Published by Beijing NetEase Youdao Computer System Co.,Ltd on 2025-01-06
Youdao Translate Overview
What is Youdao Translate? NetEase Youdao Dictionary 9 is a powerful desktop translation software designed for language learning. It has been used by over 900 million users and is a must-have dictionary software for Mac systems. The software supports real-time translation of various languages, including English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Russian, Portuguese, and Spanish. It also features authoritative dictionaries, text and document translation, AI English writing corre.. read more ction, image and screenshot translation, word and phrase lookup, and more. The software offers a membership subscription service with automatic renewal, and users can cancel the subscription at any time. The software can be contacted through WeChat, the official website, and official Weibo.
What does Youdao Translate do? 网易有道词典 9 ——比强大更强大的桌面翻译软件 语言学习首选,9亿用户都在用;针对Mac平台特性,我们特别推出全新的版本,更符合Mac用户翻译使用习惯。发布多年以来,成为Mac系统下必备的词典软件,在同类软件排行位居前列。 【全新设计 精简专业】 -重塑全新视觉,保持留白呼吸感打造精简专业学习体验 -全新结构设计,融合文本与文档翻译统一搜索区域,交互体验豪华升级 主要功能: 【实时收录最新词汇】 支持英汉、日汉、韩汉、法汉、德汉、俄汉、葡汉、西汉互译; 【权威词典】 完整收录《学习型牛津词典》、《新牛津英汉双解大词典》、《韦氏大学英语词典》、《柯林斯COBUILD高级英汉双解词典》、《新世纪日汉双解大辞典》、龙朝《韩中词典》《中韩词典》等权威词典; 【文本翻译】 109种语言互译,26种常用语种tts发音,帮你高效完成跨语言交流; 【快捷键翻译】 选中任意文本按下Command+2,快速获取翻译结果; 【文档翻译】 ·支持多种格式及语种,一键.. read more 上传全篇翻译; ·保留原文样式和排版,双语对照查看,确保阅读舒服流畅; ·划词翻译、笔记批注、术语矫正,优质的办公学习体验; 【AI英文写作批改】 ·专业纠错:母语级纠错,智能识别200种错误类型,覆盖语法、词汇、拼写、格式等; ·措辞润色:解决表意不清、啰嗦、不正式等学术写作中常见问题; ·句子润色:句子级别的润色,写作问题一键解决,表达更简洁、更标准、更专业; ·例句检索:不会写的时候,可以查找他人的相似的表达以供参考。专业论文语料库,支持计算机、生物医学等多学科检索,以及根据论文章节,如introduction、abstract等检索; 【图片翻译】 ·99种语言的OCR识别及翻译,快速复制图片中你想要获取的任意文本信息; ·支持macOS的“连续互通”相机功能,你可以用iPhone或iPad拍摄任意文本,便能自动导入Mac进行图片 【截屏翻译】 按下Shift+Command+2,选取屏幕上的任意区域实现快速翻译;同时截屏翻译结果支持一键钉至屏幕,并随时可以进行下一次翻译。你可以将多次截屏翻译的结果同时钉在屏幕上查看,省时又高效; 【取词·划词】 鼠标悬浮在需要翻译的单词上方,立即展示查词结果;选中需要翻译的长句,立即展示划词翻译结果;同时还支持设置辅助按键避免取词划词框的频繁出现; 【状态栏菜单】 不打开主窗口,也能快速查词; 【视频翻译】 ASR语音识别,一键获取视频双语字幕; 【音频翻译】 将中英文音频信息快速转录整理为高质量文本信息; 【人工翻译】 提供专业定制化服务; 【会员自动续费说明】 1、服务名称:会员自动续费 2、价格:首月 6 元,次月起18元/月 3、购买会员自动续费的账号,会在每个月到期前24小时,自动在iTunes账户扣费并延长1个月会员有效期。 4、如需取消订阅,请打开“App Store”--> 点击“商店”中的 “查看我的账户”,选择"查看信息",进入"我的账户信息"页面,点击“管理”,取消“有道词典VIP服务”订阅即可。如未在订阅期结束的至少24小时前关闭订阅,此订阅将会自动续订。 5、会员自动续费服务协议: 6、隐私协议: 【联系我们】 微信:dictyoudao 官方网站: 官方微博:
Download and Install Youdao Translate - PC
Download for PC - server 1 -->Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.7 or later.
Compactible OS list:Yes. The app is 100 percent (100%) safe to download and Install. Our download links are from safe sources and are frequently virus scanned to protect you
Countless bugs. I’ve been using Youdao Dictionary for sevral years under both Windows 7 and Windows OS systems. It has never run smoothly. I use it because it shows example sentences and definitions from different sources. When it runs normally, it’s extemely helpful. Recently however, it bugs more frequently and always loses connection to the network. I had downloaded the vocabulary bank but it has never showed the basic definition of a word offline. Have to unistall it and swith to other apps.
To be fair
To be fair, this app is not exactly that horrible. Apparently, users have experienced different kind of bugs or issues with the connection. However, when I was living in the U.S. back then, this app worked just fine. No bugs No connection issues. I felt that this app was probably designated for the overseas users. I don't mean to say that this app is good enough to compete with the other electronic dictionaries on the market. However, it appears that this is the "best" one for CN-EN interpre.. read more tation or translation. Please, if the developer did read the comment, update it constantly. Even, if I end up to pay 2.99 or more.
It’s a helpful dictionary for sure, but the bugs.. can’t close a pop-up window (the most annoying cuz it blocks some contents), when selecting words it either doesn’t show anything or gets the wrong word, and can’t open help or feedback window
A total robber
What an arrogant application! It says if I don't agree with their policy by using my information, they won't provide me with their service. OK, then! Why do I need your crappy service anyway? There are plenty of other apllications out there. What is so special about you? Guys, let's download EuDic!
Easy to use
I just found out this APP. Overal it is easy to use. Nice interface. Sometimes it doesn't catch the word correctly on the screen when I use the fetching word function.
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