem Computer in Betrieb zu nehmen.

Card spiele | March, 2025

  • Full Deck Poker Solitaire    4.0    23  |  Free

    From the makers of Full Deck Solitaire! A VERY addictive twist on solitaire! Full Deck Poker Solitaire is a poker twist on classic solitaire. Line up poker hands in the 25 squares horizontally and vertically to score points based on the poker hands...

  • Full Deck Solitaire  |  Free

    NOW 83 deliciously delightful solitaire games for your Mac with three daily challenges! Designed by a Mac and Solitaire loving Mom and Daughter, Full Deck Solitaire is a beautiful card game with an easy to use user interface. Seventy two uniquely di...

  • GrassGames Hearts  |  Free

    GrassGames' Hearts is a beautiful 3D computer game version of the popular card game for 3 or 4 players. Main Features: - Play locally, online, or over your home network - "American", "Omnibus Hearts" and "Black Maria" variants included - Intelligen...

  • Klondike Forever  |  Free

    Enjoy everyone's favourite solitaire game, with a simple graphic interface. Rich graphics and smooth animation enhance your game-play experience in 3D. Features include cards that move and flip in 3D space, unlimited undo/redo, statistics, auto-move...

  • Spider Solitaire: Classic Deck  |  Free

    Kann man sich überhaupt so ein Spiel vorstellen, das noch herausfordernder als Karten Solitär ist?Natürlich nicht! Unser Spider Solitär Box Kartenspiel ist eine ganz neue Version von Solitär Classic, die noch mehr prima Stufen beinhält! Alte Regel –...

  • 欢乐玩麻将  |  Free

    正宗四川血战到底,血流成河麻将,打缺门、刮风下雨,让您充分体验四川麻将的趣味。四川麻将高手?四川麻将菜鸟?不管你是谁,只要喜爱四川麻将,《麻将合集》就能带给你快乐! 还有国标大众麻将,和上海麻将玩法一起体验吧。

  • Asian Riddles  |  Free

    Solve the riddles of the far away land and Asian generosity will know no bounds! This puzzle game's genre also known as griddlers, picross, hanjie, nonograms, japanese crosswords, logic puzzles, pic-a-pix, nonogramme, logimage, logic art, nonogrids...

  • 2048 Game  |  Free

    * Over 1,000,000 people Love '2048 Game' :) Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! Press the arrows keys (up, down, right and left) or use your Trackpad/Magic Mouse to move all tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into o...

  • Governor of Poker 2: Premium Edition - Lite  |  Free

    Zeige es allen: mit dem Gouverneur ist nicht zu spaßen! Die Lite-Version enthält 1 stadt! * Kaufe und genieẞe die Vollversion im Mac App Store! * *

  • 宽立象棋  |  Free

    这是Mac版一款业余棋手段位评测软件,通过九个段位后,相当于专业二段的选手水平,可以试试看自己的水平到底是多少。 目前游戏纪录保存在本地,以后会与facebook连通。 棋弈之道,贵在专注. 界面上非常简朴, 只有下棋这个功能,各位可以专心对弈,早日升级段位. 本程序是为...

  • Spider+  |  $1.99

    Spider+ is the #1 classic Spider Solitaire you know and love for your Mac. We have stayed true to the spirit of Spider Solitaire, and carefully designed a fresh modern look, woven into the wonderful classic feel that everyone loves. In Spider Solit...

  • FreeCell CronlyGames  |  Free

    [Grand Update] Prevent Stale Your Mac OS and Update the whole UI, make it more clean and clear; FreeCell is a solitaire-based card game played with a 52-card standard deck. It is fundamentally different from most solitaire games in that nearly all...

  • Solitaire Epic  |  Free

    Solitaire Epic ist ein kostenfreies Solitaire-Kartenspiel in Premium-Qualität. Das beste Solitaire-Erlebnis – schlicht und einfach zu spielen. Classic Solitaire, auch als Patience oder Klondike bekannt, ist das weltweit beliebteste Kartenspiel. Die...

  • Decked Builder Lite  |  Free

    Decked Builder aims to be the perfect companion for your Magic the Gathering hobby, taking care of everything related to deck building. Note: The Lite version of Decked Builder comes loaded with Magic 2011, Zendikar block, Shards of Alara block and...

  • 斗地主-欢乐玩经典游戏合集  |  Free

    斗地主带有浓厚中国特色的扑克游戏, 简单有趣, 上手快, 娱乐性强。有单机模式,多人模式,真人模式。游戏画面精美,节奏快,玩法简单,娱乐性强!喜欢斗地主好友来一决高下吧! 每日登录即可领取金币。 游戏特色: 1.丰富的系统奖励 2.人性化操作设置 3.超智能出牌系统...

