에 의해 작성된 LittleFin LLC on 2024-11-19
1. Need more? If you also want to keep track of income, see how much you need to save, find out how much money is okay to spend after paying bills and forecast future months bills, check out Chronicle Pro in the App Store.
2. Reminders how you want them: Chronicle can show you bills due soon on the dock icon, in your menu bar, on your calendar, and via pop up reminders.
3. See bills on the go: Bill Reminder syncs with Chronicle for iOS, which is available on iPhone and iPad.
4. The free version allows you to manage up to 5 bills, and a one-time in-app purchase will unlock the ability to manage unlimited bills.
5. Pay bills online: Chronicle helps you pay bills online and log them in the app via its integrated browser.
6. Chronicle takes bill management back to the basics.
7. Keep proof of payments: Keep track of confirmation numbers and receipts.
8. It focuses on just the essentials, so you never miss a payment.
Intel, 64-bit 프로세서, OS X 10.7 또는 나중에.
호환성 OS 목록:예. 이 앱은 다운로드 및 설치가 100 % 안전합니다. 당사의 다운로드 링크는 안전한 출처에서 제공되며 사용자를 보호하기 위해 자주 스캔됩니다