Geschrieben von Marvin Krueger on 2025-02-18
1. Are you looking for a music visualizer / maker app which allows you to custom create visual accompaniments to your favorite songs? Do you want a fully immersive music experience, that incorporates sight as well as sound? With our music equalizer and visualization app, you can add lighting, particle effects, and much more in perfect synchrony with the song of your choice.
2. Turn your visions into reality with Vythm! Vythm is a highly customizable music visualization app that allows you to create stunning visual art that synchronizes perfectly with whatever song you’re playing.
3. Explore any of our different visual modes: Equalizer, Mandala, Shapes, Fluids, Psyhcedelic, Dreaming and many more! Choose a background and apply screen effects in realtime using the controller bar to make the visualization totally yours.
4. Re-enter your immersive visual world whenever you want, or stun your audience with your masterpiece! *Note that our internal recording feature allows you to capture the visuals, but excludes the UI.
5. You can apply various kinds of lighting and glow music visuals and also use features like our built-in screen effects or beat detection to experience your favorite music like you never have before.
6. Vythm offers a recording feature that allows you to share or save your creation.
7. Vythm JR is a collaboration between Marvin Krüger and Jordan Rudess / Wizdom Music.
8. It's a user-friendly sound visualizer that supports realtime sound analysis and even allows you to export your recordings.
9. Choose from one of our visual modes, each of which offers a variety of visual possibilities , and then run with it.
10. You can create an immersive and eye catching collection with our multitude of modes and customizable elements.
11. Vythm gives you the tools to fulfill your creative vision from the ground up.
Herunterladen und Installieren Vythm JR - Musikvisualisierung - PC
Download für PC - Server 1 -->Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.7 or later.
OS vereinbarkeit:ja. Die App ist 100 Prozent (100%) sicher zum Herunterladen und Installieren. Unsere Download-Links stammen aus sicheren Quellen und werden häufig virengescannt, um Sie zu schützen
Perfekt für meine Gigs!
Super Visuliazer - bin echt begeistert. Nutze die App bei meinen Auftritten als DJ und ein Freund steuert die App dann via MIDI-Controller. Die Leute feiern es richtig und es macht echt Spaß, das ganze zu nutzen!
Der Visualiser reagiert überhaupt nicht auf irgendwelche inputs. Es gibt nur zwei Einstellug gratis, von der die eine nicht funktioniert und die andere, wenn man Glück hat. Meistens tut sich aber nichts. Für alle, die nur Musik über Youtube, Soundcloud und Spotify hören, gibt es scheinbar nur die Mikrofon Funktion, die die BPM nicht erkennt und nichts tut.
Fun App
Great App and visuals for music. Fun to play around with it and discover new visuals… it adds a great touch to my own music
Soll das ein Witz sein?
Einfach nur Müll!
Must have for music!
Works perfect! Also support was very fast, nice and helpful!