  • Mahjong Solitaire Epic  |  Free

    Mahjong Epic wird seit über sieben Jahren von Millionen Menschen gespielt. Diese neue und verbesserte Version verleiht dem Spiel eine völlig neue Dimension! Mahjong Solitär ist dank seiner einfachen Regeln und des hohen Unterhaltungsfaktors eins der...

  • Sorceress Free  |  Free

    An exciting new way to play solitaire... with potions! Potions let you burn cards, shuffle stacks, and more. Features include: -2 Fun and Helpful Potions -3 Solitaire Games -Retina graphics, including support for the new iPad. -Fun sound effec...

  • Cribbage: Classic Card Game  |  $1.99

    Cribbage, or crib, is a game of numbers. You collect points by combining cards together to make runs, triple, fifteen, pairs and having a Jack of the same suit as the starter card ("one for his nob or nobs or nibs"). The mathematics is simple, but cr...

  • 宽立斗地主  |  Free

    天天斗地主正式升级, UI界面整体更新,AI水平全面增强。 风靡全国的斗地主游戏,登陆App store. 带有单机AI和多人联网支持,智能出牌提示, 让你随时随地可以尽享斗地主的欢乐。 我们的拖拉机,升级 80分,掼蛋,麻将十三张,中国象棋等游戏也可以下载啦

  • 宽立拖拉机  |  Free

    新版上线,AppStore上广受欢迎的拖拉机升级80分游戏 即日起限免,欢迎下载试用并评论! 双抠/升级/80分/拖拉机游戏! 升级是一种流行于中国和海外华人社区的纸牌游戏,一般是四人参加,非常考验玩家的团队合作观念, 如果有良好的团队合作将让你更好的获得好的成绩。...

  • Happy Solitaire  |  Free

    Happy Solitaire lets you play any type of solitaire in freeform. Contains: - Play with 1 to 3 decks of cards - Deal 1 to 3 cards in play mode - Stack the cards in 4 different ways - Customise the background colour - Customise the colour of...

  • Brain Practice  |  Free

    How good is your memory? How fast does your brain react? Take the Brain Practice challenge to see! Brain Practice is a fun memory game that will help improve your short term memory. Train your brain through a variety of cards and collections, racin...

  • Montana Solitaire  |  Free

    Montana Solitaire is a great family card game for kids to adults. The goal of the game is get 52 shuffled playing cards arranged in order. However, cards may only be placed in sequence and only in open slots. As the game progresses, those open slots...

  • Tennessee Hold 'Em Tournaments  |  Free

    TENNESSEE HOLD EM ® Tennessee Hold ‘Em Single Player App Get out yer ‘California Prayer Book’ (deck of cards), it’s time for some Poker, and there’s a new game in town! The spirits of legendary Poker players, cowboys, outlaws, and lawmen battle with...

  • Solitaire Beach Season 2 Free  |  Free

    Holen Sie sich eine Explosion der Sommer Sensation mit Solitaire Strand Saison 2. Die Traumstrände der Karibik, Luxus-Spa-Hotels, schneeweißen Sandstrand, eine Kreuzfahrt über den warmen Wellen des Atlantiks, eine Tour zu den gastfreundlichen Buchten...

  • 欢乐麻将  |  Free

    腾讯《欢乐麻将》是腾讯倾力打造的一款经典国粹麻将棋牌游戏。时尚简约的中国风画面,陪伴你欢乐每一天。单机麻将:不用联网也能玩的麻将,户外,飞机上想玩就玩!天胡、地胡、想怎么胡怎么胡。 作为全球范围内首批支持Multi-Touch Bar的中国游戏,《欢乐麻将》在全新的...

  • 宽立天天掼蛋  |  Free

    为庆贺旗下天天斗地主,天天拖拉机,中国象棋,麻将十三张等游戏发行五周年,上海宽立棋牌游戏又隆重出新产品,宽立天天掼蛋正式上线了! “掼蛋”是在江苏、安徽等地广为流传的扑克游戏,是由地方的扑克牌局,取代传统“跑的快”和“八十分”发展演变而来,牌局采用四人结对...

  • GrassGames Cribbage Lite  |  Free

    GrassGames' Cribbage is beautiful 3D computer game version of the classic 400 year old card game for 2 players. Main Features: - Intelligent Computer opponents - Full Network Play - 3D cameras and animation effects - Fully customizable playing area...

