Travel Apps pour PC et Mac

Quel que soit le logiciel que vous choisissez, vous aidera à le mettre en marche sur votre ordinateur.

Travel Apps | March, 2025

  • World Explorer - Travel guide    4.0    973  |  Free

    Découvrez le monde assis dans votre canapé ! "WORLD EXPLORER" est une nouvelle façon incroyablement excitante de découvrir le monde et les lieux autour de vous ! Quel que soit le lieu sur notre planète, "WORLD EXPLORER" liste les points d'intérêt à...

  • Universal Translator    2.5    492  |  Free

    Translate words and even entire sentences into more than 50 different languages with Universal Translator, right from the desktop of your Mac. Features: ★ Beautiful and minimal interface that doesn't get in your way ★ Quickly and easily translates...

  • The Guestbook: Hotel Rewards    5.0    53  |  Free

    The Gopher mobile app allows you to earn both Cash Back & hotel loyalty points when you book hotels from using your mobile phone. This combination of benefits is not available in any other mobile app or can’t be accessed if you book hotels from your...

  • myPhotoMap    2.0    9  |  Free

    Did you ever want to add high-resolution maps of your trips to your photo album? No problem with myPhotoMap. You can select from a broad variety of map types: OpenStreetMap Mapnik, MapQuest, OpenCycleMap and Cloudmade. Additionally satellite maps fr...

  • FltPlan Go    3.0    8  |  Free

    Now, bring the FltPlan Go mobile app experience to your Mac desktop. The FltPlan Go Mac desktop app features: • Flight Plan Filing • Airport & FBO Information • Rubberbanding • Fuel Prices Along Route • Geo-Referenced Approach Plates & Airport...

  • Garmin WebUpdater  |  Free

    WebUpdater makes it easy to update your Garmin device software without using a web browser. Just connect your device to your Mac, run WebUpdater and follow the screen prompts.

  • Garmin BaseCamp  |  Free

    Garmin® BaseCamp® provides an interface for viewing Garmin map products and managing geographic data. With BaseCamp, you can perform the following tasks: • Transfer data to and from your Garmin device. • Plan multi-day trips using Yelp® and your map...

  • 한국공항 출도착  |  Free

    대한민국 모든 공항의 국내선 및 국제선에 대한 출도착 정보를 실시간 조회 할 수 있으며 주간 스케줄 확인도 가능합니다. 특정 항공편의 탑승 위치 또는 입국장 위치를 지도로 확인 할 수 있습니다. 추가적인 기능으로는 주요국가의 시간과 입국 신고서 작성법에 대한...

  • POI Loader  |  Free

    POI Loader is free software for your computer that lets you upload customized points of interest (POIs) to your compatible Garmin device. With the help of POI Loader, you can update your compatible Garmin GPS with the latest POIs, including restauran...

  • US VPN  |  Free

    Try US VPN for free - FREE 7 DAY SUBSCRIPTION! We now provide 24 / 7 support from our friendly team in Canada - any questions just email [email protected] or use the form in the app! US VPN routes your Internet access through our network of high per...

  • AwardWallet  |  Free

    AwardWallet is a Safari App Extension that enables users to auto-login to some of the loyalty program websites that they've added to

  • 민트블랙박스  |  Free

    블랙박스 뷰어 입니다. 본 프로그램은 현재 일부기기만 지원하고 있습니다. - BlackVue DR400G-HD (더 많은 기기를 지원하기 위해서는, 가지고 계신 데이타를 메일로 제공해 주시면, 지원하도록 하겠습니다.) 아래와 같은 기능을 지원합니다. - 상시녹화된 동영상을 지...

  • Горящие туры  |  Free

    Лента путешествий по самым выгодным ценам. Все горящие туры тщательно отобраны вручную ведущими специалистами российского туризма среди тысяч российских туроператоров. Мы включаем в нашу ленту только самые интересные и избранные горящие путевки, почт...

  • 3D Atlas  |  Free

    You can discover our beautiful planet in a fun way!  3D Atlas is an interactive globe displaying different maps and information. It's a great aid to teachers for visualizing earth with their students but also for curious parents. FEATURES • 3D mo...

