Puzzle Juegos para PC y Mac

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Puzzle Juegos | March, 2025

  • Holes and Balls Free    4.5    1087  |  Free

    Drag the ball to aim, release it to shoot... and put the ball in the hole! "Holes and Balls" is the unique game where you'll have to throw a ball against walls, pens or even matchboxes! Take a few seconds to target, throw the ball and follow its rea...

  • Who Is The Killer (Episode One)    4.0    1065  |  Free

    "We would personally recommend everyone to try this game, especially those who love brain teasers. You’ll love it!" — Gameographics What the people say about 'Who Is The Killer?' game series: 'Best investigation game I've played so far! Feels so re...

  • Mysteryville 2 lite: hidden object crime investigation    3.5    790  |  Free

    La valiente y talentosa periodista Laura Winner regresa al pequeño pueblo que todos recuerdan del premiado juego Mysteryville, y nuevamente vuelve a encontrarse en el epicentro de un escándalo. Tiene pensado tomarse una vacaciones y relajarse con su...

  • Million Dollar Adventure lite: hidden object game    4.0    371  |  Free

    Sandra, el personaje principal, nunca tuvo mucho dinero a su disposición y, en cuanto a sus recuerdos, era todavía peor. Cuando era pequeña, sobrevivió a un accidente de coche en el que murieron sus padres y dañó su memoria. Pasó el resto de su juven...

  • Castle Breakout    4.0    248  |  Free

    “Castle Breakout, con sus fascinantes gráficos 3D fotorrealistas y atractivos conjuntos de acertijos, define el estándar más elevado para el género de escape de habitación del 2017.” Algunos forjan acero. Otros luchan con espadas. Tu tarea, como e...

  • DreamSleuth: hidden object adventure quest lite    3.5    205  |  Free

    Una noche Catherine, aquí la principal, tuvo un sueño bastante raro acerca de una chica desaparecida. Como no había noticias y a la policía el caso le resultaba imposible de solucionar, ella decide investigar por su cuenta. A ti te toca interrogar a...

  • Christmasville Lite: The Missing Santa ADVENTures    4.0    132  |  Free

    ¡La Navidad está en peligro! Santa Claus ha sido secuestrado de su casa en el Polo Norte. Juegas desde la perspectiva de Arthur Knight, un detective privado que empieza a regañadientes su propia investigación del caso sobre la desaparición de Santa....

  • Hack RUN Lite    4.0    66  |  Free

    ¡Una gran noticia! ¡Hack RUN ha aparecido en la App Store! ¡Estamos emocionados por este honor que Apple nos ha concedido y esperamos que tú lo disfrutes tanto como ellos! ¿Alguna vez has querido ser un pirata informático? Ábrete camino pirateand...

  • Jewel Quest Seven Seas    3.5    55  |  Free

    ¡PRUEBA EL JUEGO CON MÁS DE 250 MILLONES DE DESCARGAS! ¡Descárgate GRATIS Jewel Quest: Los siete mares, el último juego de la galardonada serie Jewel Quest! Los famosos aventureros Rupert y Emma han vuelto... ¡como nunca antes los habías visto! Tr...

  • Sand Slides    3.5    40  |  Free

    Sand Slides es el nuevo juego rompecabezas de 2011 tremendamente adictivo. Las reglas de juego de Sand Slides son sencillas, se trata de un juego único y fácil de aprender, aunque se requiere tiempo para dominarlo. Contiene: 76 logros de juego Músi...

  • Nikakudori Reborn FREE    3.5    18  |  Free

    Using the classic puzzle game Mahjong tiles. "Nikakudori Reborn" - FREE Edition - Free version limitations - 1.GameLevel "Normal"level only. 2."Mahjong" tiles only. - Full Version "Nikakudori Reborn" - 1.Three levels of game: "Easy","Normal","Hard"...

  • Jigsaw Puzzles Free by WallpaperFusion    3.0    16  |  Free

    Jigsaw Puzzles Free by WallpaperFusion brings classic jigsaw puzzle fun to your Mac! Access over 3,500 puzzle images, choose from multiple difficulty levels, save images for offline use, and much more! Jigsaw Puzzles Free Features: - Access over 3,5...

  • Candy Mania Star    3.0    8  |  Free

    Your mission is to win Candy Star Mania, pass the levels and try to get all stars in each level. Features of candy frenzy: • Beautiful HD graphics • Beautiful Background • Sweet diamond animations • Many challenging levels • Easy & fun to play, chal...

  • A Few Billion Square Tiles    5.0    6  |  Free

    Free Download! Try the game for a week before purchasing the full license. Play Minesweeper with thousands of players: explore an infinite world of tiles and develop your empire! A Few Billion Square Tiles is a multiplayer Minesweeper played online...

  • 50 States Challenge    1.5    6  |  $1.99

    You will be given either 10, 20 or 50 random states to place in the correct location as quickly as you can. Drag each American state to the correct location on the map. Try to remember the location of each state. The more you practice, the easier it...

  • Demon Hunter 2: New Chapter  |  Free

    "disfruté cada minuto, de cada hora, que jugué" - Evaluación Pez Gordo "un juego de primera categoría que vale la pena jugar" - Evaluación Pez Gordo ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENIGMATIS Y LEYENDAS DEPRIM...

  • Moonlight Mahjong  |  Free

    The popular 3D Mahjong Solitaire game created for the iPhone and iPad now comes to the Mac. Play arcade-style with progressively difficult levels, or relax with one of the non-competitive game modes. The gameplay is simple yet addictive. Originally...

  • Bubble Shooter 60  |  Free

    Bubble Shooter 60 es un juego de acción rápido y fácil para entrenar tus reflejos. Juegas durante 60 segundos e intentas superar tu puntuación más alta. No hay objetivo, eres tú contra ti mismo. También puedes quitar los segundos y jugar con 60 movim...

  • Homescapes  |  Free

    ¡Te damos la bienvenida a Homescapes, el juego más hogareño de la serie Scapes™ de Playrix! Supera niveles de combinación para restaurar una mansión de ensueño. ¡Te esperan un montón de emocionantes aventuras! ¡Adelante, pasa! Supera coloridos nivel...

  • Mystery Mosaics  |  Free

    The secrets of the ancients lie in your hands! These relics are charged with awesome and mysterious power, such as the realm has not seen in centuries. Many factions fight to be the first to unlock them, while others would prefer the secrets were los...

  • Cryptogram Deluxe  |  Free

    Decode famous quotes in Cryptogram Deluxe! Cryptogram Deluxe has hundreds of puzzles for you to test your decoding skills and unveil quotes that are funny, inspirational, philosophical and more. Whatever your mood, choose your category and start puzz...

  • Lucky Stars  |  Free

    [Grand Update, Must Download] 1) Save game data so you can continue game now; 2) show high score when game ends; Lucky Stars now is available on Mac App Store! To embrace your dreams, to pop all Lucky Stars in the night sky! Once you start, you can...

  • King's Heir  |  Free

    Two royal knights, Edmund and Randall Ulmer, are tricked into a conspiracy against the crown. Pursued by the royal guard and ruthless conspirators, the brothers embark on a dangerous journey that will uncover the kingdom's shameful secrets, restore t...

  • Sudoku+ Train Your Brain  |  Free

    Train your brain, keep your mind active! The challenge: Sudoku is such a deceptively simple puzzle: the challenge can be expressed in one sentence. Given a puzzle in 9x9 box with few known numbers, try and fill in the remaining squares with numbers...

  • Puzzle Brick  |  Free

    俄罗斯方块是一款男女老少皆宜、风靡全球的经典单机游戏。如今它改头换面,以新的面貌出现在你的面前,让你重温经典、感受经典,回忆童年! 你是方块高手吗?你是无道具加层专家吗?你是泥土工人,还是见习工程师呢,你知道什么是皇家建筑师的水平吗?你知道什么是神匠...

  • Doodle God™  |  $4.99

    ¡ÚNETE A MÁS DE 170 MILLONES DE JUGADORES EN TODO EL MUNDO! ¡El poder de la creación está en tus manos! Ya disponible en 12 idiomas. ¡El MAYOR y mejor Doodle God! ¡A LOS CRÍTICOS LES ENCANTA! >PREMIO Apple REWIND 2011 >50 más vendidos de 2011 >“Un...

  • Jigsaws Galore Play  |  Free

    A free version of the ultimate jigsaw puzzle game! Comes with 64 beautiful puzzles for you to solve. Each puzzle can be played many times over by changing the number of pieces or the style of pieces. Simply right-click a completed puzzle icon to star...

  • Asian Riddles  |  Free

    Solve the riddles of the far away land and Asian generosity will know no bounds! This puzzle game's genre also known as griddlers, picross, hanjie, nonograms, japanese crosswords, logic puzzles, pic-a-pix, nonogramme, logimage, logic art, nonogrids...