  • Asian Riddles 2 Free  |  Free

    Solve the riddles of the great Asian wise men again! Prove you are a truly master of griddlers! Much more unique levels! 144 riddles and 12 halls for meditation! More than 10 hours of gameplay to relaxing asian melodies. Charming world of Asia i...

  • Card Games and Solitaires  |  Free

    Wollen Sie Spannung eines echten Kartenspiels spüren? Suchen Sie nach klassischen Solitären oder ungewöhnlichen Patiences? Hören Sie auf, das Netz durchzusuchen; laden Sie zahlreiche Apps herunter und spielen Sie die populärsten Spiele mit Kartenspie...

  • Klondike 3D  |  Free

    Genießen Sie Klondike Solitaire von seiner besten Seite in einer fantastischen kostenlosen App. Tonnenweise Funktionen und Optionen sind enthalten: * Sehr hochwertige Grafiken * 3D-Animationseffekte * Online-Ergebnisse - treten Sie gegen die Welt a...

  • 250+ Solitaires  |  Free

    "250+ Solitäre" ist eine Sammlung von 253 Solitärspielen. Die Sammlung enthält beliebte Solitärspiele wie Freecell, Klondike, Canfield und andere sowie viele neue Spiele. Jedes Spiel hat eine Beschreibung der Regeln und eine Demo.

  • Northmark: Hour of the Wolf  |  Free

    Northmark: Hour of the Wolf is a card-based RPG. Choose to become a mighty warrior, a cunning mage or a powerful druid as you fight for glory and survival in arena style combat. Explore the corners of the kingdom from fiery deserts to deep forests, c...

  • Ace Slots Casino 3  |  Free

    Why travel to casinos when Ace Slots Casino 3 gives you all the excitement and thrill you would expect from Las Vegas, right in front of your computer! We’ve delivered the most authentic casino experience available on the App Store! From the magic...

  • Countess Thalia Solitaire Lite  |  Free

    Why play Solitaire alone, darling? As a member of the idle aristocracy, Countess Thalia has oodles of spare time to devote to games of Yukon. Her ladyship's best kept secret is how she wiggles the playable cards. This is the free 'Lite' version. Ple...

  • Calm Cards - Klondike  |  Free

    Calm Cards - Klondike has a meditative quality to it and helps you to slow down. Keep your mind off other things for a while, recharge your energy and regain your focus. The game contains: - Beautiful and smooth animations - Animated forest backgr...

  • Video Poker World.  |  Free

    Are you looking for a fun game to play? Video Poker provides you the great fun. You have no time to be bored. Join the fantastic POKER with a simple and various theme. It's free to download. DOWNLOAD NOW! Features: * Free cash offers every 4 hour...

  • Solitaire Forever II  |  Free

    Enjoy 7 variations of solitaire with silky smooth 3D animation. Take a sneak peek at over 300 more games that can be added at any time. You'll be playing solitaire forever. Personalize every game with a choice of card layouts, and rate each game wit...

  • Mystic Journey: Tri Peaks Solitaire  |  Free

    Mach dich mit Tri Peaks Solitaire (auch als TriTowers, Triple Peaks, Three Peaks oder Pyramid Solitaire bekannt) zu aufregenden Abenteuern auf. Mystic Journey: Tri Peaks Solitaire ist ein fesselndes Solitaire-Kartenspiel, bei dem es auf Strategie, K...

  • Avalon Legends Solitaire  |  Free

    Restore the Deck of Nature and save Avalon! Avalon. A land of lush forests, great plains, tall mountains... and most of all, magic! The Druids of Avalon wield powerful healing magic, activated through the use of magic cards. Just like runestones, th...

  • Egypt Solitaire. Match 2 Cards. Card Game Free  |  Free

    Egypt Solitaire. Match 2 Cards isn't just a card game, it’s a real journey! 120 unique card deals in a mysterious Egyptian atmosphere to help you immerse yourself in a story of ancient times! This game is sure to be enjoyed by all who play patience...

  • Kingdom Coins - Dozer of Coins Arcade Game  |  Free

    Kingdom Coins ist ein wunderbares und witziges Coin Pusher-Arcadespiel und kommt direkt von der Spielhalle nebenan auf deinen Mac! Lade dieses Gratis-Spiel jetzt herunter und fang an zu spielen! Nimm auch daran teil, indem du Goldmünzen einwirfst...

  • Solitaire 3D Lite  |  Free

    Genießen Sie 5 Super-Solitaires-Spiele: Gaps, Pyramid, Scorpion, Tri-Peaks & Twenty, alles in einem fantastischen kostenlosen Spiel. Das Spiel bietet unzählige Funktionen und Optionen: * Sehr hochwertige Grafiken * 3D-Animationseffekte * Vollbild-...

