에 의해 작성된 Quantum Quinn on 2024-07-15
1. So you can share a single note, or many notes via the JotNow Blog platform, for free.
2. • Create Blog posts anonymously from notes with the new JotNow blogging platform.
3. JotNow is a sticky notes, blog, list and more app.
4. Resize, dock, and collapse notes to keep them out of your way but still in plain sight.
5. Published notes even support Markdown and syntax highlighting.
6. Find and display notes with a click of a mouse or the press of a key.
7. • All notes support rich text (RTF).
8. Place notes in notebooks and further organize them with tags.
9. Even use your favorite colors to add some style to your notes.
10. Each note can be selected to be shared to a friend or posted to your Blog for everyone.
11. So much effort has been put on functionality and simplicity you will wonder how you ever used your computer without JotNow installed.
Intel, 64-bit 프로세서, OS X 10.7 또는 나중에.
호환성 OS 목록:예. 이 앱은 다운로드 및 설치가 100 % 안전합니다. 당사의 다운로드 링크는 안전한 출처에서 제공되며 사용자를 보호하기 위해 자주 스캔됩니다