  • Impossible Twisty Dots  |  Free

    Fun dots placing game, thousands levels, hundreds hours of entertainment. Very challenging and addicting puzzle game. This is a simple game with simple rules. Just click to shoot the dot, and don't touch the dots on the circle. Over 1000 Exciting L...

  • Demon Hunter 4  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Dawn Ashmoore is about to uncover the dark mysteries of ancient Egypt. The old gods step into our world. BUY ONCE - ENJOY ENDLESSLY! Unlock the game to ow...

  • Spider+  |  $1.99

    Spider+ is the #1 classic Spider Solitaire you know and love for your Mac. We have stayed true to the spirit of Spider Solitaire, and carefully designed a fresh modern look, woven into the wonderful classic feel that everyone loves. In Spider Solit...

  • Fill and Cross. Trick or Treat 3!  |  Free

    Fill and Cross. Trick or Treat 3 is a sequel to our series of logic puzzles with a happy Halloween atmosphere. A young couple has decided to see go trick-or-treating and see who can collect more candy. But will it all go smoothly?! After all, the mos...

  • Rail Maze 2 : Train Puzzler  |  Free

    Rail Maze 2 adds even more fun and challenge to Rail Maze world. Additional Levels, new graphic environments and much more in version 2.0 of Rail Maze. Rail Maze 2 is the latest game by Spooky House Studios - creators of big hits: Rail Maze and B...

  • Jewel Rotation  |  $0.99

    "Jewel Rotation" is a fun and addictive puzzle game. It features: * Three game modes: Beginner, Expert and Infinite * HD graphics * Tutorial for an easy start! Instructions: The board consists of four side-to-side layers filled with sparkling jewe...

  • Frutakia 2 Lite  |  Free

    This is the Lite/Free version of the game. Its limited. Please upgrade to Premium if you like it. Frutakia 2 - match 3 puzzler as the name suggests it is come back of Frutakia, with the modest outlook and gameplay. Another invention of the crazysoft...

  • Words with Foxy  |  Free

    ¡Compite con Foxy para encontrar las mejores palabras en el tablero! En Words with Foxy tú juegas contra Foxy y compites para ganar la mayor cantidad de mosaicos de letra del tablero. Cada letra usada en una palabra se volverá de tu color. Foxy tam...

  • Daily Mah Jong Free  |  Free

    Reveal your fortune every day with this serene Mahjong Solitaire game from Skunk Studios®. Play three new layouts daily to reveal the fortune that may change your day. You can unlock more tiles, symbol sets as you seek peace from the craziness of li...

  • zMahjong Solitaire from SZY  |  Free

    ◉This es el famoso Zhongyuan Mahjong (solitario). (zMahjong Solitaire es su nombre abreviado). Este es el juego que compra una sola vez, pero se sigue jugando para siempre. Este juego requiere observaciones enormes, mucha paciencia y espíritu desaf...

  • Bubble Shootix  |  Free

    Shooting bubbles has never been so fun before. Take your bubble shooting experience to the next level with Bubble Shootix. Game by Spooky House Studios - creators of Rail Maze and Bubble Explode. Bubble Shootix feautures: - Beautiful animations - U...

  • Mahjong !!  |  Free

    Este es un juego de Mahjong para un solo jugador, que te proporcionará horas y horas de entretenimiento. El objetivo es dejar la mesa limpia de fichas, identificando todas las parejas idénticas de la pirámide. Una pareja válida está compuesta por...

  • Nightmares from the Deep™: Davy Jones, Collector's Edition  |  Free

    Revela los secretos más oscuros Davy Jones y derrota al nefasto demonio del mar de una vez por todas. Sarah Black, conservadora de un museo, nunca hubiera podido imaginarse a dónde le conduciría su estudio de la leyenda de Davy Jones. Tras mencionar...

  • Gun Disassembly 2  |  Free

    Explore the world of weaponry like never before! Disassemble and reassemble 91 highly-detailed models with fully working animated parts! View the gun in complete 3D, and learn about the inner workings of the guns. Operate the weapons in OPERATION mod...

  • Tibetan Quest: Beyond the World's End  |  Free

    "Beautiful landscapes of the Orient" - AllAboutCasualGame.com "A thrilling hidden object game" - Mysteryvale.com FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Journey to the mystical city of Sha...

  • Everyday Jigsaw  |  Free

    ¡Un puzle cada día llena tu vida de alegría! Ahora puedes transformar tus fotos familiares y de viajes en puzles geniales. O también puedes ver una colección de más de 10.000 puzles increíbles y comprar los que te gusten del juego tan solo con un par...

  • Rose Puzzle  |  Free

    ❀ Complex Puzzle Game ! ❀ Roses ! ❀ Spiky yet tender, wild but beautiful ❀ plant it, cultivate it, puzzle it out ! I developed this puzzle for my mother to keep her busy. Also I thank the Cocos2D Framework and its community. Have fun playing it! In...

  • Dark Mysteries: The Soul Keeper - Collector's Edition  |  Free

    ¡Destierra al espíritu ladrón de almas! Charles Dexter Ward te pide que vayas a la isla de Pawtuxet para detener a un muerto viviente que está asesinando a los pobladores. El espíritu resulta ser un antepasado suyo y está usando almas humanas para c...

  • The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom  |  Free


  • Crossword Light  |  Free

    Play crossword puzzles right on your Mac. Each day many newspapers provide their crossword puzzles online; Crossword Light lets you solve a selection of what's out there; get hints, view clues, and track how quickly you're improving! This is a ligh...

  • SlideWords  |  Free

    Slide the tiles to unscramble the word square—a square of letters that forms valid words both across and down. My theory is that because this puzzle exercises two opposing skills, it will be challenging for anyone. If you have a good English vocabu...

  • Bubble Breaker Adventure  |  Free

    Resuelve cientos de niveles mediante la eliminación del grupo de burbujas en el orden correcto. El modo de juego es simple, pero los niveles cada vez más difícil. Características - 350 niveles - Vidas ilimitadas - iCloud

  • Tic-Tac-Toe  |  Free

    Tic-Tac-Toe game. basic and free. XOks, Nuller og Krydser, Nullen und Kreuze, Tic-Tac-Toe, Bondesjakk, Ristinolla, Luffarschack, Kolko i krzyzyk, Morpion.

  • Jigsaw Puzzles Epic  |  Free

    Jigsaw Puzzles Epic es un juego de rompecabezas con más de 10,000 bellas imágenes de una amplia variedad de categorías. Esta aplicación de calidad premium es la elección perfecta para los fanáticos de los rompecabezas. En Jigsaw Puzzle Epic, puedes...

  • The Perfect Tree  |  Free

    Spruce up your Christmas season with The Perfect Tree, a cheerful holiday offering from Anawiki Games! Based on the classic Christmas tale of the same name, the game tells the story of a lonely little pine tree and the player's efforts to help it bec...

  • Bubble Explode  |  Free

    Now with awesome new feature: Mac window background TRANSPARENCY. Check out the screenshots! Bubble Explode had been Top 1 iPhone app in UK, Canada, Netherlands, Russia and has been in Top 5 apps in USA, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and...

  • Happy Solitaire  |  Free

    Happy Solitaire lets you play any type of solitaire in freeform. Contains: - Play with 1 to 3 decks of cards - Deal 1 to 3 cards in play mode - Stack the cards in 4 different ways - Customise the background colour - Customise the colour of...

  • Eventide: Slavic Fable  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Enter the magical world of Slavic myths! Embark on a quest to find a rare plant and save the mysterious creatures, living peacefully in a Heritage Park....

  • Grumpy Snowmen  |  Free

    Spartan pride is at stake! Across Michigan State University's campus, rival Big Ten schools have set up snow forts populated with Grumpy Snowmen. Help Sparty rid campus of these pesky snowmen! Grumpy Snowmen features easy-to-learn, but challenging t...

  • Meow Match  |  Free

    Se escaparon los gatos y tienes que traerlos a casa. Ábrete camino en cientos de niveles de combinar 3, restaura santuarios felinos y disfruta una historia con muchísimos gatos únicos. ¡Llegó la hora de Meow Match! Únete a tus compañeros felinos par...

  • Lucky Sudoku  |  Free

    Classic sudoku puzzle with amazing graphics and additional sudoku grids Samurai, Cross, Sohei, Flower, Windmill, Trio, Double and Tripple sudoku. Challenge your brain with the tricky logic of our sudoku puzzle. This is a Sudoku like one you have nev...

  • Queen's Quest 3: The End of Dawn  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! A promising alchemy student, Eliana, is sent on a mission to retrieve a powerful artifact. During her quest, she will fight mortal dangers and face tr...