  • Card Game Simulator  |  Free

    Create, share, and play card games with Card Game Simulator! Create your own original card games, import custom cards, organize your decks and cards, and play card games with your friends. All on an intuitive virtual tabletop! # Create and Share...

  • Hearts Lite  |  Free

    Sie können das Kartenspiel Hearts gegen drei Computer-Gegner spielen. Die Kartenvorderseiten sind groß und leicht zu lesen und so angeordnet, dass Sie genau auf die richtige Karte klicken. Computer-Gegner können auf drei Qualifikationsniveaus eingest...

  • Knight Solitaire 3 Free  |  Free

    Wer rettet die hübsche Prinzessin aus ihrem Gefängnis im finsteren Turm? Ein Prinz auf einem schneeweißen Pferd? Nein! Damit sich die verhexten Türen des Schlosses öffnen, braucht es einen wahren Meister: Meistere alle 120 Level beim neuen Ritter-Sol...

  • Solitaire Treasures of Time  |  Free

    Solitaire ist sehr beliebt, doch wenn man das Kartenspiel mit einer spannenden Handlung kombiniert, wird es doppelt so interessant! Bitte sehr: Schatzsuche, Geheimnisse uralter Zivilisationen und Familiengeheimnisse, atemberaubende Abenteuer, Reisen...

  • Ace Slots Machine Casino 2  |  Free

    Welcome to the newest version of the smash hit iOS game “Ace Slots Casino” An entire Slot Machine Casino right on your desktop! Why travel to casinos when Ace Slots Machine Casino 2 gives you all the excitement and thrill you would expect from Las Ve...

  • Guts Poker Club  |  Free

    Guts Poker is a fast paced poker game where each player is dealt four cards and then must declare either in (has guts) or out (no guts). Two more cards are dealt, after which the winner with the best five card hand takes the pot. Losing players that...

  • Alice Tripeaks  |  Free

    Finding for a endless free-to-play Solitaire Game? If you are, this game will be perfect for you. This game is fun, however, will definitely be challenging. Don't worry about failing, you can always try again without any restrictions! This game's q...

  • Pirate's Solitaire 3 Free  |  Free

    Reveal the secret of a treasure island in Pirate’s Solitaire! The Jolly Roger is raised, the ship is ready to sail and adventures in the Caribbean are about to begin... But where’s the pirate treasure? Maybe Captain Flint’s map holds the answer? No!...

  • Seven Seas Solitaire  |  Free

    Get ready for swashbuckling adventure on the high seas! The high seas are rife with the makings of legends: pirates, storms, lost treasure and terrifying monsters abound. After a glorious career in the King's navy, you were looking forward to a rel...

  • Strike Solitaire Free  |  Free

    Solitaire or bowling? Two in one! Complete 120 levels in Strike Solitaire! The game utilizes a unique setting for solitaire games where the action takes place in bowling hotels offering a wide range of recreation services and outdoor sporting acti...

  • Texas Hold'em Poker: Pokerist  |  Free

    Bluffen Sie, erhöhen Sie Ihre Wetten und werden Sie zum besten Spieler! ◆ Spielmerkmale ◆ • GRATIS-CHIPS – Kommen Sie täglich zurück und erhalten Sie Gratis-Chips. • BOOST POKER-TURNIER – Ein Texas Poker-Turnier, in dem Sie die Walze für eine Chance...

  • Epic Cards Battle(TCG)  |  Free

    3D TCG Strategie -Kartenspiel (TCG ), das Sie auf keinen Fall verpassen! Epos-Kartenspiel lässt Ihnen Sie das legendäre ultimative Karten-Duell erleben, mit Freunden und Spielern auf der ganzen Welt kämpfen! - Die nächste Generation des revolutionä...

  • Russian bank - card game  |  Free

    After Solitaire Freecell, Spider Solitaire, Solitaire Klondike and Belote, Valiprod created for you this beautiful modern version of Crapette! Find all the classic features of the Crapette in this beautiful modernized version! For beginners, a system...

  • Solitaire Victorian Picnic Free  |  Free

    Gehen Sie zurück zu der viktorianischen Ära mit Solitaire viktorianischen Picknick. Bummeln Sie durch schöne Parks, besuchen Sie ein Maskenball , Tee trinken mit edlen Damen und Herren und füllen Sie eine unvergessliche Reise durch herrliche viktoria...

