Published by nkoda Ltd
- Cannot print out the music
- Locked down to the extent that one can neither print from it, nor export to PDFs
- Can only be used on a screen
- Relatively clunky app
- Desktop app is non-functional
- Cannot open the app from desktop
You might be asking: Is there an app that is similar to nkoda? What is an alternative to nkoda? and is there a better equivalent app than nkoda for Windows? Here, we answer all your questions by providing you with the top 22 nkoda alternatives and similar software for Windows. They are the following:
This app organizes sheet music from PDF files for viewing during practices and performances. Create playlists with a specific ordering for performances
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Metronome10This music library-application is a simple explorer for your personal music collection. It takes all your mp3-tracks from your local music-library folder and presents it in a well arranged way
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Soundwave MediaplayerManage your sheet music PDF files easily. All features are included for free (no in-app purchases or advertising): Single page (portrait) and multi page (landscape) views
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Ear TrainerWhen you're at that point where you know a thing or two about how to read sheet music but you keep coming across weird symbols and strange words, you need a buddy to help you out. This app is aimed for those looking for a quick reference and general helper when they are waist deep in a piece of sheet music
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Piano ChordsMobileSheets is the ultimate sheet music reader for Windows 10 devices. It frees you from having to lug around books and binders, and gives you the ability to access any score in your library in seconds
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Zip OpenerMusicnotes Sheet Music Player For Windows 10
Enjoy an unparalleled digital sheet music experience with Musicnotes Sheet Music Player for Windows 10. The Musicnotes Player allows you to hear and watch the notation light up on your digital sheet music and guitar tab files as well as instantly transpose musical scores
1 Learn Sight Read Music Notes - Solfa
1 learn sight read music notes tutor Learn to sight read music in G & F Clef. Solfa
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SongrepertoireThe 432 Hertz Music converter app converts music from standard tuning to 432Hz, 528Hz, and other frequencies. ## Features: - Convert songs from standard tuning (440 Hz and other tunings) to 432 Hertz, 174 Hertz, 285 Hertz, 396 Hertz, 417 Hertz, 440 Hertz, 528 Hertz, 639 Hertz, 741 Hertz, 852 Hertz, 963 Hertz
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Any Sound Recorder Audio Recorder Voice RecorderThe 432hz Music Converter changes the frequency, pitch, and tempo of audio to a target frequency, such as 432 Hertz. Arbitrary input and output frequencies are supported
Shop for new music with 7digital. Choose from over 30 million high quality tracks in our store; buy, download, sync and listen to your music on the go
8 Music Cloud - Sound, Music & Audio
8 MusicCloud is an awesome SoundCloud player built for YOU and your Windows 10 & Xbox Devices! Are you ready for a brand new world of music? Listen to your favorite sounds, explore new content and much more. Listen to all the music you love thanks to SoundCloud
Listen to your favorite music in Groove on your Windows, iOS, and Android devices. Create a playlist with music you've purchased or uploaded to OneDrive or pick your background music on Xbox One
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Voice Changer EffectsAll Your Favorite Music and Radio in One Free App. Named "the best streaming radio app" (CNET), iHeartRadio is the only music app that features thousands of the country's best live radio stations AND custom stations you control
Tune to the moment you’re in. From the free stations you love to listen ad-free & on-demand, Pandora continually evolves with your tastes
TuneIn brings you live sports, music, news, podcasts, and radio from around the world. Listen to the audio you love and let the moments move you
Music Cloud is a Music streaming application that offers free unlimited songs and mixes for Windows Mobile/Desktop/HoloLens/Xbox users. You can stream any of the song available on SoundCloud
Audiocloud is a music discovery, playlist curation and streaming audio app powered by SoundCloud. Experience advanced features such as gapless playback, playback speed control, sleep timer, drag-and-drop playlist management, Cortana voice commands and Live Tile integration! Note: • SoundCloud is a service provided by SoundCloud Ltd
Musixmatch Lyrics - Sing Along Spotify, ITunes, Windows Media Player
Play music from Spotify, iTunes, Windows Media Player and get Musixmatch scrolling lyrics in time to the music. IMPORTANT: This app works with Windows 10 Pro and Home