  • What`s Pixelated? word picture guessing puzzle  |  Free

    ¿Te gusta aún desafiante y adictivo y divertido juegos de palabras? `¿Qué es pixelada?` es un nuevo concepto de juego del rompecabezas ganadora Premio traer algo nuevo al mercado para los amantes de rompecabezas de palabras y fanáticos de los desarro...

  • Wildscapes  |  Free

    ¡Te damos la bienvenida a Wildscapes, el nuevo juego de éxito de la serie Scapes™ de Playrix! ¡Construye un magnífico zoo lleno de animales adorables resolviendo unos rompecabezas muy animados! Construye grandes recintos para los animales y conviert...

  • Jigsaw Puzzles for Adults  |  Free

    Rompecabezas relajantes para adultos Relájate, mantente concentrado y olvídate de tus penas con los rompecabezas. Características: - Rompecabezas de alta resolución (organizados en categorías de naturaleza, paisajes, gatos, perros, navidad, flores...

  • Christmas Mosaic Puzzle Free  |  Free

    Christmas Mosaic Puzzle is an exciting puzzle game with a winter holiday theme! The time for Christmas wonders and gifts begins with Christmas Mosaic Puzzle! Assemble unusual puzzles – 120 colorful mosaics that are fun for all ages! Challenge yourse...

  • Dress-Up Pups  |  Free

    Pattie is an animal-lover, working at the Dress-Up Pups fashion agency for dogs. When her boss has to leave town on important business, she's put in charge of the whole place; it's a big opportunity for her! Help her deal with ten different clients,...

  • Easter Jewels HD  |  Free

    Do you like "Jewel Fever" or "Jewel Fever 2"? Then you´ll love "Easter Jewels HD" with many improvements! "Easter Jewels HD" is still an addictive match-3-puzzle-game. It features: - Three singleplayer game modes: Normal, Quick and Infinite - Abili...

  • Tactical Monsters  |  Free

    ***** “¡Experimenta la emoción de partidas JcJ rápidas –de 3 a 5 minutos de duración – mientras peleas con tus monstruos contra monstruos de cualquier parte del universo! – MMO GAMES ***** “…Combate por turnos basado en el modo arena, que realmente...

  • Fat Birds Build a Bridge! - FREE  |  Free

    Start building some bridges, and help the Fat Birds get back home! The Fat Birds have gotten themselves into some serious trouble. At first, they utterly disregarded their flying lessons, and now the evil mastermind Mad Hamster managed to destroy t...

  • Bind: Brain teaser puzzle game  |  Free

    Bind is the challenging new puzzle game that is easy to learn but difficult to master! A variation of an old classic, it is very addictive to play and will keep you entertained for hours. SIMPLE RULES: + Draw lines to connect each pair of same-colo...

  • Minesweeper 101  |  Free

    Minesweeper, a refreshingly clean, yet authentic interpretation of the classic strategy/puzzle game. The object of the game is to identify all mine squares by revealing all non-mine squares. The best minesweeper experience available. FEATURES - Begi...

  • Mastermind - Cows and Bulls Free Word Game  |  Free

    La mente maestra de última / vacas y toros palabra juego en la App Store. Juega con 3 a 6 dígitos clasificados en 50 niveles. misión - decodificar el número secreto. Cómo jugar - adivinar el número secreto y bloquear a conocer el número de vacas y...

  • Frozen Dragon Gems  |  Free

    Ayuda a tus dragones a luchar contra las malas hierbas que crecen, bolas de fuego, piedras, mariquitas, ramas, hielo, jalea, paredes y bloques. Frozen Dragon Gems es un adictivo juego de tipo Match 3, que ofrece 450 niveles de dificultad creciente y...

  • Gardenscapes  |  Free

    ¡Te damos las bienvenida a Gardenscapes, el primer juego de éxito de la serie Scapes™ de Playrix! ¡Supera niveles de combinación y devuélvele su antiguo esplendor a un maravilloso jardín! ¡Embárcate en una auténtica aventura! Supera los emocionantes...

  • 2048 Hex  |  Free

    2048 Hexagonal more interesting than the square. have you try ? We support multiple board size --- 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5. If 4x4 too hard, you can to try 5x5. if 4x4 too easy, you can to try 3x3 #Feature 2048 Hexagonal mode. Support multiple board...

  • Fishdom  |  Free

    ¿No has jugado nunca a Fishdom? ¡Pues coge aire y sumérgete en un mundo submarino de divertidas combinaciones! Participa en desafiantes y divertidas partidas de combinación con toques únicos a la vez que decoras acuarios para crear hogares acogedore...

  • Lost Grimoires 2: Shard of Mystery  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! When Prince Fern goes missing just days before his coronation, only one person in the king's court can find him. Step in the shoes of the teacher, spy...

  • Tap 'n' Pop 3: Balloon Adventures  |  Free

    Tap 'n' Pop 3 is finally here! Incredible, 8 different game challenges, gorgeous graphics and smooth gameplay. Over 500 levels will keep you popping for hours. You simply have to try this game! Game types/challenges - Pop total number of balloons (h...

  • Mahjong 2K  |  Free

    MahJong Solitaire is a matching game for one player. The goal of the game is to remove all tiles out of the board by pairs. Select tiles with the same picture and they will disapear. Only free tiles that are not covered are allowed to remove. Game...

  • Black Ink 2  |  Free

    Solve Crossword Puzzles in Style: free to download and use, with optional paid upgrade for premium features. Try all the premium features for 14 days with a free in-app-trial "purchase." NOTE: You will only be charged if you choose to unlock premium...

  • Word World - Puzzle  |  Free

    Find all the words to complete the level! Word World Puzzle provides you the great fun. You have no time to be bored. Thanks all of you who enjoy Word World. DOWNLOAD NOW! Features: * Level Hints * Extra Words * Various Themes * Daily Gifts * Glo...

  • Queen's Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past  |  Free

    "Blends well-known characters with charm!" - BFG User "An unusual game" - BFG User FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! When the king asked a famous alchemist to look into the murder of his m...

  • Nightmares from the Deep™: the Siren’s Call  |  Free

    Cuando Sarah Black, conservadora del Museo Naval Caribeño, recibe un paquete misterioso, se encuentra involucrada sin saberlo en un conflicto ancestral. Cuando comienza a sacar un artefacto del paquete, unos asaltantes invaden de inmediato el museo y...

  • Rail Maze : Train puzzle  |  Free

    Rail Maze is the latest game by Spooky House Studios - creators of big hits: Bubble Explode and Pumpkin Explode. Solve 100+ of challenging and unique puzzles, build railroads, bomb through obstacles, escape PIRATES on rails. Have a lot of fun with...

  • Word Search  |  Free

    Find all the words to complete the level! Word Search provides you the great fun. You have no time to be bored. Thanks all of you who enjoy Word Search. DOWNLOAD NOW! Features: * Level Hints * Extra Words * Various Themes * Global High Rank Syste...

  • Fruits Link 3  |  Free

    An Addictive Image Matching Game - Match 2 Images In No More Than 3 Lines. This is an update to the very classical common good old game, and it will also bring you a totally different and whole brand-new experience! You will be lost in this game! T...

  • CRIMSON ROOM® DECADE Lite  |  Free

    A decade after the release of the original Crimson Room Flash game comes the sequel, Crimson Room Decade. Inspector Jean-Jacques Gordot finds himself investigating the Crimson Room. A door that won’t open, a flickering light bulb, scattered wine bott...

  • The Secret Order 3: Ancient Times  |  Free

    "Awesome graphics and strong storyline" - Allaboutcasualgame.com "Wonderful to play and enjoy” - Gameboomers.com FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Travel back in time to find the mythi...

  • Aha Link Color: ALL  |  Free

    Todos los mensajes se traducen por Google. Si encuentra algún error, por favor hágamelo sabe. "Aha Link Color: ALL" proporcionar toda regla de flujo de juego, incluir: clásico Cruz (Puente) Curve (Curva) Cruz o Curve Común (Branch) Común y de...

  • Eleven Islands Puzzle  |  Free

    El desastre golpeó a la tribu de las Once Islas. La erupción de un volcán cubrió las islas tropicales con lava y ceniza, lo que destruyó sus casas y cultivos. De ti depende restaurar las casas, los bosques y las cosechas de los miembros de la tribu....

  • Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! There is a secret world hidden at the bottom of the forest: the magical kingdom of Brie where tiny humans live in harmony with animals. When little Max is...

  • TacWars  |  Free

    Armed with Axes, Bows and Magic, you lead an army of brave Dwarven Warriors to battle against ugly Goblins and spooky Skeletons in this addictive Puzzle/RPG. Steal Tactics from your Enemies and unleash their power on the battlefield for maximum impac...