  • Gin - Rummy  |  Free

    Gin Rummy is the popular rummy card game. Get one card, discard another and collect the best set for victory. Game features: - clean big cards - auto-sort current hand - fast card animation - auto-save when exit

  • Avalon Legends Solitaire 2  |  Free

    Harness the magic of the cards to rebuild Camelot! The fate of Camelot is in your hands! The Druids of Avalon channel the forces of nature through their magic cards, using them to weave powerful spells of growth and healing. There are rules to their...

  • Classic Color Solitaire  |  $0.99

    We've taken the classic gameplay of Solitaire and Klondike games and created a modern and colorful version with easy gameplay. The modern gameplay includes e.g. hint system, ability to select game number (get back to the same game you played before),...

  • Dogmelon Solitaire  |  Free

    7 solitaire games in one beautiful collection. All the solitaire favorites are here. Not only have we included Klondike (Also known as patience, or classic solitaire), but we've included other popular card games as well, including Freecell, Pyramid...

  • Soccer Cup Solitaire  |  Free

    Shoot for the win with Soccer Cup Solitaire! Pass some time and shoot for the win with Soccer Cup Solitaire! Choose one of over 50 international soccer teams and guide them to victory with fast-paced card-matching action. Get into the game by chain...

  • Klondike Planet  |  Free

    Blast off, and visit Klondike Planet. Enjoy a whole world of Klondike solitaire games. Escape for minutes or for hours, you can always come back for endless entertainment. It's out of this world. - Completely free, with no ads, and no in-app purchas...

  • Pokie Magic Vegas Slots  |  Free

    Experience the best of Vegas Slots with Pokie Magic Casino Slots! A stunning selection of premium slots is yours to play right now. Start with the majestic Egyptian Dreams, win the Pharaoh Feature Bonus and be stunned by the rewards Cleopatra may of...

  • Blackjack Player  |  Free

    Play Blackjack, the most famous casino game, on your Mac. Are you a Player? With up to three seats at a time at the table, it's great entertainment for a small group. Or just play solo against the house. Player profiles keep track of earnings and s...

  • Blackjack Live  |  Free

    Blackjack Live is the ONLY blackjack game that has JACKPOT! Play Blackjack as if you were at the casino! This is a free blackjack game which is designed for MacOS that you can play against the dealer and see who can WIN by getting 21 without going b...

  • Kings in the Corners Lite  |  Free

    Get a taste of the full Kings in the Corners app. Build card piles from 13 down to 1, with alternating colors. It's like the solitaire game Klondike, but in a circle. You play against 3 robot players, and the first one to empty his hand wins the game...

  • Players Paradise Slots  |  Free

    Embark on a journey with Players Paradise Slots, where Ainsworth brings all the excitement of their casino slot games directly to you! With popular titles like MUSTANG MONEY 2, BARNYARD BONANZA and WITCHY WINS you’ll be in slot paradise. Connect wit...

  • Jungle Slot  |  Free

    Jungle Slot is a funny and free slot machine, it can be played with a single tap using your mouse or touch screen. It offer free coins all the times you runs out. Jungle Slot offer 3 mini games and a gamble mode where you can double your win. Enjoy...

  • Golf Solitaire Pro  |  Free

    Easy to play and joyously fun, its the solitaire game for everyone! Clear the cards from the golf course by selecting cards that are one higher or lower than your current card. Use wild cards to create massive card runs to increase your score multip...

  • Free Cell Collection  |  Free

    Play the classic solitaire game of Free Cell on macOS and trace the game's history with two lesser known forerunners: Baker's Game and Napoleon at St Helena. Featuring in-game AI, instructions and detailed retina graphics, four games from the full So...

  • Christmas Nonograms Free  |  Free

    The most magical night of the year. It's coming... RIGHT NOW! Today you have a unique opportunity to feel the atmosphere of great Christmas time! Start your jolly adventure with Christmas Nonograms. This puzzle game's genre also known as griddlers,...

  • Solitaire Perfect Match  |  Free

    Ein vollständig neue Art, Solitär zu spielen! Räume die Stapel ab, erhalte Belohnungen und miss dich mit Freunden. Überlege gut! Spielinhalte: ● Die schlaue Art zu punkten Du kannst gleiche Karten entweder einfach kombinieren oder Farbkombinationen...

  • Xolitaire  |  Free

    Solitär entwickelt... Willkommen in Xolitaire. - Wählen Sie aus 24 Sprachen. Ändern Sie die Sprache jederzeit. - Genießen Sie 7 einzigartige Spiele. - Wählen Sie aus 4 verschiedenen Layouts für jedes Spiel. - Wählen Sie ein Thema (Motiv), das Aussehe...