  • Webcam World View With AI  |  Free

    Voyagez de chez vous! • Un voyage à couper le souffle dans le monde avec des centaines de caméras cachées, offrant 24 heures de diffusion en ligne de haute qualité. • Webcam World View est un projet global qui vise à explorer notre planète à travers...

  • Globe Geography 3D: Geo Atlas  |  Free

    Globe Geography 3D - c'est un atlas éducatif 3D pittoresque pour les enfants et les adolescents. Faites un voyage fascinant dans tous les coins de notre planète ! GLOBE INTERACTIF Modèles 3D de monuments de renommée mondiale et d'animaux sauvages I...

  • Rosetta Stone: Learn Languages  |  Free

    Apprenez une nouvelle langue avec Rosetta Stone, la méthode la plus réputée dans l'apprentissage des langues. Découvrez les mots et les concepts de manière intuitive, sans passer par la traduction. L'application primée de Rosetta Stone vous apprend...

  • Siberian Breath - Meditation  |  Free

    Parfois, dans la précipitation quotidienne, on oublie de souffler. Arrêtez-vous, inspirez profondément, expirez et détendez-vous. Faites une pause. Siberian Breath n'est pas seulement une application sur la méditation. Nous vous montrerons les paysa...

  • Map maker - Ahoy  |  Free

    Easily create shareable maps to plan your next event or trip. Ahoy map maker allows you to draw over any map area to mark points of interest, show paths and directions or highlight areas, which can then be exported as an image file for sharing with...

  • Places2Note  |  Free

    Rappelez-vous vos lieux préférés Chaque fois que vous découvrez un lieu spécial que vous voulez vous rappeler toujours, placer une punaise sur Places2Note, ajouter des commentaires, avis, photos, messages vocale ou vidéo. Enregistrer un lieu une fois...

  • Coinverter  |  Free

    Coinverter is a powerful yet simple currency rates converter that lets you calculate currency exchange rates easily. Coinverter provides you always up-to-date currency rates, but you don't necessarily need an Internet connection for it to work. Coin...

  • Road Tripper  |  Free

    Créez, organisez, partagez vos voyages et planifiez vos itinéraires avec Plan Route. Ayez toutes vos informations de voyage à portée de main, le tout dans une seule application! Plan Route a été conçu pour vous aider à créer des voyages en ajoutant...

  • Topo Maps+  |  Free

    Designed and tested on real dirt by outdoor enthusiasts, Topo Maps+ is packed with good planning tools, trustworthy maps, on-trail tools, and tips to enhance YOUR navigational mindset. Topo Maps+ for Mac has the complete feature set to plan your trip...

  • Guess The Flag  |  Free

    **A quel pays appartient ce drapeau ?** Connaissez-vous notre planète et ses pays? Faites correspondre les drapeaux avec leur pays. Être le maître absolu du quiz ! • Connaissez-vous notre planète et ses pays? Devenez un professionnel! • Faites corr...

  • Boat Watch  |  Free

    Ever wanted to know more about boats and ships around the world? Boat Watch lets you spot boats and ships and follow them on a real-time map... Boat Watch is a free app, which offers... * Spot any Boat or Ship via real-time AIS * Watch boat posi...

  • Language Learning Center  |  Free

    Notre application représente une occasion exceptionnelle d'apprendre rapidement et efficacement les bases d'une langue étrangère. Méthode d'apprentissage unique. Finie la traduction fatigante et répétitive de mots aussitôt sortis de votre tête. V...

  • Hostelworld  |  Free

    Hostelworld est ravi de lancer sa toute nouvelle application Mac dans le cadre de Catalina. Explorez notre nouvelle application à partir de vos appareils Mac et rendez la planification de votre prochaine aventure aussi intuitive et transparente que p...

  • Mermoz  |  Free

    Mermoz est un outil pour aider les pilotes privés à préparer un log de navigation VFR. Vous tracez votre route et posez vos points de report comme vous le faites habituellement sur le papier. Mermoz remplit votre log avec les caps, les distances et l...

  • ViViWo  |  Free

    VIVIWO is your next place to visit through a great 3D experience. An amazing 3D adventure: Play, Meet, share, enjoy. Users will be able to explore a city with a multitude of possibilities and experiences. Meet and share to other people through ava...

  • Road Trip Planner LITE  |  Free

    Road Trip Planner LITE does everything that Road Trip Planner can do, EXCEPT save files. This LITE app is free so that you can experience all of the capabilities of the full version (except saving). This LITE version is also useful for sharing a Road...