  • New York Mysteries 3: The Lantern of Souls  |  Free

    Laura James, una periodista del Daily News, estaba investigando un caso de homicidio cuando, de repente, todo se tornó en pesadilla. ¡PRUEBA EL JUEGO Y DESBLOQUEA LA AVENTURA COMPLETA MÁS TARDE DESDE EL JUEGO! La nueva entrega de esta saga de miste...

  • Airfield Mania  |  $0.99

    Airfield Mania is an addictive line-draw air traffic control game for your Mac. But don´t tell us we didn´t warn you. It´s really addictive. It features: * Three Maps * HD graphics Instructions: Click the aircrafts and drag them to their runways...

  • Klotski Unblock  |  Free

    This is Klotski, the classic block puzzle game. Attempt to remove the red block from ever more challenging layouts. Available free until the next version. FEATURES - Clean elegant design. - Includes seven popular layouts of varying difficulty for a...

  • Hidden City: Mystery Games!  |  Free

    ¡El juego de objetos ocultos más popular #1 del mundo! ¡Prepárate para un viaje sin igual! Se han avistado espejismos de una ciudad desconocida alrededor del mundo. ¿Será real… o un espejismo? Mientras tu agencia de detectives se ocupa de recabar in...

  • Cradle of Rome (Free)  |  Free

    Empiece su viaje gratis y compre la versión completa sin salir del juego! Dicen que Roma no se construyó en un día. En Cradle of Rome, tú serás el artífice de esta legendaria y antigua ciudad a lo largo de más de 100 niveles. Conviértete en gobernad...

  • ABC Super Solitaire Free - A Brain Game  |  Free

    Este es otro juego de Puzzle mayor por Shen Zhongyuan! No sólo es desafiante y adictivo, pero hace que su cerebro suave así! Youtube Demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfh8HshY-oQ *** Gol Desactive la Junta quitando 3 baldosas mismos cada ve...

  • Word Wow Big City  |  Free

    ***Más de 5.500.000 jugadores se han unido a la comunidad de Gusano Palabras. Te agradecemos el apoyo y esperamos que disfrutes de la última aventura. ¡Gusano Palabras – Gran Ciudad ya está aquí! El gusanito volvió para otra aventura y esta vez la...

  • Sudoku Uno  |  Free

    Play & master Sudoku. Improve your Sudoku skills by accepting the occasional hint. Sudoku Uno explains the reasoning behind hints. Learn and apply new solving techniques. Sudoku Uno can create a virtually infinite number of Sudoku boards. Difficulty...

  • Bubble Buggle Pop  |  Free

    Únete a Bebé Oso en la búsqueda de la miel. Ayuda a Bebé Oso usando varios elementos para derrotar a la abeja reina, las abejas y otros personajes. ¡Más de 1,000 niveles para disfrutar gratis! ▲ Características Puedes jugar sin interrupciones ni tie...

  • Endless Fables 2: Frozen Path  |  Free

    "An amazing adventure!” "The second chapter of the fantastic mythological series” FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Pamela Cavendish returns for another adventure! The famous anthropolog...

  • Edge Out : Escape Game  |  Free

    Gus is trapped in a world of blobby Boogons! Can you help him escape? The exits are at the furthest edges. They are his way out. To get to an Edge Out, Gus needs to evade or pop the Boogons closing in to get him. As the Boogons close in, they someti...

  • Bike Disassembly 3D  |  Free

    Bike Disassembly 3D is the one and only app that fully simulate the assembly and disassembly of motorcycle models with working, animated mechanism. In Bike Disassembly 3D, the user can explore a motorcykle gears with a full 3D perspective, and learn...

  • Change Color To Reach Points  |  Free

    "Change Color To Reach Points" is an addictive game that test your judge and response capacity. "Change Color To Reach Points" is a color Puzzle game. "Change Color To Reach Points" has many black spots. click to change the grid color, grid comes...

  • The Foos Coding 5+ | Award-winning free educational programming game  |  Free

    Bienvenido a The Foos, aplicación 1 para aprender a programar para mayores de 5 años. Haga que su hijo se interese por el ABC de la informática con nuestro juego ganador de reconocimientos. La interfaz sin palabras permite a cualquier persona jugar e...

  • Jewel Legends: Atlantis  |  Free

    ¡Ayuda a los guardianes de la legendaria Atlántida a reconstruir la ciudad! Obtén piedras y monedas para erigir templos, monumentos, teatros, bibliotecas y más, ganando divertidísimas partidas de Match 3. Usa los originales potenciadores y compite c...

  • Eventide 2: Sorcerer's Mirror  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Sorcerer's Mirror is the second chapter in the Eventide series. Eventide takes place in a world of Slavic legends, and tells the story of a bold botanist...

  • Card Solitaire Z from SZY  |  Free

    Solitaire Z es un juego adictivo, único y emocionante y es mucho más interesante que el tradicional solitario. Solitario Z absorbe la característica fantástica tarjeta de empujar desde el famoso zMahjong Solitaire. Cada vez que usted empuja las tarj...

  • 100% Hidden Objects  |  Free

    ¡Llegó el juego que los fanáticos de los objetos ocultos estaban esperando! Olvídate de las largas historias y ve directamente a las escenas de objetos ocultos que tanto te gustan. Déjate atrapar visualmente por la abundancia de escenas con gráficos...

  • Pixel Puzzle  |  Free

    Pixel Puzzle is a challenging and exciting picross style game that uses numbers and logic to solve grid puzzles and unlock fully colored pictures. Also known as nonogram, griddler, hanjie, paint by numbers or logic square, this logic game is quick to...

  • Emoji Solitaire from SZY  |  Free

    Descubrir y eliminar caracteres Emoji idénticos lo más rápidamente posible. ¿Qué tan rápido se puede ganar el juego? Premios especiales: Medalla de oro (~ 4:00) Medalla de plata (4:01 ~ 6:00) Medalla de bronce (6:01 ~ 10:00) Es extremadamente adict...

  • Asian Riddles 2 Free  |  Free

    Solve the riddles of the great Asian wise men again! Prove you are a truly master of griddlers! Much more unique levels! 144 riddles and 12 halls for meditation! More than 10 hours of gameplay to relaxing asian melodies. Charming world of Asia i...

  • realMyst: Masterpiece Edition  |  $17.99

    Newly updated realMyst:Masterpiece Edition v2.2 - polished, tuned, and better than ever! realMyst: Masterpiece Edition is a beautifully updated version of realMYST for today’s Mac computers - celebrating the 20th anniversary of Myst! The models and...

  • Mahjong Sudoku Free  |  Free

    Gracias por descargar Mahjong Sudoku. Mediante el uso de fichas de mahjong, Sudoku más intuitivo y adictivo. Funciones y características ◉Tres modos de útiles ○ Resolver el modo (color blanco con tamaño completo): Escriba las respuestas directament...

  • Mahjong Unlimited Lite  |  Free

    Mahjong Unlimited now is able to dynamically adjust difficulty of game generation engine according to players' game stats. Manual difficulty switch is also provided for individual preference. Mahjong Unlimited is a classic but addictive matching gam...

  • The Secret Order 4  |  Free

    "The artwork is amazingly executed" - www.allaboutcasualgame.com "The puzzles are impressively creative." - www.allaboutcasualgame.com "I had almost forgotten how much fun a HOPA game could be!" – BFG Review FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTUR...

  • Picross Beach Season Free  |  Free

    Picross Beach Season is the best nonograms puzzle game for the beach season! The summer, the sea, the golden shore of a tropical island and 120 new puzzles with a relaxing theme… What else could a griddler fan wish for?! For Picross Beach Season pla...

  • Endless Fables 3  |  Free

    During her new adventure, Pamela Cavendish goes to a misty and mysterious Scotland where a seemingly innocent landscape of moor quickly reveals its dark nature. Spectre from the past and ghostly sounds will force her to follow the amazing legend of t...

  • CrossPix Magic Express  |  Free

    CrossPix Magic is a collection of nonogram puzzles that are fun and challenging to complete, we feature easy to hard puzzles for the beginner and the expert alike. In 1987, Non Ishida, a Japanese graphics editor, won a competition in Tokyo by desig...

  • Lost Lands: A Hidden Object Adventure  |  Free

    An exciting adventure of the hidden object genre that tells a story of formerly great folk like elves forced to survive on a lost island. Lost Lands: A Hidden Object Adventure is a Free-2-play game created by the developers of the fascinating game s...

  • Survivors: the Quest®  |  Free

    Tres desconocidos vagan perdidos por una isla remota. Edificios abandonados, un viejo PC portátil y otros hallazgos sugieren que la isla se utilizó para algún tipo de investigación científica. Pero, ¿quién la desarrollaba?, ¿qué más esconde la isla?...