  • Pinochle Lite  |  Free

    Binokel Lite ist ein Kartenspiel, das mit einem 48- oder 80-Karten-Deck aus 9ern, 10ern, Buben, Königinnen, Königen und Assen gespielt wird. Das Spiel besteht aus einer sich wiederholenden Folge von Geboten (für das Recht, die Trumpf-Farbe zu benenne...

  • Arena: Galaxy Control  |  Free

    Auf in die Arena! Spiele mit Freunden in der kostenlosen Echtzeit-PvP-Mehrspieler-Online-Kampfarena (MOBA). Derjenige, der in der Arena gewonnen hat, kontrolliert die Galaxie! Sammle und verbessere deine ständig wachsende Anzahl Karten mit Sci-Fi-Tr...

  • Solitaire Beach Season Free  |  Free

    Solitaire Beach Season is an explosion of fun: vacation, summer, the beach, the sea! The resort of your dreams on tropical beaches and 120 new and unique solitaire levels – an ideal combination for any solitaire fan! Your trip to an island of fun be...

  • Mojo Solitaire Collection  |  Free

    Mojo Solitaire Collection ist eine auf Solitaire basierende Spielesammlung. Dazu gehören Klondike, Spider Solitaire und das Kachelspiel Mahjong. Sie können Mojo-Münzen durch das Spielen gewinnen, die zur Freischaltung von Hintergründen im Spiel ver...

  • Xtreme Slots: Vegas Casino  |  Free

    Welcome to Xtreme Slots! The top VEGAS FREE Casino Slots Game! Feel the thrill of Vegas! Join Millions of lucky players and spin more than 180 Slot Machines with FREE COINS! Hit it Rich with Huge progressive JACKPOTS and massive TOURNAMENTS! Win hot...

  • Video Poker Live  |  Free

    Video Poker Live by Simple Game is one of the most addictive video poker games you'll find in Mac App Store. With 3 different video poker games, real card shuffling, and real paytables, you'll have Las Vegas with you anywhere, anytime. Experience...

  • iKout  |  Free

    iKout is a new experience in playing the popular Kuwaiti card game (Kout bo Sitta) with rich graphics and immersive gameplay. Enjoy a single player game against intelligent computer players or play with friends from all around the world online. GAM...

  • Solitaire! (Klondike)  |  Free

    Solitaire! is a completely free version of the very popular Klondike game, which most people just call "solitaire". The game includes options for one- or three-card draws from the stock. The recycle of the stock is unlimited for both. Klondike pro...

  • 2048 5x5  |  Free

    Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! 2048 - 5x5 Version! Swipe to move all tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one. Get to the 2048 tile, and reach a high score!

  • Blackjack Royale  |  Free

    Gamble your way to the top of the charts with the best Blackjack has to offer! Includes three unique game modes as well as a host of content and tables to unlock. Earn Poker chips with every win and build up your stash. It is an unparalleled game pla...

  • Texas Hold'em Poker Online  |  Free

    Play the best Texas Holdem Poker Online - Hold'em Poker Stars! This deluxe card game is popular all over the world. Download and start playing for free right now! Features: WIN BIG IN ONLINE POKER ● Raise stakes & win matches ● Use exclusive card po...

  • Online for Chess  |  Free

    Play with your friends on online chess game; Practise and upgrade your levels for Offline mode. Practice more and supprise your friends later on Online Ches! All UI are very simple, so you can focus on Chess itself. Hope you like it and enjoy it ev...

  • Video Poker : Triple Star  |  Free

    Triple Star Simulator is an high fidelity simulation of the most played videopoker from 1990 to 2004. *** Triple Star Simulator use GG Account (an automatic account creator). You will find your GGCoins again if you install the app again *** Featu...

  • Fun Bridge  |  Free

    Funbridge ist ein Online-Bridgespiel, wo Sie Bridge lernen und spielen können wann immer Sie möchten. Bridge ist ein Kartenspiel für vier Personen, wobei jeweils zwei Teams, genannt "Paare" (Nord-Süd und Ost-West) gegeneinander spielen. Die Spieler...

  • Solitaire  |  Free

    Eine Sammlung der beliebtesten Soliltaire-Spiele im baKno Stil. Wunderschöne handgestaltete Kartensets werden in 3-D-Ansicht mit Brett-Rotation und Zoom dargestellt. baKno Solitaire enthält zeitlose Klassiker wie Klondike, Freecell, Spider, Cruel, Ca...

