Published by Chengdu Jifeng Hudong Network Technology Co., Ltd. on 2025-01-20
Initap Overview
What is Initap? Gravity Accelerator is an app designed for Chinese people living abroad, international students, and those who travel overseas for work. It is a tool that accelerates the internet speed for users who want to access Chinese content and platforms. The app covers over 200 countries and provides stable acceleration for various applications such as video streaming, music, live sports events, and gaming. It also offers unlimited traffic, high-speed dedicated lines, and low la.. read more tency. The app supports popular Chinese platforms such as music streaming services, video streaming services, live sports events, and gaming. The app has a simple user interface, and users can access it on multiple devices simultaneously. The app provides secure encryption for data transmission and offers 24/7 technical support. The app offers a monthly subscription service, and users can cancel the subscription at any time.
What does Initap - Chinese VPN do? 引力加速器是一款专为身在海外的华人、留学生、海外出差工作等用户打造的一款回国加速神器,覆盖全球200多个国家。 免费稳定加速各大影视、音乐、直播、体育赛事、商务办公等应用和平台。 热门游戏一键加速,分配专属超低延迟节点,上分开黑无后顾之忧! 无限流量,高速专线,超大带宽,极速稳定延迟低。 *友情提示:引力加速器无法为中国大陆地区用户提供服务。 ►引力加速器支持国内全平台: 【国内音乐】热门音乐,精彩听不完 网易云音乐,QQ音乐,喜马拉雅、酷狗音乐,咪咕音乐,全民K歌,酷我音乐… 【国内视频】热门综艺看不停,独播热剧实时看,动漫新番随心追 优酷,爱奇艺,腾讯视频,芒果TV,Bilibili,抖音,快手,咪咕视频,火山小视频… 【国内直播】直播赛事,及时畅享 虎牙直播,斗鱼TV,企鹅电竞,腾讯体育,PP体育,CCTV5… 【国服游戏】超低延迟随心组队,热游全面覆盖,新游即时上新 王者荣耀,英雄联盟,和平精英,荒野乱斗,原神,阴阳师... 【其他场.. read more 景】商务办公等多场景同样支持 MOOC、腾讯小鹅通、网易云课堂、萝卜研判、Wind、Choice、WPS...... ►我们的优势: 【专业】独有的节点加速技术,自有高速中转节点,智能分流无需考虑线路选择,一键加速稳定节点 【稳定】300多个边缘节点线路紧密部署,实时数据监测,针对当地定制专属线路,覆盖全球200多个国家 【高速】与顶尖云厂商合作搭建专属优质加速服务器,支持4K超清蓝光播放,为您带来极致的加速体验 【便捷】极简UI,一键加速,自动选线操作简单; 【共享】支持手机、电脑、平板、TV盒子多个平台3台设备同时在线,千兆带宽不限流量,超高性价比; 【安心】银行级加密传输,保护法个人隐私;24小时技术运维,贴心服务; *如在使用中遇到任何问题或者对产品有任何建议,请通过以下方式联系我们进行反馈: 应用内提交工单联系在线客服; 官方邮箱 【连续包月说明】 1.服务名称:连续包月 2.价格:30元/月 3.购买连续包月的账号,会在每个月到期前24小时,自动在iTunes账户扣费并延长1个月会员有效期。 4.如需取消订阅,请手动打开苹果手机“设置”-->进入“iTunes Store 与 App Store”-->点击“Microsoft ID”,选择“查看Apple ID”,进入“账户设置”页面,点击“订阅”,选择连续包月取消订阅即可。如未在订阅期结束的至少24小时前关闭订阅,此订阅将会自动续订。 5.服务协议(含连续包月服务规则): 6.隐私协议:
Download and Install Initap - Chinese VPN - PC
Download for PC - server 1 -->Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.7 or later.
Compactible OS list:Yes. The app is 100 percent (100%) safe to download and Install. Our download links are from safe sources and are frequently virus scanned to protect you
Buddha, really easy to use
The first time you write a review, you have to blow this accelerator. People in Thailand usually get stuck in domestic mobile games. Netease uu has no effect. Only this accelerator is effective when it is used. Obviously it is not stuck. It is really good, and it can be used for free. Ok. I give five stars because the full star is only five stars
Particularly satisfactory accelerator
The software has been around for a long time. Support it so that more people can enjoy better audio-visual enjoyment! . Watching domestic variety shows has always been the first choice
Free and easy to use VPN
I bought the membership for a year, but I didn’t use it for a few months, but I blocked it. I paid for it and I didn’t give it to NetEase. Upgrade to the most senior member or not to listen. This VPN really saved me. Thank you.
GoLink is really awesome. All copyright restrictions are gone. You can listen to songs and follow fan dramas with peace of mind. It was the first time I gave praise, but I’m not sure if it’s free. I hope I don’t even think about it again after three days. Not on
Conscience software
Yesterday I was still worried about not being able to watch domestic variety shows and TV series! Later my friend introduced this software! The acceleration effect is really easy to use
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