  • Garden Pets  |  Free

    ¡Si quieres relajarte y engrandecer tu precioso jardín, este juego gratuito es lo que necesitas! ¡En el juego online de combina 3 Garden Pets, te esperan divertidas aventuras con nuestros mejores amigos! Para plasmar tus ideas, puedes elegir el estil...

  • TapColors  |  Free

    Hailed as the greatest color-based puzzle game to ever grace Macs, Tap Colors is the most fun you will have this holiday season. In Tap Colors, your goal is to fill the board with a single color. Start in the top-left and work your way through the b...

  • Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek  |  Free


  • Osmos  |  $0.99

    "Osmos es un fantástico juego que ha sido nombrado, con razón, Juego del Año para iPad. Una combinación de física, supervivencia y clásico juego eat em up.” -- WeDoCode Entra en el absorbente mundo de Osmos: en parte simulador de ambiente cósmico, e...

  • Crossworders' Dictionary and Gazetteer 4  |  Free

    1.9 Million word puzzle dictionary Note: Version 7 ( 3 Million words and added QQQ Dictionary - Queries, Quotes, Quips and Themes) has been released on the Mac App Store, but this version 4 is now still available for free. If you like version 4, y...

  • Olympus Griddlers Free  |  Free

    The legendary Mount Olympus needs a new hero! Complete 120 unique levels and earn many fine Greek trophies. This puzzle game's genre also known as griddlers, picross, hanjie, nonograms, japanese crosswords, logic puzzles, pic-a-pix, nonogramme, logi...

  • Balloon Pop  |  Free

    "Balloon Pop" is a challenging puzzle where you have to blow up all the balloons of the screen. You win when you have exploded everything ! This is a free game.

  • Tico  |  Free

    Desde arriba caen formas únicas de coloridos bloques Tu tarea es evitar que los bloques se amontonen alcanzando la parte superior, ordenándolos en filas completas en la parte inferior. Una fila completamente llena desaparece, dándote más oportunidade...

  • Mines  |  Free

    Minas es una implementación simple y elegante del clásico Buscaminas. El propósito del juego es encontrar todas las minas del tablero destapando las celdillas vacías. Puedes usar banderas para marcar las celdillas sospechosas de contener minas, evita...

  • Fox Detective  |  Free

    Take the role of a legendary detective to investigate a mysterious murder at a mansion in the woods. A fully original mystery game with an illustrated anime style story and characters. Explore the house, find the clues, and discover the real reason w...

  • Glozzle  |  Free

    ¿Eres fan de los juegos en 3D? ¡Si lo eres, descarga Glozzle ya! Este juego de puzzle en 3D será un reto para tu mente como nunca antes cuando tengas que juntar las imágenes revueltas. ¿Tu vista es lo suficientemente aguda? Con más de 3.000 nivele...

  • Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Step into the shoes of Mary Gilbert - world renowned botanist and guardian of Fern Flower - to once again explore the mythical realm of Slavic fables. Trav...

  • Kick It Out  |  Free

    Kick It Out is a logical game with a simple rule: use the balls themselves to kick them out of the playing field until there is only one ball left. But be aware, it is fun but also very challenging. Prove that you can pass this game and hope you enjo...

  • The Secret Order 6: Bloodline  |  Free


  • Lost In Night  |  Free

    Rumbic Studio has unveiled Lost in Night, the company's offering for casual gamers. Combining fast-paced Match-3 action and the excitement of city-building, Lost in Night features three gameplay modes, hand-drawn graphics and relaxing music, and bonu...

  • Mystery Mosaics 2  |  Free

    Unravel the mystery, restore the city! Once scattered throughout the land, the Mosaics of the Ancients have been gathered and brought together at the cradle of their once-glorious civilization. As the only one with the knowledge to decipher their ri...

  • Arizona Rose  |  Free

    *** A clever code holds the key to buried treasure! *** Arizona Rose: humble antique collector, or treasure-hunter extraordinaire? While shopping for exotic antiques, Arizona stumbles across some old maps, which turn out to hold the key to Blackbea...

  • Jelly Juice  |  Free

    ¡Jelly Juice es el nuevo juego de agrupaciones de tres que te maravillará con nuevos dulces, combinaciones mágicas y sabrosos desafíos regados con deliciosos zumos! Date un buen subidón de azúcar con sus nuevos potenciadores y las sorprendentes explo...

  • Ghost Files 2  |  Free

    The life of a private detective is tough and no one knows it better than Arthur Christie - an ex-cop, effective and tough as a nail. This time he will face an investigation in which not only truth is at stake, but also his life. TRY IT FREE, THEN UN...

  • Noir Chronicles  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Step into the shoes of Alfred Fox, a private eye with a knack for getting into trouble, and confront the danger looming over your old flame, Barbara Le Pur...

  • Battle Chess 3D  |  $0.99

    Chess 3D Animation : Real Battle Chess 3D Online is meaningful three-dimensional chess , use strong chess engine and LibGDX framework. Combat oriented game mechanics, complete with richly animated game pieces. - Featuring: • online Game • 1000k Ch...

  • Minesweeper Deluxe  |  Free

    Enjoy the most played game in the history of computer. What's the rule? ================ You start with an empty field and have to uncover squares one at a time. Underneath each is either a space, a number, or a mine. The numbers tell you how man...

  • Mummy's Treasure  |  Free

    “Wickedly well-designed levels will keep you challenged throughout. (Top 50 iPad Games)” - artoftheiphone.com “…high quality game and one certainly worth picking up if you’re looking for a physics fix (4/5)” - allaboutthegames.co.uk Your goal is si...

  • The Lost Treasure Lite.  |  Free

    Juego traducido al Español. Estás comenzando la aventura. Luego podrás pagar y desbloquear el juego completo. Continúa la aventura de El barco perdido con una gran misión de búsqueda del tesoro pirata perdido en este clásico juego de puzle de apun...

  • Gradients Game  |  Free

    Get a detailed score of the target gradient and your gradient with points out of 100. Use the stepper for each color for more precise control, helping you match it exactly. Refer to the tutorial to understand better how it works! Remember, it loo...

  • Endless Fables 4  |  Free

    Famous anthropologist Pamela Cavendish goes back to her hometown to face a tragedy from her childhood. When her friend - Hans - was kidnapped by a nightmarish figure no one believed her. Years later, brave and steadfast, Pamela has a chance to make t...

  • Chronicles of the Witches and Warlocks Free  |  Free

    Bad news! The lawyer Kathleen Wilson has discovered that her beloved Danny Reed has been arrested under strange circumstances. He’s being accused of murder. In order to free Danny, she’s going to have to carry out her own investigation. Kathleen ha...

  • Avalon Legends Solitaire  |  Free

    Restore the Deck of Nature and save Avalon! Avalon. A land of lush forests, great plains, tall mountains... and most of all, magic! The Druids of Avalon wield powerful healing magic, activated through the use of magic cards. Just like runestones, th...

  • Aha Link Color: Cross Free  |  Free

    This's new flow game of Aha Link Color series. In this game, we add the cross cell in the board. We support Game Center multiplayer mode, allow you to challenge other players (Mac or iPhone/iPod/iPad). game rule: Connect matching colors node. P...

  • Overpaint  |  Free

    Overpaint es sobre color en movimiento. El objetivo es sencillo: arrastra los cuadrados sobre los círculos de la misma color para eliminarlos. Para hacer nuevos colores, simplemente reúne los 3 cuadrados. Parece fácil, ¿verdad? Tienes todo el tiempo...

  • The Treasures of Hotei Lite  |  Free

    Embark on a dangerous island journey in search of the Treasures of Hotei. Swap gems and advance through each level, collecting coin parts that- once combined- will open the gates to the treasure! The challenge increases with each level, but help is o...

  • Lost In Reefs 2  |  Free

    Long ago, there was a civilization. In which humans and dragons lived side by side. As real as any of us, these dragons faithfully served their human masters. But man was no match for nature. Draught came. The city emptied and after centuries came to...

  • Doodle Drops : Physics Puzzler  |  Free

    “Who knew a game like this could be so fun? I’ve played over 100 levels... and that’s only the levels that came with the game! I still haven’t tried the community created levels yet! - Mitch B., Seattle, WA Over 10000+ levels and counting. Can you b...

  • Solitaire 3D Lite  |  Free

    Disfruta de 5 juegos de súper solitarios: Gaps, Pyramid, Scorpion, Tri-Peaks y Twenty, todo incluido en un fantástico juego gratuito. El juego viene con toneladas de características y opciones: * Gráficos de muy alta calidad * Efectos de animación...