  • Xtreme Vegas Classic Slots  |  Free

    Welcome to Xtreme Vegas! The BEST classic and fast paced slot experience! Old style VEGAS slots with real odds! Lots of fun for FREE! - Xtreme BONUS: Get FREE COINS every day! easy to WIN! - Have fun with truly retro visuals, sounds and gameplay....

  • Lucky Spider Solitaire  |  Free

    Spider Solitaire, one of the most popular variants of Solitaire card games, now is free! This free patience game gives you the opportunity to play a must have card game. Solitaire has been around since the dawn of time, but this free version ups the...

  • Magic Tri Peaks Solitaire Live  |  Free

    Magic Tri Peaks Solitaire ist das klassische Höher-oder-tiefer-Solitaire, das du kennst und liebst. Es klingt eigentlich ganz einfach: Einfach die Karten vom Spielfeld holen, die einen um einen Punkt höheren oder niedrigeren Wert als die nächste Kart...

  • Xmas Tripeaks Free  |  Free

    It's the season to play Tripeaks! But you’ve never seen solitaire like this before – it’s a unique Christmas twist on the classic family favourite. Featuring: - Wondrous Christmas themed card layouts, plus classic Tripeaks! - An array of beautiful...

  • The chronicles of Emerland. Solitaire. (Lite)  |  Free

    To defeat the dark forces in the battle you will have to visit the Kingdom of the Elves in a vast forest; climb mountains and find the Dwarves' holy place wandering through cave mazes; sink to the ocean depths to protect the Kingdom of the Mermaids f...

  • Lucky Solitaire  |  Free

    Selection of classic solitaire games: Klondike, Spider, Scorpion, Spiderette, Yukon, Forty Thieves and other well-known solitaire games. A selection of well-known solitaire games: Klondike, Spider, Scorpion, Spiderette, Yukon, Forty Thieves. The gam...

  • Cribbage Solitaire  |  Free

    Cribbage Solitaire helps you improve your cribbage skills through its quick, yet challenging, single-player game. You have three rounds to earn as many points as possible by building cribbage hands. The challenge? Try and earn 121 points in a sing...

  • Card Shark Solitaire  |  Free

    Card Shark combines crisp high resolution graphics, 3d presentation, and tasteful animation and sounds. Piles are automatically split following completed gestures. Touch foundation piles to automatically complete a game. Features include: - layout...

  • Video Poker : Triple Cash  |  Free

    Triple Cash Simulator is an high fidelity simulation of the most played videopoker from 1990 to 2004. *** Triple Cash Simulator use GG Account (an automatic account creator). You will find your GGCoins again if you install the app again *** Featu...

  • Pyramid Solitaire  |  Free

    Genießen Sie Pyramid Solitaire und drei zusätzliche Solitaires - Tut's Tomb, Gizeh und Tri-Peaks - alles in einer fantastischen kostenlosen App. Tonnenweise Funktionen und Optionen sind enthalten: * Sehr hochwertige Grafiken * 3D-Animationseffekte...

  • Strike Solitaire 2 Free  |  Free

    The sea, the sun, and solitaire! Hit a strike on the seashore! This is solitaire in a unique country bowling-hotel setting, allowing you to play two games at once – bowling and solitaire. 120 new levels will give you several hours of entertaining g...

  • Spades Lite  |  Free

    „Spades" ist ein Stich-Kartenspiel, das mit 3 Spielern solo, 4 Spielern solo oder 4 Spielern mit Partnern gespielt werden kann (2 Teams bestehend aus 2 Spielern). Ein standardmäßiges 52-Karten-Deck wird ausgegeben, dann bieten die Spieler die Anzahl...

  • Mahjong Mojo 3D  |  $1.99

    Mahjong Mojo 3D is a collection of free mahjong solitaire layouts in a fully 3D world. The board can be flipped, rotated, while playing the game. How to Play: Select a valid tile and find it's matching pair. Tiles are locked if they have neighbo...

  • Jelly Solitaire  |  Free

    Jelly Solitaire has a simple and intuitive interface with a smart gameplay that provides a dynamic game experience even in portable devices. MAIN FEATURES ◉ Big cards; ◉ Turn 1 or 3 cards ◉ Drag and drop ◉ Different cards backs ◉ Cards animations ◉...

  • Cutthroat Pinochle Lite  |  Free

    Geben: Es wird abwechselnd gegeben. Es gibt immer der Spieler, der links vom letzten Geber sitzt. Der Geber teilt an jeden Spieler 15 Karten aus. Drei Karten werden verdeckt als Dapp in die Mitte des Tisches gelegt. Wird ohne Dapp gespielt, bekommt j...