  • FairTrip - Travel Guide  |  Free

    • Sortez des sentiers battus. Découvrez des hébergements, restaurants, expériences ou associations sélectionnés pour leur caractère authentique et leur impact positif. • Immergez-vous dans la culture locale. Découvrez des établissements à impact pos...

  • Photos for Documents  |  Free

    Would you like to have a photo booth on your pocket that is able to take pictures for official documents and visa applications of hundreds of countries, or curriculum vitae without having to pay extortive prices every time? Imagine yourself overseas...

  • i-Boating : Marine Navigation  |  Free

    This App offers access to Marine Charts for USA,Canada,UK/Ireland,Germany,Netherlands/Holland & Europe Rivers (Danube,Drava,Rhein etc). Coverage includes NOAA marine vector charts,freshwater lake maps,USACE inland river maps (HD/1ft/3ft bathymetry in...

  • Charts & Tides  |  Free

    Charts&Tides is the new must-have marine navigation software for the Mac. It provides access to charts, tides, ActiveCaptain information, GPS navigation and more in a well designed and integrated package. Use it at home to research and plan your trip...

  • waterMOON  |  Free

    When is the moon reflecting on that water surface? Calculate date and time. How to use Step 1: Click on the water surface. Step 2: Click on your location.

  • UK VPN  |  Free

    Try UK VPN for free - FREE 7 DAY SUBSCRIPTION! UK VPN routes your Internet access through our network of high performance servers in London, securing your Internet access providing fast, full Internet access. The VPN service provides a secures your...

  • VPN Asia - Speed and Security  |  Free

    Try VPN Asia for free - FREE 7 DAY SUBSCRIPTION! VPN Asia speeds up and secures your Internet connection by sending your traffic through our high speed network of servers with links around the globe. Easy to configure - no complicated settings or c...

  • One World Dictionary  |  Free

    Multilingual Dictionaries for English to Spanish, French, German & Italian ☆ Free Version includes over 100,000 Translations, 1,000 Phrases & 5,000 Verb Conjugations ☆ Comprehensive Dictionaries, Phrase Books and Verb Conjugations available as in-app...

  • NMEA Client  |  Free

    Client for NMEA Gps Provider Connect to an external NMEA GPS Provider and display info about location. This app con be used with NMEA Gps app available here : Simply connect to same wifi , g...

  • iSpoiler  |  Free

    Un utilitaire simple pour télécharger des spoilers depuis des fichiers GPX et les transférer sur son appareil Garmin.

  • Turismo  |  Free

    Turismo for macOS is a production tool to create geo-triggered tours for users of the iOS Turismo application. Producers can easily drag and drop markers on a map for any location in the world to establish a destination geofence. After creating a des...

  • Locman lite  |  Free

    nautical navigation application for all kind of vessels. Uses free S57 nautical vector charts

  • TrackGuide GPX Editor  |  Free

    TrackGuide GPX Editor is a free companion application to TrackGuide for iOS. It lets you edit, import, modify or create guided walks that you can export as GPX files or share with TrackGuide on iOS/Apple Watch. - Localised in English, Français and Ne...

  • American Airlines  |  Free

    With the new American Airlines Mac app, you get the information you need exactly when you need it. Curious about traffic to the airport? Wondering if a better seat is available? All this and more is at your fingertips. - Dynamic home screen: Knows...

  • TripIt: Travel Planner  |  Free

    DES DÉPLACEMENTS FACILITÉS TripIt organise instantanément tous vos plans de voyage et propose un itinéraire principal pour tous vos déplacements. Gardez une longueur d’avance des premiers préparatifs jusqu'à votre atterrissage grâce à l'application...

  • RiverThamesGuide  |  Free

    The complete planner and guide for travel and leisure on the River Thames (from its source to the Thames Barrier) and the Wey Navigation including where you can go, how you get there and what’s on the way - includes these key features: Thames Map an...

  • Go for Twitter  |  Free

    Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news from your menubar.Get real-time stories, pictures, videos, conversations, ideas, and inspiration all from your menubar. If you a...

