Geschrieben von Pranoy Chowdhury on 2025-03-10
1. - Powerful search (powered by Algolia API) - use @date to sort by date, #story to filter for stories, #comments to filter for comments, #author_username to filter by user etc.
2. This is useful for when you are viewing the app in split view / multitasking and like opening the link / story / comment in a browser side by side.
3. - On iPads, you can drag a story / comment / story's image (link) to open it in safari in split view.
4. Supports Brave, Firefox, Firefox Focus, Orion, Opera Touch, Dolphin, DuckDuckGo, iCab Mobile, Microsoft Edge and Chrome.
5. HACK for YC's Hacker News is the most beautiful and easy way to read about the latest tech, startup and STEM news.
6. - Search in comments and usernames! Search is case and diacritic insensitive and ignores punctuations.
7. Go to settings > Disable the "Use in-app Safari" setting > tap that row to change the default browser.
8. Search uses an CONTAINS, OR operation if multiple words are typed.
9. - I run my own server for caching high quality favicons shown in the app plus for push notifications for replies.
10. - Archive: View an archive of the post website.
11. - Articles can be opened in built in safari or 3rd party browsers.
Herunterladen und Installieren HACK for YC Hacker News Reader - PC
Download für PC - Server 1 -->Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.7 or later.
OS vereinbarkeit:ja. Die App ist 100 Prozent (100%) sicher zum Herunterladen und Installieren. Unsere Download-Links stammen aus sicheren Quellen und werden häufig virengescannt, um Sie zu schützen
I love a dedicated HN reader
I haven’t really used all the comment, rating and up and down features but I love having a dedicated news reader with adjustable fonts, minimal indents of the comments. It’s very readable and non distracting. I used for a while only the web version in safari on the iPhone and this is clearly an enhancement. I also like the thank you screen... must admit that I pressed the restore button a few times:) So, great work and a prime spot on my home screen.
Great UI but sometimes frustrating
Nice UI thanks. Please reassess the reasonability of hiding an item on long swipe to the left, it’s contrary to setting a star but can inadvertently produce the opposite behavior when swiped too far to the left, and then make the user look for the place where it can be restored. Totally confusing and frustrating. Oh and some other app here on AppStore provides live analytics to post interactions. Would be nice to have a couple plots here too. Otherwise a great upgrade over the default HTML interface, with extras well worth the current price tag.
Best HN client available
Great attention to detail and a lot of functionality packed into this app, it’s also frequently updated. The developer Pran is also super responsive when sending feedback. Highly recommend purchasing the paid upgrade to support it’s ongoing development.
First Review I do in 10 years
What a great app, offers the entirety of hacker news without ads in great readability. No dark patterns, no annoying “reminders” that try to sell me a pro version. And most importantly, since I use this app I browse Reddit on my phone much less frequently. Big thanks to both HN and the developer of this app. Ps: All I could wish for is a way to save posts just for me, as favoriting posts is a public function in hacker news.
Best app for HN
This is by far the best app I have used for accessing HN from my iPhone. Great work!