  • Shark Bridge Card Game  |  Free

    Shark Bridge offers unlimited hands, duplicate bridge games, Daily Tournament with MP (%) scoring. Play bridge with friends or practice on your own. Study the hands from your bridge teacher. Play deals online from your library, classroom hands, and g...

  • Online Play LiveGames  |  Free

    • Online Spiele und Turniere: - Bridge - Extremdame, Corners • Spiele nur mit echten Personen • Kostenlos, ohne Werbung • Chat, Freunde, Geschenke und Errungenschaften ... und viele andere RABATTE • Für den ersten Kauf • Rabatte und Boni für die n...

  • Hoyle Casino Games  |  $19.99

    You’ve hit the jackpot with the most comprehensive collection of casino games available on the App Store! Hoyle Casino Games is jam-packed with over 600 authentic casino game variations that will make you feel the rush of the casino floor. Double dow...

  • Four Color Uno Card  |  $0.99

    The most beloved color match card game! The objective is empty all your cards fast than other players to win this game! So try to be the first player to clear all the cards! Note that:Players play in turn: either take a card from the pile or place...

  • PokerCruncher - Expert - Odds  |  $49.99

    *** A BIG new expert-level feature: Color-Coded Groups In Hand Ranges *** (6th screenshot) The App Store’s top Texas Hold’em odds/equity calculator. (The *Expert* version of PokerCruncher.) Take your game to the next level with PokerCruncher, an ex...

  • Kingdom Coins Lucky Vegas - Dozer of Coins Arcade Game  |  Free

    Are you feeling lucky? Step into the ultimate Las Vegas gaming experience and test your dozer skills on poker chips. Kingdom Coins is a beautiful and fun arcade coin pusher game for your Mac! Download this FREE game now to start playing! What pe...

  • Mahjong Gold 2 Pirates Island Solitaire Free  |  Free

    Captain on the bridge! Cast off the lines! William Kidd's treasure awaits you. Collect all the gold bars by solving the infamous pirate's clues. Set sail from Port Royal on a ship called the Golden Hind and head for Hard Luck Island. Legend has it th...

  • Solitaire Christmas. Match 2 Cards Free. Card Game  |  Free

    Solitaire Christmas. Match 2 Cards. Card Game is a holiday card game filled with the joyful spirit of the holidays. The anticipation of Christmas miracles and 120 unique levels form a winning combination for fans of classic solitaire. After all, what...

  • Mahjong Girl  |  Free

    This is a Mahjongg between one player and one computer, using standard mahjongg's rule, with 13 tiles. It has a girl's sounds, and the musics are very attractive and you will be lost in it:-) It is just good enough to play, but be careful to choose...

  • FreeCell+  |  $1.99

    FreeCell+ by Brainium is the #1 classic FreeCell you know and love for your Mac. We have stayed true to the spirit of FreeCell, and carefully designed a fresh modern look, woven into the wonderful classic feel that everyone loves. In FreeCell the g...

  • Epic Cards Battle 2  |  Free

    3D Free Fantasy Strategy TCG Online Spiel, dass Sie nicht verpassen sollten! Erleben Sie die legendären Schlachten mit Freunden und Spielern auf der ganzen Welt! Offizielle Fortsetzung der erstaunlichen Strategie Spiel Epic Cards Battle. Eigenschaf...

  • Fill and Cross. Pirate Riddles Free  |  Free

    Arrr! Become a Terror of the Caribbean! Explore 6 different islands and get many unusual pirate trophies! Solve 120 unique puzzles and find an old captain Flint's treasures! More than 4 hours of gameplay to jolly pirate melodies! Go ahead! Hoist the...

  • Lucky Pyramid Solitaire  |  Free

    One of the most popular and addictive solitaire variations, Lucky Pyramid Solitaire is perfect for a quick break or a few hours of fun. This fantastic version of the popular card game features incredible graphics, a helpful undo feature and a set of...

  • Knight Solitaire. Royal Cup Free  |  Free

    The new Knight Solitaire! Become the champion of a royal tournament! 12 luxurious locations and entertaining gameplay. Make chains of cards, use bonuses, and get real royal rewards! For daring players, we offer special achievements and trophie...

  • Solitaire Halloween Story Free  |  Free

    Solitaire Halloween Story – trick or treat? No tricks! For all fans of the solitaire and perfect match genres, a gift for Halloween in the form of 120 new and unique solitaire levels! Solitaire Halloween Story has riddles from ghosts, ancient mysteri...

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