Geschrieben von Ion Jaureguialzo Sarasola on 2025-03-11
1. TurnoClase lets teachers arrange the resolution of questions during a class, allowing students to ask their turn and get served one at a time.
2. Automatically manages turns and prevents anyone from not being heeded either by oversight or because other students monopolize teacher's attention.
3. TurnoClase is divided into two separate applications: one for students and one for the teacher.
4. - To begin, only the classroom code generated by the teacher's application is needed.
5. - If the class exists, it shows how many are ahead in the queue.
Herunterladen und Installieren TurnoClase (Teacher) - PC
Download für PC - Server 1 -->Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.7 or later.
OS vereinbarkeit:ja. Die App ist 100 Prozent (100%) sicher zum Herunterladen und Installieren. Unsere Download-Links stammen aus sicheren Quellen und werden häufig virengescannt, um Sie zu schützen