Geschrieben von Ales Veluscek on 2025-03-10
1. You can choose between different weather data sources.
2. - Scroll with mouse pad horizontally for more data in Meteogram.
3. See the weather forecasts Meteogram for every part of world.
4. Updates data every 30 minutes.
5. This is status bar app.
Herunterladen und Installieren World Weather Forecast - Meteo - PC
Download für PC - Server 1 -->Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.7 or later.
OS vereinbarkeit:ja. Die App ist 100 Prozent (100%) sicher zum Herunterladen und Installieren. Unsere Download-Links stammen aus sicheren Quellen und werden häufig virengescannt, um Sie zu schützen
Doesn´t work, shows no forecast
Doesn´t work, shows no forecast. The support / website is a trashy ad. Hey Microsoft, how do I get my refund?
Works fine for me...
I have the apps from the developer also on my iOS devices - works great and is using the Norway weather service forecast data that are very accurate for Europe. Small app, small system footprint and nice and comprehensive chart. Well done.