  • MineSweeper Reloaded  |  Free

    MineSweeper Reloaded - The classic Minesweeper game with a new, fresh and simple design for your Mac. Main features are: ★ Classic Minesweeper rules ★ Three game fields (easy, medium, hard) ★ Multiple input modes ★ Game Center integration ★ Gl...

  • Runes of Avalon 2  |  Free

    Take a fantastic journey through a magical world as you match the runes to help Evelyne fulfil her mission and find her way home. Welcome to the once glorious empire of Avalon, now clouded by the darkness of the evil Morganna's spells. After defeat...

  • The Myth Seekers 2  |  Free

    A strange artifact has been excavated on the coast of Brittany - and now the agents of the Myth Seekers are in grave danger. Amelia has to act fast to protect modern-day Paris. What other mysteries lurk deep within the Sunken City? TRY IT FREE, THEN...

  • Darkness and Flame: Born of Fire  |  Free

    Un encuentro inusual cambia la vida de una joven para siempre. A partir de ese instante, Alice pasará a formar parte de la eterna batalla entre la Oscuridad y la Llama. ¡PRUEBA EL JUEGO Y DESBLOQUEA LA AVENTURA COMPLETA MÁS TARDE DESDE EL JUEGO! Da...

  • College Investigation Free  |  Free

    Tomar parte en la investigación de la universidad un desafío en este punto la aventura adictivo juego de diferencia con una serie de niveles de colores! Pase un día con un colegial y demostrar su ojo de águila para encontrar objetos ocultos y pequeña...

  • Knight Solitaire 3 Free  |  Free

    ¿Quién liberará a la preciosa princesa de la oscura torre? ¿Un príncipe con caballo blanco? ¡No! ¡Para abrir las puertas del castillo encantado todo lo que tienes que hacer es completar los 120 niveles del nuevo Knight Solitaire 3! Deberás luchar co...

  • Solitaire Treasures of Time  |  Free

    ¡A todo el mundo le gustan los solitarios, y estos ahora serán el doble de interesantes si combinas una carta del juego con una historia fascinante! Aquí tienes: Caza del tesoro, misterios de antiguas civilizaciones y secretos familiares, aventuras a...

  • Wordz +  |  Free

    ** Destacado por en “Nuevo y Notorio" ** ** "Premio del Editor” - AppEggs.com ** ** Aplicación Gratuita Nº1 en más de 20 países ** ** 5.000.000 de jugadores registrados en todo el mundo ** ** Compite en línea contra miles de jugadores ** "¡El j...

  • Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood  |  Free

    "El juego es perfecto en todos los sentidos" - AllAboutCasualGame.com 5/5 "La aventura está tan conseguida que te emocionará." - Gamezebo.com 4.5/5 ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENIGMATIS Y LEYENDAS DEPRIME...

  • Artifact Quest 2 Free  |  Free

    Travel together with Jess, the archaeologist, on a fascinating journey to a tropical island decimated by a recent volcanic eruption. You can help the island's locals with the disaster by finding 7 ancient artifacts that will calm the awakened volcano...

  • Alice Tripeaks  |  Free

    Finding for a endless free-to-play Solitaire Game? If you are, this game will be perfect for you. This game is fun, however, will definitely be challenging. Don't worry about failing, you can always try again without any restrictions! This game's q...

  • The Clockwork Man Free  |  Free

    La aclamada aventura de objetos ocultos ambientada en el steampunk, ¡ya disponible en el Mac App Store! [Opiniones de la prensa] ✪ "Con bellos entornos, una ambientación perfecta y un sistema de juego de objetos ocultos que no deja nada al azar... E...

  • Stone Flood  |  Free

    Stone Flood is a simple, addictive and easy to play puzzle game for you Mac. The goal of the game is to flood the board with a single color! Be fast and keep your number of moves low in order to score high! Start from the lower left corner and expa...

  • Pirate's Solitaire 3 Free  |  Free

    Reveal the secret of a treasure island in Pirate’s Solitaire! The Jolly Roger is raised, the ship is ready to sail and adventures in the Caribbean are about to begin... But where’s the pirate treasure? Maybe Captain Flint’s map holds the answer? No!...

  • Travel Riddles: Mahjong  |  Free

    Juega al clásico juego de solitario de mahjong y recupera tus artefactos perdidos. Adivinanzas de viaje: Mahjong te lleva a una aventura de resolver rompecabezas en Europa. Emprenda su fantástico viaje por Francia, Italia y Grecia ahora mismo. Disfr...

  • Brain Puzzle  |  Free

    Test your brain with addictive games in Brain Puzzle FREE, a collection of the most engaging and addictive mind puzzles. We not only offer one type of brain exercises, but many logic problems, memory boosts, and mental games all in one app. Play laby...

  • Lexical  |  Free

    Lexical is the classic word game stripped to its essential elements, pitting you and your mouse against the tiles, the time limit and the English language.

  • Princess Coloring Book  |  Free

    Deja que tu joven artista coloree estas encantadoras princesas y heroínas de sus cuentos favoritos y que se zambulla en un universo de belleza y magia. Beneficios: ◦ Enseñar a los niños aritmética simple. Suma y resta ◦ Colorear por figuras geométri...

  • Strike Solitaire Free  |  Free

    Solitaire or bowling? Two in one! Complete 120 levels in Strike Solitaire! The game utilizes a unique setting for solitaire games where the action takes place in bowling hotels offering a wide range of recreation services and outdoor sporting acti...

  • Block 2D - The Retro Block  |  Free

    Bloque 2D. Un simple juego minimalista con diseño retro-inspirado. Construya y apile lo más alto que pueda. Características: • Sesiones cortas de juego. • Soporte para Game Center. • Sonidos retro y música. • Soporte para OSX el Capitan. • Requiere...

  • Cradle Of Persia  |  Free

    Persépolis: el misterioso corazón de la antigua Persia. La capital original del imperio aqueménida estaba adornada con metales preciosos, gemas y piedras talladas con la intención de impresionar tanto a campesinos como a nobles visitantes. Pero sus j...

  • Path of Sin: Greed  |  Free

    It was supposed to be a simple suicide case – a quick inspection and lots of boring paperwork. But the more you delve into this secluded island and the twisted family relations of the owners, the more complicated and unclear this case becomes. TRY I...

  • Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma  |  Free

    "Los gráficos son fascinantes" - AllAboutCasualGame.com "Es tan bonita…" - CasualGameGuides.com ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENIGMATIS Y LEYENDAS DEPRIMENTES! Misterios del tiempo 3: El enigma final es el...

  • TicTacToe - Menu Edition  |  Free

    The classic Tic-Tac-Toe game right on your menu bar! Play TicTacToe anytime without losing focus on your work. Just click on the TicTacToe grid icon in the menubar and you can start playing! ≈ WHAT IS TIC TAC TOE ≈ Tic-tac-toe is a fun game that yo...

  • Arizona Rose and the Pharaohs'  |  Free

    Arizona Rose is the world's foremost treasure-hunter, and her latest adventure takes her to Egypt, where an ancient temple has been unearthed. Inscribed on its walls are mysterious glyphs - a code, of the sort only Arizona can solve! Join Arizona on...

  • Columns Free  |  Free

    Remake of classic "Columns" game. Manipulate falling columns to form vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines of 3 or more of diamonds of the same color. Try to clear as many diamonds as possible. FEATURES - Game Center for online scores - Listen...

  • Nancy Drew: Ghost of Thornton Hall  |  $19.99

    Jessalyn Thornton’s fateful sleepover at the abandoned Thornton estate was supposed to be a pre-wedding celebration, but the fun ended when she disappeared. While her family searches for clues, others refuse to speak about the estate’s dark past. Did...

  • Birds'n'Blocks 2  |  Free

    The birds are back! In Birds'n'Blocks 2 you still have to help the birds! They can´t fly because of their tiny and small wings. You have to get the birds to the safe stone-blocks without letting the birds touch the ground or fly out of the screen. It...

  • Fancy Blast - Match 3 Puzzles  |  Free

    ¡Ayúdanos! Todo esta revuelto en el bosque de cuento de hadas. :( Realmente necesitamos que las personas fanáticas de los juegos de pensar, nos ayuden a juntar todas estas piezas mágicas y disfruten de los hogares de los personajes de cuentos de hada...

  • Skyland: Heart Of The Mountain  |  Free

    In the world build on the shoulders of sleeping giants, join your sister Adrianne to prevent a terrifying annihilation that may irreversibly change the world. Explore the history of forgotten civilisation to save the Skyland citizens and reveal the m...

  • Dream Day: Bella Italia  |  Free

    One of the most romantic Hidden Object games you will ever play! Light the candles and set the mood as your flourishing business takes you overseas to orchestrate the flawless details for a bellissimo couple. From the perfect proposal to cutting of t...

