
LightBlue® para Windows PC y Mac

Escrito por Punch Through on 2024-08-30

  • Compatibilidad: Disponible en Windows 10, Windows 8.1 / 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista y Mac OS 10-11, 11.0
  • Categoría: Utilities
  • Licencia: Gratis
  • Versión de software: 5.1.9
  • Tamaño del archivo: 25.89 MB

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LightBlue® Características y descripción

1. You can also clone any peripheral you connect to in central mode and save that profile to your list of virtual peripherals—simply connect to a device and tap on the "Clone" button on the top right of the screen.

2. To enter BLE peripheral mode, navigate to the "Virtual Devices" tab and tap on the "+" icon to create a virtual device.

3. LightBlue® allows you to customize the services and characteristics of any virtual peripheral profile.

4. Use LightBlue® to test your new BLE Heart Rate Monitor, temperature sensor, Microchip AVR-BLE and PIC-BLE development boards, TI CC2540 Keyfob, Nordic uBlue, Panasonic PAN1720, etc.

5. LightBlue® can connect you to all of your devices that use Bluetooth Low Energy (also known as Bluetooth Smart, or Bluetooth Light).

6. The log tab allows you to keep track of all significant BLE events that occur while using the app (e.g., device discovery, connection, reading, writing), and you can share the content of the log.

7. Once connected, you have a detailed view of all the device's profiles, from which you can read and write to characteristics and subscribe to notifications.

8. When the blue checkmark is checked for a device, your iOS device is advertising as that particular BLE peripheral.

9. LightBlue® has two modes, central and peripheral.

10. In central mode, you can scan for and connect to all BLE devices around you.

11. You can view the signal strength (RSSI) to get an idea of how close you are to the peripheral.

Descargar LightBlue® La última versión

Descargar e instalar LightBlue® - PC

Descargar para PC - servidor 1 -->

MAC Descargar:
Descargar para MacOS - servidor 1 --> Gratis

Requisitos de instalación de software

Compactibilidad de PC/Requisitos para la instalación

Sistemas operativos que funcionan con él.:
  1. Windows 10
  2. Windows 8.1
  3. Windows 7
  4. Windows Vista

Requisitos para la instalación de MacOS

Intel, 64-bit Procesador, OS X 10.7 o más tarde.

Sistemas operativos que funcionan con él.:
  1. OS X 10.10: Yosemite
  2. OS X 10.11: El Capitan
  3. macOS 10.12: Sierra
  4. macOS 10.13: High Sierra
  5. macOS 10.14: Mojave8
  6. macOS 10.15: Catalina
  7. macOS Big Sur (macOS 11)

Preguntas frecuentes

LightBlue® - ¿Es seguro descargar?

Sí. La aplicación es 100 por ciento (100%) seguro para descargar e instalar. Nuestros enlaces de descarga provienen de fuentes seguras y con frecuencia se analizan para virus para protegerlo

Reseñas de software y Critisims

  • By Feidz

    Muy buena

    Lo q andaba buscando, ni el iPhone ni el Windows me mostraban mi dispositivo bluetooth BLE (ESP32), con esta app tengo acceso a completo a todas las funcionalidades. Top app, works great!!

  • By Byemg


    Mi iPhone 6 no conecta con nada. No sirve para lo que dicen que sirve. Ni os molestéis en descargarla.

  • By Tisko Galiano

    Mala mala mala

    No Conecta con iPhone y mucho menos con reloj inteligente aplicación que no vale para nada actualización ya borrada directamente penosa

  • By Sepnano


    No funciona con smartwatch Aplus gv18, ni lo detecta.