  • Argo: maps, navigation and gps  |  Free

    Maps and navigation for offline or flight mode. With Argonaut you will be able to store maps and navigation directions to use when there is no internet connection. Maps created with Argonaut are completely configurable and easy to share. Share the...

  • Hidden Objects - World Traveler  |  Free

    Quiz and Hidden Object Travel Game - solve the clues then find the objects from around the world ! Enjoy over 70 different destinations to discover for one low price. From Tokyo to Kathmandu to New York and beyond, you can explore different glamoro...

  • jalada Just Translate 2016  |  Free

    Avec jalada Just Translate le monde parle une langue – Le à vous! jalada Just Translate offre des traductions instantanées dans des dizaines de langues différentes. Il peut traduire des mots, des phrases, des pages Web, e-mails, tweets et textes div...

  • Find.Exchange  |  Free

    Find.Exchange est une application MAC OS qui permet l’échange de devise en temps réel dans le creux de votre main. Ce convertisseur de devise simple et facile d’utilisation est idéal pour les voyageurs d’agrément et d’affaires qui ont besoin de co...

  • Wellington Bus Stops  |  Free

    Inspired by the iOS app, the Wellington Bus Stop app brings stop departure times to the Notifications Centre in macOS. Simply find your local bus stop on the map and open it by clicking on its pin and then add it to the Today Widget.

  • inRoute: Intelligent Routing  |  Free

    Planifiez des itinéraires optimisés ou tracez votre propre chemin en exploitant la météo, l’altitude, les courbes et plus encore. Ensuite, naviguez en toute sécurité en suivant les instructions vocales étape par étape qui vous préviennent automatique...

  • DivingSecurityCurve  |  Free

    La aplicación calcula el tiempo límite y el tiempo correspondiente a la frontera de seguridad para una inmersión simple hasta 30 metros de acuerdo a las tablas de inmersión de FEDAS.

  • what3words  |  Free

    The what3words app for Mac helps you find, share and navigate to any precise location. We’ve given every 3m x 3m in the world a unique 3 word address. This simple and accurate way to talk about location makes it easier to meet up with friends, disco...

  • AutoDrive Desktop Manager  |  Free

    AutoDrive is a simple app that automatically tracks your drives and provides a look at your time spent driving, total distance driven, your cost of driving and much more! ‣ Automatically save your drive when you are no longer traveling. Drives are s...

  • Coloring Book - Travel  |  Free

    VOYAGE est un amusement, un dessin interactif et une application de coloriage pour tous les âges! Vous pouvez profiter d'images de haute qualité pour les colorer et une feuille de papier blanc dans lequel vous pouvez dessiner ce que vous voulez! ••...

  • Translator with Speech  |  Free

    Use this cool translator to instantly translate any text into any of 44 languages! Simply highlight any text, right click and select 'translate'. The text will be translated into the language that you have selected. After this, you can either copy...

  • Star Languages  |  Free

    Star Languages is guaranteed to be the most entertaining way you have learnt a language so far! The available languages are Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, German, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Turkish, Russian, Greek, Arabic, Chinese, Korean and J...

  • Map Snapshot Lite - Download Large Detailed Offline Maps As High Resolution Images  |  Free

    Map Snapshot lets you create big map images easily! ***** FEATURES ***** + Create high resolution map images in JPEG. + Up to 9 times the resolution of the screen. + Option to hide icons for points of interest. + 3 map types - standard, hybrid, sat...

  • Quick Translate Pro  |  $1.99

    Quick Translate Pro is an intuitive and easy to use translation tool for quick translations into 80 languages. Thereby Quick Translate lives in your Mac's menu bar, so it is never more than one click away! Quick Translate Pro's Key Features are: -...

  • Learn Afrikaans - EuroTalk  |  $69.99

    Apprenez une langue rapidement et efficacement en vous amusant avec Instant Immersion ! Atteignez vos objectifs d'apprentissage de langue en vous immergeant dans du vocabulaire, des expressions de tous les jours et des dialogues plus complexes. Que...

  • Cloud Baby Monitor  |  $7.99

    Vidéo live de haute qualité + surveillance audio de bébé avec gamme illimitée (Wi-Fi, 3G, LTE, Bluetooth). Facile d'utilisation, fonctionne sur n'importe quel iPhone, iPad, iPod touch ou Mac sans aucune configuration. Excellent choix pour une surveil...

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