  • Endless Fables: The Minotaur's Curse  |  Free

    "There are some beautiful moments" - Allaboutcasualgame.com "A very high quality game" - Casualgamereviews.com FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Delve into the magical world of ancien...

  • The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dreams  |  Free

    „Great story, enjoyable gameplay and pleasant graphics” - allaboutcasualgames.com “Well made” – casualgameguides.com FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Undersea complex called Emerald...

  • Secret of Lost Pyramid  |  Free

    ABOUT GAME Ancient maya pyramid keeps its secrets. You have to help archaeologists to find the store treasures. To get there, you need to challenge ancient pyramid guards and win 41 jade stones fighting against them in the ancient card game. FEATU...

  • Scarlett Mysteries: Cursed Child  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! From an early age, Scarlett Everitt displayed a gift for the paranormal, as ghosts and spirits accompanied her every step. Desperate to protect her fr...

  • Flappy Pink Bird  |  Free

    Flap your wings and fly away in this amazing game. Cute birds are around and is your job to help them. Help these birds flap their wings and get as far as possible. Tap the screen to flap your bird’s wings and try to avoid obstacles. Get your bird, f...

  • City Bus Tycoon Lite  |  Free

    Let’s try something new! Become a public transport tycoon and enjoy this unusual strategy and time management game with 50 challenging levels. Buy different buses, upgrade the stations and find the best strategy to achieve all goals in time (company...

  • The Tiny Bang Story Lite  |  Free

    #1 TOP Paid App for iPad in UK , Japan, German, Russia. TOP 10 BEST GAMES and TOP 5 BEST ANDVENTURES GAMES of 2011 by Gamezebo. BEST GAMES of 2011 by GameHouse. TOP 100 BEST INDIE GAMES of 2011 by IndieDB. TOP 10 on Mac App Store in many countries. T...

  • Rainbow Blocks Lite  |  Free

    Rainbow Blocks is a block-sliding game similar to JT's Blocks or SameGame. The object of the game is to clear the board by removing groups of blocks of the same colour. The more blocks you clear in a single move, the higher your score and the fur...

  • h Find The Differences 1 Lite  |  Free

    Objective of the game is to find differences of the pictures. When you have found the minimum count for the current level you will be ready to go to the next one. FEATURES: • Brilliant quality HD graphics, animations & sound effects • Graphics accel...

  • Lucky Stars Special Edition  |  Free

    The special love is for special you, the special edition is for the players who specially love Lucky Stars! The most popular star crush games now have its special edition! So fantastic new features supported, you must download it now! 0) hexagonal...

  • Lost Lands  |  Free

    Some creature has carried your son off into the portal! Set off for the search to the Lost Lands full of mysteries! TRY THE FREE TRIAL VERSION, AND THEN UNLOCK THE COMPLETE ADVENTURE IN THE GAME! Lost Lands: Dark Overlord - an adventurous hidden ob...

  • The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! As the 1920’s draws to a close, political tensions run high in Italy. When a member of the top-secret Myth Seekers agency goes missing, you’re called in to...

  • Garden Rescue Christmas edition lite  |  Free

    On Christmas Eve you have a chance to get into the thick of a battle between beetles and plants - the two archenemies. Despite the cold spell, beetles are rushing to take revenge for their recent defeat. Help the plants to stop them! This Lite versio...

  • Modern Tales  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Paris, 1900. During the world expo an unknown force kidnaps the brightest minds of the century. To what sinister end? Step into the shoes of Emily Patterso...

  • Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart, Collector’s Edition  |  Free

    ¡Embárcate en una alucinante aventura de piratas! Sumérgete en un viaje épico, en calidad del dueño de un museo en búsqueda de un pirata zombi que ha secuestrado a tu hija, llevándosela lejos en su galeón fantasma. Tú te das cuenta rápidamente de qu...

  • Avalon Legends Solitaire 2  |  Free

    Harness the magic of the cards to rebuild Camelot! The fate of Camelot is in your hands! The Druids of Avalon channel the forces of nature through their magic cards, using them to weave powerful spells of growth and healing. There are rules to their...

  • Escape from the Plateau Puzzle  |  Free

    La misteriosa Meseta de los trols, oculta del resto del mundo, es el hogar de incontables secretos y peligros. Llegar hasta aquí es difícil, pero salir es todavía más complicado. Nuestra joven aventurera no lo va a tener fácil, ¡pero escapar es una p...

  • Captain Nemo - Hidden Objects  |  Free

    Un juego basado en «20.000 leguas de viaje submarino», una famosa novela de Julio Verne. El juego de buscar objetos incluye: - Interiores vibrantes, vistas subacuáticas mágicas e islas tropicales. - Ubicaciones diversas: ¡vive paisajes normales junt...

  • Unscramble - Free Jumbled Anagrams Words Games  |  Free


  • Birds'n'Blocks lite  |  Free

    In Birds'n'Blocks you have to help the birds! They can´t fly because of their tiny and small wings. You have to remove the blocks without the birds touching the ground (because they don´t like the ground or there might be cats around). If they are fa...

  • Gomoku  |  Free

    FREE FOR LIMITED TIME, GET IT NOW HOW TO PLAY ============ The rule is simple, be the first to get an unbroken row of five pieces horizontally, vertically or diagonally to win the game. Like any strategy game with simple rules, good offense-defens...

  • Golden Trails 3  |  Free

    ¿Qué contarían los muros, si hablaran? La Francia del siglo XVIII aún guarda los secretos de la orden de los caballeros templarios. Desentraña la verdad junto con el valiente Jacque en este juego de objetos ocultos repleto de giros inesperados. Jac...

  • Lost Grimoires 3  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! King Raphael returns victorious from the expedition against the army of the mysterious Elf Sylvanheir. While king's subjects are preparing for his triumpha...

  • Bigfoot Quest Lite.  |  Free

    ¡Versión de prueba gratis! Estás comenzando la aventura gratis. Luego podrás pagar y desbloquear el juego completo. Embárcate en la aventura de tu vida y explora los bosques del Pacífico Noroeste de los Estados Unidos en búsqueda del legendariamente...

  • Chronicles of Magic  |  Free

    The peace in the White Kingdom is marred by the appearance of the mysterious Black Knight. His identity and intentions are unknown, but when he kidnaps your only son Nevin, you follow him in pursuit. As Gillian, explore two worlds and use the Magic S...

  • The Legacy: Forgotten Gates  |  Free

    La historia de una joven trabajadora de un museo que de un momento a otro se encuentra en un mundo paralelo. Una exposición de museo, de manera inesperada, transporta a una joven a un mundo paralelo. Ahora necesita encontrar la manera de volver a ca...

  • Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink  |  Free

    Un entrañable paseo inolvidable a través de un mundo steampunk Gamezebo.com 5/5 ¡Los gráficos de Clockwork Tales son simplemente fascinantes! AllAboutCasualGames.com 4.5/5 ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENI...

  • Deadly Puzzles: Toymaker  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Deadly Puzzles: Toymaker is an adventure game that blends together elements of both psychological and crime thrillers, aimed at fans of hidden object games...

  • Time Mysteries 2: The Ancient Spectres  |  Free

    "¡¡¡Impresionantes y fascinantes gráficos!!!" - AllAboutCasualGame.com: 4/5 "impresionante y único" - CasualGameGuides.com: 4/5 ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENIGMATIS Y LEYENDAS DEPRIMENTES! ¡Viaja por el...

  • Demon Hunter 3: Revelation  |  Free

    „Beautiful graphics, creative puzzles and a super exciting plot, simply perfect.” – BFG User „Artwork, cutscenes, music are phenomenal and worthy of a 2016 award” – BFG User  FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMA...

  • Fairy Tale Mysteries: The Puppet Thief  |  Free

    "Posee una historia genial, unos diálogos estupendos y un montón de escenas de objetos ocultos y divertidos puzles." 4.5 of 5 – Gamezebo "Todas las escenas son muy detalladas y han sido creadas profesionalmente, la música se adapta al terrorífico amb...

  • Time Mysteries: Inheritance  |  Free

    ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENIGMATIS Y LEYENDAS DEPRIMENTES! Misterios del tiempo: El legado: versión mejorada es una versión actualizada de uno de los juegos más importantes de Artifex Mundi y el primer...

  • Mythic Wonders: The Philosopher's Stone  |  Free

    “Mythic Wonders is bright, magical and beautiful!” -www.allaboutcasualgame.com „ABSOLUTELY FASCINATING!” – Big Fish Review „Awesome game, Very addictive and challenging” – Big Fish Review FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATO...

