Published by Michael Hasak
- Anti-aliasing is not enabled on the displayed time's digits
- No prefpane, no adjustable options available via the dropdown
- Does not open at login by default
You might be asking: Is there an app that is similar to UTC Bar? What is an alternative to UTC Bar? and is there a better equivalent app than UTC Bar for Windows? Here, we answer all your questions by providing you with the top 27 UTC Bar alternatives and similar software for Windows. They are the following:
All your favorite Dutch news, sports and more bundled together! The ability to add your favorite newspaper or site to the menu index. Option to remove the advertisements
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Gnews Google News ReaderUniversal Clock Utility - Overlay UWP Clock, Timer And Countdown
Welcome to Universal Clock Utility, the best UWP time utility! The definitive app to handle your tasks and keep an eye on the time running, in abeautiful and personal way. With this app, you can use the new Windows 10 feature called "Compact Overlay" to show a topmost window containing a clock, a timer or a countdown
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FilelightLearn Dutch Via Videos By GoLearningBus
A Visually Exciting App with Videos for Learning Dutch Phrases, Dictionary, Alphabets and Numbers. You have limited access to the content provided
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English Irregular Verbs MemonicaRadio Netherlands – Radio Netherlands FM & AM: Listen Live Dutch Radio Stations Online + Music and Talk Stations and Talk Stations an impressive App for Windows! Listen to live radio, sports and News, online radio Netherlands, Internet Radio Player, Dutch radio stations, radio stations in Dutch, best talk radio Dutch, Dutch music from all over the Netherlands similar to Tune-in Radio or Internet
Need to remember something for later? Use Microsoft Sticky Notes. They're the simple way to quickly save something for later, so you can stay in the flow
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Powerpom Pomodoro TimerHow fast is your Internet connection? Network Speed Test measures your network delay, download speed and upload speed. Using servers all over the world, Network Speed Test measures your network connection’s latency and throughput
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Msn WeatherOk, what this application do? The application tries to free storage space occupied by "others" section by filling a free device storage space until there is available space. When there is no free space available, Windows Phone shows the standard dialog
Battery is a nice and simple battery management app. It displays the current status of your battery, how much time you have before the phone turns off and other useful information
A simple yet powerful calculator that includes standard, scientific, and programmer modes, as well as a unit converter. It's the perfect tool to add up a bill, convert measurements in a recipe or other project, or complete complex math, algebra, or geometry problems
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Foxit MobilepdfApp Store Marketplace World Search GPS Travel
Applications from around the world! See and search the best applications in each market chosen by local users! App World takes you around the world showing each of the market favorite applications. Application installation is one step away by clicking on the information provided for the following genres: * top * games * new * travel and navigation * entertainment * music and video
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Pro TubeA combination of alarm clock, world clock, timer, and stopwatch. Set alarms and reminders, check times around the world, and time your activities, including laps and splits
A universal media player only for Windows 10 (UWP, PC/Tablet/Phone.
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Zip OpenerRemove all identical files from your system with the complete media editor tool to separate your media files individually and delete their copies from your storage. For any help on how to use this app, please go to http://videopixstore
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Bluetooth File Transfer BlueftpSymbol icon browser. (Segoe MDL2 Assets, Windows
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VlcWin+G it with Xbox Game Bar, the customizable, gaming overlay built into Windows 10. Xbox Game Bar works with most PC games, giving you instant access to widgets for screen capture and sharing, finding new teammates with LFG, and chatting with Xbox friends across Xbox console, mobile, and PC—all without leaving your game
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Dts Sound UnboundScan - QR Code And Barcode Reader
Scan is the fastest and most user-friendly QR reader and barcode scanner available. If your computer came with a built-in scanner, this would be it
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Folder Sync"This ain't no ordinary barcode software." - This is not your ordinary barcode software
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Field Database Free Fdb FreeA simple 2D/QR barcode scanner. This application allows you to take a picture of a 2D/QR barcode with your camera
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Pdf Viewer PlusPopup Bar is a pop-up application to quickly start desktop tools. Users can store commonly used software in bubbles
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Control Center 30Explore firsthand the superior performance/price ratio available from the Manatee Works Barcode Scanner SDK for Windows app integration. Download this powerful Barcode Scanner application for your Windows device to see how leveraging the Manatee Works Barcode Scanner SDK can add new interactivity to your apps and enable a host of marketing, industry, and enterprise AIDC workflows
This tool can be used to scan QR codes on your PC or tablet. Note: a webcam is required