Published by Goodbay Technology Company Limited on 2025-03-05
VPN Overview
What is VPN? KanCN is an app that allows users to accelerate their global applications, listen to music, watch videos, play games, and access global routes with speed and stability. The app supports various apps for acceleration, including video streaming apps like iQiyi, Youku, Tencent Video, Bilibili, and Mango TV, music apps like Netease Cloud Music, QQ Music, KuGou Music, and Xiami Music, game apps like Honor of Kings, PUBG, League of Legends, and Wilderness Action, and live streaming apps like Douyin, WeChat Video, and Bilibili Live. The app is easy to use and does not require registration. The app offers VIP membership with automatic renewal options, and users can cancel the renewal manually before the current subscription period ends. The app's privacy policy and terms of service are available on their website.
What does VPN - KanCN 全球网络加速器 do? KanCN — 追剧听歌神器 一键加速全局应用,随时听音乐、看视频,畅玩游戏,全球线路,极速稳定,告别延迟卡顿。 无需注册,一键穿越,简单易用。 支持的APP加速 【视频】 爱奇艺,优酷,腾讯视频,BILIBILI,芒果TV 【音乐】 网易云音乐,QQ音乐,酷狗音乐,国民K歌,虾米音乐 【游戏】 王者荣耀,和平精英,刺激战场,英雄联盟,荒野行动 【直播】 抖音,微信视频号,B站直播 一键穿梭加速,就是那么简单。 【KanCN自动续费VIP会员说明】 1、订阅周期: 30天、92天、183天,365天 2、付款: 用户确认购买并付款后记入iTunes账户 3、取消续订: 如需取消续订, 请在当前订阅到期24小时以前, 手动再iTunes/AppleID设置管理中关闭自动续订功能 4、续订: 苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣款, 扣款成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期 5、隐私政策: 6、服务条款:
Download and Install VPN - KanCN 全球网络加速器 - PC
Download for PC - server 1 -->Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.7 or later.
Compactible OS list:Yes. The app is 100 percent (100%) safe to download and Install. Our download links are from safe sources and are frequently virus scanned to protect you
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