  • Crime Secrets: Crimson Lily  |  Free

    "A really solid adventure." -  gamecritics.com "Very exciting" – gamecritics.com FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Step into the shoes of a private detective and follow the trail to a...

  • New York Mysteries: Secrets of the Mafia Collector's Edition  |  Free

    Laura James, an adventurous reporter, starts her own investigation on the mysterious vanishing of the mafia bosses and the forthcoming children kidnapping. TRY THE FREE TRIAL VERSION, AND THEN UNLOCK THE COMPLETE ADVENTURE IN THE GAME! New York My...

  • Agent Walker: Secret Journey  |  Free

    "Los gráficos son excelentes" - Usuario BFG "La música y efectos se adaptan al juego perfectamente". - Usuario BFG ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENIGMATIS Y LEYENDAS DEPRIMENTES! Emprende el rumbo de una mi...

  • Sudoku ++  |  Free

    El mejor juego de Sudoku del que todos hablan está aquí. Este es el clásico juego de sudoku para jugadores principiantes y expertos. Si quieres relajarte o mantener tu mente activa, puedes disfrutar de este gran juego de Sudoku. La aplicación Sudoku...

  • Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Step into the shoes of Emily Meyer from Boston PD to face the mysterious case of 10 homicides. Using only your own experience and professional inve...

  • Valentine's Day Griddlers Free  |  Free

    Valentine’s Day Griddlers is an exciting intellectual game for those who love logic puzzles and an atmosphere of love and romance. Set off on an unforgettable romantic journey, visit extraordinarily beautiful places and pick up a bunch of souvenirs o...

  • Lost Lands 2: The Four Horsemen  |  Free

    La fascinante aventura de una chica valiente en su batalla contra los cuatro Jinetes del Mal en un mundo encantado. ¡PRUEBA EL JUEGO Y DESBLOQUEA LA AVENTURA COMPLETA MÁS TARDE DESDE EL JUEGO! Las Tierras Perdidas. Pasaron siglos desde su última cr...

  • ABC Mysteriez: Hidden Letters Free  |  Free

    Bienvenido al mundo maravilloso de ABC Mysteriez: Hidden Letters Free, un juego de objetos ocultos gratis. Esta vez los objetos ocultos son letras del alfabeto Inglés. Calles, estaciones, castillos misterios y un muchos de otros locaciones especta...

  • New York Mysteries 2: High Voltage  |  Free

    Fearless journalist Laura is again brought in to investigate strange murders taking place in New York. Immerse yourself in an exciting crime story and solve the mystery of a dangerous criminal surrounded by lightning! TRY THE FREE TRIAL VERSION, AND...

  • Enigmatis 3: The Shadow of Karkhala  |  Free

    ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENIGMATIS Y LEYENDAS DEPRIMENTES! Enigmatis 3: La sombra del Karkhala, es el desenlace de esta exitosa trilogía. Una emocionante historia detectivesca con aventuras, acertijos p...

  • Demon Hunter: Chronicles from Beyond  |  Free

    ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENIGMATIS Y LEYENDAS DEPRIMENTES! Cazador de demonios: Crónicas del más allá es una fascinante aventura ambientada en la América de los años 30. El juego relata la historia de D...

  • Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan  |  Free

    "Muy intrigante y excepcionalmente bien relatada" - AllAboutCasualGame.com (4/5) "¡Este juego de Artifex Mundi es un placer!" - Gamerheadlines.com (8/10) ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENIGMATIS Y LEYENDAS D...

  • Faces of Illusion: The Twin Phantoms  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Embark on an exciting adventure between magic and illusion. Conduct your own investigation, solve the disappearance of a rising theatre star, and disco...

  • Princess Isabella: The Rise Of An Heir  |  Free

    works beautifully" - jayisgames.com "very grabbing" - Allaboutcasualgames.com FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Explore the realm of magic and dragons! Free your mother from the...

  • Doodle God™ Free  |  Free

    ¡ÚNETE A MÁS DE 170 MILLONES DE JUGADORES EN TODO EL MUNDO! ¡El poder de la creación está en tus manos! Ya disponible en 12 idiomas. ¡El MAYOR y mejor Doodle God! ¡A LOS CRÍTICOS LES ENCANTA! >PREMIO Apple REWIND 2011 >50 más vendidos de 2011 >“Un...

  • Dama King - ملك الدامة  |  Free

    Welcome to Dama King!! Dama is an addictive and challenging board game, very similar to classic checkers. It is very easy to learn, but hard to master. It is also known as "Turkish Draughts" and "Armenian Checkers". Feature Highlight: • Play 100%...

  • Soccer Cup Solitaire  |  Free

    Shoot for the win with Soccer Cup Solitaire! Pass some time and shoot for the win with Soccer Cup Solitaire! Choose one of over 50 international soccer teams and guide them to victory with fast-paced card-matching action. Get into the game by chain...

  • Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! A young alchemist wants to enter the struggle for the destiny of the kingdom, but she must first face the dark truths from the past. Will she succeed? BUY...

  • Word Search Fun  |  Free

    Word Search Fun for Word search game lovers! Find all the hidden words in a free Word Search game! Features: - Unlimited puzzles - Lots of different categories to keep you searching for words for a long time! - Timed mode for those who like challen...

  • Lost Lands 3  |  Free

    ¡Susan, que ya es célebre en las Tierras Perdidas, regresa a dicho mundo misterioso! Esta vez deberá vérselas con la antigua maldición de los druidas y otros peligros… ¡PRUEBA EL JUEGO Y DESBLOQUEA LA AVENTURA COMPLETA MÁS TARDE DESDE EL JUEGO! La...

  • Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders  |  Free

    FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! In the absence of a mortally ill king, the Grand Vizier Zaved rules the kingdom with an iron fist, while a mysterious plague casts a dark shadow on the peo...

  • The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent  |  Free

    "Un juego genial, escenas de introducción perfectas, [...] unos gráficos fascinantes, muy realistas. Una música excelente." – Usuario de Big Fish Games "Te mantiene interesado hasta el final." " – Allaboutcasualgame.com ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVEN...

  • Hidden Evidences Free  |  Free

    Usa tus habilidades de detective para ayudar a una chica bonita en este emocionante juego de objetos ocultos! Bet tiene un día muy ajetreado y ella necesita su ayuda. Hacer un pedido en el salón, encontrará todos los objetos ocultos en el coche, pone...

  • Demon Hunter 5  |  Free

    You slump into your chair after another day of investigations. Just as you start to lose yourself in the glow of the TV screen, the telephone rings. The museum curator needs your help - a tourist has gone missing. You smirk at his warning of paranorm...

  • Lost Lands 4: The Wanderer  |  Free

    The legendary Susan the Warmaide is back in the Lost Lands! A ghost ship, an evil overlord, an island full of mysteries, and more await on her journey into the unknown. TRY THE FREE TRIAL VERSION, AND THEN UNLOCK THE COMPLETE ADVENTURE IN THE GAME!...

  • The Dreamatorium of Dr. Magnus 2  |  Free

    ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENIGMATIS Y LEYENDAS DEPRIMENTES! Entra en un mundo donde los fenómenos paranormales son algo cotidiano. Disfruta de la emoción de visitar un lugar repleto de sucesos sobrenatur...

  • Tiny Bridge: Prologue  |  Free

    ¡ Dos ratas locas desean poseer una cantidad ilimitada de queso! ¡Para ayudarles construimos espectaculares torres, magníficos puentes y cualquier otra estructura que pueda llevarlas a la meta! Durante la misión les espera muchos retos, y el queso...

  • Wozznic FREE: Word puzzle game  |  Free

    WOZZNIC mezcla el encanto de los juegos de palabras con la sencilla y adictiva jugabilidad de PUZZNIC. El resultado es un juego original y divertido en el que te tendrás que averiguar cómo mover las letras para formar las palabras correctas que perm...

  • Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness  |  Free

    "Una historia y personajes fascinantes." – Allaboutcasualgame.com "Un gran juego" – Usuario de Iwin.com ¡UN FANTÁSTICO JUEGO DE AVENTURAS DE OBJETOS OCULTOS DE LOS CREADORES DE ENIGMATIS Y LEYENDAS DEPRIMENTES! Acaba con el hechicero y salva a la he...

  • Bridge Constructor FREE  |  Free

    En Bridge Constructor puedes convertirte en todo un constructor de puentes sin necesidad de tener estudios de ingeniería. 40 fases distintas a tu disposición, donde podrás construir puentes sobre profundos valles, canales o ríos. La prueba de resiste...

  • Minesweeper - Classic Game  |  Free

    Play Classic Minesweeper on your Mac now, this Minesweeper has No Ads and it's totally free! The Challenge: You start with a covered mine field of square tiles and clear field by flipping one tile at a time. Beneath each tile could be a number, an e...

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